What Is Art History

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What is Art History?

O Art History is the study of human expression – visual, but also tactile, spatial and sometimes aural –
through history. Art Historians develop ways to translate from the visual to the verbal, through analysis
and interpretation, using a number of different approaches and methodologies. Art Historians develop a
special sensitivity and understanding of the way visual, material, and – in contemporary art sometimes
immaterial – expression makes meaning in the world, and how those meanings contribute to our social,
political, and spiritual life. Architectural historians look at buildings and their environment, the role the
designed environment plays in society, and the relationship between people and spaces

Why do people create Art?

O Art is a great way to express your emotions and feelings. Artists use colors, lines, and other elements
of art and principles of design to create feelings, such as anger and happiness in their artwork. ... Some
artists choose to focus on ordinary objects—{objects most people do not think a lot about.}

O “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls”– Pablo Picasso.

O Making our surroundings more beautiful. Creating objects to decorate our surroundings has
motivated the creation of many types of art, such as architecture, painting, sculpture, jewelry, design
objects for everyday use, and many others.

The emotion and feel of the painting doesn’t come from any deviant manipulation of media or
exaggeration of features – it is all shown through the subject of the painting: the girl’s somewhat lost
expression showing through the steam. In contrast, Jenny Saville’s painting seems more expressive
because of the decisions she made while laying the paint down on canvas. Though the piece is
naturalistic, certain elements of it are

I choose this work of art out of all the other ones because of the details of the people. My paintings
come from my daily life and are attempts to make sense of the world. They express my wishes and
dreams for a better world, they celebrate happy occasions, my sadness and frustration, as I explore life’s
dualities …

For me, the object that could represent myself right now is a “dice”. A dice has 6 sides to it, each side is
different because of its different numbers. Just like the different numbers of dice is my many sides too
as a person with a lot of bottled emotions, overcoming odds coming in my way and my ups and downs. I
am figuring out which number would turn out as it should be fit to where I am in my life. And
sometimes, the other side of the dice fit on the wrong areas and it will take some time before I’ll recover
and as I keep on growing up I realize that some sides need to be replaced with the correct one. The sides
of the dice is very interesting as it depict the different traits I have whether it’s negative or positive as it
define the characteristics or image I end up to be today.

It is personal because the art reflects me. My sadness and frustration, as I explore life’s dualities.

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