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For questions 1 to 5
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The bar graph given below shows the number of students (in lakhs) studying in different universities in a year.
1. What is the average number of females in
all the universities together?
(a) 33,00,000
(b) 3,50,000
(c) 3,20,000
(d) 32,00,000

2. What is the total number of students

(male and female together) in universities
P and R together?
(a) 13,00,000
(b) 13,50,000
(c) 1,45,00,000
(d) 1,35,00,000

3. What is the respective ratio of the number

of females from universities P and Q
together to the number of males in the
universities R and T together?
(a) 27 : 32
(b) 27 : 28
(c) 25 : 28
(d) 28 : 27
4. The number of males in university Q is
what percent of the total number of
students (males and females together)
in university S?
(a) 68
(b) 62
(c) 66
(d) 64

5. If the total number of males in university

T increases by 50%, what would be the
total number of students (males and
females together) in that university?
(a) 7526000
(b) 76250000
(c) 7625000
(d) 75260000
For questions 6 to 9
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

There are two charts given below. The pie-chart shows the percentage break-up of the number of residents living in six
different blocks of a My Home Vihanga building. Each resident lives in a particular block. The total number of residents
living in the building is 12,000. All of the residents use exactly one means of transport among car, bike, bus and metro.

Break - up on the basis of mode of transport used

Car Bike Bus Metro
Block -1 36% 26% 20% 18%
Block -2 40% 30% 15% 15%
Block -3 32% 29% 21% 18%
Block -4 30% 25% 25% 20%
Block -5 40% 25% 25% 10%
Block -6 38% 28% 20% 14%
6. Over all the blocks represented in the
table, only these three blocks have
occupied the top 3 blocks in the number
of residents using car and bike both as
the basis of transport.
(a) Block 1, Block 3 and Block 4
(b) Block 3, Block 5, and block 4
(c) Block 1, Block 2, and Block 3
(d) Block 3, Block 5 and Block 2

Break - up on the basis of mode of transport used

Car Bike Bus Metro
7. Identify the blocks where the number of
Block -1 36% 26% 20% 18%
residents using one mode of transport is
equal to the number of residents using Block -2 40% 30% 15% 15%
another mode of transport. Block -3 32% 29% 21% 18%
(a) Block 3, Block 4, Block 5 Block -4 30% 25% 25% 20%
(b) Block 2, Block 1, Block 5 Block -5 40% 25% 25% 10%
Block -6 38% 28% 20% 14%
(c) Block 2, Block 4, Block 6
(d) Block 2, Block 4, Block 5
8. Which block from the given options
has the maximum difference between
the number of residents using the bike
and metro as the mode of transport?
(a) Block 1
(b) Block 2
(c) Block 4
(d) Block 6

9. One day, there was a strike for buses,

and therefore all the residents who
used to travel by bus, travelled by Break - up on the basis of mode of transport used
metro. Identify the top 3 blocks where Car Bike Bus Metro
the number of residents now travelling Block -1 36% 26% 20% 18%
by metro has experienced the highest Block -2 40% 30% 15% 15%
percentage increase.
Block -3 32% 29% 21% 18%
(a) Block 3, Block 5, Block 6
Block -4 30% 25% 25% 20%
(b) Block 3, Block 4, Block 5 Block -5 40% 25% 25% 10%
(c) Block 4, Block 5, Block 6 Block -6 38% 28% 20% 14%
(d) Block 4, Block 5, Block 1
For questions 10 to 14
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The table given below shows the percentage distribution of energy released by different energy components and the
total energy released (in kilocalorie) by combustion of one kilogram of that food product.

