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A phenomenon of our time


is the increasing contact with
the beings called the Sidhe.
These ancient “cousins” of
humanity come to help us at a
time of planetary challenge and
rebirth. One of the leaders in
Moon Oracle
this resurgence of Sidhe-related
material is John Matthews whose of the
book The Sidhe is a definitive
landmark in exploring the new
territories of life and spirit the
Sidhe are presenting to us.
Now, aided by the exquisitely
evocative art of Will Kinghan,

John has produced a new
landmark. The Moon Oracle of
the Sidhe is a card deck and book rich with insights and hands-on
possibilities. It is an outstanding contribution to the collaboration
between the Sidhe and human beings, with all the promise this
collaboration can bring for the betterment of our world.

David Spangler, spiritual teacher and author of The Card Deck

of the Sidhe, Conversations with the Sidhe, Subtle Worlds, Journey into


Fire, and Working with Subtle Energies.

John Matthews
Lorian Press LLC
Art by
Wil Kinghan
Traverse City, MI
Moon Oracle
of the
has authored over 100 books including the following:

The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworlds (Lorian Press

A Constant Search for Wisdom (Lorian Press 2008)
Jack and the Wizard (Lorian Press 2016)
The Arthurian Tarot: A Hallowquest (with Caitlin Matthews)
(Aquarian Press, 1990)
The Celtic Shaman (Rider, 2000)
The Celtic Shaman’s Pack (Element, 1996)
The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shaman’s
Sourcebook (with Caitlín Matthews) (Rider 2000)
Gawain, Knight of the Goddess (Inner Traditions, 2003)
The Grail: Quest for the Eternal (Thames & Hudson, 1981)
The Grail: A Secret History (Godsfield Press/Barrons, 2005)
Merlin: Shaman, Prophet, Magician (Mitchell Beazley, 2004)
Pirates (Carlton/Harper Collins/Atheneum)
Quest for the Green Man (Godsfield Press/Quest Books,
Robin Hood: Green Lord of the Wildwood (Amberly, 2016)
Shaman’s Oracle (With Wil Kinghan) (Watkins 2010)
Taliesin: The Last Celtic Shaman (Inner Traditions, 2002)
Walkers between Worlds (with CM) (Inner Traditions, 2003)
The Wildwood Tarot (with Mark Ryan) 2011
The Shamanism Bible (Octopus 2013)
Moon Oracle
of the

John Matthews
Art by
Wil Kinghan

Copyright © 2017 by John Matthews

Art Copyright © 2017 by Wil Kinghan

John Matthews has asserted his right to be identified as the

author of this work. Wil Kinghan has asserted his right to be
identified as the artist of this work. All rights are reserved,
including the right to reproduce this book, or portions
thereof, in any form.

Cover and Interior Art by Wil Kinghan

Lorian Press LLC

6592 Peninsula Dr
Traverse City, MI 49686

ISBN: 978-0-936878-94-2

Matthews, John
The Moon Oracle of the Sidhe/John Matthews

First Edition: March 2017

To all who have stood beneath the
and felt it’s power.

To my wonderful wife, Caitlin for her wise words and

clarity of vision; to Wil for his noble work in the face of many
difficulties; to David for always believing; to all at Lorian
Press for their faith in this work and their encouragement;
to all those who have listened and followed. But most of
all to the Sidhe themselves for their faith in me.


INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1

PART ONE: The Moon of the Sidhe ................ 3

PART TWO: The Voice Of The Cards ............. 28

PART THREE: How The Oracle Works .......... 58

About The Author .............................................. 69

About The Artist ................................................. 70
About The Publisher ........................................... 71

“We are the Sidhe!”

I became instantly alert, the words ringing in my
mind. It was almost fifteen years since I had travelled to the
site of an ancient faery mound in Ireland and copied out
an image carved deep inside. By tuning in to this image,
known as the Great Glyph, I had been able to communicate
with beings that called themselves the Sidhe, a word that
has long been used to describe the ancient Faery race of
Ireland, but which I now know means much more. The
dialogue which followed from this, and which continued
over a period of six months, was eventually published
under the title The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld.
(The Lorian Press, 2004)
The book has proved both popular and influential
among the many hundreds of people who have read it.
The Great Glyph itself, which was given to me on the
understanding that it was to be shared freely among others,
has since appeared in a number of paintings, photographs,
and two card decks.
At the time, the Sidhe promised that if their words were
well received, they would communicate with me again. But
despite considerable interest in the book, I had rarely heard
from my original communicators, and only on personal
matters. Nor had I returned to the mound at Gort-na-Sheen.
Now, in the middle of the night, I felt a familiar presence
and heard again a voice that woke me with a start.
Sleep was no longer possible. I got up and went

downstairs to my study. There I sat for an hour, writing
the first new words I had heard from these people of the
Otherworld for almost six years. What follows is a transcript
of that text, with my linking commentary, and those that
followed, and a series of thirty images (the number was
precise) which I was guided to uncover, among countless
others carved onto rock faces, on the stones or hidden in
secret caves below the earth, all across the Celtic world. I
offer these here in the belief that they expand the next stage
in a continuing dialogue between ourselves and the Sidhe,
who seek to know better than people with whom they share
not only a world but deeper and more profound links then
we have ever understood.

John Matthews. Oxford,

January 2017


DAY 1: The Shield of the Moon

It was a warm night and the day had been stressful.
I lay awake wondering if I would be able to finish a big
publishing project on time. Then, as I lay between sleeping
and waking, I became aware of a voice in my head. A voice
I recognized.

We are the Sidhe. We welcome you again. The pattern we

weave is for all who seek to know us better. Together we shall
show you how to open the ways between the worlds.

Almost twenty years previously I had encountered

the beings I have called the Sidhe at a mysterious site in
Ireland and had trusted them, only slowly, to speak the
truth through me. They had done so, and many have since
found truths of their own in the words I had taken down,
day after day, at the direction of my communicators.
By the time I had finished writing down this latest
communication (see p.5 below) I knew that I was about
to begin a new chapter of the story of the Sidhe – this
time with a set of cards showing images chosen by them
from hundreds of photos and ancient sites. The project
already had its own momentum, though I had only the
vaguest impression of what it would contain. I knew it
was something the Sidhe wanted – they had asked me to
work on it over two years before, but I had postponed it

because of other work. Now I knew I could postpone the
work no longer. I knew that I was ready, and though other
projects still called me, they retreated into the background,
leaving my mind clear.
As I lay wake, unable to sleep until I began to write, I
felt as though I had been asleep in another way since I had
first crawled into the mound of Gort-na-Sheen and looked
at the Great Glyph, which has since become so familiar and
widely used among the community of seekers who have
devoted themselves to the Sidhe.
I felt again a familiar tingle of excitement as I lay in
bed, scribbling words in the notebook I keep on the night
stand. My white cat, Willow, who is far more psychic than
I, suddenly appeared at my side and sat quietly watching as
I wrote. Finally I was forced to get up and go to my office,
typing up the words I had scribbled down, and others that
came as I typed. I was to create an Oracle for the Sidhe, at
their behest and under their guidance. It would not be an
ordinary oracle, not for daily use, or the solving of riddles
(though that might come also, but later on). Rather it would
be for the exploration of deeper truths, a combination of
words and images that would carry the message of the
Sidhe to those willing to listen.
As I sat at my computer, words danced on the screen
as they had before. I could scarcely type fast enough. The
Sidhe had waited for me to be ready and now that I was,
they were impatient to begin. I heard what seemed almost
like a song:

