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10 Jagerliedchen No. 7 from Album fiir die Jugend, Op. 68 Edited by Howard Ferguson Robert Schumann 9 (1810-56) Frisch und frohlich (vigorous and cheerful] (4 Ped, —______________s Ped.— Jagertiedchen Huntsman’s Song: Album fUr die Jugend Album for the Young Robert Schumannis Album forthe Young, Op. G2 rom which this piece is selected was composed in less than a mon composer wrote: dont remember ever having een in such good musical form...The pieces simply pore 42 pieces inthe collection, including gered: were dedicated to Schumanns daughter Marle on her seventh birthday In Tageledchen’ we hear the call ofthe hunting hom tb. 1-2 and 5-1, twice answered by a vigorous there in staccato quater The two themes are combined in bb. 17-2. Inthe middle section bb, 9-160, the fortssimo hora calle aswered by a new pan pane epeated notes In this dialogue, one can imagine the headlong chase and the unlucky victim. Source: 43 sc} Clavierstike fur die Jugend, Op. 68 (Hamburg: Schulberth& Ca, 1850) (©1981 by The Awscated Hoan of the Naya Schools of Muse Reproduced rom Schuman Album ar die gend, Op, edited by Homan engson (ABI) in 148. atthe time, the +d out, one ater another! Some of the u

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