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Education ≫ Research in Education ≫ Measurement and Analysis of Data ≫ Use and interpretation of Statistical Techniques ≫ t-test

t-test MCQ Quiz - Objective Question with Answer for t-test - Download Free PDF

Question 1: Download PDF ››

A group of 10 students was randomly drawn from Class 12 and was given yoga training for three weeks. Their wellness life style was
compared with another similarly selected group ​which did not undergo such training. Which type of statistical test will be
appropriate for ​testing the tenability of Null Hypothesis ?


1. Independent t-test

2. Dependent t-test

3. Wilcoxon T-test

4. Sign test

Correct Answer: Option 1 (Solution Below)

we generally make use of parametric and non-parametric tests for making inferences about various population values (parameters). Many
methods and techniques are used in statistics. These have been grouped under parametric and non-parametric statistics.
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Parametric Non-Parametric Statistics

It involves data
In this, the statistics are
expressed in
based on the ranks of
absolute numbers
or values rather
It does not depend on
than ranks.
any distribution of the
An example is the
Student’s t-test.
It deals with small
The parametric
sample sizes.
statistical test
These are not bound by
operates under
any assumptions.
These are user friendly
compared with
parametric statistics and
the conditions are
economical in time.
not ordinarily
Tests like chi-square
tested, they are
test, Kruskal-Wallis
assumed to hold
test, median test, Man-
Whitney U test, sign
Tests like t, z, and
test, and Wilcoxon
F are called
matched-pairs signed-
ranks test tests are
statistical tests.
examples of non-
parametrical statistics
Regression, Two-
way ANOVA.

Assumptions for parametric tests:​

Normal distribution of data: The p-value for parametric tests depends upon a normal sampling distribution. If the sample size is large
enough and the actual sample data point value is approximately normally distributed, then the central limit theorem ensures a normally
distributed sampling distribution.
Homogeneity of variance: This refers to the need for a similarity in the variance throughout the data. This means that the variable in the
populations from which the samples were taken have a similar variance in these populations.
Interval data: It is obvious that the data point values should be for a numerical variable and measured at this level. Start Learning
Independence: Data point values for variables for different groups should be independent of each other. In regression analysis, the
errors should likewise be independent.

The independent t-test, also called the two-sample t-test, independent-samples t-test, or student's t-test is an inferential statistical test that

helps to determine whether the difference of the means in two unrelated groups are statistically significant.

The dependent t-test (also called the paired t-test or paired-samples t-test) helps to determine whether the difference of the means in two
unrelated groups is statistically significant.

Wilcoxon test: The Wilcoxon test is a nonparametric statistical test that compares the median of two or more sets of pairs to determine
whether the groups are different from one another in a statistically significant manner.

Sign test: The sign test is a statistical method to test consistent differences between pairs of observations, such as the height of subjects
before and after treatment.

Since in question, both the groups are unrelated, we will use an independent t-test.

Paired data is where natural matching or coupling is possible. Generally this is possible when in data sets where every data point in one
independent sample would be paired—uniquely—to a data point in another independent sample.
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Question 2: Download PDF ››

T-score corresponding to a Z-score of 2 will be


1. 60

2. 30

3. 70

4. 80

Correct Answer: Option 3 (Solution Below)

The following diagram explains the T-score corresponding to a Z-score.
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Score z T
Mean 0 50
S.D 1 σ  10

T = 10 × Z + 50

T = 10 × 2 + 50

T = 20 + 50

T = 70
Question 3: Download PDF ››
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In randomly constituted two groups-experimental and control, a researcher obtains the following results after using a parametric 't'

Value of t = 3 for N = 300

On the basis of this evidence which decision in respect of substantive research hypothesis and the null hypothesis will be justified?


1. Accepting the null hypothesis and accepting the research hypothesis

2. Rejecting the null hypothesis and rejecting the research hypothesis

3. Accepting the null hypothesis and rejecting the research hypothesis

4. Rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the research hypothesis

Correct Answer: Option 4 (Solution Below)


The t-test

A t-test is a type of statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. 
It is used for testing the significance of the difference between the means of two small samples. 
There are two types of statistical inference: parametric and nonparametric methods.
Parametric methods refer to a statistical technique in which one defines the probability distribution of probability variables and makes
inferences about the parameters of the distribution. In cases in which the probability distribution cannot be defined, nonparametric
methods are employed.
T-tests are a type of parametric method; they can be used when the samples satisfy the conditions of normality, equal variance, and
It is a two-tailed test.
If the absolute value of the t-value is greater than the critical value, you reject the null hypothesis.
If the absolute value of the t-value is less than the critical value, you accept the null hypothesis.
A critical value is a line on a graph that splits the graph into sections.  Start Learning

​Critical values in the given question with the t value = 3 and N = 300:

We will check for the degree of freedom (df) 0.95, and the significance level (α) is 0.05.

