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Experiment-8: To study the Thevenin’s Theorem

Objective: To verify the Thevenin’s Theorem.

Apparatus: (1) Thevenin’s experimental kit (2) Voltmeter 7.5V (3) Ammeter 75/150mA

This circuit states that the current in any bilateral circuit element (RL) in a network is the
same as would be obtained if that circuit element (RL) is supplied with a source Voltage in
series with an equivalent resistance Rth being the open circuit voltage at the terminals from
which RL has been removed and Rth being the resistance that would be measured at these
terminals after all sources have been replaced by their internal resistance
respectively.According to this theorem, if resistance RL be connected between two terminals
in a linear bilateral network, then resulting steady state current through resistor will be
Vth/(RL+Rth), where Vth is the potential difference between points A and B after removing RL
such that for network shown in figure.

Fig.1 Circuit diagram

And Thevenin’s resistance measured between terminals AB (with source removed and
replaced by its internal resistance if any, otherwise replace by short circuit) is given by:

Rth=R2 (R1+r)/ (R1+R2+r)

Now external resistance RL is connected between terminals AB such that Thvenin’s

equivalent circuit for the network will be as shown in figure. Current through RL will be

I=Vth/ (Rth+RL)

Ø Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram

Ø To verify the theorem across AB terminals, measure current across AB by adding a
Ø Remove RLfrom the circuit and measure the open circuit voltage Vth across the
points AB by a DC voltmeter.
Ø Measure the short circuit current Iscin branchAB by using a DC ammeter.
Ø Find the ratio of Vthand Isc and draw the Thevenin’s equivalent and find the current in
load branch.
Ø Now verify the theorem across AB terminals theoretically and draw its Thevenin’s


Ø Observe the polarity of DC Voltmeter and DC Ammeter.

Ø Keep measuring meters in horizontal position (Table mode).
Ø Use an appropriate range of instruments to avoid overshooting of scale.

Observation table:

Current in Analytical %
S. No. Branch Vth Isc Rth=Vth/Isc
Branch Value Error
1 AB


1. Obtain the Thevenin’s equivalent theoretically.


1. A bilateral network is ………………….

2. While determining the Rth, the constant current sources in the circuit are replaced

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