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NAME: ______________________


1. The regular daily formation of policemen assigned in patrol and traffic operations where the shift or

watch supervisor conducts inspection, checks attendance, and gives briefing, instructions and

assignment, is known in the police service as ___A_.

A. Roll-call training C. Drill formation

B. Attendance Seminar D. Morning inspection

2. A management principle holding that a subordinate should report to only one supervisor. B

A. Supervision C. Span of control

B. Unity of command D. Direction

3. It refers to the capability of a police commander to establish strategic and tactical alliances with the

different sectors of the community including churches, schools, local government units and civic

organizations in pursuit of peace and order.

A. Community relation C. Resourcefulness

B. Inter-operability D. Liaisoning

4. Also known as the Jail Bureau.

A. Bureau of Corrections C. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

B. Bureau of Prisons D. PNP Jails

5. Who among the following is the ex-officio chairperson of the National Police Commission?

A. President C. Secretary, DILG

B. Vice President D. Chief, PNP

6. One of the powers vested upon the mayors by RA 6975 is to choose the chief of police from five (5)

eligibles recommended by the ____. C

A. Regional Director C. Provincial Director


7. It is the primary job of this government agency to promptly respond and suppress “Conflagration”.

A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology C. Local Government

B. Bureau of Fire Protection D. Volunteer Fire Brigade

8. The Local Government Executive authorized by law to take responsibility over the anti-illegal gambling

operations in their respective jurisdiction.

A. Mayor C. Governor

B. Congressman D. Barangay


9. The highest rank in the hierarchy of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology is:

A. Fire Director C. BJMP Chief

B. Fire Director General D. Fire Chief


10. The head or highest official in a City/Municipal Fire Station is known as ____.

A. Fire Marshall C. Fire Chief

B. Fire Warden D. Fire Commander

11. The law that governed the local police forces prior PC/INP merging.

A. RA 6975 C. RA 8551

B. RA 4864 D. PD 1184

12. He is the chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Philippine Public Safety College.


B. PNP Chief D. BFP Chief

13. Which is NOT a training institute under the Philippine Public Safety College?

A. Philippine National Police Academy C. Philippine Military Academy

B. National Police College D. National Forensic Science Training Institute

14. He leads a manageable number of police personnel who are assigned to perform a specific job like

patrol, traffic, investigation, and other functions, and tasked to take responsibility of seeing that they

perform their respective duties.

A. Police Subordinate C. Police Superior

B. Rank and File D. Police


15. This is a requirement for every line officer where he can write down all important data pertaining
to arrest made by him and other information that may help him in making report and in testifying in

court. This is regularly inspected by his police supervisor.

A. Police Diary C. Logbook

B. Blotter D. Official Notebook

16. It is said that police personnel work twenty-four hours a day which means that even if they are on

off-duty they can be summoned when there are emergencies. In a police department where members

regularly work for eight-hour duty, how many shifts or watches are in effect?

A. One C. Three

B. Two D. Four

17. The highest position title in the Bureau of Fire Protection is what?

A. Fire Chief C. Fire Director

B. Fire Marshall D. Fire Warden

18. Which among the following is NOT under the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?

A. District Jail C. City Jail

B. Provincial Jail D. Municipal Jail

19. A police station should have a ____ plan which includes every step that has been outlined and

officially adopted as the standard method of action to be followed by members of the police

A. Tactical plan C. Procedural plan

B. Management plan D. Operational plan

20. PNP in-service training programs are under the responsibility of the:

A. PNP Directorate for plans

B. PNP directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development

C. PNP Directorate for Personnel and Records management

D. PNP Directorate for Comptrollership

21. All police stations in the National Capital Region are headed by a Chief of Police who in accordance

with the law should hold the rank of ____.

A. Chief Superintendent C.Superintendent

B. Senior Superintendent D. Chief Inspector

22. Plans can be changed to meet future requirements which were not considered during the planning

stages. This indicates _____ in planning.

A. Responsiveness C. Flexibility

B. Efficiency D. Effectiveness

23. In the planning process, the skill involved in knowing what should be done first refers to:

A. Forecasting C. Documenting

B. Monitoring D. Prioritizing

24. Which among the following is INCORRECT?

A. The highest rank in the PNP is Director General

B. There are three deputy chief, PNP who hold the rank of Police Deputy Director General

C. The Command Group is composed of the four top officials of the PNP

D. The PNP is a directorial type of organization

25. It is referred to as turning point of event which needs to be addressed promptly.

A. Unusual occurrence C. Emergency

B. Crisis D. Contingency

26. It is likewise known as plan “B”, Back-up plan or Worst-case-scenario plan.

A. Tactical plan C. Urgent plan

B. Contingency plan D. Operation plan

27. Refers to plans whose timelines are usually between one (1) to three (3) years.

A. Strategic plan C. Medium-term plan

B. Tactical plan D. Management plan

28. Which among the following is considered to be the employer of the members of the PNP?

A. Local government C. National government


29. This plan answers the question, “How do we get there?”

A. Strategic plan C. Medium-term plan

B. Tactical plan D. Procedural plan

30. The operations plan and budget is an example of what PNP plans?
A. Strategic C. Tactical

B. Medium-term D. Procedural

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