Sprout Egg Meat Fish Banana Apple

Glucose 28 22 25 32 26 35
Vitamin C 6 4 3 9 4 5
Iron 14 6 15 10 16 15
Carbohydrate 16 12 14 7 10 13
Protein 28 38 35 32 22 22
Fat 8 18 8 10 22 10
Total Energy (in kilocalorie) 2400 3240 2800 2100 1860 1980

It is also given that:

One dozen eggs = One kilogram
Half dozen banana = Half dozen apple = One kilogram
10. Energy released by combustion of Sprout Egg Meat Fish Banana Apple
glucose in one kilogram of product, is Glucose 28 22 25 32 26 35
highest for which of the following Vitamin C 6 4 3 9 4 5
Iron 14 6 15 10 16 15
(a) Sprout Carbohydrate 16 12 14 7 10 13
(b) Egg Protein 28 38 35 32 22 22
(c) Meat Fat 8 18 8 10 22 10
Total Energy (in
(d) Fish
kilocalorie) 2400 3240 2800 2100 1860 1980

11. If the breakfast diet of a person consists

of 250 gm of sprout, one banana and
one egg, then what is the total energy (in
kilocalorie) intake of the person?
(a) 1450 (b) 1200
(c) 1080 (d) 1180

12. For which of the following two products,

energy released by combustion of protein
in one kilogram of the product is the
(a) Banana and Apple
(b) Sprout and Fish
(c) Egg and Meat
(d) Sprout and Apple
13. Energy released by the combustion of iron, Sprout Egg Meat Fish Banana Apple
in 100 gm each of meat and fish, is Glucose 28 22 25 32 26 35
approximately what percent of the total Vitamin C 6 4 3 9 4 5
energy released?
Iron 14 6 15 10 16 15
(a) 12.86% Carbohydrate 16 12 14 7 10 13
(b) 11.36% Protein 28 38 35 32 22 22
(c) 10% Fat 8 18 8 10 22 10
Total Energy (in
(d) 14.2%
kilocalorie) 2400 3240 2800 2100 1860 1980

14. Energy released by combustion of fat in

one kilogram of product, is lowest for which
of the following products?
(a) Sprout
(b) Egg
(c) Meat
(d) Fish
For questions 15 to 19
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Mr. Tejpal travels between two towns A and F using different modes of transport at different speeds. He changes his
modes of transport at points B, C, D and E. The first x km between A and B is covered by scooter in 1 hour. The next 2x
km between B and C is covered on bicycle and the time taken is three times the time taken to cover the first x km. The
next 3x km between C and D is covered by car at a speed that is 50% more than the speed of the scooter. The next 4x
km between D and E is covered on horseback at a speed that is 20% more than the speed of the bicycle. The last 5x
km between E and F is covered by taxi and the time taken is same as that taken for covering the distance between D
and E. It is known that the distance between B and D is 150 km.

15. What was the total distance travelled by Mr. 16. What was the time taken by Mr. Tejpal to cover the
Tejpal? distance from C to F?
(a) 400 km (a) 10 hours
(b) 440 km (b) 12 hours
(c) 450 km (c) 8 hours
(d) 500 km (d) 15 hours
17. What is the average speed for the entire journey? 19. During which two intervals of his journey did Mr.
(a) 28.125 km/hr Tejpal travel with the same speed and what was
the speed?
(b) 25.128 km/hr
(a) AB and DE, 30 km/hr
(c) 22.158 km/hr
(b) AB and EF, 30 km/hr
(d) 24.825 km/hr
(c) BC and CD, 24 km/hr
(d) CD and EF, 45 km/hr

18. What was the maximum speed with which Mr.

Tejpal travelled and what was the mode of
transport used?
(a) 40 km/hr, Car
(b) 35 km/hr, Horseback
(c) 30 km/hr, Taxi
(d) 45 km/hr, Car
For questions 20 to 24
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The line graph given below shows the inflation rate (Average consumer prices in percentage) in four countries - A, B, C
and D - during the period 2015 to 2019.
20. In which year was the inflation in
the country 'A' 1.125 times that in
country 'D'?
(a) 2015
(b) 2017
(c) 2016
(d) 2018

