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The Long-Term Athlete Development model: Physiological evidence and


Article  in  Journal of Sports Sciences · February 2011

DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2010.536849 · Source: PubMed


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8 authors, including:

Paul Ford Mark De Ste Croix

British Olympic Association University of Gloucestershire


Rhodri Lloyd Robert W Meyers

Cardiff Metropolitan University Cardiff Metropolitan University


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Peak demands of rugby league competition View project

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Journal of Sports Sciences

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The Long-Term Athlete Development model: Physiological evidence and

Paul Forda; Mark De Ste Croixb; Rhodri Lloydc; Rob Meyersc; Marjan Moosavi; Jon Oliverc; Kevin Tilld;
Craig Williamse
School of Health and Bioscience, University of East London, London, UK b Faculty of Sport, Health
and Social Care, University of Gloucestershire, Gloucester, UK c Cardiff School of Sport, University of
Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK d Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Leeds, UK e Children's Health and Exercise Research Centre, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK

First published on: 04 January 2011

To cite this Article Ford, Paul , De Ste Croix, Mark , Lloyd, Rhodri , Meyers, Rob , Moosavi, Marjan , Oliver, Jon , Till,
Kevin and Williams, Craig(2011) 'The Long-Term Athlete Development model: Physiological evidence and application',
Journal of Sports Sciences, 29: 4, 389 — 402, First published on: 04 January 2011 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2010.536849


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Journal of Sports Sciences, February 15th 2011; 29(4): 389–402

The Long-Term Athlete Development model: Physiological evidence

and application


School of Health and Bioscience, University of East London, London, UK, 2Faculty of Sport, Health and Social Care,
University of Gloucestershire, Gloucester, UK, 3Cardiff School of Sport, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK,
Independent Consultant, 5Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK, and
Children’s Health and Exercise Research Centre, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK

(Accepted 29 October 2010)

Downloaded By: [Lloyd, Rhodri] At: 11:20 21 January 2011

Within the UK, the ‘‘Long Term Athlete Development’’ (LTAD) model has been proposed by a variety of national
governing bodies to offer a first step to considering the approach to talent development. The model, which is primarily a
physiological perspective, presents an advancement of understanding of developing athletic potential alongside biological
growth. It focuses on training to optimize performance longitudinally, and considers sensitive developmental periods known
as ‘‘windows of opportunity’’. However, it appears that there are a number of problems with this theoretical model that are
not necessarily transparent to coaches. Principally, the model is only one-dimensional, there is a lack of empirical evidence
upon which the model is based, and interpretations of the model are restricted because the data on which it is based rely on
questionable assumptions and erroneous methodologies. Fundamentally, this is a generic model rather than an
individualized plan for athletes. It is crucial that the LTAD model is seen as a ‘‘work in progress’’ and the challenge,
particularly for paediatric exercise scientists, is to question, test, and revise the model. It is unlikely that this can be
accomplished using classical experimental research methodology but this should not deter practitioners from acquiring valid
and reliable evidence.

Keywords: Long-Term Athlete Development Model, growth and maturation, youth athletes

based upon physiological principles and which will

be the sole focus here. The requirement to identify
Talent development is holistic in nature due to the new methods by which talent can be nurtured (which
complex interaction of interdisciplinary issues that in itself is contentious as to its definition) is
directly impact on athletic opportunity and progres- paramount for coaches and practitioners. In parti-
sion. Such concepts have been critically acknowl- cular, direct techniques to advance paediatric sport-
edged and documented in a recent comprehensive ing development are of significant interest. However,
report (Bailey et al., 2010). Bailey and colleagues within this specific population there are many
(2010) discuss such interactions methodically and extraneous factors (including degree of maturation,
recommend future considerations to sport and and anatomical, neurological, hormonal, and mus-
physical activity stakeholders who wish to enhance culoskeletal changes in structure) that must be
participation and performance levels. Such discus- incorporated within the planning of any form of
sion has also been documented in recent review physical training (Malina, Bouchard, & Bar-Or,
articles (Burgess & Naughton, 2010; Phillips, Da- 2004; Tihanyi, 1990). These factors relate to an
vids, Renshaw, & Portus, 2010). Although we integrated development of genes and hormones that
recognize such considerations are significant, this are coordinated according to a biological clock and
review focuses upon the popular ‘‘Long-Term other factors (i.e. nutrients and environmental
Athlete Development’’ (LTAD) model (Balyi & factors), which are time independent but which all
Hamilton, 2004), which by design is fundamentally affect the physiological systems of the body (Malina

Correspondence: P. A. Ford, School of Health and Bioscience, University of East London, Stratford Campus, Romford Road, London E15 4LZ, UK.
ISSN 0264-0414 print/ISSN 1466-447X online Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2010.536849
390 P. Ford et al.