We are of the earth. We sing its song. We count ourselves
fortunate to have seen what we have seen and learn what has been
revealed to us. Now is the time to share some of these things, just
as we did through you before. We are of one earth, and though the
light of the stars shines yet in our eyes, we turn to the earth for our
wisdom, to the mother who bore us both. There, we see reflected
the circle of the heavens and the light of the Moon, which are also
in the earth. We are cousins still. Come, let us journey together,
and let us unfold the mystery. Take the Path of the Stones and
hear what they have to tell…

A new image appeared in my mind like a shining light,

as clearly as the one I had copied down with a flickering
torch in Gort-na-Sheen years before. I made a quick sketch
in my notebook, and then it was explained. This new image
was about the Moon, and that despite what the Sidhe had
said about being of the earth, they still looked to her for
their wisdom. Soon enough I would come to see how these
things related. The Path of the Stones was indeed of the
earth, but it reflected the heavens also. (See Fig 1: The Shield
of the Moon Glyph)
The words on each card would combine to bring a
message. The positions on the glyph would suggest a path
and would lead to inner realizations of past, present and
future. Later, I would find, among the rough sketches and
notes I had made twenty years earlier, that I had already
seen the new image. Then, it had meant nothing; now it
showed the way. A new journey had begun…
Later as, sleep finally claimed me, I seemed to see lines

of light inscribed on the inside of my eyelids. Where before
I saw mostly blue, now I saw silver, as if the Sidhe were
literally writing words and images in moonlight. The effect
was exciting and breathtakingly beautiful.
From here I began, following a path of moonlight laid
down across the sleeping world. I found that, for the most
part, I could only work at night, as if under the influence
of the Moon as much as the Sidhe themselves.
The words were always mysterious, at times enigmatic,
yet somehow they made sense – at first to me, then to those
to whom I showed them. Now I trust again, that all who
discover the oracle of the Sidhe will find meaning and truth
in the images and words that accompany them.
The diary I kept of these communications are shown
here numbered rather than dated. The whole dialogue took
place over a period of six months, with several lengthy
breaks as both Wil and I worked on other projects. The
Sidhe were patient, up to a point, but quick to remind us if
we allowed the idea of the Oracle to fade from our everyday

DAY 2: The Moon’s Path

This morning I sat at my desk and opened myself
to the Sidhe. They were there at once, and I felt again a
recognizable presence, as if the same beings were talking
to me as before. I remembered how I had never been
certain whether it was the same being that spoke to me
each time, or whether they just seemed alike to me. I was
full of questions, but knew better than to ask. If I waited
they would explain everything. I closed my eyes….
Fig 1: The Shield of the Moon Glyph

Almost at once I was shown an image of the Moon, a

great glowing disc that seemed to fill the sky, as if it was
much nearer than it is today. With this came a chant that
echoed in my mind as if from a far-off place. As I looked,
lines began to appear, as if drawn in silver, superimposed
on the image of the Moon. They shone and then became
blue. Within the circle were five smaller roundels, and
around the outside of the drawing were four more.

This is the Shield of the Moon, said the voice in my head.
As I looked at the image I heard voices chanting:

Before the Moon

Behind the Moon
To the Left of the Moon
To the Right of the Moon
The Centre is the Sign.

I asked what this meant.

This is the new glyph that we give you. When the images
are drawn and painted and made into cards you will be able to
lay them at each of the five places on the Moon, and if you wish
on the four around it. This will be the power of nine.

As so often in the past I was uncertain what was

meant at first. Clearly it was something like the spreads
I was used to using in tarot reading, where each position
related to the question being asked. But this spread was
utterly different.
I looked at the sketch I had made. Do the four outer
circles relate to the four phases of the Moon? I asked.

Yes. But not this alone. They are part of the Moon’s story.
Once there were four other moons around the present one. Though
they have long been only a memory of dust, yet they remain still
in our thoughts. As they turn, so shall the cards you create. This
shall be the new glyph, by which you shall navigate.

I tried to frame more questions, but felt a familiar
tiredness creeping over me. I remembered how, when I had
worked with the Sidhe before, that either they, or I, could
sustain the link between us for a certain amount of time
only. I knew this session was coming to an end.
The voice spoke again.

Make a picture of the Moon and place it above your desk as

you did before. We shall show you the rest.

I knew that my contact was referring to the Great

Glyph, which was pinned over my desk while I wrote the
first of these books. It seemed that I was to have another
powerful link with the Sidhe.
With this the contact faded. I sat for a long time staring
at my screen, wondering what was to come, wondering
especially about the reference to four smaller moons that
had once existed. I knew that some scientists believed we
had once had two satellites, but four? If this truly related
in some way to the four aspects of the moon we observe
every month, this was fascinating. I began to search for
an image of the moon, and soon found one. I did not feel
comfortable drawing the new glyph over it, so I printed a
second copy next to the first and drew on it with blue lines.
As I sat and looked at it, a shiver went through me. There
was something very ancient indeed about this, just as there
was about the other image I had come to know so well.
Here is a computer rendering of the glyph. It is as true
as we could make it to what I saw today and drew roughly
in my notebook.

DAY 3: The New Glyph
I sit at my desk with fingers poised on the keys. The
images of the Moon, one plain, the other with the outline of
the new glyph superimposed on it, are pinned to the board
above me. I can almost feel its rays, though it is still daylight
outside. I am aware that it is still in the sky, even though I
cannot see it. As I look at the image, I hear a familiar voice.
I begin to write….

We are the Sidhe.
It is good to speak with you again. Before, we spoke in words
to you and gave these to be sent out into the world for those of
your kind who understood and who wish to learn more of us and
to learn from us. You did this, and we are pleased that so many
have entered into dialogue with us since that time through the
gates of your words and our thoughts.
But before speech came image. When your people first
appeared in the lands where we had already walked from the
ancient beginnings, we could not converse with them in words.
Only later, as with you, did we learn to seek out the shapes and
patterns within our minds and to convey our thoughts to you
in this way.
Before that we spoke to you through symbols, such as the
Great Glyph, which we gave to you. All over the world in those
places where we walked beside you, we whispered into the minds
of artisans and those who journeyed in spirit. To them we gave
shapes and images that they carved on stone. Thus came the
Great Glyph into being.
But there are many more. We encourage you to seek these
out, as we shall show you, and to offer them as a further means
of communication with us. Also, we shall extend our protection
to those who seek it, through the gates that these images open
between the worlds.
As before we will speak to you in words that you understand
and may convey to others. But of the greatest importance are the
images that we will guide you to find, to copy, and to share. These
are our most ancient and powerful language, and through them
you may learn more of us, as we learn more of you. We greet you

in friendship and respect. We are the Sidhe.

