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Former CE/Civil/TANGEDCO

Lateral load Analysis by Amended Portal Method

The Portal method was initially presented by A. Smith in 1915. It has a draw back
that it operates independent of bay width. In 1983, Wang presented an “Improved
Portal method “.

Assumptions :

The first assumption is replaced with the following:

1. In the top most storey, hinges occur at 0.55 h from the top, where h is height of
top most storey. In the bottom most storey, hinges occur at 0.55h from the
bottom, where h is height of bottom storey. In intermediate storey columns,
hinges occur in the middle of all the columns.
2 .The storey shear is distributed between column, according to second assumption
that the shear to each column is directly proportional to the pro rata length of the
Procedure :
1. Introduce hinges in all columns as per assumption and beams of all the frames.
2. Distribute storey shear between columns according to the second assumption that
the shear in each column is directly proportional to the pro rata length of the
3. Multiply the column shear and the lever arm to obtain Column terminal moments
acting in clockwise direction.
4. Apply ∑M=0 equilibrium condition to the side and corner joints having one beam
element to obtain beam terminal moments which will act in anti-clockwise
5. After completion of step 4, apply the condition ∑M=0 to the joints where two
beams meet and distribute the unbalanced column moment between the beams
as per eqn M1 : M2 =l12 : l22.

Sign convention:
1.The clockwise moment is consider as +ve and anticlockwise moment is taken as

2.The moments at the end of a member are assumed to be negative when they tend
to rotate the member clockwise about the joint (the resisting moment of the joint
would be anticlockwise) and vise -versa.



(+) (-)



Problem : Same as in Portal Method

Procedure :
The horizontal forces are as indicated in the sketch shown calculated are shown in
Fig. 1.
Analysis by Amended Portal method :

Introduce the hinges in all members of the frame at columns as per assumption

and beams at their mid points.

1. The Storey shear is distributed between column, according to the second

assumption that the shear to each column is directly proportional to the pro rata
length of the floor. The pro rata shear distribution ratios of the column are

l1/2 : (l1 +l2)/2 : (l2 +l3)/2 : l3/2

where l1, l2, l3 are length of Bay 1,2 & 3 respectively. Here l1, l2, l3=6.0m

6/2 : (6 + 6)/2 : (6 + 6)/2 : 6/2

=3 : 6 : 6 :3


Top storey columns storey 6 :

Storey shear = 19.30 KN

Column shears are (19.30 x 1/6) : (19.30 x 2/6) : (19.30 x2/6) : (19.30 x 1/6)

= 3.22 : 6.43 : 6.43 : 3.22 KN

Storey 5 :

Storey shear = 19.30 + 24.50 = 43.80KN

Column shears are (43.80 x 1/6) : (43.80 x 2/6) : (43.80 x2/6) : (43.80 x 1/6)

= 7.30 : 14.60 : 14.60 : 7.30 KN

Storey 4 :

Storey shear = 19.30 + 24.50 +23.30 = 67.10 KN

Column shears are (67.10 x 1/6) : (67.10 x 2/6) : (67.10 x2/6) : (67.10 x 1/6)

= 11.18 : 22.37 : 22.37 : 11.18 KN

Storey 3 :

Storey shear = 19.30 + 24.50 +23.30 + 21.60 = 88.70 KN

Column shears are (88.70 x 1/6) : (88.70 x 2/6) : (88.70 x2/6) : (88.70 x 1/6)

= 14.78 : 29.57 : 29.57 : 14.78 KN

Storey 2 :

Storey shear = 19.30 + 24.50 +23.30 + 21.60 + 19.20= 107.90 KN

Column shears are (107.90 x 1/6) : (107.90 x 2/6) : (107.90 x2/6) : (107.90 x 1/6)

= 17.98 : 35.97 : 35.97 : 17.98 KN

Storey 1 :
Storey shear = 19.30 + 24.50 +23.30 + 21.60 + 19.20 + 16.20= 124.10 KN

Column shears are (124.10 x 1/6) : (124.10 x 2/6) : (124.10 x2/6) : (124.10 x 1/6)

= 20.68 : 41.37 : 41.37 : 20.68 KN

The column shears are indicated in Fig 2.

2. Moments at ends of columns:

In Storey 6:
Column moment = Column shear x lever arm.

