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Category: Youth
Title: All the waters have the drowning colour
Science and religion- late swimming
Name:Filimon Dumitru Alexandru
Adresa postala:
Nationality: Romanian
Age:20 years
Facultatea de stiinte politice (Political Science)
Word count :794

“It was a long time ago when science wasn’t at so much enmity with religion as they are
today, but they were harmoniously completing each other, religious dogmas being the
transposition of the scientific true under the shape of myth and legend .For the scientific
truths from that period couldn’t be understood by the common people under their abstract
shape.” Yuan Ke

Many times we risk the bottomless pit, to dive in a bottomless ocean but without
this fall we wouldn’t learn to swim, be it even late in a boundless ocean of possibilities.
The “ blagian1”creative human , Moromete of Marin Preda2, the wallachians of George
Ivascu3, the orthodoxies of Dumitru Staniloaie4, in a word “Eminescu’s5 nation”6 we
rediscover them in “mioritic7 Romanian oasis” where time didn’t have the courage to
pervade for fear of the defiant sight where the relation of human with the earth (the
Romanian word “dorul”) remained a sacred one transcending the modern. There is a
space that defies time where the modern is known like a barbilian8 egg, that exists
without having been created, which nobody wants to fertilize. In fewer words, this is how
the world in which I was born and in which I live, looks like. In this religiously intense
implemented mioritic domain (prevails the inside cult), science finds its place .
We can’t talk about science without talking about religion. We are at one point of
perceiving the two co-ordinates of our life like a system in antagonistic, animosity
relation. The church as a religious institution acted instinctive in the past (uniting the
vehemence and arrogance) using even barbarian methods (Inquisition) concerning the
existence and the evolution of science (e.g Galileo Galilee- the well-known example). In
this way, science followed his solitary evolution (in almost all plans; we remind physics:
Isaac Newton, Maxwell, Albert Einstein) opening another Pandora box (we remind the
two atomic bombs from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the nuclear calamity Chernobyl that
has visible echoes nowadays). We need an Orpheus to resurrect the heart of the world
that is in clinical death. I want to believe in a world in which doesn’t exist deaf at the
beatings of the globe’s heart. Lavoisier said “Nothing is won, nothing is lost, everything
transforms “. We feel in this affirmation (idea accepted by modern physics) a search of
science spirituality, search expressed also by Einstein like being necessary9.
A study of human evolution (study in which I am involved) in the science and
technological developing plan is necessary for our research. History has the tendency to
explain certain phenomena and historical realities like part integrant of a system that

Lucian Blaga stated his phylosophical theory “man creational human” and his perpetual tendency of
creating and loosing control of his creation
Through his novel “Morometii”, Marin Preda writes about the last Romanian peasant and his specific
spirit, adding the peasant statute also the contemplative role over the changes from around.
“Conditio valahee esendi”- the condition of being of the wallachians, of their spirit and the sacral relation
with the native earth expressed through the Romanian “dor”
One of the biggest romainan teologs exaplains the reportation of the national christian-ortodox wallachian
spirit at “ the spirit of the age”.
The national poet of Romania who militated for an independent Romania and for a nation with a dignity
capable of mentaining unity.
The expression of Dan Puric to deprecatingly adressing to the to much cosmopollite romanian public.
The story borned from the anonimus genius of the romanian popular ballad “Miorita”
Dan Barbilian, the pseudonime Ion Barbu, romanian poet and mathematician.
“Making science be sacred no more pushed the reason to the darkness of the abyss from where it can’t no
more serve to the evolution…Philosophy – the base of a further knowledge”.

follows a gradual evolution. We can’t afford now when we put our faith in a modern
society, of an aristotelic modern citizen to have an “historicist conscience” 10. Is it
somehow that science evolved and we became slaves of our own creation? Are we on the
stage on which Hamlet was screaming to his creator: “Shakespeare I created you” ? Isn’t
in the human nature detriment the sedentary life, commodity, our limitation in connection
with our intellectual and affective dependence of technology?
We became the slaves of the ego-gregarism instinct like Emil Cioran prophesied
“A civilization is becoming decadent in the moment in which life becomes his unique
obsession” in which the term “life” acquires the valence of a modern materialism and
consumism. The first solution must find the will in us (“Know yourself”)11 and then in the
surrounding environment. We live in a society more and more complexe, but this
complexity is also alarming. The “control of the creation” is like a dilemmatic
perspective solvable through mentality changing and the search of a free thinking system.
The strong artificial intelligence (based on a computer that can think and have self
conscience) represents a periclitation (we remind about SF movies in which the
domination of the world was exercised by “technological thinking systems”12. To avoid
any apocalyptical vision we should have in mind a perpetual self-education..We need a “
hereditary conscience” , “ a constitutional conscience” ( helps in forming a new capable,
modern citizen to exercise and defend his rights and to respond to any totalitarian form)
and we also need an “international conscience” (capable of global and geopolitical
orientation). A semitechnocratic13 political model with a civil society14( in the first place
the local and then the international) can probably represent an answer to the problems
with which the human kind confronts. The concept of “free energy” as also the evolution
of captivating energy (aeolian, solar) are elements that push to the release from a system
too much politicized, too far away from serving of the people, dehumanized.

“Without past there is no future”

“ Many you will know few will be useful”

Holy Apostle Pavel

Karl Popper considered that history follows without any human intervention.
Technocracy Study Course [Technocracy, Inc.] (1934)
Democracy can’t have a stable platform without a strong civil society.

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