I respond with thanks and greetings of my own. At

the back of my mind is the thought: how shall we create
this oracle? This, I thought, would not be quite as simple
as before, when I listened and wrote, asked questions and
recorded the answerers. This time I would have to create
a system that works as an oracle, aided by half seen or
invisible collaborators.
At once I hear them respond:

You have but to listen and understand. All across the land
are stones, left behind by your ancestors. On them are inscribed
symbols. These are the language of which we speak. You have but
to consider them and we shall guide your choice.

I see in my mind a scene. I am in my office leafing

through books full of pictures of inscribed stones. My
friend, the artist Wil Kinghan, to whom I have already
spoken of this work, is at my side. We confer. We select
images when we feel the approval of the Sidhe. Wil begins
to sketch. I now know how the oracle will progress.

I ask: How shall we know what images to use?

They answer:

Look in your books, visit the places. We shall tell you which
symbols to use. We shall tell you what meanings they have. There
will be no more than thirty images. Number these as they are

The contact begins to fade. I am left staring at the
images over my desk.

Fig 2: The Shield Of The Moon

DAY 4: Patterns on the Moon

We have made a start. Several days have passed since
the initial conversations with the Sidhe. I called Wil and
outlined how we would work on the project. His response
was, as ever, enthusiastic. He already had several books
on the subject of ancient rock art and was keen to look

for images. We arranged to meet and this morning we sat
down together, leafing through the books he had brought
and others from my own collection. The scene was exactly
as I had seen it days ago. As we poured over the images
I would feel a moment of clarity, as if the light suddenly
came out from behind a cloud and illuminated a particular
image. At the end of a few hours we had narrowed our
search to fifty images. We knew we only needed thirty
but wanted to play it safe and check again. We went over
the images again and I felt them light up. Only this time,
some were ‘less bright’ than others. We set aside the ones
that still seemed dazzling and at the end of another hour
we had exactly thirty.
Wil headed home, clutching several books, and I
settled in front of my computer again. At once the Sidhe
was there.

You have begun well. We are pleased by this. Do not forget

to visit the places you have chosen. There we shall speak to you
in lines of light and shadow.

I asked if they could tell me more about the way the

cards would work.

The new glyph we have given you is the basis for all this
work. There are places to lay the cards. These will help you

As I listened I began to see an image building in my
mind. Once again I saw the Moon, but faintly. The lines of
blue shone out brilliantly. I saw the circle as before, with the
four smaller circles ranged about it. Now, I saw rectangular
shapes drawn on each of the four quarters, within the circle.
A fifth square was at the centre.
Again I heard the chant:

Before the Moon

Behind the Moon
To the Left of the Moon
To the Right of the Moon
The Centre is the Sign.

As I listened I noticed the shapes of the five positions

on the Moon, light up. The first top left hand quarter
was ‘Before the Moon’. The second top right quarter was
‘Behind the Moon’. The Third, bottom left was ‘To the Left
of the Moon’; the fourth, bottom right was ‘To the Right
of the Moon’. Finally, in the central position the glow
accompanied ‘The Centre is the Sign.’
I began to understand. These were places on which the
cards we were to create could be laid. It was not necessary
to have a printed sheet (though I understood one could be
drawn) but the pattern was the same. I also understood,
not with my own intelligence, but as a ‘sending’ from the
Sidhe, that the inner positions were somehow related to
the four smaller ones around the Moon. As so often, my
thought was answered:

Long ago the four small moons fell upon the greater. We call
them the Fallen Moons. They passed within the Great Moon and
became part of her. Thus, when the inner circles are activated,
the power is from the ancient moons. The Centre is the Heart of
the Great Moon herself. It speaks the answer to all who seek. The
outer circles are memories. Use them to strengthen or magnify
the readings you take from within.

I understood. While the five positions on the Moon

herself were central to the readings of the Oracle, the other
four were there to qualify the meaning. I felt a silent sense
of ascent to this.
I asked: Please tell me the meaning of the chant.

‘Before’ is that which has yet to be seen. ‘Behind’ is what

is past. ‘Left’ is the force that withholds. ‘Right’ is the force that
gives and connects. These are like the tides of the Moon. The
Centre draws all together.

I looked again at the rough drawing I had made on

the first night, and saw at once that I had not seen clearly
enough. I took a fresh sheet of paper and drew the circle.
Then I drew the four smaller circles around it, but using
dotted lines to suggest they were no longer there. Within
the circle of the Moon I now drew five circles, which I
numbered 1 to 5, and wrote on them: ‘Before’, ‘Behind’,
‘Left’, ‘Right’ and ‘Centre’.
As I worked I felt the approval of the Sidhe. I now
had a clearer sense of how the oracle would work. The

cards would be laid – I assumed in order from one to five –
according to the pattern specified by the Sidhe. They would
then be read as follows:

1: Before the Moon, would refer to future events.

2: Behind the Moon, would refer to past events.
3: The Left would refer to negative influences.
4: The Right would refer to positive influences.
5: The Centre would be an answer to the question

I felt a certain sense of disapproval at this. The voice


You see one as positive, the other as negative. This is too

cleanly cut for our understanding, but we know that your kind
have always seen things in black and white. If this is the only
way you can see, then so be it, but remember that what seems
‘negative;’ may be positive, and what seems ‘positive’ may also
be negative in your terms. There is a half-light that lives in our
world that makes no such distinctions. The nearest word in
your tongue would be ‘gloaming’. Here you may glimpse truths
that are neither of one or the other, but partake of each. This is a
subtlety you lack, but can be learned with time.

This idea of the twilight or gloaming struck a chord. I

remembered that the Celts placed great importance on the
time between one day and the next. For them, the period of
twenty-four hours was seen as night, followed by day. Each

new twilight heralded a new day. They also understood
that night and day consciousness was different. Today we
may think how thoughts and concerns look different when
considered in the middle of the night to the same things
by day.
Again I felt the approval of my communicator, who
now began to withdraw. The light faded from the image
I was holding in my mind and I found myself looking at
the new drawing I had made. It was rough, but I would
send it to Wil to redraw. This was the new glyph. I pulled
out the original sketches I had made at Gort-na-Sheen.
There, sure enough, was the image I had just redrawn.
How had I not noticed it was different when I first sketched
it out? Perhaps I had just been too tired. For a moment
I was back again inside the mound, seeing the carvings
on the stones by torchlight. There, on the rough stones,
was the circle I now knew to represent the Moon, and
around it the four smaller shapes. I realized that this was
similar to the complex images Wil and I had been looking
at just a few hours earlier, and I remembered that some
commentators had equated them to maps of the heavens.
I felt, in a way that is hard to describe, a merging of two
things – the above and below, the inner and outer – and
remembered the famous dictum of the hermetic teachings
of the late Classical world. The Emerald stone of Hermes
Trismegistus, Hermes the Thrice Blessed:

That which is above is as that which is below

That which is below is as that which is above.