et al., 2004; Tihanyi, 1990). However, prior to the framework that has been constructed using a variety
last decade, the amalgamation of all these factors had of sources and experiences.
not been accounted for, something which has However, at present and to the best of the authors’
hindered our understanding of the effects of training knowledge, there is a distinct lack of empirical data
on paediatric athletes (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004). to support such a long-term periodized model.
Currently, the most relevant and well-known model Therefore, the LTAD model must be viewed as a
to include such paediatric developmental considera- work in progress and caution is urged to ensure that
tions has been held to be the LTAD model (see the model does not become too enshrined as ‘‘fact’’.
Figure 1). Much of the evidence lacks any significant long-
Although the LTAD model is not novel (Bompa, itudinal or experimental data, and includes animal-
1995; Riordan, 1977), it has been constructed on the based literature to rationalize its structure (Szmodis,
basis that it combines successfully employed training 1991). Indeed, Balyi and Hamilton (2004) highlight
methods alongside a greater scientific basis for that their work is based on ‘‘empirical observations’’,
children and adolescents (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004; which although apparently well informed, lack
Harre, 1982). Worldwide, as the LTAD model has scientific validity due to inherent subjectivity issues.
been advanced it has been adopted and applied by In addition, it appears that there is no evidence that
national governing bodies, and consequently practi- failure to exploit these ‘‘windows of opportunity’’
tioners, for the development of children into elite with appropriate training will result in inhibited
athletes (Badminton England, 2006; British Gym- development and that the athlete will experience a
nastics, 2006; England and Wales Cricket Board, ‘‘ceiling’’ effect on performance. Bailey et al. (2010)
Downloaded By: [Lloyd, Rhodri] At: 11:20 21 January 2011

2005). The model attempts to balance training load correctly question whether the ‘‘windows of op-
and competition throughout childhood and adoles- portunity’’ actually raise the ceiling for future
cence, as previously it has been suggested that there potential or just allow an athlete to reach their
has been too much focus placed upon results rather ceiling performance level at a younger age. Beunen
than assisting optimal development processes (Balyi and Malina (1996) clearly show individual variance
& Way, 1995; Bompa, 1995). Although Platonov in the rate of athletic performance development
(1988) highlights the number of hours required to associated with growth and maturation, but there
maximize each development stage from initial basic seems to be a lack of clarity on the training
training through to adult maintenance, the LTAD stimulus required to facilitate these developmental
model principally distinguishes four stages of train- spurts. Due to the lack of an agreed method of
ing development that account for enhancing general quantifying training per se, and the lack of
athletic capabilities and sport specialization after paediatric data, plus the wide range of stimuli
pubertal changes: FUNdamental phase, Training to needed for different sports, it appears an almost
train phase, Training to compete phase, and Train- impossible task to elucidate the stimulus–training
ing to win phase (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004). It is response question. The model has recently come
suggested that through objective physiological assess- under some direct criticism from practitioners for
ment tools (e.g. peak height velocity, peak weight such reasons (e.g. Bailey et al., 2010), indicating a
velocity), coaches can account for individual matura- scientific examination of the LTAD model speci-
tion rates for each athlete so that they can apply the fically would seem to be very appropriate. The aim
relevant training protocols depicted in each phase of of this review is to examine physiological fitness
the model. Such practice advances chronological age components located within the LTAD model with
classification, which seems to be inherently flawed regards to trainability, to distinguish if this has
due to variation in growth and maturational rates been effectively encompassed within the prescrip-
between individuals and subsequent variance in tions of the model, and to directly evaluate the
training ‘‘readiness’’ as will be discussed later in this concept of ‘‘windows of opportunity’’.
review (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004; Bompa, 1995). In
addition, using appropriate training stimuli linked to
natural growth and maturation processes (an addi- Impact of growth and maturation on athletic
tional factor from this model) utilizes the concept performance
that there are ‘‘windows of opportunity’’ to accel-
Physical literacy
erate and enhance physical development.
Two contemporary UK coaching texts have There have been numerous references to physical
directly advocated the underlying concepts and literacy in the literature over the years and also many
application of the LTAD model for practitioners in philosophical and physiological debates, mainly by
sports performance and athletic development (Balyi physical educators, over its importance throughout
& Stafford, 2005; Balyi & Williams, 2009). The texts the human life span (Whitehead, 2001, 2004).
highlight to practitioners that the model is a coaching Physical literacy has been defined as the extent of a
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Figure 1. Adaptation to training and optimal trainability (adapted from Balyi & Way, 2002; in Balyi & Hamilton, 2004).
Long-Term Athlete Development model
392 P. Ford et al.

