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LESSON PLAN N° 2: Possessive case.

Trainee teacher’s name: Barrionuevo, Jorgelina Isabel.

Trainer teachers’ name: Stefania Valdéz – Betty Mellberg.
School: Escuela Secundaria N° 56.
Course: 1st Year.
Course teacher: Mariana Nieto.
Date: August, 31st.
Textbook: New Total English, Starter.
Unit: 3: Around town.
Time: 60 minutes. (From 14:00 to 15:00)

Grammar points: Presentation: POSSESSIVE ‘S: Singular and Plural.

Function: To know how to show possession.

Topic Vocabulary: Revision: School objects.

Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Lesson aims:
 To provide enough input through a poster so as to introduce students to
the new grammar structure.
 By the end of the lesson students will be able to know how to show
 By the end of the lesson students will be able to form oral and written
sentences using the new grammar structure in an appropriate way.
At this stage I will stick a poster on the board. I will begin as following:
T: (I will stick on the board a poster of a girl and a boy on the board.)
T: Look! What is this? (pointing to the ruler that the girl’s holding)
Ss: (expected answer): a ruler.
T: Very good! And this? (pointing to the book that the boy’s holding)
Ss: (expected answer): a book.
T: Very good!
At this stage I will explain the new grammar structure. I will use the mother
tongue to reinforce its use. Students will be given a copy. I will say as follows:
T: Look everyone! She is Maria (pointing to the girl). (I will write this sentence
on the board) “Maria’s ruler is blue.” It’s not my ruler. It’s not your ruler. (doing
T: Now look, He is Pedro. (I will write this sentence on the board) “The
student’s name is Pedro.” It’s not my name. It’s not your name. (doing
T: (I will stick another poster of a boy on the board as well as a poster of a
schoolbag) Look he is Lucas. (pointing to the boy). What’s this? (pointing to the
Ss: (expected answer): a schoolbag.
T: Right! (I will write this sentence on the board) “The boys’ schoolbag is
colourful.” It’s not my schoolbag. It’s not your schoolbag. (doing mimics).
T: We use the apostrophe s or apostrophe (pointing to them) to show
T: Maria’s ruler is blue. We use apostrophe s with a name. (underlining the
name Maria). Her ruler is blue. (pointing to it).
T: The student’s name is Pedro. We use apostrophe s with a singular noun.
(underlining to the noun student). His name is Pedro. (pointing to it).
T: The boys’ schoolbag is colourful. We use only apostrophe with plural
nouns. (underlining the word boys). Their schoolbag is colourful. (pointing to it)
T: Usamos el apostrofe s o apostrofe al final de un sustantivo para demostrar
posesión. Para decir que algo nos pertenece. Se usa con sustantivos.
T: Cuando hablamos de un nombre propio o un sustantivo singular usamos el
apostrofe s (pointing the first and second example).
T: Cuando hablamos de un sustantivo plural usamos solamente el apostrofe.
(pointing the third example).
T: Entonces ¿Para qué usamos el possessive ‘s?
Ss: (expected answer): Para mostrar posesión.

POSSESSIVE ‘S: singular and plural.
Use: to show possession.

Maria’s ruler is blue.

The student’s name is Pedro.

PLURAL NOUN + ‘ The boys’ schoolbag is colourful.

Sofia’s my friend.

