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Ability Not Found:The ability ID associated with this ability does not exist.

Sprint:Increases your movement speed, but also increases sound made while moving.
Sneak:Your movements become silent, at the cost of a lot of speed.
Inventory:Open your inventory and select an item you have picked up using LMB, or
drop it using RMB.
Unarmed:You have nothing. Find something. Anything.
Access Card:You have an access card, it's not the best but don't lose it.
Standard Issue:You are equipped with a Rifle, Grenades, a Radio and an Access Card.
Armed & Dangerous:You have consigned a Light Machine Gun, a Hacking Tool (access
card), and a First-Aid Kit.
Breakneck Speeds:No matter where they hide, you will find them in little time, and
they will see you for less. Double your movement speed and blink distance, at the
cost of your lethality. Lasts until shortly after being witnessed, or cancelled
Blink:Once they lay eyes on you, make them regret breaking sight, even for a
moment. When the eye turns crimson, hold and move the indicator to a desired
location. Release to teleport and kill the nearest human within 2 meters.
Sinkhole:You can place a black pool of corrosion and teleport back to it at any
time. Teleporting takes a few seconds.\nYou can move your sinkhole by placing it
Corrosion:You can move through doors by walking into them.
Swan Song: You take almost no damage from bullets, but you can be instantly
recontained via a human sacrifice within your containment chamber.
Pocket Dimension:Captures a human and teleports them to a pocket dimension that
quickly kills them. Humans must choose the correct exit, or die.
Scopophobia:You start docile, and become enraged when you're seen or hurt. Quell
your rage by killing transgressors - follow their light before your fury subsides.
The indignity of each offender adds to your AHP, preventing harm to you as long as
it stands.
Try Not To Cry (Docile):It's too hard. Leaning on a door helps; you become quieter
and stand in place against it, calming yourself down... or waiting for someone to
come through.
Melee Attack (Rage):Tear through anything in your way to get to those who've hurt
you. Your attacks will destroy doors and kill most humans instantly.
Ultrasensitive:You can't see humans unless they run, bump you, or fire a weapon in
close proximity to you.
Predator:Your footsteps are silent. Holding the assigned key increases your speed,
but makes your movement audible.
Mimic:You can speak out loud to any nearby players, including humans.
Bite:Attacks a human in melee range, instantly dealing severe damage.
Antidote:Touches a human within close range, instantly killing them.
The Cure:Reanimates a recently killed human. Cured humans play as zombies with fast
movement and low health.\nThere is no limit on how many humans can be reanimated.
Strike:Attacks a human and deals a moderate amount of damage to them.
Open/Close Doors:You can interact with doors to open and close them for 5 AP. You
can also lock them down, draining your AP but preventing anyone from opening or
closing it until you lift the lockdown or run out of AP.
Tesla Overcharge:You can activate a Tesla Gate for 50 AP to instantly trigger it,
killing any players in or near it.
Lockdown:Starting at Access Level 2, you can interact with some rooms to lock them
down, shutting off all lights and closing all doors. While in locked down rooms,
humans can't see SCP-173.
Virtually Indestructible: Five generators spawn across the Heavy Containment Zone.
If all of them are unlocked and activated, you become recontained.\nGenerators have
a countdown sequence that any player can interrupt by pressing the "CANCEL" button
on the generator.
Reinforced Concrete:Accept their gazes of admiration, but stand your ground against
their vandalism. You have built-in resistance to gunfire. Low-penetration weapons
deal significantly less damage compared to piercing weaponry.
Charge (Rage):Cut their escapes short - they deserve it. You bolt straight ahead,
demolishing anything in front of you for a short distance. If you hit a heavy gate,
you force yourself through it.
Tantrum:Let them know your fury. Create a pool of filth underneath you that stains
and greatly inhibits the mobility of humans who pass through it. Killing stained
humans will recover some of your Hume Shield.

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