person’s ability to capitalize on his or her embodied tors chosen to express the proficiency of physical
dimension (Whitehead, 2004) or as a combination of literacy makes it particularly difficult to draw clear
kinaesthetic intelligence and the ability for skilful conclusions, and further work to provide clarification
actions (Arnold, 1979). Physiologically, physical in this area is certainly required. The importance of
literacy is the development and the competence in providing learning opportunities in the early years of
fundamental movement skills (e.g. walk, run, jump, life for the development of cross-body coordination
throw) and fundamental sport skills (e.g. catch, hop, and fundamental movement skills has been reported
gallop) that permit a child (or adult) to move previously (Dennis, 1960; McGraw, 1935, 1959).
confidently in a wide range of physical activity, However, in more recent years, several studies have
rhythmic, and sport situations (Higgs et al., 2008). It investigated the effect of training on physical literacy
is has been shown that, compared with the typically during childhood. Ingle and colleagues (Ingle, Sleap,
developing child, children with motor learning & Tolfrey, 2006) showed that a mixture of plyo-
difficulties demonstrate less physical literacy, are less metrics and resistance training could improve
active and more disruptive in regular physical fundamental sport skills temporarily among early
education classes and during ‘‘school holidays’’ pubertal boys, although the authors only measured
(Bouffard, Watkinson, Thompson, Dunne, & strength-related performance outcomes and not the
Romanow, 1996), and have lower overall fitness actual quality of fundamental sport skills. Graf et al.
(Hands & Larkin, 2006). While the negative effects (2005) showed that a long-term school-based inter-
of reduced movement proficiency on health-related vention can improve aspects of physical literacy
fitness have been well documented in children among 6- to 9-year-olds, but a 6 year follow-up
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(Okely, Booth, & Chey, 2004; Okely, Booth, & study demonstrated that a year-long intervention
Patterson, 2001a, 2001b), the literature regarding during childhood did not have long-lasting effects on
the importance of developing physical literacy and overall physical literacy (Barnett et al., 2009). In both
motor skill fitness for LTAD is limited. instances, however, movement quality was not
The development of fundamental movement skills assessed. These data would seem to contradict the
starts at birth and may continue until 11–12 years of ‘‘windows of opportunity’’ concept proposed in the
age, depending on the complexity of the skill LTAD model, whereby training within certain
(Gabbard, 1992). Many scientists have proposed physical literacy skills at certain stages may result in
that each of the fundamental movements has a series greater long-term development of those skills.
of developmental stages, with each stage possessing a Gallahue and Ozmun (1998) and Gallahue and
different degree of complexity (Flinchum, 1975; Donnelly (2003) also suggest a ‘‘proficiency barrier’’,
Gabbard, 1992; McClenaghan & Gallahue, 1978). whereby progression onto more advanced specialized
Children need to acquire mature fundamental or sports-specific skills are dependent on the prior
movement patterns to improve their performance foundation of fundamental movement patterns,
(Gabbard, 1992; McClenaghan & Gallahue, 1978), reinforcing the motor development literature. Evi-
and acquiring mature patterns requires greater dently there is much inconsistency in the current
speed, balance, control, strength, and coordination literature surrounding the long-term effects of
to be able to pass through different stages. The fundamental movement/sport skills training, both in
scientific literature regarding the natural process of terms of methodology and outcome, and further
motor development fitness may partly support the multidisciplinary, longitudinal research is required.
LTAD model for the development of physical Flinchum (1975) have shown the importance of
literacy. From a neurological perspective, Rabino- providing instruction for rapid development of more
wicz (1986) noted the periods of peak brain complex movements such as mature throwing
maturation through childhood. Such development patterns among 5-year-olds. Furthermore, Derri
at 6–8 years and 10–12 years of age seems to and colleagues (Derri, Tsapakidou, Zachopoulou,
coincide with the ‘‘windows of opportunity’’ for & Kioumourtzoglou, 2001) conducted a 10 week
physical literacy tasks (fundamental and sports music and movement programme with children aged
specific) in the LTAD model (Balyi & Hamilton, 4–6 years, and reported significant improvements in
2004; Higgs et al., 2008) and improvements in the quality of more complex movement patterns.
motor coordination (Cratty, 1986). However, such Further work by Deli and colleagues (Deli, Bakle, &
developments may represent accelerated periods of Zachopoulou, 2006) suggested that ‘‘free play’’
development, but there is no evidence that such (compared with instruction) seemed unable to
periods offer greater ‘‘sensitivity’’ to training. guarantee the development of more complex skills,
The literature regarding the trainability of physical lending support to Gabbard (1992), who suggested
literacy provides some scientific evidence to support that ‘‘Proficient kicking, like proficient throwing,
the LTAD model, although it is not completely may not be achieved through the natural course of
convincing. The variety and diversity of the indica- childhood development’’ (p. 295).
Long-Term Athlete Development model 393

In summary, it appears that there is reasonable peak height velocity and puberty, in what Katch
anecdotal and some physiological evidence to sup- (1983) and Rowland (1997) describe as the ‘‘trigger
port the idea of enhanced neural and muscular hypothesis’’. Although there is discrepancy in the
adaptations (due to the plasticity of the neuromus- literature, Viru et al. (1999) have reviewed several
cular system) through exposure to regular and longitudinal studies to show that peak development
structured fundamental movement skills and funda- of relative aerobic capacity (ml  kg71  min71)
mental sport skills training in childhood. However, occurs between 12 and 16 years in both boys and
further research is needed to quantify the existence of girls. However, Viru et al. (1999) also reported that
the ‘‘window of opportunity’’ concept for funda- cross-sectional research shows that the peak devel-
mental movement/sport skills, and if training these, opment period for aerobic capacity occurs at 10–16
especially in the earlier years, could manifest it and 7–13 years in boys and girls, respectively.
through the later stages of the athletic development Nevertheless, the credibility of the latter evidence
models. can be questioned because it is based on non-
causative observations. Furthermore, results from
previous studies suggest that children and adoles-
Aerobic performance
cents are significantly less efficient (related to aerobic
The development of aerobic fitness and its impact on metabolism) in energy expenditure during move-
performance is influenced by growth-related changes ment than adults and that children consume more
to an individual’s central and peripheral cardiovas- energy per unit of body mass during locomotion at a
cular system, muscular function, cellular capacity, given speed (Cavagna et al., 1983; De Jaeger et al.,
Downloaded By: [Lloyd, Rhodri] At: 11:20 21 January 2011