21. Which country/countries had no

change in inflation in two
consecutive years?
(a) Country 'A' in 2018 and 2019
(b) Country 'C' in 2017 and 2018
(c) Country 'D' in 2015 and 2016
(d) Both (a) and (c)

22. Which country saw the minimum

change in inflation during the given
period in the graph?
(a) Country 'A‘
(b) Country 'B‘
(c) Country 'C‘
(d) Country 'D'
23. In which year was there the maximum
difference between inflation in country
'A' and country 'D'?
(a) 2015
(b) 2016
(c) 2017
(d) 2018

24. In which year was there the minimum

difference between inflation in country
'B' and country 'D'?
(a) 2016
(b) 2017
(c) 2018
(d) 2019
For questions 25 to 29
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The bar graph given below shows the Scheme-wise Funds Released (in Rs. crore) by Govt. of India for Development of
Handlooms & Welfare of Handloom Weavers from 2015-16 to 2018-19. The schemes are National Handloom
Development Programme (NHDP), Comprehensive Handloom Cluster Development Scheme (CHCDS), Handloom
Weavers' Comprehensive Welfare Scheme (HWCWS) and Yarn Supply Scheme (YSS).
25. Funds released under which scheme witnessed
a steady increase from 2015-16 to 2018-19?
(a) National Handloom Development
(b) Comprehensive Handloom Cluster
Development Scheme
(c) Handloom Weavers' Comprehensive
Welfare Scheme
(d) Yarn Supply Scheme

26. What was the percentage change in the funds

released under all four schemes from 2015-16
to 2018-19?
(a) Increase of 35% (b) Decrease of 48%
(c) Increase of 28% (d) Decrease of 40%

27. What was the total funds released (in Rs. crore)
under the National Handloom Development
Programme during 2016-17 to 2018-19?
(a) 582.55 (b) 460.74
(c) 430.53 (d) 511.79
28. During which year was the total
funds released under all the
schemes together was the highest
and how much was it?
(a) Year 2015-16, Rs.511.79 crores
(b) Year 2015-16, Rs.479.58 crores
(c) Year 2016-17, Rs.511.79 crores
(d) Year 2017-18, Rs.393.69 crores

29. What was the difference between

the total funds released under
Comprehensive Handloom Cluster
Development Scheme (CHCDS) and
Handloom Weavers’ Comprehensive
Welfare Scheme (HWCWS) in all
the years?
(a) Rs.5.16 crores
(b) Rs.32.20 crores
(c) Rs.10.32 crores
(d) Rs.20.64 crores
For questions 30 to 33
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The bar graph given below shows the Exports in terms of quantities of different types of Dyes and Chemicals from
2010 - 11 to 2017-18.
30. Which of these Dyes and Chemicals do not show a 32. What was the approximate percentage increase in
continuous growth in exports from 2010 - 11 to the export of pigment emulsion from 2010 - 11 to
2017 - 18 ? 2017 - 18?
(a) Azo Dyes, Food Colors (a) 49%
(b) Pigment Emulsion, Food Colors (b) 62%
(c) Azo dyes, Inorganic Pigments (c) 37%
(d) Reactive Dyes, Inorganic Pigments (d) 51%

31. What was the total quantity of Food colors 33. Reactive Dyes form what approximate percentage of
exported from 2011 - 12 to 2016 - 17? the total Exports in the year 2017 - 18?
(a) 116826 (a) 27%
(b) 145185 (b) 38%
(c) 176295 (c) 45%
(d) 189506 (d) 30%
1. A 15. C 29. C
2. D 16. B 30. C
3. B 17. A 31. C
4. D 18. D 32. D
5. C 19. B 33. B
6. B 20. B
7. D 21. D
8. Block 1 or 2 22. D
9. A 23. A
10. B 24. B
11. D 25. D
12. B 26. D
13. B 27. C
14. A 28. A

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