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CSD COVID-19 Training Protocol


CSD COVID-19 Training Protocol

Centre for Safety and Development (CSD) has the facilities and capabilities to ensure a safe learning
environment in accordance with the latest COVID-19 regulations.

This safe learning environment allows us to commit to all our learning goals. CSD does not compromise
regarding the learning goals, simulations, practical exercises and the number of actors. The protocol
enables us to use alternative and practical solutions to make our security training safe, practical and of the
same quality as pre-corona courses.

By offering training courses in a slightly adapted form, participants are able to join a course.
We would like to explain which adjustments we made to our training courses and training center.

Guidelines from the Dutch Government

Our protocol is based on the measures and regulations of the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health
and the Environment). This protocol will be adjusted to new developments and regulations.

Measures to maintain a safe learning environment

CSD has developed alternative training forms that meet all government COVID-19 regulations.
Specific focus on COVID-19 safety measures: 
• The course starts with health questions and a health & safety instruction.
• Participants and trainers maintain 1,5-meter distance.
• If exercises and simulations make it necessary to come closer than 1,5 meter, extra protective
measures will be taken. Face masks will be worn and hands and materials will be sanitised.
• Hand sanitation products, face masks and gloves will be available.
• Regular cleaning of training materials. 
• Participants will be asked to sanitise hands on regular basis. 
• Materials are sanitised after usage.

Intake pre-course
Three days before the start of the training participants will receive a reminder for the training and a short
health checklist.

Training centre
Classrooms, meals and other facilities are setup to accommodate social distancing and hygiene
• Venue will be executing extra cleaning moments.
• Participants will stay in a personal 1-person hotel-room. They will have their own bathroom with
toilet and shower.

Exercises and simulations

• We have developed a detailed COVID-19 instructor manual for all modules and simulations.
• We will utilise larger training and simulation rooms and more outdoor sessions.

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