body composition, and metabolic capability (Row- 2001; Schepens et al., 2004). Plausible explanations
land, 1985). The intra- and inter-degree of influence can be attributed to differences in body size, lack of
these components have upon aerobic fitness varies neuromuscular maturity, and an inability to effec-
throughout childhood and adolescence (Naughton, tively deliver oxygen to the required muscles in
Farpour-Lambert, Carlson, Bradney, & Van Praagh, children, which become adult-like with increasing
2000). Peak oxygen uptake, acknowledged as the growth and maturation (Cavagna, Franzetti, &
‘‘gold standard’’ criterion method of assessing an Fuchimoto, 1983; De Jaeger, Willems, & Heglund,
individual’s aerobic fitness (Jones & Carter, 2000; 2001; Schepens, Bastien, Heglund, & Willems,
Naughton et al., 2000), increases from infancy into 2004). However, it seems that the potential for
adulthood, possibly in a linear fashion with body size improving economy of movement and physical
(Armstrong & Welsman, 1994; Bouchard, Malina, & performance is likely influenced by training as well.
Pérusse, 1997; Viru et al., 1999). Although there is a However, few investigations have specifically ad-
large amount of supportive literature to suggest that dressed appropriate training prescription or identifi-
from a young age children naturally possess a well- cation of sensitive periods to enhance economy of
developed aerobic capacity (Boisseau & Delamarche, movement subsequent to improvements through
2000), different methods of physical training have physical development (Naughton et al., 2000). It
been shown to enhance the development of aerobic might be postulated that overall economy of move-
capacity in children and adolescence (Viru et al., ment will be continuously enhanced with physical
1999). For example, it has been suggested that activity and exercise through childhood and adoles-
relatively high-intensity prolonged training will pro- cence (Baquet et al., 2003).
duce significant gains (Tolfrey, Campbell, & Batter- After acknowledging this literature and when
ham, 1998; Williams, Armstrong, & Powell, 2000). focusing on the concept of ‘‘windows of opportu-
In support of this, Mahon (2008) noted that low- nity’’, Naughton et al. (2000) state that the growth-
intensity training often results in a minimal training related improvements from aerobic training in well-
stimulus response during paediatric interventions. trained male adolescent athletes (compared with
Nevertheless, several authors have suggested that well-trained pre-adolescent males) relate to changes
there are natural accelerated and decelerated periods in hormone secretions during maturation. Moreover,
of development during maturation (Baquet, Van Naughton et al. (2000) suggest that training aerobic
Praagh, & Berthoin, 2003; Harro, Lintsi, & Viru, fitness when there is a lack of circulating metabolites,
1999; Viru et al., 1999). These are highly individua- thus resulting in a reduced training adaptation
lized, which can be attributed in part to the response, supports the ‘‘windows of trainability’’
fluctuating rates of anatomical, neurological, mus- concept of the LTAD model. For example, Weber
cular, metabolic, and hormonal development and colleagues (Weber, Kartodihardjo, & Klissouras,
(Naughton et al., 2000; Viru et al., 1999). Kobayashi 1976) have suggested that there is a decreased
et al. (1978), Payne and Morrow, (1993), and sensitivity to aerobic fitness training response that
Baquet et al. (2003) suggest that there is an occurs in the middle of the peak height velocity
exponential rise in peak oxygen uptake following when compared with the years surrounding it.
394 P. Ford et al.