Perhaps the writers of that time had known of the
Sidhe. Perhaps, in some way, they were the Sidhe?

DAY 5:
I should know by now to trust them, even when it
seems their words mean nothing – at least that I may
understand. The imagery of the moon surprised me – it
had not been part of the original message, and seemed in
some ways to take away from the stones. Then I realized
that the lines and hollows carved into the ancient stones
could be filled by moonlight, and the instruction to etch the
lines in silver suddenly made sense. Then, this morning, I
read of the recent discovery of an ancient moon calendar
(perhaps the oldest in the world?) discovered within the
ancient mound of Knowth, in Ireland. I remembered
again the cave into which I had crawled years since, and
my first sight of the carvings there, including the Great
Glyph. Though the patterns discovered at Knowth are
not the same as the new symbol given to me by the Sidhe,
yet it emphasizes one thing – the shape of ‘continents’ on
the moon, which can still be seen today and which were
faithfully copied by our ancestors. Surely this means they
were observing the moon and finding power and magic
within it? The images I looked at this morning seem full of
energy. I wait for the next communication eagerly.

DAY 6:
More images from Wil. These last two (numbers 5
and 6) were remarkable and produced immediate response

from the Sidhe. The texts we have been given so far are
strange, quite unlike any oracle I have seen before. I trust
the Sidhe to make them valid for those who seek answers
– but where do the paths they speak of lead?
As I wrote these words the Sidhe entered my
consciousness. I sensed a certain degree of displeasure, or
perhaps impatience is a better word.

The paths are shining paths. They lead to the moon and
stars – not those of the outer world, but those of the inner places
of the earth, where our realm is found. You question the words we
give you to open the images… There is more that we could tell,
but what then would be the value of such things? We do not seek
to choose the paths for you. The images themselves open doors,
pathways of light. When your kind are in darkness, as we know
you to be often, look upon the images and see what they evoke.
Only if you are lost to their truth do you need to read the words
we have given. We speak only the truth and not in riddles – it is
for you to discover what these things mean to you.

I accepted the rebuke – if such it was. I know now that

we must take whatever comes and await the dawning of

DAY 7:
Last night I stood beneath the moon and looked at
the outlines of the ancient continents, buried in seas of
dust. The energy seemed more powerful than ever – not
surprisingly perhaps, given my work on this oracle. Next

week we have organized a trip to Cumbria, where so many
of the stones lie. What awaits us there I cannot tell, but I
sense a stirring in the presence of the Sidhe, which to me
seems akin to excitement.

DAYS 8, 9 & 10: Cumbria

Three days of walking, wandering, stretching out our
minds towards the stones with their enigmatic markings.
Again and again we would think that nothing was there,
despite the markings on our map; then suddenly there
would be a stone lying at our feet, and I would hear the
voice of the Sidhe in my mind, giving assent to our use
of the images. Wil sketched everything, and we took
photographs (not all of which were still there when we
checked our equipment at the end of the day!). A record
was made and images like smoke coalesced around us. I felt
that in many cases I already knew what the images would
‘say,’ what I would write when the time came. A couple of
times the stones forced a response from me, and I would
write the words that will eventually appear in conjunction
with the images on the card deck. As we stood together on
a piece of flat ground from which a single great stone thrust
up, the Sidhe spoke.

The stones you see and touch are but the shadows of reality.
In the place where we walk, the stones sing. It is the Great Song
of the universe. It brings us joy as we stand in the light of star
and moon. One day, if the prophecies be true, we shall share
these things as equals. Until then, look to the power of the stones

and bathe in the light of the Moon. Moon and Stone – the paths
between are for all to walk.

I realized as I listened, that this was the text for one

of the cards; that it came from the image that stood before
us. I looked at Wil’s sketch then wrote the words that now
appear on card 15. [When I typed them into the manuscript
of this book, they grew somewhat in the telling, as the
Sidhe refined their original message.] Wil says he can see
our galaxy rising above the stone and that it will be on the

DAY 11:
Home again, tired by happy with the crop of images
we had gathered. This morning I awoke to news of the
rediscovery of the Stone in Auchnacraig, Faifley, West
Dumbartonshire, Scotland. It was lost to sight in 1965, when
it was decided to bury it to protect it from vandalism. The
exact location was then mislaid, and only now has it come
to light. Only drawings from a 1937 excavation existed as
a record, but now we can examine the original carvings
This would have been of enormous interest to me
anyway, but as soon as I looked at the photographs posted
in the newspaper reports of the discovery, I knew at once
that this was one of the stones that would feature in this
oracle. I became aware of the Sidhe at my elbow.

This was one of the Great Stones upon which the mysteries
were inscribed. It gladdens our hearts that it is once more revealed
and though the images of this work on which you are involved it
may once again show the way to those who seek truth.

I look forward greatly to the image that will incorporate

the markings from this ancient stone. I am sure it will be
especially powerful.

DAY 12:
This weekend gone I was part of a series of magical
actions – visualizations and a ritual based upon the
medieval Grail text known as The Elucidation, upon which
my wife and I have recently completed a year of work. (see
The Lost Book of the Grail, Skylight Press, 2018). This I had not
seen as particularly part of the Sidhe work, but it became
clear as the weekend progressed that they were very much

linked. I was aware of more than one of the tribe with whom
I have been communicating (a rare event in itself) and
they signaled their pleasure in regard to the work we did.
Essentially this was concerned with restoring an ancient
link, long since broken, between Faery and humankind. I
had worked on this for many years and it was, of course,
part of the wisdom I gleaned from the previous contact
with the Sidhe. Then, I had been told that there was a deep
link between our two races and that each needed the other.
Here, at the end of the ritual in which the energies of the
Faery and Arthurian grails were brought together, I was
told ‘We are all of one kin.’ This was repeated several times,
with great emphasis. Returned now, I was given the text to
accompany Card no 16. Here the emphasis was about the
recognition that we, as a race, are part of a larger circle of
being. Our relationship with the Sidhe remains shadowy,
and at times they are hostile to us, but the re-forging of an
ancient bond felt strong and durable.

