Mental Health Matters: Wellness Strategies For Students and Teachers

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Raphael John A.

Villaflor April 21, 2021

BSHM-1202 Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality



We all know that the pandemic changes the lives of every people not in Philippines but
all over the world. We need to live with it because we didn’t know when will this pandemic end.
Approximately million of individual died because of Covid-19 and still counting. Because of the
pandemic, many people lost their jobs because of lockdown, also the students stop from going to
school, they probably attending online classes and answering their modules. And because of
having a hard time fighting the lack of personal needs, people tend to think deeply and his/her
mental health becoming the problem. People loses their confidence and his/her self-esteem
decreases. In the webinar, Ms. Venzon tackled how important is mental health to the people
nowadays especially during pandemic era. According to World Health Organization (WHO),
Mental health is important because it affects everything. It affects our ability to cope, adapt, and
solve problems. It also affects our ability to be happy, productive, and well
adjusted. Mental health is a topic that gets stigmatized so often in our society. Mental health is
not just about how you treat yourself from having anxiety, depression, problems, stress etc. But
it’s also included our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think,
feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy

I learned on how should every individual build up their own mental health because it
helps from what we need to do to make actions in every problem that we encounter. People
should know how to cope up with their own problem so that they will not lead on having stress
and falling into depression. I also learned how to have positive mindset in coping up with the
stress because it has a huge impact on human life. Especially this pandemic era, having a strong
mental health in managing personal emotions, making your own decision and maintaining
communication with other people. Pandemic anxiety is common nowadays, many students
commit suicide because of having a hard time in adjusting the new protocol of DepEd having
online modular classes. We need to stop this type of problem that occurs in our community, we
need to fight with our own anxiety and depression.

As a college student, I admit that sometimes I am having a hard time on answering quiz
and activities, attending class online but I know that I can do those things by adjusting on the
current situation, think positively that I can finish all the task and pass it on time. I can use the
knowledge that I gain by applying it to myself. How to deal with the problems along my way and
be strong so that I can avoid being depress and my anxiety don’t attack again. Because when I
think too much it leads on having emotional breakdown, all I can do is to cry all day and just lay
down on my bed, didn’t eat on time and being stubborn with my own actions. Yes, as an
individual I have my own strategies on how to cope up with stress anxiety and depression. First,
I clear my mind with all the problems I encounter before so that it won’t bother me anymore, I
let myself be calmed and think about happy thoughts and have positive vibes. I ask for the
presence of the Mighty God. And focusing on what should I do rather than being lazy all day.

We all know that conducting this kind of health awareness webinar is very important
especially to us students because we gain knowledge about mental health and it strengthens our
thoughts and feelings throughout our journey as student. What we need to do in order to have
positive mindset that affects our mental health and how to deal with anxiety and depression. I
want to say thank you for having this kind of webinar to let students know that mental health is
very important in every individual. And with this, we can influence other people to have broader
knowledge about mental health, giving them support and helping them with their problems.

Yes, first semester has passed and I already adapted with the lifestyle that I do everyday
especially waking up early in the morning to attend online class. Our teacher has their own way
on how to approach with us students. It is quite not easy, it is somehow challenging for them to
teach their students online, but as what I have observed, some professors first strategy is through
connecting with their students so they can understand each other especially when they both
experienced some uncertainties.

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