Critical values for two-tailed t-test: ±cdft,d-1 (1-α/2)

Critical region: (-∞, -1.985] ∪ [1.985, ∞)

Decision: The t-score belongs to the critical region, so we reject H₀ and accept H₁.

Question 4:
A group of 10 students was randomly drawn from Class 12 and was given yoga training for three weeks. Their wellness life style was
compared with another similarly selected group ​which did not undergo such training. Which type of statistical test will be
appropriate for ​testing the tenability of Null Hypothesis ?
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1. Independent t-test

2. Dependent t-test

3. Wilcoxon T-test

4. Sign test

Correct Answer: Option 1 (Solution Below)


we generally make use of parametric and non-parametric tests for making inferences about various population values (parameters). Many
methods and techniques are used in statistics. These have been grouped under parametric and non-parametric statistics.

Parametric Non-Parametric Statistics

It involves data In this, the statistics are

expressed in based on the ranks of
absolute numbers observations.
or values rather It does not depend on
than ranks. any distribution of the
An example is the population.
Student’s t-test. It deals with small
The parametric sample sizes.
statistical test These are not bound by
operates under any assumptions.
certain These are user friendly
conditions.  compared with
Since parametric statistics and
the conditions are economical in time.
not ordinarily Tests like chi-square
tested, they are test, Kruskal-Wallis
test, median test, Man-
assumed to hold Whitney U test, sign
valid. test, and Wilcoxon
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Tests like t, z, and matched-pairs signed-
F are called ranks test tests are
parametrical examples of non-
statistical tests. parametrical statistics
Multiple tests.
Regression, Two-
way ANOVA.

Assumptions for parametric tests:​

Normal distribution of data: The p-value for parametric tests depends upon a normal sampling distribution. If the sample size is large
enough and the actual sample data point value is approximately normally distributed, then the central limit theorem ensures a normally
distributed sampling distribution.

Homogeneity of variance: This refers to the need for a similarity in the variance throughout the data. This means that the variable in the
populations from which the samples were taken have a similar variance in these populations.
Interval data: It is obvious that the data point values should be for a numerical variable and measured at this level.
Independence: Data point values for variables for different groups should be independent of each other. In regression analysis, the
errors should likewise be independent.

The independent t-test, also called the two-sample t-test, independent-samples t-test, or student's t-test is an inferential statistical test that

helps to determine whether the difference of the means in two unrelated groups are statistically significant.

The dependent t-test (also called the paired t-test or paired-samples t-test) helps to determine whether the difference of the means in two
unrelated groups is statistically significant.

Wilcoxon test: The Wilcoxon test is a nonparametric statistical test that compares the median of two or more sets of pairs to determine
whether the groups are different from one another in a statistically significant manner.

Sign test: The sign test is a statistical method to test consistent differences between pairs of observations, such as the height of subjects
before and after treatment.
Since in question, both the groups are unrelated, we will use an independent t-test.
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Paired data is where natural matching or coupling is possible. Generally this is possible when in data sets where every data point in one
independent sample would be paired—uniquely—to a data point in another independent sample.

Question 5:
T-score corresponding to a Z-score of 2 will be


1. 60

2. 30

3. 70

4. 80

Correct Answer: Option 3 (Solution Below)


The following diagram explains the T-score corresponding to a Z-score.

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Score z T
Mean 0 50
S.D 1 σ  10

T = 10 × Z + 50

T = 10 × 2 + 50

T = 20 + 50

T = 70
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Question 6:

In randomly constituted two groups-experimental and control, a researcher obtains the following results after using a parametric 't'

Value of t = 3 for N = 300

On the basis of this evidence which decision in respect of substantive research hypothesis and the null hypothesis will be justified?


1. Accepting the null hypothesis and accepting the research hypothesis

2. Rejecting the null hypothesis and rejecting the research hypothesis

3. Accepting the null hypothesis and rejecting the research hypothesis

4. Rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the research hypothesis
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Correct Answer: Option 4 (Solution Below)


The t-test

A t-test is a type of statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. 
It is used for testing the significance of the difference between the means of two small samples. 
There are two types of statistical inference: parametric and nonparametric methods.
Parametric methods refer to a statistical technique in which one defines the probability distribution of probability variables and makes
inferences about the parameters of the distribution. In cases in which the probability distribution cannot be defined, nonparametric
methods are employed.
T-tests are a type of parametric method; they can be used when the samples satisfy the conditions of normality, equal variance, and
It is a two-tailed test.
If the absolute value of the t-value is greater than the critical value, you reject the null hypothesis.
If the absolute value of the t-value is less than the critical value, you accept the null hypothesis.
A critical value is a line on a graph that splits the graph into sections. 

​Critical values in the given question with the t value = 3 and N = 300:

We will check for the degree of freedom (df) 0.95, and the significance level (α) is 0.05.

Critical values for two-tailed t-test: ±cdft,d-1 (1-α/2)

Critical region: (-∞, -1.985] ∪ [1.985, ∞)

Decision: The t-score belongs to the critical region, so we reject H₀ and accept H₁.
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