At this stage I will play a game with the students. I will bring a box and each
student will have to put a school object on it. First I will show all the objects to
children in order to revise vocabulary and know who is the owner of each
object. After that, I will ask for the course teacher to come to the front to make
an example of how the game is played. I will follow the sanitary protocol. I will
continue as following:
T: Ok everyone, let’s play a game!
T: Look! What is this? (showing the box)
Ss: (expected answer): una caja.
T: Right! A box! Now, pick a school object. (I will use the mother tongue if
The students will select an object and put it in the box, I will sanitize them.
T: Pay attention! (I will pick one and ask) What is it?
Ss: (expected answer): a pencil case.
T: Very good! Who is the owner? (I will use the mother tongue if necessary).
Ss: (expected answer): Lourdes.
T: Ok, remember that!!
I will do the same with all the objects.
T: Now, I will blindfold your eyes (doing mimics) and you will pick an object and
tell me what is it and who is the owner, using the possessive ‘s. (pointing to the
grammar on the board and doing gestures)
I will do an example.
T: Teacher Mariana, can you come to the front, please?
T: (I will blindfold on her eyes) Pick an object, please.
C.T: (she picks)
T: What is it?
C.T: a folder.
T: Who is the owner?
C. T: It’s Julieta’s folder.
T: Thank you, teacher.
T: Is it clear?
Ss: (expected answer): yes, teacher.
T: Ok, let’s play…
The game will last around 15 minutes.
First activity.
At this stage I will deliver each student a copy so as to keep practising.
Students will have to circle the correct option of the possessive case. They will
work individually and the activity will be checked on the board. The first one will
be done to guide themselves. I will proceed in the following manner:
T: Now, let’s practice! Look at the copy. (I will read the activity).
T: You have to choose the correct words (pointing to them). For example,
number one.
T: Juan and Lucas are brothers. The boy’s/ boys’ favourite movie is Avengers.
T: We are talking about Juan and Lucas, so is it plural or singular?
Ss: (expected answer): plural.
T: Right! Which option we will choose?
Ss: boys’
T: Very good! Remember the examples. (pointing to the examples of the board)
T: Is it clear?
Ss: (expected answer): Yes, teacher.
T: Ok, let’s work you have five minutes.

ACTIVITY 1: Choose the correct words.

a. Juan and Lucas are brothers. The boy’s/ boys’ favourite movie is Avengers.

b. Ana is American. Ana’s/ Anas’ father is Spanish.

c. My sister’s/ sisters’ name is Patricia.

d. Your grandparent’s/ grandparents’ house is big.

e. This is my father’s/ fathers’ desk. His books are here.

f. They are 30 students. The student’s/ students’ names are here.

The activity will last around 10 minutes.

Second activity.
At this stage I will deliver the students a copy to continue practising. Students
will work individually and they will have to write the sentences with the correct
form of be and the possessive case (‘s or s’). I will do the first one to guide
them. The activity will be checked on the board. I will say in the following way:
T: Pay attention everyone! Look at the copy! (I will read the activity).
T: You will have to write the sentence with the correct form of the verb to be and
the right possessive ‘s (I will be pointing to the example on the board).
T: Let’s see the first example. “My father/ computer/ very old”
T: Who is the owner of the computer?
Ss: (expected answer): father.
T: Very good! Is it singular or plural?
Ss: (expected answer): singular.
T: Very good. We will write the apostrophe s (‘s), because it’s singular. (pointing
to the example on the board).
T: And after computer (pointing to the word) we will write the verb to be, in this
case, it’s only one computer which verb to be will be? am/ is or are?
Ss: (expected answer): is.
T: Very good! Is it clear?
Ss: (expected answer): Yes, teacher.
T: Ok, let’s work! You have five minutes.

ACTIVITY 2: Write sentences with the correct form of be(is/are) and the possessive ’s or s’.
1. My father / computer / very old.
My father’s computer is very old.
2. My teacher / desk / very big.

3. His two sisters / names / Emma and Polly.

4. Their father / brothers / their uncles.

5. Your mother / sister / your aunt.

6. Natalia / best friends/ Brazilian.

7. The boys / dog/ brown.

8. The students / classroom/ very small.

The activity will last around 10 minutes.

At this stage I will make students write about their own family and friends. They
will work individually. I will give my own examples in order to guide them. The
activity will be checked on the board. I will say as follows:
T: Last activity! Look at the copy! (I will read the activity).
T: You have to write about these people. (pointing and reading aloud them).
You have to use possessive ‘s.
T: Look at my examples: “My mother’s name is Elina”. Because mother is
singular and we use apostrophe s when it singular.
T: Another example: “My sister’s favourite day of the week is Sunday.” We use
apostrophe s because sister is singular.
T: Is it clear?
Ss: (expected answer): Yes, teacher.
T: Ok, you have five minutes, let’s write.

ACTIVITY 3: Look at the chart. Write five sentences about your friends and your
family. Use the possessive ’s or s’.

My mother Nationality.
My friend Favourite film.
Favourite day of the week.
My cousins Names.
My teacher Favourite fruit.

My example:
My mother’s nationality is Argentinian.
My sister’s favourite day of the week is Sunday.
My cousins’ names are Lautaro and Rocio.

Your example:
1. My
2. My
3. My
4. My
5. My

If there is extra time, students will work with the workbook on page 24, exercise

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