Alternatively, some authors have suggested that most girls not involved in sport (Szczesny & Coudert,
sensitive training adaptations to aerobic fitness 1993). This disparity between the sexes is attributed
actually occur before peak height velocity, including to maturational changes in body dimensions and
Rowland (1985) who identified a 10.1% and 8.8% composition (Beunen & Malina, 1988; Butterfield,
improvement in peak oxygen uptake during this Lehnhard, Lee, & Coladarci, 2004). A second period
period in boys and girls, respectively. Thus it would of accelerated adaptation has been reported to occur
appear that there are discrepancies in the literature in around the age of 12 years in girls and between 12
terms of when these actual ‘‘windows’’ occur. and 15 years in boys (Borms, 1986).
Perhaps this discrepancy can be related to the fact The development of speed throughout childhood
that much of the evidence for this fitness component will be influenced by quantitative changes in muscle
is based on cross-sectional studies, which restricts cross-sectional area and length, biological and
inferences due to methodological restraints. The lack metabolic changes, morphological alterations to the
of longitudinal data is also coupled with the muscle and tendon, neural/motor development, as
imprecise assessment of training stimulus, which is well as biomechanical and coordination factors. The
required to elicit peak development (Baquet et al., integration of all of these systems makes it difficult to
2003). Both Naughton et al. (2000) and Baquet et al. identify precise mechanisms responsible for any
(2003) conclude that the findings are obscured speed gains achieved throughout childhood. The
further by genetic background and training load, initial period of accelerated adaptation observed
which are rarely reported. Therefore, attributing any before the end of the first decade of life has been
adaptive response in line with physical development suggested to be linked to the development of the
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is flawed due to the variation in the magnitude of the central nervous system and improved coordination
stimulus. In addition, it appears that research has (Borms, 1986; Viru et al., 1999). This assumption is
focused on participants during pre-pubertal years supported by the rapid growth of the central nervous
rather than adolescents, and has not accounted for system during the first 7 years of life (Malina et al.,
initial peak oxygen uptake values (Tolfrey et al., 2004), and the observation that coordination pat-
1998). Such a lack of the recognition of these terns of locomotor skills reach adult levels by the
fundamental aspects limits the direct investigation same age (Whitall, 2003).
of the ‘‘windows of trainability’’ concept, and may Increased muscle size and length during adoles-
indeed mean that application by practitioners is cence support a maturational influence on speed
inappropriate at present. development, although Butterfield et al. (2004)
Long-term studies that map changes in aerobic found no association between longitudinal growth
capacity during growth and measure the influence rates of height and body mass and improved running
of physical activity or training concurrently are speed in children aged 11–13 years. Although 2 years
required. As discussed previously, the complexity may be considered brief for a longitudinal study, the
of the research design to answer such a problem above findings may also reflect a limitation of the
may render the project impractical, and thus current LTAD model, which relies on growth rates
progression in this area will perhaps not occur. to identify maturational status. Increases in muscle
Nevertheless, until more comprehensive consistent substrates and enzymes associated with anaerobic
evidence is available, it is inappropriate to state energy production provide another means for im-
that young participants should only train aerobic proving speed immediately before and during the
fitness during prescribed ‘‘windows of opportu- teenage years (Eriksson, 1980). Physical properties of
nity’’. Aerobic fitness should be actively developed the muscle and tendon architecture will also influ-
throughout childhood and adolescence (Shephard, ence the ability to produce speed. These properties
1992). include the reported marked increases in the surface
area of the muscle–tendon junction from childhood
into adulthood, which is accompanied by a reduced
Anaerobic performance
number of Golgi organs in the mature state (Ovalle,
Speed. Both boys and girls show similar sprint speed 1987). As a consequence of these changes in the
during the first decade of life (Borms, 1986; Malina biomechanical properties of muscle and connective
et al., 2004), with a period of accelerated adaptation tissue, a ten-fold increase in muscle–tendon stiffness
suggested to occur between the ages of 5 and 9 years has been observed in the first two decades of life
in both sexes (Borms, 1986; Viru et al., 1999). From (Lin, Brown, & Walsh, 1997). Changes in muscle
the age of 12 years, the rate of progression of speed stiffness will also be influenced by neural factors,
development is dramatically reduced in females with firing rates (Whitall, 2003), twitch times (Lin
compared with males (Whitall, 2003), with the et al., 1997), reflex muscle activity (Grosset, Mora,
arrival of the fourth puberty stage being suggested Lambertz, & Perot, 2007), and co-activation
to mark the end of maximal speed development in (Lambertz, Mora, Grosset, & Perot, 2003) all being
Long-Term Athlete Development model 395

shown to develop through childhood in a manner of adults and any adaptation is lost following a
that would favour increased speed production. detraining period (Fournier et al., 1982). The
The current LTAD model speculates that two magnitude of the response and rapid detraining
‘‘windows of opportunity’’ exist to maximize training would suggest metabolic factors are unlikely to be
gains in childhood. These ‘‘windows’’ are related to constrained to maximizing gains during a window of
chronological age and occur at approximately 7–9 opportunity in childhood. Sprint training has also
years in both boys and girls, with a second window been shown to have a limited effect on catecholami-
between 11 and 13 years in girls and between 13 and nergic responses to sprint exercise in adolescent girls,
15 years in boys. The fact that the second window is which disappears with detraining (Botcazou et al.,
staggered by 2 years between girls and boys can be 2006). Therefore, any combined speed training and
interpreted as more of a maturational, as opposed to maturational effects appear to have a limited
a chronological, ‘‘window of opportunity’’. A ma- influence on the sympo-adrenal response. In a 6
turational role in the second ‘‘window of opportu- month study of youth soccer players, Gravina et al.
nity’’ is supported by Viru et al. (1999), who (2008) reported a significant correlation between
speculated that speed training gains during this changes in testosterone concentrations and changes
period were related to hormone-dependent selective in sprint performance. Although these findings
hypertrophy of fast-twitch fibres in both boys and support a maturational relationship for improved
girls. Surprisingly, research examining the trainabil- speed for players involved in a training programme,
ity of speed during childhood is sparse. Venturelli the correlation was only modest (r ¼ 0.34, P 5 0.05)
and colleagues (Venturelli, Bishop, & Pettene, 2008) and with 512% shared variance between the two
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found that the magnitude of speed gains were similar variables other factors need to be considered.
for pre-adolescent soccer players involved in coordi- Identifying a single mechanism responsible for
nation training and traditional straight-line sprint improved speed during childhood is unlikely. In-
training. This finding supports a role of coordination stead, a number of biological, neural, and biome-
and neural control in speed development prior to chanical factors will influence the development of
maturation, although whether these factors are more speed. These factors may develop at different rates
trainable during pre-adolescence is not known. for different individuals and may be linked to both
Philippaerts et al. (2006) reported that sprint speed age and maturation. The trainability of factors
in youth footballers showed the largest gains around associated with speed development during childhood
the time of peak height velocity, suggesting a remains unclear.
combined training and maturational affect. How-
ever, the longitudinal data presented by Philippaerts Strength. The development of muscle strength is a
et al. (2006) showed a decline in sprint performance multi-faceted, performance-related fitness compo-
in the 12 months preceding peak height velocity, and nent that is underpinned by muscular, neural, and
any subsequent gains may simply have reflected a mechanical factors (De Ste Croix, 2008). The
correction of the previously impaired performance. complex interaction of these components makes the
Improvements in speed around peak height velocity study of the increase in muscle strength during
may also be related to increased lower limb length, growth and maturation challenging. As strength is an
reflecting an entity that is clearly not trainable. Rapid essential component of most aspects of performance,
periods of physical growth may disrupt motor it is surprising that very little is known about the
coordination in some individuals, a phenomenon factors associated with strength development during
known as ‘‘adolescent awkwardness’’ (Beunen & childhood compared with the other fitness compo-
Malina, 1988; Philippaerts et al., 2006). However, nents discussed in this review. This may be
the timing and magnitude of this phenomenon is still attributed to the difficulty in measuring internal
unknown and it is difficult to evaluate if this forces and the inherent methodological problems
observation is being enshrined as ‘‘fact’’ when based associated with determining external force. As there
on limited empirical evidence. are no physiological markers that a maximal effort
While there is limited research available on the has been given, the methodological and assessment
trainability of speed throughout childhood, some choices are critical in paediatric studies of muscle
research has investigated possible mechanisms re- strength (De Ste Croix, 2007). However, the
sponsible for training gains during childhood. Sprint findings of studies on the age- and sex-associated
training has been shown to increase concentrations changes in strength are relatively consistent, espe-
of substrates and enzymes utilized during anaerobic cially for the lower limbs. Caution, however, must be
metabolism in 11-year-olds (Eriksson, 1980) and taken when transferring this knowledge to other
adolescent boys (Cadefau et al., 1990; Fournier muscle joints, as the development in strength appears
et al., 1982). However, the magnitude of the to be both muscle action and joint specific (De Ste
training-induced change is reported to be below that Croix, 2008).
396 P. Ford et al.