DAY 13:
More images continue to grow in my files, and in
my thoughts. The range is astonishing and never seems
to repeat itself. The Sidhe choose the images, Wil paints
them, and I sit and wait for my communicator to tell me
what to write. As ever, the voice is clear in my mind and
the vision shifts between everyday reality and something
other. Though I have listed the days sequentially here, for
the sake of clarity and to show the gradual evolving of the
work, there have been breaks in communication, periods

when neither of us could see around the corner past the
stresses and strains of everyday living. But the contact has
always been strong, the communication swift and clear
when we were able to focus.
Now there are just two cards left to complete, the final
29 card and the image that will go on the back. This last

was a surprise. We had been told there would be 30 images,

but only in the last few days has it become clear that 29 of
these will be the actual cards – the 30th will be the back. I
had been wondering for some time what this would be,
and it was finally revealed just a few days ago.
As before, it came to me as I lay in that state between
sleep and waking in the middle of the night, just as the
instructions concerning the Moon had me writing for
hours in the darkness and stillness before dawn. Again, the
message seemed to come as much from the Moon herself
as from the Sidhe.
It was a particularly strong full moon that night, and
as always I was restless. Then I heard, clearly, the words I
had come to expect: We are the Sidhe. Then: The time has come
to fulfill the last part of our message to you and your kind.
Once again I rose and came to sit at my computer. This
is what I was told:

The Moon has many faces, many truths to tell. As she

passes across the sky she changes to our eyes, seeming to shrink
and grow again as night follows night. We have watched this
for many thousands of years, as have you, and we have learned
that each face brings a new teaching. There are 29 phases of this

passage from dark to full, from full to dark, and one for each of
these phases we have given you. We have instructed you in the
means by which you may read these images, but now we must add
that you may, if you so desire, read each card on the appropriate
day of the Moon’s phase. Thus on the 6th phase you may read the
6th card, numbered as we have shown you.

(I had been told, almost from the start, on Day 3 of

the communications, that we should number the cards
sequentially as each one was completed. This was the
only instruction I received as to their ordering. As you will
quickly observe, the numbered sequence of the cards do
not necessarily correspond to the phases of the moon over
its 29 day cycle.)

The final image must reflect this passage of the phases. This
will be the last of the 30 images we promised and will go on the
back of each card. Thus you will always be aware of the pattern
that guides your thoughts.

As I heard this, into my mind came the clear likeness

of a pattern, shaped roughly like an S, on which was strung
the growing and shrinking phases of the Moon, like silver
beads on a thread. I made a quick, very rough sketch for
Wil and sent it off to him. He responded eagerly, but said
that he knew he must finish the 29th card before this last
part of the task.
So, I wait now for the 29th image, the words that will
accompany it, and the final pattern that holds it all together.

We are only days from finishing. This has been, as before,
an exhilarating journey.

DAY 14:
The final image (apart from the card back) just arrived.
I do not know what I expected, but when I saw it I gasped
aloud. Here was the original glyph from Gort-na-Sheen,
much as I remember it from my first visits to the site. All
the more amazing because Wil has never been there – yet
the shape and feel of the chamber were perfectly captured
in this image.
I have only now to await the last words to accompany
this card and the task is accomplished. It has been an
extraordinary and humbling experience. I feel that the
wisdom of the Sidhe has accompanied me daily since we
began. I hope that all who use this oracle will find it as
inspiring as we have to write and paint it.

John Matthews & Wil Kinghan

Oxford, 2017


Here follow the words that were given to me to

accompany each card. As Wil painted and then forwarded
each one to me, I would sit with it and wait the message
that would come. Always, this was swift and clear. I had
no time to consider the image, no time to find my own
understanding of what it might mean. Often, the messages
were enigmatic, and some still are obscure to me. Yet I
believe they hold a great wisdom, and that for those who
use them, they will convey the guidance they seek. It was
only revealed in the last few days of writing that they
did indeed form a sequence – something I had pondered
frequently – equated to the 29 phases of the Moon. Though
I believe it is not essential to understand this while reading
the cards, it is obviously an important underlying aspect
of the Sidhe’s message to us.

1: Will you follow the path of the Moon? Two ways it offers.
One shall lead to victory; the other to silence. Above you
the stars shine between the branches of the sacred trees. Do
you hear their singing? The song threads it way through
all the worlds, ours as well as yours. Listen for it. Will you
follow the path of the moon?

2: Thirteen circles chart the path. But one way leads into all.
Three paths surround the heart. The snow gathers in the
circle of time. What will you see? Will you place your hopes
in the circles of the Moon? You may see truth everywhere,
but what if you see lies? The way is long but the blood rises
still in the heart. Hearken to the truth of the Moon.

3: The sun rises every morning. You see it but you do not
recognize it. When will you truly awaken to what is around
you? The sun is more than the sun; it is an inner sun that
burns bright within you. Yet you do not acknowledge it
unless called upon to do so by remarkable circumstances.
If you seek the light do not let clouds come between you
and your own sun. Fashion your life accordingly.

4: Ask yourself why you would seek to enter the
Otherworld. What does it mean to you? Many come here
seeking wisdom but do not find it. Many go away filled with
sorrow or anger because they feel they have been poorly
treated. We attend to all who seek, when we can; but we
cannot speak to all. Ask yourself, what do you seek here?
What is the path you are following?

5: There are times when the Moon is hidden. Yet it is still
there. In daylight you cannot see it, but you feel its power.
Often in your life you will experience moments when your
vision is clouded, or when the way is hidden. What will
you do when this happens? Will you stop and rest or try
to move forward, straining to see? There are times when
the Moon is hidden, when the path is hidden. Remember
this. In what is hidden all may be revealed.

6: Three paths lie before you, each leading to another door,
each door opening upon a place of possibility. Where will
you walk? One is the well-trodden path; the second is
the way seldom followed; the third leads to the place of
mystery. In the world between worlds all paths are the
same, yet all are different. The choice is yours. Where will
you walk?

7: The Star shines out above you. Yet it is also in the earth
beneath. It has been said: there are stars in the earth. Light
is wherever you seek to find it. Look to the light and you
will see the paths that run between the stars and descend
into the earth. We are creatures of light and darkness. You
also share this dual nature. Look to the star and the path
will open before you.

8: The face of the Old One looks out at you from the stone.
What does he say to you? The Waters of the Moon surround
him and carry his words into your world. Listen for a time
and see what you hear. Write down the words and consider
them. The most ancient truths speak loudly to the heart –
listen and follow the path of the heart’s calling.

9: Where the light dawns it shines before you, illuminating
your path and showing you the way forward. Sometimes
the path may seem meandering and at others it may seem
to lead towards places of challenge or fear. When this seems
to be the case, do not forget that the path may also lead to
places of joy and repose. Remember, too, that your path
may well be guided, and that it always guarded. Observe
the path before you and remember there are tributaries that
may invite you to explore other ways of understanding
your path.

10: Nine times the choice is offered, nine times held out to
you. How many times will you seek the answer? How long
will you hold back from the path that lies before you? The
moon gates are open and the choice is yours. Though you
may not feel the current, the tides surround you. Answer
the call and the shape of your path will become clearer.

11: To what task will your hand turn? How will you
accomplish your goal? The path you follow may be obscure,
the truth you seek more so, but only by asking such
questions each day will you find what you are seeking.
We show you here that even though there may be as many
paths before you as the things you seek to accomplish, yet
all are subtly connected. The path of the moon is one of
dream and hiddenness, but only by following it will you
find what you seek. Between moon and sun, between air
and water, between earth and sky, the mysteries of life
evolve for all.

12: We raise our hands to the wind and feel its breath upon
us. We look to the water and see ourselves reflected in it.
We listen to the song of the earth and hear our own voices
become part of it. We look to the light of sun, moon and
star and see with the magic of their power. Thus we are
part of all the worlds and the worlds all a part of us. This
is the wisdom we offer in answer to your plaint.

