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A syntactic and semantic multi-agent based

Question Answering System for collaborative

Abderrazzak SAMADI 1, EL FAZAZI Hanaa 1, Mohammed QBADOU 1, Mohamed YOUSSFI 1, Fatiha AKEF 1
Laboratory : Signals, Distributed Systems and Artificial Intelligence (SSDIA).
ENSET of Mohammedia, University Hassan II of Casablanca
Mohammedia, Morocco,,,,

Abstract— with the rapid progress in technology and the the answer in form of parts of textbooks or hyperlinks to
advancement in learning systems, e-Learning has proved to be
one of the best means for learning in many sectors. In an e- documents containing the answers, which is inconvenient for
Learning environment, and to help learners to benefit the the students or learners.
maximum from their courses, tutors are faced with the arduous In this paper we present a syntactic and semantic multi-
task of writing answers —containing detailed, useful agent approach to question answering in e-learning platforms.
information— to every query and question they receive daily
Our proposal is to improve existing approaches ([3], [4]) by
from their students. The task can take up a considerable amount
presenting an architecture composed of three layers: (1) user
of the time they spend each day on teaching if the number of
students is high and the tutors have a narrow timeframe in which
layer, (2) Answer Finding layer, and (3) Data base layer. First,
to reply to them all. the user layer receives the question (vocal or text) and send it
to the Answer Finding layer, where different agents analyze the
In this paper, we present a Question Answering System question and search for the best answer from all the available
(QAS) that helps learners to find the best answers to their resources (Q/A bank, courses BD, Internet) and communicate
questions and helps tutors to answer questions asked by their with the tutor or other learners if needed.
students in an e-Learning environment. we present a syntactic
This approach allows the use of different strategies and the
and semantic multi-agent approach to question answering in e-
learning platforms. We try to improve existing approaches by
reduction of errors introduced by individual methods. The
using multiple techniques in a multi-layer system where learners cooperation among the agents aims to reach better solutions in
and tutors with the help of automatic agents collaborate to find each step of the processing.
the best answer to the submitted question.
Keywords— Multi-Agent System; Question Answering
System; semantic web, collaborative e-Learning, Ontology. The QASs play an important role in the process of an e-
Learning course, by helping the learners to achieve the end of
the course without a problem and by finding the best answers
I. INTRODUCTION to their questions. But the challenge is that the questions in an
A Question Answering (QA) is a type of information e-Learning environment are considered more complex as they
retrieval. Given a collection of documents (such as the World require a source/domain knowledge and also long answers
Wide Web or a local collection) the system should be able to require to be extracted from multiple documents. Therefore,
retrieve answers to questions posed in natural language. QA is there are many QASs architectures that uses different methods
regarded as requiring more complex natural language and techniques. In [3] T.Alinaghi, et al. introduce a multi agent
processing (NLP) techniques than other types of information approach to Question Answering that applies all available
retrieval such as document retrieval, and it is sometimes resources to find answers to questions, three types of resources
regarded as the next step beyond search engines. QA research are used Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) , course materials
attempts to deal with a wide range of question types including: and answers by other learner. In [5] Chun-Chia Wang and C.
fact, list, definition, how, why, hypothetical, semantically- Hung introduce a semantic-based automated (QA) system like
constrained and cross-lingual questions [1][2]. a virtual teacher to respond to student questions online. In [6]
V. Lopez et al. present AquaLog as an ontology-driven
A Question Answering system (QAS) is an important tool question-answering system which takes queries expressed in
for improving e-learning and education. Several approaches natural language and an ontology as input, and returns answers
employ different technologies to understand questions given in drawn from one or more knowledge bases (KBs). In [7] P.
natural language text and after analyzing the question returns Malhotra et al. focuses on creating semantic analyzer for
automatic Question-answering system for domain specific

978-1-5386-4225-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

database, it provides user with the relevant answers to the user
questions using Natural Language processing (NLP) and
Natural language Interface for DataBase (NLIDB). In [8] M.
JEMNI & I. BEN ALI present a tool that can answer
automatically students by using and exploiting past cumulated
experiences in past e-learning sessions. In [9] Cassia Trojahn et
al. present a multi-agent approach to question answering for the
Portuguese language. their proposal is composed by three
modules: (1) document and query processing; (2) ontology
construction; and (3) answer generation.
These systems and others proposed different approach to
Question Answering (Semantic, NLP, ontology-driven, past
cumulated experiences,) and each one of these systems focuses
on a specific technique or methodology, what gives us good
results in same cases and not most cases.
By analyzing these existing systems, we tried to find an
architecture that combine several techniques and methods, so
that we can introduce an efficient QAS.