Strength increases in both boys and girls until from 5.3% (Faigenbaum, Westcott, Loud, & Long,
about the age of 14 years, when it begins to plateau in 1999) to 87.0% (Faigenbaum, Zaichkowsky, West-
girls and a spurt is evident in boys. By 18 years there cott, Micheli, & Fehlandt, 1993) in untrained
are few overlaps in strength between boys and girls, participants. Several factors may contribute to this
although this simplistic model utilizing chronological variation, including the baseline measure of strength,
age as a marker for development in strength does not the age range of participants, training programme
take into account the individual timing and tempo of designs (e.g. frequency, volume, and intensity),
growth and maturation (an issue seen with all the muscle group/action assessed, and exercises/assess-
fitness components). The exact ages at which sex ments used. These all make the evaluation of training
differences become apparent appear to be both responses difficult.
muscle group and muscle action specific and data The LTAD model states that strength is always
have indicated that differences in upper body trainable but recommends the optimal ‘‘window of
strength between the sexes occur earlier than trainability’’ for boys is 12–18 months following peak
differences in lower body strength (Gilliam, Villa- height velocity, while for girls it is immediately after
nacci, Freedson, & Sady, 1979; Round, Jones, peak height velocity or at the onset of the menarche
Honour, & Nevill, 1999). What is less clear is the (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004). However, research
complex interaction of factors that contribute to examining the optimal ‘‘window of trainability’’ is
strength (the production of force) during childhood limited and there appear to be no longitudinal
and adolescence. Few well-controlled longitudinal strength training studies that have determined peak
studies have concurrently examined the influence of height velocity and that have appropriately controlled
Downloaded By: [Lloyd, Rhodri] At: 11:20 21 January 2011

known variables using appropriate statistical techni- for growth and maturation. Only three studies
ques (De Ste Croix, Armstrong, Welsman, & (Lillegard, Brown, Wilson, Henderson, & Lewis,
Sharpe, 2002; Round et al., 1999; Wood, Dixon, 1997; Pfeiffer & Francis, 1986; Vrijens, 1978) could
Grant, & Armstrong, 2004). Most studies that have be found that compared the trainability of strength
determined maturation have shown that it does not across different maturational ages. Vrijens (1978)
exert an independent effect when other factors, such found greater arm and leg strength improvements in
as stature and body mass, are accounted for (De Ste a post-pubertal (16.8 years) group compared with a
Croix et al., 2002; Hansen, Klausen, & Muller, pre-pubertal (10.5 years) group, who improved lower
1997; Maffulli, King, & Helms, 1994). Also, the back and abdominal strength to a greater degree
assumption that muscle cross-sectional area is the following an 8 week training programme. However,
most important parameter in strength development both Lillegard et al. (1997) and Pfeiffer and Francis
throughout childhood and adolescence does not hold (1986) found no differences in the percentage
when examined with other known variables (Deigh- magnitude of strength training response between
an, Armstrong, & De Ste Croix, 2003; De Ste Croix different maturational training groups. Therefore,
et al., 2002). Consistently, stature appears to play a current research supporting the LTAD model’s
key role in strength development and this may be optimal ‘‘window of trainability’’ for strength is
attributed to the strength spurt that has been linked speculative, with only one study concluding that
to peak height velocity, and the muscle moment arm the strength training response is greater after pub-
(for a detailed explanation of the muscle moment erty. Based on current research, strength training can
arm, see Wood et al., 2004). be undertaken by children, as long as the programme
Strength training is now deemed to be safe and is designed and supervised by professionals. Further
effective for children and adolescents when appro- research examining strength training gains against
priately designed and supervised (Christou et al., biological age (age at peak height velocity; Mirwald,
2006; Falk & Tenenbaum, 1996). Well-established Bailey, Cameron, & Rasmussen, 1981) are required
guidelines for youth resistance training (e.g. Faigen- to determine if an optimal window of strength
baum et al., 2009; Stratton et al., 2004) recommend trainability does exist. In addition, research should
resistance training for enhancement of muscular also focus on the training variables (e.g.
strength in youths, with improvements in body volume, frequency, load, and rest periods) for
composition (Sothern et al., 2000) and motor optimum strength training gains in children and
performance (Christou et al., 2006), and reductions adolescents.
in injury (Faigenbaum et al., 2009) further advan-
tages. Research studies have demonstrated that Power. Rapid developments in muscular power have
strength is trainable during childhood and adoles- been established in pre-pubescent children between
cence, with Faigenbaum and colleagues (2001) the ages of 5 and 10 years (Branta, Haubenstricker,
reporting strength gains in children as young as 5 Seefeldt, 1984). These periods of accelerated devel-
years. However, a large variation in strength gains opment are largely attributable to enhanced neuro-
exists between studies, with improvements ranging muscular coordination. A secondary spurt has been
Long-Term Athlete Development model 397