13: As the leaves fall and the light dims we feel sorrow and
remember those who have passed beyond our finding.
Dreams also are passed over and are sometimes forgotten.
Will you not remember your dreams this day? Will you
not join with those who walk forward under the rays of
the moon and sun; who dance in the aura of starlight to
awake fresh longings in the heart, to advance towards the
realization of a new, unproven time?

14: At the edge of the world lie scattered moments too
many to name, moments like seeds which, when planted,
lead deeper into the heart of earth, the depths of sky, the
tranquil pathways of water. Stand where you are and
take a moment to orient yourself. Feel each direction as
it sends forth its energies to you. Turn to each place and
recognize its importance for you. Will you walk on earth,
be strengthened by fire, ennobled by water, enrobed in air?
Stretch out your hands and touch the fibers of creation, for
there you are placed for a reason.

15: Here you look upon the great turning of stars that in
your tongue is called Way of Milk, your starry home. [i.e.
The Milky Way] The stones you see and touch are but the
shadows of reality. In the place where we walk, the stones
sing. It is the Great Song of the universe. It brings us joy
as we stand in the light of star and moon. One day, if the
prophecies be true, we shall share these things as equals.
Until then, look to the power of the stones and bathe in the
light of the Moon. Moon and Stone – the paths between are
for all to walk. Listen for the Song that is in all things.

16: These are the signals of power, the tokens of life and
the passage beyond. When water touches them, it gathers
in shapes and runs forth, nourishing the land. When the
moon touches it, you will see it blaze with power. If your
life is weakened, touch this image for strength, for when
you do so you enter into the compact between us. If your
life is powerful, touch the stone and share your strength
with others. Remember you are part of a greater circle of

17: To what do you cling in time of need? What holds
you faithfully to your life? These are questions not often
asked and less easily answered. To us the power resides in
everything we touch, see, smell, hear. We are surrounded
by light and life. The Moon sends its strength to us, and
draws signs above our heads to show we are part of the
circle of all things. From the heart of the swirling energy of
all the worlds, lines of strength stretch out to hold us. You
also are held. The brightness is everywhere.

18: Between water and sky, stone rests. The horns of the
Moon look on at all we do. As the water wears away life,
so the sky is threaded with light. We draw patterns no one
sees, but we ourselves are seen. Look at the reflections and
you will see how life moves between one place and another.
Dream your way into our world; listen to the song of the
earth; practice being clear; learn to rest your thoughts in
the Moon’s light.

19: Everywhere there are links in the great chain of being.
It has been wisely said that we are all connected. In the
embrace of the Moon are many tribes who speak to each
other – and to you: gifting you with wisdom. In this way,
we assemble the truths that help us to accomplish what
needs to be accomplished. Though time seems to move too
fast, yet in truth it stands still for those who look into the
Moon’s eye and find there the strength to move forward at
their own pace. Seek the path you need to bring you into
the place where you desire to be and in which you need
to dwell.

20: Why do you race so hard to reach your goals? Why do
you fail to notice what is everywhere around you? From
us you may learn to stand still for a time, to reach out to
each moment as it passes you and to seize from it whatever
there may be. Thus, you may reach a place of balance, where
racing ahead becomes no longer important and standing
still offers fresh wonder. May your thirsty souls drink
deeply. May the Moon’s light gleam upon the fields you
know and cast only pleasing shadows over the earth upon
which you walk. This is our blessing to you all.

21: You seem unaware of the links that exist between all
things. Though some amongst you have noted these things,
yet you continue to ignore them. Yet, once you understand
how one thing mirrors another, how an action has its
response in all the worlds, you will become freer within
your own sphere of life. Every day you should stretch out
with your consciousness to touch the things that surround
you. Let each part of creation speak to you. Prepare yourself
for whatever is to come.

22: The Moon’s rays brighten the darkness, showing forth
the mystery that surrounds us. Look not at the things that
seem clear and real to you, but at the things that appear
insubstantial and fragile, the stuff of dreams. From the
deep heart of the earth, where all growing things have their
beginning, come messages that only those with eyes to see
can read. Learn how to see these things by opening your
senses to the world around you. Do not hide in the dark
but look at the bright blessings that are everywhere around
you. If your road seems to lead only deeper into the dark,
shine the light of your infinite self so that all is illumined.
You are every bit as much a being of light as we.

23: Hidden within the green and golden light are many
secrets. These will become evident once you relinquish
the weight that holds you down. Look always towards the
Moon – even though it may seem to be hidden it is there
yet – and follow its shafts to the heart of the mystery. Look
beyond the circle you draw around yourself to the truths
that lie beyond. In the deep places where we dwell, the
Moon shines. In the deepest levels of your being, the Moon
shines also. The eyes of the night are ever open, never sleep.
Your answers are reflected from the world within.

24: The patchwork of dreams is present within you, whether
or not you remember it. They give life to the paths you
walk and may teach you the truths you seek even if you are
unaware of them. Do not dismiss your dreams, for they are
a true seeing. Seek the nine and the four, for these are true
mysteries. Much has been said of the paths that all who seek
wisdom must follow. Know this: when such paths diverge
or offer choices, let the Moon be your guide, walk the path
of greatest illumination. Though you wander, your way is
assured. We cannot guide your steps, but we will welcome
your coming with joy.

25: From the Mouth
of the Stone and the
Eye of the Moon come
many messages.
Though these may
seem unclear, if you
take time to consider
and to dream, they
will become clear.
You may come to
this place and this
moment with no idea
of the purpose that
brought you here,
but though it be the
last day of your life,
yet it has meaning.
Nothing that happens in your world, or ours, is without
meaning – even the darkest of things. Though you may
think to turn away, or to hide from terror and darkness, yet
your hidden self will look still to the truth, and though you
may be unaware of it, yet that hidden self will acknowledge
the truth whether your eyes see it or not. Always remember
that beyond the curve of the horizon wherever and
whenever it is seen, lie new realizations. Be ready for these
and you will not fail in your journey of intent.

26: Light encircles us all. Thus we are kindred despite our
differences. If you could see all things as constellating
around you – all ideas, people, beliefs and wisdom as part
of a greater whole – not fragmented as you seem always
to view your home and those around you – you will find
the patterns you seek, the truths and meanings you desire.
Thus you will be able to make pilgrimage to the heart of
your goal, finding there, in the patterns of creation, the
answers you seek. Do not look only to the things you see
first, but beyond them to a greater truth.

27: The fire of the Moon is in your heart, as is it in ours.
It lights the way to your understanding. It connects you
to the Circle of the Infinite. Look now at this image. Ask:
does the light rise from the Earth to the Moon, or does it
come from the Moon to bless the Earth? Are both answers
true? Are you connected to the infinite world where Sidhe
and human dance together under the promised light? Do
you make your choices or are they made for you? Answer
these things from the heart and you will understand how
we walk one path. We walk before you and behind you, to
left and to right. We are in your hearts and minds. Together
we bring wisdom to the worlds.

