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Name: Carlos Nhalungo.


For various reasons, the digital platform has been much sought after not only by
students, who seek other ways to learn more about topics that please them, but also
by teachers, who seek other ways to distribute their knowledge and generate

Advantages of studying online for students

I separated 5 main reasons that lead people to choose this type of education:

1. Freedom of choice

One of the main reasons that has made people choose to take an online course is
the freedom they have to study what they like best.

2. Autonomy at schedules

In addition to being able to choose what to study, a great advantage of distance education for
students is that they have autonomy to study at any time they want.

3. Saving time and money

The student who chooses to take an online course can save not only his time, since he does not need
to go to attend classes, but also money.

4. More time of dedication

Because it's a course you can take at any times you want, the time you'll have to dedicate yourself to
studies can also be longer.

5. Flexibility of the study site

Since the classes chosen are online, the student has the flexibility to study from wherever he wants,
as long as he has access to the internet to view the content provided by the teacher.

Disadvantages of distance education for students

1. Non-compliance with the workload

One of the great challenges for students when they choose distance education is to meet the
workload of the online course.

2. Lack of personal life

It's very easy not to separate personal life from academic life, especially if you study from a distance.

3. University diplomaate
Of course, several universities already offer distance graduations and that students from these
institutions receive university certificates recognized by the Ministry of Education.

Advantages of teaching online to teachers

7 main advantages that lead people to create online courses:

1. Work from home

It may seem like a small reason, but believe me: being able to work from home is a great advantage,
especially for those who dream of spending more time with their family.

But the advantages of this work model don't stop there. By creating an online course, you can:

 Control your own working time;

 Save with food and transportation;
 Get rid of traffic to get to work every day;
 Feed yourself healthier, because you can make your lunch and snacks every day;
 Have comfort and convenience;
 Have more time to do what you like;
 Be able to travel without giving prior notice;
 Solve problems in banks or go to medical appointments at any time of your day.

2. Reach a larger number of students

If you are already a teacher, you know that a classroom does not accommodate a very large number
of students well, either by physical structure or even by conversations, since the more people in the
same environment, the greater the chances of parallel dialogues happening.

3. Have more time to prepare classes

Since you don't need to leave home to teach, you can have much more time to dedicate yourself to
preparing and creating your online classes.

4. Don't have to go to teach

Traffic, especially in urban centers, has become fuller and more chaotic every day. With this, many
people spend long periods of their days trapped in gigantic congestion and need to start their
routines earlier to get to the workplace on time.

5. Be able to teach what you like

Even if you are already a teacher, you certainly have some subject of the subject that you teach is
not your favorite subject. However, when teaching face-to-face classes and in some educational
institution, you need to address everything about your discipline.

6. Create multiple content formats

Depending on the educational institution you work for, it is very difficult to implement other types of
extra materials to complement your classes.

7. Don't worry about payments

One of the great advantages that make teachers choose to work with distance education is that,
most of the time, they do not have to worry about ways of paying for online courses.

Disadvantages of teaching teachers online

1. Leave the labor market

Although many people believe that technology will change the relationship of almost everything we
know today, when they think about work, most still believe that it is necessary to leave home every
day and go to a specific environment to perform their professional routine activities.

2. Lose contact with other teachers

Regardless of your area of expertise, networking is very important, because with it you connect not
only to other professionals, but mainly have access to new ideas and can ask for help whenever you
need it.

3. Not having free time

This is a disadvantage pointed out by both students and teachers.

However, the lack of free time only occurs for those who do not know how to separate work and
personal life.

4. Learn how to use online tools

At first, learning how to use all the tools to create an online course can be a disadvantage, especially
if you are not familiar with technology. However, most of them are very easy to use.

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