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President Brian South rang the bell

and launched the meeting in person.

MORAGA Guests today included our speaker and
Assistant District Governor, Hays

ROTARY Englehardt, and Bill Eames.

Greeter/Invocator, Roger Gregory,

NEWSLETTER brought quotes from the14th Dali Lama
regarding our universal responsibility to
solve problems and help others which
August 31, 2021 applies to the current world problems as

~~Birthdays & Anniversaries~~

Next Meeting:
Doug Damaschino celebrated his 80+
Tuesday, September 7 @ 12 birthday with a dinner with a son and his
Noon at La Finestra
Restaurant ~ Fine Free Hat~

Program: Adam Nielson After spirited bidding, Debbie Koo

took the September hat for a $ 55
Department of Fish and Game bid.
Greeter: Rich Render ~~Happy Bucks~~
Zoom connection information for next week’s Debbie Roessler had 5 Happy Bucks for
meeting will be distributed early next week another celebration of Lou’s birthday.
Upcoming Speakers:
Bill Eames had happy bucks for not
Sept 14 – TBD
. feeling old.
Sept 21 – Tim Rodriguera from Salvation
Army Debbie Koo had happy bucks for the
Sept 28 – Chris Hill with Ska Records dedication ceremony in India for the
Oct 5 ----- Ed Holloway from the Blackhawk equipment donated by Moraga Rotary
Museum among others for relief efforts there. It was
presented on Zoom by District 3030 in
We met at La Finestra Restaurant India and broadcast to our area on
where chef/owner/Rotarian Jeff Assadi Monday morning. It will be replayed as
served a delicious buffet with a mixed part of a future Moraga Rotary meeting.
green salad, caprese salad, spaghetti
and meat balls, chicken marsala and Gary Irwin had happy bucks for the article
steamed vegetables,with fruit, lemon in the Rotary magazine on Jim Marggraff
bunt cake, tiramisu and cookies for of the Lamorinda Sunrise club.
Debbie Roessler introduced our speaker
~~ Announcements~~ and Assistant District Governor, Hays
Englehardt who is a member of the
President Brian introduced the newest Lamorinda Sunrise club.
member of our club, Mojgan Kaviani He chronicled his journey with his cousin
who is the Assistant Manager and Lead along the historic Route 66. The
Operations Associate at the new Chase motivation for the trip was that they were
Bank in Moraga. She has lived in Moraga approaching 66 years of age.
for 21 years and has two grown children.
Their initial vehicle, a 1966 T Bird, did not
Pre Chase and pre Covid she operated a
perform well blowing two tires the first
home baking business and taught yoga
day. The tires require an inner tube
Kudos to membership chair, Roger within the tire as the car has wire wheels.
Gregory, for recruiting her. It was later discovered that inner tube in
the tires was blowing out because it
Jim Campbell is planning a future picnic needed a powered lubricant commonly
at Rancho Laguna Park. Date TBD known as talcum powder.

TGIF- Last Friday of the Month. The The trip resumed with a Hyundai
Rotary Social for August was post Genesis.
poned and was rescheduled for 6 pm
Friday, September 24 at Bill Eames’ Route 66 was constructed between 1926
home in Rossmoor (1901 Lakeshire, and 1958. It stretches 2,448 miles from
Walnut Creek). Please bring your favorite Santa Monica to Chicago traversing
wine and an appetizer to share. These California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
events are always fun. Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois.
Brian announced that our club will
participate in the Common Hope Project It was made famous by many movies and
in Guatemala which will assist young John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of
people to complete high school. Four Wrath.
candidates will be reviewed for
sponsorship by our club. The first They traveled 16 days only sleeping in
candidate was Jessica from Antiqua. Her non-brand name local motels such as the
family has a gross income of only $195 Wigwam Inn in Rialto California and non-
per month. chain local restaurants.

Rich Render reminds us that our next E Adrian, Texas was the midway of the trip.
WASTE fund raiser will be held on
September 25. He needs helpers. Along the way they took the time to see
many famous sites including the Grand
~~Rotary Minute~~
Canyon, Petrified Forest, the Edsel
Museum in Tucumcari, New Mexico and
None this week. the Route 66 Museum in Victorville, CA.
~Encore Game~~ Program Chair Debbie Roessler
The Encore game had an official prize of
$20. Evie Michon was the selected Community Tony Schoemehl
participant. She guessed ace of hearts Service Chair
but ace of diamonds was the winner. International Debbie Koo & Dianne
Next week the pot is $30. Service Chairs Wilson
Foundation Chair John Erickson

Youth Services Rich Render

~ Future Greeter/Invocators~ Public Relations Chair Gary Irwin

Fund Raising Chair Frank May

9/14 Igor Kipnis
9/21 Alka Malakaluri Membership Chairs Roger Gregory &
9/28 Barbara Bruner Hubert Ma
10/5 Tony Schoemehl Advisors to the Board Cliff Dochterman,
10/12 Ron Mucovich Mary Sue Erickson,
10/19 Roger Gregory Linda May &
Jim Campbell
10/26 Herb Wehmeyer
District Governor 5160 Kathy Suvia

President, Shekar Mahta

For the new Rotary Year our leaders are: Rotary
President Brian South International

Co-Presidents Elect Roger Gregory/Igor This month’s Newsletter Editor – Ron Mucovich
Secretary Jennifer Brophy

Executive Secretary Evie Michon

Treasurer Debbie Koo

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