associated with the onset of puberty in girls between and girls (Rogol, 1996; Viru et al., 1999). More
9 and 12 years, and in boys between the ages of 12 recently, a neuromuscular spurt was evident in male
and 14 years (Beunen, 1997), with significant athletes characterized by an increase in both vertical
development in leg power at the ages of 14 and 15 jump height and the ability to attenuate landing
years (Blanksby, Bloomfield, Ackland, Elliott, & forces (Quatman, Ford, Myer, & Hewett, 2006).
Morton, 1994). The latter spurt is related to a Within the female sample, a reduction in both
combination of hormonal, muscular, and mechanical vertical jump height and take-off force highlighted
factors caused by the onset of puberty (as seen with the contrasting effects of maturation on lower limb
the other fitness components). When aligning the explosive strength.
velocity curve of lower limb power development in In addition to muscle cross-sectional area (Jacobs,
relation to peak height velocity, previous research has Sjodin, & Svane, 1982), neurological changes
identified an adolescent spurt beginning 1.5 years (Blimkie & Bar-Or, 1996), motor coordination
before peak height velocity, and peaking 0.5–1.0 year (Isaacs, 1998), fibre type composition (Mero,
after peak height velocity (Beunen & Malina, 1988). Jaakkola, & Komi, 1991), and prior training experi-
Like muscular strength, therefore, while accelera- ence (Bencke et al., 2002) have all been postulated to
tions in muscular power may occur around the time be determining mechanisms for lower limb explosive
of peak height velocity, peak muscular power would strength in youths. Despite these suggestions, limited
appear to coincide more readily with peak weight data exist for the combined effects of maturation and
velocity, suggesting that both increases in muscle trainability on lower limb muscular power adapta-
mass and motor unit activation are strongly linked to tions. Chiodera et al. (2008) implemented a 33 week,
Downloaded By: [Lloyd, Rhodri] At: 11:20 21 January 2011

muscular power. Butterfield et al. (2004) reported a three lessons per week motor abilities physical educa-
strong correlation between vertical jump height and tion programme for boys and girls between the ages of
the growth rates of their pre-adolescent sample 6 and 10 years. Results revealed significant improve-
(r ¼ 0.95, P 5 0.05). Growth-related changes in both ments (6–10 cm; P 5 0.01) in long jump distance for
leg length and muscle mass were associated with all ages and for both sexes, suggesting that trainability,
increased vertical jump height, and these structural as well as growth and maturational factors, may have a
changes were deemed to override any negative positive effect on power development throughout
effects of the concomitant increase in body mass childhood in both males and females. Other studies
(Butterfield et al., 2004). have reported statistical differences between playing
As with a number of other physical components, ability and vertical and horizontal jump tests (Gissis,
sex-related differences appear to exist in muscular Kalapotharakos, Sotiropoulos, Komsis, & Manolo-
power from pre- to post-adolescence, with differ- poulos, 2006; Vaeyens et al., 2006), and significant
ences becoming more apparent at the age of 14 years improvements in lower limb muscular power follow-
onwards, as a result of the increased leg length and ing a 6 week combination of plyometrics and
muscle volume in males (Temfemo, Hugues, Char- resistance training (Faigenbaum et al., 2007). How-
don, Mandengue, & Ahmaidi, 2009). Observations ever, without longitudinal data for corresponding
of cross-sectional data show sex-related differences measures of maturity status and muscular power, the
in mean countermovement jump height scores of 7- existence of any ‘‘windows of opportunity’’ remains
to 11-year-old girls and boys (Isaacs, 1998). Butter- unclear, as does the question of whether or not
field et al. (2004) reported differences in their adaptations are greater for those athletes who are
baseline measures of vertical jump height between exposed to power-based training during, as opposed to
boys and girls aged 11–13 years, and also highlighted outside of, any such ‘‘windows’’.
that the growth rate of jumping for boys significantly The current LTAD model provides no indication
exceeded that of girls by 1.91 cm every 4 months of a ‘‘window of opportunity’’ for power develop-
over a 9 month period. Research has revealed ment during childhood. This may be due to the fact
significant differences between stages of sexual that as the product of force (strength) and velocity
maturity and vertical jump height performance in (speed), the ‘‘windows of opportunity’’ have already
boys (11–16 years), even when the influences of body been included in the model for the component parts
mass and stature were removed (Jones, Hitchen, & of power production. However, given the importance
Stratton, 2000). However, differences between sex- of muscular power for athletic success, it may be
ual maturity stages and vertical jump performance appropriate to consider the most appropriate period
were not statistically significant among girls. But the during which to train for power during childhood.
greater effect of sexual maturation on muscular Owing to the minimal number of longitudinal-based
power output in boys during the adolescent growth studies examining the interaction of growth, matura-
spurt highlights the likely attributable increases in tion, and trainability on muscular power, it is
androgen concentrations – notably growth hormone, difficult to identify whether a window of opportunity
testosterone, and thyroid hormone – between boys exists to maximize power development.
398 P. Ford et al.