28: From beneath the earth messages rise to fill the land.
Wherever you walk – though far from the open places –
these messages await you. If you seek guidance it is always
present. Do not ask for simple answers – though there are
times when they will seem so – always look beneath the
surface for deeper truths. Each circle widens the scope of
what you seek. In life, as your journey progresses, look
beyond the circle in which you walk; look to the horizon,
or to the Moon herself. All truths are one truth. Remember
this when you reach the breaking of the ways. Stand in the
light of the Moon and listen to the voices that sing in the
wind. Comfort is given by the earth herself.

29: You have shone a light into this place and seen the shape
of the Great Glyph for yourself. You have walked with us,
and we with you, throughout the days that are recorded
here. The oracle speaks to those who listen. The shape here
is one that all may follow. It is a sign that all may know.
When the light grows dim, enter this place and be welcome.
Sit for a time and let the strength of the Stones and the
light of the Moon reach your deepest self. Draw upon that
strength until the light broadens again. Take with you our
blessing, now and in all times yet to be.


It is important to understand that this is not an

ordinary oracle, where you simply lay out the cards and
read for an answer. This is one use, but there is much
more, as the Sidhe make clear throughout the remarkable
messages they have chosen to share along with the imagery
of each card. The words of the Sidhe are not always easy
to comprehend, but their instructions are clear in the way
the oracle should be used.
The first instruction is simple and direct.
The images are most important. If you find yourself
in need of advice, encouragement, inspiration, strength
of purpose, draw one of the cards at random and look at
the image. Take as long as you need. You may find that
the card opens for you and draws you in. You may find
yourself undertaking a journey into the heart of whatever
matter it is that troubles you. If this does not happen – or
even if it does and you return from your journey with any
uncertainty – turn to the text which accompanies the card
of your choosing. Read the Oracle and see how it speaks
to you. Do not rush it. The words may seem impenetrable
or obscure, but this comes from our inability to see clearly
what we are being shown. If the meaning is not immediately
clear, wait a while, or if the matter is urgent draw another
card and study that in the same way – always allowing the
image to speak first… Alternately you may wish to proceed
to the deeper reading method outlined below.

For a deeper reading, or qualification of the question or
issue you sought to explore, lay out five cards in the pattern
shown below. If you can print out an image of the moon
so much the better, or you might simply copy the glyph
from p13. Neither is essential. You can simply lay out the
cards in the positions shown, in the following order: Top
left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, center.
As you do so, say the Charm of the Sidhe out loud:

Before the Moon

Behind the Moon
To the Left of the Moon
To the Right of the Moon
The Centre is the Sign.

Once you have arranged the cards in this order,

examine them carefully, beginning with the Central card,
which may be seen to represent your issue. (You may well
find that sometimes your eye is drawn to one of the other
cards – if this happens consider that to be the card of your
question and look to the central card for the concluding
Read the other cards in the order in which you laid

Top left = Before the Moon: what is to come
Top right = Behind the Moon: what is past
Bottom left = To the left of the Moon:
that which withholds.
Bottom right = To the right of the Moon:
that which gives and connects.
Center = The Sign which draws all together.

The cards to left and right should not be read as simply

positive and negative. Remember the words of the Sidhe
in answer to this very human way of thinking:

You see one as positive the other as negative. This is too

cleanly cut for our understanding, but we know that your kind
have always seen things in black and white. If this is the only
way you can see, then so be it, but remember that what seems
‘negative;’ may be positive and what seems ‘positive’ may also
be negative, in your terms. There is a half-light that lives in
our world that makes no such distinctions. The nearest word in
your tongue would be ‘gloaming’. Here you may glimpse truths
that are neither of one or the other, but partake of each. This is a
subtlety you lack, but can be learned with time.

Remember, too, the importance of the twilight time,

when the problems of the day may melt into shadow or
become greater as the night draws in.
If you seek to expand the reading to clarify your
oracle, draw another four cards and place these around
the outside of the 5 you have already chosen. These, the

Sidhe told me are:

“echoes from the time when the four satellites still existed,
and as such are rooted in the time of the Ancestors, a time
when truths were written more clearly on the earth and in the

Read these cards in any order you wish, perhaps

connecting the outer positions with the inner, the ancient
moons with those that are now within the Moon herself.

Sample Readings

Here are two examples of readings we made for friends

to test the power and accuracy of the Oracle.
One person was looking towards signing a hugely
important contract that would change both his life and
that of his dependents. He drew a single card, no 10 in the
listing, with the following answer:

“Nine times the choice is offered, nine times held out to

you. How many times will you seek the answer? How long will
you hold back from the path that lies before you? The moon gates
are open and the choice is yours. Though you may not feel the
current, the tides surround you. Answer the call and the shape
of your path will become clearer.”

This was hugely clear to him, and he felt at once that

the offers were going to come in from different directions,
so that he would have a choice which to accept. This turned
out to be the case.
Another was a person who felt their life was falling
apart. What wisdom did the Sidhe offer? She drew card
11, which gave the following answer

“To what task will your hand turn? How will you
accomplish your goal? The path you follow may be obscure, the
truth you seek more so, but only by asking such questions each
day will you find what you are seeking. We show you here that
even though there may be as many paths before you as the things

you seek to accomplish, yet all are subtly connected. The path of
the moon is one of dream and hiddenness, but only by following
it will you find what you seek. Between moon and sun, between
air and water, between earth and sky, the mysteries of life evolve
for all.”

There was much here which spoke to our enquirer. She

took heart from it and moved ahead into calmer waters.
Finally, we were asked by a man who was about to
enter into a business arrangement with someone he did not
know well. How would this work out? This time we drew
five cards, as follows:

1: 2:
The Future The Past
Card #20 Card #7

The Sign
Card #25

3: 4:
That which That which
withholds gives
Card #15
Card #21

FUTURE. 20: Why do you race so hard to
reach you goals? Why do you fail to notice
what is everywhere around you? From us you
may learn to stand still for a time, to reach out
to each moment as it passes you and to seize
from it whatever there may be. Thus you may
reach a place of balance, where racing ahead
becomes no longer important and standing
still offers fresh wonder. May your thirsty souls drink deeply.
May the Moon’s light gleam upon the fields you know and cast
only pleasing shadows over the earth upon which you walk. This
is our blessing to you all.

PAST. 7: The Star shines out above you. Yet

it is also in the earth beneath. It has been said:
there are stars in the earth. Light is wherever
you seek to find it. Look to the light and you
will see the paths that run between the stars
and descend into the earth. We are creatures
of light and darkness. You also share this dual
nature. Look to the star and the path will open
before you.

WITHDRAWN. 21: You seem unaware of
the links that exist between all things. Though
some amongst you have noted these things, yet
you continue to ignore them. Yet, once you
understand how one thing mirrors another,
how an action has its response in all the
worlds, you will become freer within your own
sphere of life. Every day you should stretch
out with your consciousness to touch the things that surround
you. Let each part of creation speak to you. Prepare yourself for
whatever is to come.