In this paper, we propose a QAS that i) receives the
question from the learner and take it to the analyzing phase,
where a syntactic and semantic analyze is performed on the
question to define its nature and type and other properties,
using Natural Language Processing, we try to analyze the
question and present it in form of pedagogical Ontologies, after
that , ii) the system verify if the question is already has been
answered ( from the Questions/Answers database ), if there is
an answer we send it to the learner, else iii) we start the
Finding Answer Process, where different agents work together
on several sources and databases to find the best answer.
If the answer cannot be found automatically, other tutors
and learners contribute in answering the question.
After identifying the adequate answers, a validation is
accomplished by learners and tutors, by using Learning To
Rang (L2R) method presented in [10]. This method is trained
to learn the answer rating, based on the feedback and ratings
that other learners and tutors give to answers in our QAS. The
selected answer is send to the learner after being saved to the
Q/A database.

Fig. 1. Proposed QAS description

In Fig 1 we present the general idea of the proposed B. Answer Finding Layer
question answering system, the learner posts his question the The main layer of the proposed system, where the question
system, the first phase start by analyzing the question is received as input and the answer is generated as output. To
syntactically and semantically and ending by reforming the find the right answer different agents work together in 3 global
input question to an ontology form that specifies the nature, the phases:
type, the domain and others properties of the submitted
question. Next, the system verifies if the question’s answer 1) Question Analyzing : For the purpose of correctly
exists in the local database, if not Answer Finding Process is answering a question, we need to understand what type of
lunched. We are going to explain more details in the information the question seeks, so syntactical and semantical
conceptual model for this proposed QAS. analyses is performed on the input text to define the type,
nature and ontology domain of the question.
IV. PROPOSED QUESTION ANSWERING SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 2) Answer Generation : After analyzing the question, the
Our proposed Architecture is composed of three layers: system verifies if the answer of the question is in the Q/A bank,
User layer, Answer Finding Layer and Database layer. if yes, it is automatically redirected to the learner, else the
system is ready to generate the answer from the different
sources and by the collaboration of several agents. To generate
the answer, the Answer Generation Agent needs to collaborate
with the Data Extraction agents, where a number of agents,
work on different data to extract the right components of the
answer, respecting the learner profile and the course profile.
3) Answer Validation: After generating the answer, a
validation is needed before saving the Question/Answer to the
database, so the Validation Agent communicate with the tutor’s
agents and other learner’s agents to validate the generated

C. Database layer :
This layer contain the different databases needed to
generate the answer, it is composed of:
• Questions/Answers bank,
• Courses Profiles Database,
• Courses Documents Database,
• learners Profiles Database
• Metadata database.

In Fig. 2 The process starts when the Learner Agent

receives a question from the learner user interface, the first
phase is the question analyzing where the Syntactic Agent and
the Semantic Agent, with the collaboration of the Ontology
Agent, analyze the question to define its nature, type and
ontology domain .Next, the Answer Generation Agent with the
collaboration of the Question/Answers Agent verifies if the
answer is already in the Question/Answers bank, if not, the
Answer Generation Agent starts answer finding process with
the data extraction agents, then sending the selected answers to
the validation Agent where Tutors or other learners can
Fig. 2. Proposed QAS Architecture validate the answers. The validated answer is sent to the learner
after being saved to the database.
The Request Manager Agent is the coordinator and
A. User layer collaborator of all the agents during Question/Answer session.
It is the interface of the proposed system that communicate
with the learners and tutors. It can be multiplatform (Desktop,
Web and Mobile).
V. THE MULTI-AGENT APPROACH TO QA IN E-LEARNING • Learners Profiles Agent: the responsible of the
ENVIRONMENT communications with learners Profiles database.
In Fig. 2 we presented the architecture of the proposed
system, where we try to use the multi-agents approach, to make VI. CONCLUSION
the benefit of its adaptability, interactivity, distribution, Question answering systems play an important role in
collaboration, personalization, security and intelligence. collaborative e-Learning, therefore, in this article we present a
In our architecture we use a number of agents that syntactic and semantic multi-agent approach to question
collaborate to answer the question submitted by the learner. answering in e-learning platforms. The proposed architecture
aims to benefit from different technologies and methods to
introduce an efficient system. The furder work is to improve
• Request Manager Agent: is the request session this architecture and make an implementation of the system in
coordinator and controller, it is the responsible of e-Learning environment.
managing the communication and collaboration of all
other agents in the system. REFERENCES
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