Top column moment : Lever arm=0.55 h from top =2.75m

M25-21 = M28-24 = 3.22 x 2.75 = 8.86 KNm

M26-22=M27-23= 6.43 x 2.75 =17.68 KNm

Bottom column moment : Lever arm =0.45 h from bottom=2.25m

M21-25 = M24-28 = 3.22 x 2.25 = 7.25 KNm

M22-26=M23-27= 6.43 x 2.25 =14.47 KNm

In middle 4th storey:

Lever arm =0.50 h =2.50m

M17-13 = M13-17 = M20-16= M16-20 =11.18 x 2.50 = 27.95 KNm

M18-14 = M14-18 = M19-15 = M15-19 =22.37 x 2.50=55.93 KNm

In bottom most storey:

Bottom column moment : lever arm =0.55 h =2.37m from bottom

M1-5 = M4-8 =20.68 x 2.37=49.01 KNm

M2-6 = M3-7 =41.37 x 2.37=98.05 KNm

Top column moment : lever arm =0.45 h= 1.93m from top.

M5-1 = M8-4 =20.68 x 1.93=39.91 KNm

M6-2 = M7-3 = 41.37 x 1.93 =79.84 KNm

In the similar manner other column terminal moments are calculated and as shown
in Fig. 3. The BMD for column moments are indicated as shown in Fig.4.
3. Moments at the ends of Beam:

In storey 6 :

Top level At joint 25, 28 only one column moment is there.

M25-21 = M 25-26 = 8.86 KNm

M28-24 = M 28-27 = 8.86 KNm

M26-22=17.68 KNm

The beam moments are shared proportion to

M26-25 : M26-27= 62 : 62
=36 : 36

= 1: 1

M26-25 = M26-27=17.68 x ½ = 8.84 KNm

Similarly M27-26= M27-28 = 17.68 x ½ = 8.84 KNm

Bottom joint 21 & 24:

Sum of column moments at joint 21 and 24 =7.25 +18.25 = 25.50 KNm

M21-22 = M24-23= 25.5 KNm.

Similarly for Joint 22 & 23:

Sum of column moments =14.47 +36.50 = 50.97 KNm

M22-21= M22-23 = M23-22= M23-24 =50.97 x ½ = 25.49 KNm

In the similar manner Beam terminal moments of other storey can be calculated and
indicated as shown in Fig. 5. The BMD for beam moments are indicated in Fig. 6.
4. Shear in the beams :

Top storey level 6

V25-26= (M1+M2)/L1

V25-26=(8.86 +8.84)/6.0 = 2.95 KN ↑

V26-25=(8.86 +8.84)/6.0 =2.95 KN ↓

V26-27=(8.84 +8.84)/6.0 = 2.95 KN ↑

V27-26=(8.84 +8.84)/6.0 =2.95 KN ↓

V27-28=(8.84 +8.86)/6.0 = 2.95 KN ↑

V28-27=(8.84 +8.86)/6.0 =2.95 KN ↓

Bottom storey level 1-1

V5-6=(84.86 +84.89)/6.0 = 28.29 KN ↑

V6-5=(84.86 +84.89)/6.0 =28.29 KN ↓

V6-7=(84.89+84.89)/6.0 = 28.29 KN ↑

V7-6=(84.89 +84.89)/6.0 =28.29 KN ↓

V7-8=(84.89 +84.86)/6.0 = 28.29 KN ↑

V8-7=(84.89 +84.86)/6.0 =28.29 KN ↓

In the similar manner shear in beams for other beams are calculated and indicated
as shown in the Fig. 7.
5.Axial Forces in the columns:

Axial force in front left column:

Axial force in column 25-21=2.95 Kn

In column 21-17=2.95+8.50 =11.45 KN

In column 17-13 =2.95+8.50+15.40 =26.85 KN

In column 13-9 =2.95+8.50+15.40+21.64=48.49 KN

In column 9-5=2.95+8.50+15.40+21.64+27.31=75.80KN

In column 5-1=2.95+8.50+15.40+21.64+27.31+28.29=104.09 KN ↑

Similarly in last rear column axial force in column 8-4=104.09 KN ↓

In middle columns first left:

In column 26-22 & 27-23=2.95-2.95=0.

In the same manner the axial forces in all middle column is zero.

The Fig. 8 &9 shows the axial forces in the column.


1.This method gives values very nearly equal to the exact solution.

2. It is applicable to short and stocky frames whose h/w < 5.

3. Unlike the cantilever method, it can be applied to different frames except frames

with through columns.

4. It is very simple and fast compared with the cantilever method. It can be done on

the sketch of the frame itself.

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