OFFERED. 15: Here you look upon the great

turning of stars that in your tongue is called
Way of Milk, your starry home. [i.e. The
Milky Way] The stones you see and touch are
but the shadows of reality. In the place where
we walk, the stones sing. It is the Great Song
of the universe. It brings us joy as we stand
in the light of star and moon. One day, if the
prophecies be true, we shall share these things as equals. Until
then, look to the power of the stones and bathe in the light of the
Moon. Moon and Stone – the paths between are for all to walk.
Listen for the Song that is in all things.

SIGN. 25: From the Mouth of the Stone and
the Eye of the Moon come many messages.
Though these may seem unclear, if you take
time to consider and to dream, they will
become clear. You may come to this place and
this moment with no idea of the purpose that
brought you here, but though it was the last
day of your life yet it has meaning. Nothing
that happens in your world, or ours, is without meaning – even
the darkest of things. Though you may think to turn away, or
to hide from terror and darkness, yet your hidden self will look
still to the truth, and though you may be unaware of it, yet that
hidden self will acknowledge the truth whether your eyes see it
or not. Always remember that beyond the curve of the horizon
wherever and whenever it is seen, lie new realizations. Be ready
for these and you will not fail in your journey of intent.

This reading pointed to many things. In the past it

suggested that the querant had failed to be aware if the
influences for positive good that shone upon him. In the
future it encouraged him not to rush into things. That which
was withdrawn was about him having taken insufficient
notice of the interior connections between events and that
which gave told him to walk the middle way while being
aware of other paths. The Sign was clear in its reminder that
nothing was accidental, and that signs could indeed point
the way forward. He must be ready for fresh inspiration
and be prepared for every eventuality. This gave our
querant guidance that was of genuine help in making some

important decisions. The outcome, though not what he had
expected, was well received and looked towards greater
From these experiences, as well as other work we
carried out, we learned that there was a real pattern to
follow in reading with the Oracle.

1: When reading the cards always let the images

speak first. If they seem unclear or your realization
is unexpected or difficult to comprehend, look to
the texts given here and follow whatever advice or
instruction you find there. Perhaps you might read
them aloud.
2: Take it slowly. Especially if you draw more than
one card.
3: Write down anything you have learned from each
card before continuing to the next.
4: Feel when a phrase or metaphor resonates within
5: Let the reading sink in. Do not try to understand
everything at once unless the answer you receive
is utterly clear.

Like everything that comes from the Sidhe the words

and pictures are sometimes enigmatic, yet we have found
them to hold immense wisdom, and others who have
worked with them have spoken of the depths of feeling
they invoke. The Sidhe pose many questions that you may
not be able to answer at once. All answers take their time to

emerge fully. Let every answer expand like ripples across
water – when the ripples reach the sides of the pool they
may send back their answer.
In the end, however you decide to work with the Moon
Oracle, through meditation or by swift realization of the
answer you seek within a single card, their wisdom shines
through, as does that of the moon. By working with these
images you are helping to heal an ancient breach between
the Sidhe and ourselves, and bringing our two races closer
to the day when we may acknowledge each other openly
and come together for the enlightenment of our changing
and eternal worlds.

The Blessing of the Sidhe, given as I wrote the last few

words of this book:

The Light of Moon

The Strength of the Earth,
The Knowledge of the Winds
The Song of the Waters
The Warmth of the Fire
Are with you already.
Their blessing is ours to give.
We give it freely.
We are the Sidhe.

About the Author


a full-time writer since 1980
and has produced over one
hundred books on myth, faery,
the Arthurian Legends and
Grail Studies, as well as short
stories, a volume of poetry and
several successful children’s
His best known and most
widely read works are ‘Pirates’
(Carlton/ Athenaeum), ‘The
Grail, Quest for Eternal Life’
(Thames & Hudson, 1981) ‘The Winter Solstice’ (Quest
Books, 1999) which won the Benjamin Franklin Award for
that year, and ‘The Wildwood Tarot’ (with Mark Ryan).
His book ‘Celtic Warrior Chiefs’ was a New York Public
Library recommended title for young people, and the more
recent ‘Arthur of Albion’ won a Gold Medal from NAPPA,
a gold Moonbeams award and a BIB Golden Apple Award.
John has been an advisor and contributor to the movie
‘King Arthur’, and has made appearances on both History
Channel and Discovery Channel specials on Arthur and
the Holy Grail.
He lives in Oxford, England with his wife, the writer
Caitlin Matthews, and a white cat named Willow.

About the Artist

WIL KINGHAN is a designer,

artist and writer living in
Oxford, UK. He studied
Archeology at University
College Dublin and Design
at NCAD in the 1980’s before
working in advertising and
commercial television.
Wil’s digital art and cover
designs feature in a number
of recently published works, including: “The Lost Tarot of
Nostradamus” (Connections 2011) and “The Steampunk
Tarot – Gods of the Machine” (2012), where he developed
a vision of a steampunk parallel universe. A recent project
was “The Cathar Tarot” for Watkins in London. In addition
to his creative career and building on his media and
communication skills, Wil holds Diploma and City and
Guilds qualifications in Counselling, Hypnotherapy and
NLP (IICH Ireland) and teaches a course in British Celtic
Shamanism in Oxford with author friend John Matthews.
He currently lives in Little Milton, Oxford, UK, with
his partner Melanie, daughter Anabelle, and cats Sky and

About the Publisher

Lorian Press LLC is a private, for profit business which

publishes works approved by the Lorian Association.
Current titles can be found on the Lorian website www. Our address is:

Lorian Press LLC

6592 Peninsula Dr.
Traverse City, MI 49686

The Lorian Association is a not-for-profit educational

organization. Its work is to help people bring the joy,
healing, and blessing of their personal spirituality into their
everyday lives. This spirituality unfolds out of their unique
lives and relationships to Spirit, by whatever name or in
whatever form that Spirit is recognized. The address is:

The Lorian Association

PO Box 1368
Issaquah, WA 98027

For more information, go to

The Moon Oracle of the Sidhe has 29 unique cards

sized 3”X 4.5”. The card deck can be purchased through
the bookstore or retailers like

A phenomenon of our time


is the increasing contact with
the beings called the Sidhe.
These ancient “cousins”of
humanity come to help us at a
time of planetary challenge and
rebirth. One of the leaders in
Moon Oracle
this resurgence of Sidhe-related
material is John Matthews whose of the
book The Sidhe is a definitive
landmark in exploring the new
territories of life and spirit the
Sidhe are presenting to us.
Now, aided by the exquisitely
evocative art of Will Kinghan,

John has produced a new
landmark. The Moon Oracle of
the Sidhe is a card deck and book rich with insights and hands-on
possibilities. It is an outstanding contribution to the collaboration
between the Sidhe and human beings, with all the promise this
collaboration can bring for the betterment of our world.

David Spangler, spiritual teacher and author of The Card Deck

of the Sidhe, Conversations with the Sidhe, Subtle Worlds, Journey into


Fire, and Working with Subtle Energies.

John Matthews
Lorian Press LLC
Art by
Wil Kinghan
Traverse City, MI

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