effectively exploit a unique situation, which is vital

Windows of opportunity
to adhere to, otherwise full athletic potential will not
Undeniably, the basis of the LTAD model centres be achieved. Whereas the term ‘‘sensitive period’’
around annual training and competition design, implies an opening when extra gains may be
which have been well documented previously (Bom- expected for the same efforts. Based upon this
pa, 1995; Harre, 1982; Norris & Smith, 2002; Wilke strategy, it is clear that implications to the use of
& Madsen, 1986). However, the model also maps such labels, together with significant consequences
physiological adaptations associated with growth and for important constructs such as specialization,
maturation, through maximizing training ‘‘windows should be considered too. Furthermore, the term
of opportunity’’ as repeatedly highlighted throughout ‘‘window’’ suggests that the periods open and close,
this review. Essentially, these are critical/sensitive when in fact they may open and remain so on to and
periods for accelerated development of motor throughout adulthood (Viru et al., 1999).
performance based on a suitable training stimulus In short, with issues related to definition and the
during appropriate maturational time periods (Gu- obvious lack of objective evidence, the authors’ belief
zalovsky, 1977). Nevertheless, as noted above (in is that the proposition that if young participants do
several previous sections), the actual concept of the not utilize these ‘‘windows of opportunity’’ they will
development periods related to increased adaptive never reach maximum athletic is unjustified.
properties to factors stimulating development (i.e. Furthermore, when utilizing fundamental training
training and exercise), as well as the potential principles within a long-term periodized plan, the
negative implications, require further scientific ver- period of a ‘‘training emphasis’’ should be presented.
Downloaded By: [Lloyd, Rhodri] At: 11:20 21 January 2011

ification. It seems that the appropriate application of Again, coaches and practitioners should be made
training in line with maturation highlighted above more aware of the importance of training to advance
may have a significant influence on peak perfor- all fitness components throughout childhood and
mance through cell, tissue, organ, and whole-system adolescence during non-sensitive periods as well,
specialization (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004; Wenger, principally because of different individual maturation
McFayden, & McFayden, 1996). Certainly in the development rates and all components are trainable
applied literature it has been documented that to some extent (Suslov, 2002). By doing so this
conducting a training intervention outside of a should further help coaches avoid issues around early
‘‘window of opportunity’’ will result in few if any specialization, and optimize general athletic devel-
training gains and may actually be detrimental to opment of young performers.
future adaptations (Zaichkowsky, Zaichkowsky, &
Martinek, 1980), but there is a clear lack of
Summary and implications
supporting evidence for such an assertion.
The present authors’ acknowledge the difficulties A number of studies have identified the numerous
in the quantification of physical activity and training physical developmental processes that occur during
in young participants, as well as controlling this childhood and adolescence and how they might
during applied investigations. This in part can influence short- and long-term athletic performance
explain why there is a lack of agreement in the (Baquet et al., 2003; Boisseau & Delamarche, 2000;
literature. Loko and colleagues (Loko, Sikkut, & Naughton et al., 2000; Viru et al., 1999). The most
Aule, 1996) noted that there is evidence to suggest prominent ideology to help to optimize long-term
that the best effect of training and the development of athletic performance preparation in line with this is the
performance capabilities is achieved when natural LTAD model (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004). This model
growth is at its peak. However, paradoxically there is has received supported in contemporary coaching
a possible consequence that the full potential of the texts (Balyi & Stafford, 2005; Balyi & Williams, 2009).
individual is not achieved when early specialization Certainly, the model succeeds in offering practitioners
and intensive training occur during these ‘‘windows a coaching framework using plausible principles.
of opportunity’’. Without supportive and objective However, from the components reviewed in this paper
data to help confirm/reject these ideas, inferring any (physical literacy, aerobic and anaerobic perfor-
optimal training recommendations for successful mance), there is little evidence to support the LTAD
athletic pathways for young participants is perhaps claims, possibly due to the number of physiological
unsuitable. It is the opinion of the present authors factors that influence performance. Similarly, Norris
that this needs to be made clearer to coaches and and Smith (2002) correctly state that the most
practitioners by national governing bodies. essential component of an effective training pro-
Notwithstanding the empirical issues, the actual gramme is the concept of individualization. This
terms of reference for ‘‘window of opportunity’’ appears to be a further limitation of the LTAD model
require clarification. It seems a ‘‘critical period’’, (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004), even with physiological age
related to exercise training, is an opening to classifications due to their own limitations (Beunen,
Long-Term Athlete Development model 399

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