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What are some underlying factors that are causing decoupling to happen as
societies move from a unipolar to a multipolar world? In your opinion, in
which direction is the balance of global economic power shifting?
- The high potential of developing countries to help increase in
investments/savings as a result of their high rate in middle class individuals is one
of the underlying factor that may cause decoupling to happen, since decoupling is
somewhat like developing countries having the capabilities to stand alone relying
in their own specialties and strengths rather than being dependent in the world’s
richest country for their inputs and help. In this way developing countries may
together merge and results could be better than that of wanting help with the
United States alone.
- the balance economic growth is shifting from unipolar to multipolar once
in which gives opportunity to those developing countries in taking role on the
global development of economies. Not just by relying in one country.

2. What are some of the major economic reform themes that are common to
the three international organizations promoting globalization?
- One of the most common themes from the three international organizations
is their goal in helping developing countries through giving financial support to
their economies. May it be in trade and development or in aiding financial loans to
help struggling economies from developing countries in having a stable one. They
also are same when it comes to helping reconstruct the economies of developing
countries through trading and lessening competition when it comes to currency.
3. Globalization can be facilitated only if national governments are willing to
participate in that process. What roles can the three major international
institutions play to be a part of this facilitation process?
- Local administrations from developing countries rely so much in the help
of these three major international institutions which in return requires them of
course to follow the rules and regulations made by these organizations to ensure
fair and a systematic way of uplifting the struggling countries. In this way the
rules, regulations, and advices by these organizations are the once also being
implemented by developing countries administration in governing their own

4. While domestic institutions play an important role in the globalization

process, what are some of the fundamental policy measures that those
countries need to promote in order to benefit from globalization? How might
these policies be implemented and promoted?
-These countries need to promote good governance for the implementing of
rules and regulations in a systematic way to ensure an efficient and effective result,
they also have to develop a corruption free government to ensure the proper
distribution of wealth unto its countrymen, also they have to ensure that the funds
are being allocated properly in different segments of the society that needs more
attention, development and governance. Politics also is a very big part of
implementing these, people needs to choose an efficient and effective leader as
well as its administration to properly administer and help its society into achieving
a much better state.
5. Do you believe that there is a “digital divide” in the global economy? Is
globalization narrowing that gap? If so, how?
- From my own point of view, digital divide is never going to be eliminated
we cannot deny the fact that there are countries that are more developed and there
are also those that are less developed, an example I can state is the Technological
advancement of countries such as Russia, United States and Japan. Developing
countries finds it a little hard to keep up with these unending advancement when it
comes to technology by the abovementioned countries. Globalization at some point
is helping in narrowing the gap between these advancements by helping uplift the
developing countries in ways such as giving them advices as to how they manage
and how they could keep up with the inevitable advancement by developed
6. Is sustainable business and economic development the answer to the
globalization controversy?
-In my own opinion globalization controversy in caused by governance of
different countries that has different views when it comes to different factors
involving development, maybe at some point sustainable business and economic
development can be the answer, but from my own perspective, unity by these
different government leaders has to be one of the most powerful solution to
globalization controversy. Yes, I get it that all of the countries administrations
would want a better state for their own people but at some point this goal can also
be evil in a way that we tend to grab the other developing country just so we can be
on top.
7. Globalization temporarily creates “winners” and “losers.” What reform
programs would you suggest to help those who are not benefiting from
globalization? How might these reforms be implemented?
-Innovation, Empowerment and better job opportunities. Their chosen
leaders should always put in mind the betterment of its countrymen. By that they
will be able to think as to what is the field that needs more attention and
development. The leaders of that society must also take into consideration the
different strengths and weaknesses of their country, they must develop their
products and trade it in the global economy to emerge worldwide.

1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of biofuels in terms of
addressing the challenge of sustainable development? Explain fully.
- One of its advantages is that it helps a lot in developing rural countries
which are good sources of sugarcane, wheat and corn. It is also advantageous in a
way that these resources are renewable and can be replaced, that is why there is
less damage in the environment, it helps reduce pollution since these are natural
resources and less process is needed which also results in helping lessen global
warming. On the other hand one disadvantage I was able to observe is that prices
of these basic local products have risen resulting the people of the countries
producing these products not be able to afford these for their own consumption,
also deforestation is one of the disadvantages that I have observed.
2) Should bioethanol production from corn be encouraged, given that corn is
used as a basic cereal (and in other food products) in many societies? Should
bioethanol production be subsidized in the United States and also be protected
against competition from Brazilian sugar cane-based bioethanol?
- Personally I do believe that it is also good to consider bioethanol
production since corn products are mostly found in developing countries, it will be
of big help when it comes to their sales, also the production of bioethanol products
contributes less in pollution and is less costly. It may subside but may also
distorted agriculture in these places.

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