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Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 14 (2013) 78–85

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Paediatric Respiratory Reviews

Mini-Symposium: Respiratory Emergencies in Children

Management of status asthmaticus in children

Muriel Koninckx 1,*, Corinne Buysse 2, Matthijs de Hoog 2
Paediatric Intensive Care, Middelheim Ziekenhuis, Lindendreef 1, Antwerp, Belgium
Paediatric Intensive Care, Sophia Children’s Hospital, Dr Molewaterplein 60 Rotterdam, The Netherlands


The reader will be able to:

 Understand the pathophysiology of paediatric status asthmaticus

 Assess the severity of an asthma exacerbation,
 Implement different treatment strategies for severe asthma.


Keywords: Recent literature on paediatric status asthmaticus (PSA) confirms an increasing percentage of admissions
Paediatric status asthmaticus
to paediatric intensive care units. PSA is a medical emergency that can be fatal and needs careful and
prompt intervention. The severity of PSA is mainly determined by clinical judgement of signs and
Treatment symptoms. Peak flow measurements and serial lung function measurements are not reliable in PSA.
Validated clinically useful instruments are lacking. The three main factors that are involved in the
pathophysiology of PSA, bronchoconstriction, mucus plugging and airway inflammation need to be
addressed to optimise treatment. Initial therapies include supplementation of oxygen, repetitive
administration of rapid acting b2-agonists, inhaled anticholinergics in combination with systemic
glucocorticosteroids and intravenous magnesium sulphate. Additional treatment modalities may include
methylxanthines, DNase, ketamine, sodium bicarbonate, heliox, epinephrine, non-invasive respiratory
support, mechanical ventilation and inhalational anaesthetics.
ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION 9.6%. The prevalence in children is higher than in adults (9.6%

versus 7.7%). Mortality in children is lower compared to adults.
Paediatric status asthmaticus (PSA) is a medical emergency Asthma was linked to 3,447 deaths including 5.4% children (about
warranting prompt recognition and intervention. A status asth- 9 per day) in 2007.5 The prevalence of asthma is increasing,
maticus or severe asthma exacerbation is defined as an acute however, mortality is decreasing. This might, in part, be due to a
episode that does not respond to standard treatment with short coding change from ICD-9 to ICD-10 (Fig. 1). In the ICD-9
acting b2-agonists and corticosteroids, although a large variation classification asthma was subdivided in intrinsic, extrinsic and
exists in this definition between authors.1–3 In other definitions, chronic obstructive asthma. The ICD-10 classification uses the
need for hospitalisation, emergency room visit or decline in peak descriptors of mild, moderate and severe asthma.
expiratory flow (PEF) is also taken into account. PSA can result in The increasing prevalence of asthma is seen mainly in
respiratory insufficiency as well as circulatory failure and is developed countries. Environmental factors play an important
potentially life-threatening. The incidence of PSA has to be viewed role in this disease, next to genetic predisposition.6 Data on the
against the background of the total number of asthmatic patients.4 incidence or prevalence of PSA are scarce. In a New Jersey cohort,
In the United States, the number of patients with asthma admission for status asthmaticus between 1992 and 2006
increased from 20.3 million to 25 million between 2009 and 2011. approximately halved from 1.92 to 0.93 per 1000 children. In
In 2009 the prevalence among children (less than 18 years old) was contrast, ICU care related to asthma increased from 0.09 to 0.31 per
1000 patients. A much higher percentage of children admitted
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +0032/496068751; fax: +0032/2810292. to hospital for status asthmaticus received ICU care, but the rate
E-mail address: (M. Koninckx). of children needing mechanical ventilation was the same

1526-0542/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Koninckx et al. / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 14 (2013) 78–85 79

of the characteristics of (near) fatal asthma, about 80% belong to

type I.15 These exacerbations are preventable with extensive
asthma control and administration of adequate doses of inhaled
Type II is a rapid onset type, also called sudden asphyxial
asthma. It is an acute and sudden onset form where death can
follow in only a few hours after start of the clinical symptoms.
Severe bronchospasm occurs with little or no mucus plugging and
airway inflammation.3,12 In contrast, Type I cases demonstrate
mainly neutrophilic inflammation. In this type there is a higher
incidence of respiratory arrest, impaired consciousness level, a
lower pH and a silent chest reported. Clinical improvement is
directly related to improvement of bronchoconstriction. These
patients can deteriorate very rapidly, but with appropriate
interventions recovery can be accomplished swiftly, as demon-
strated by a shorter length of hospital stay and fewer hours of
mechanical ventilation.15
Figure 1. Number and rate* of asthma deaths, by year and International Classification The previously described mechanisms cause an occlusion of the
of Diseasesy (ICD) – United States, 1980-2004. airway lumen with reduced ventilation leading to low ventilation/
perfusion(V/Q) ratios and gas exchange abnormalities. The
distribution of areas with reduced ventilation and hypoxic
(0.02/1000).7 In Finland about 1% of the hospital admissions for vasoconstriction is widespread through the bronchial tree and
asthma need intensive care, but numbers vary between 1 to 15%. interspersed with areas of better V/Q.
Since indications for PICU admission vary between countries these An important complication of PSA is airleak which may manifest
numbers are hard to compare.8 The number of children that need with pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphy-
mechanical ventilation is decreasing and varies between 8 and 33% sema and pneumopericardium due to increased intrathoracic
of the PSA related PICU admissions.9 This may be due to the pressure.4 This is mainly seen in PSA patients ventilated with high
increasing use of non-invasive respiratory support for severe peak pressures and is one of the drivers for the increasing use of non-
asthma. It can be concluded that more children with PSA are invasive ventilation in the acute setting.4 Myocardial infarction,
admitted to the ICU but the need for invasive mechanical hardly seen in children, is possible due to hypotension and elevated
ventilation seems to have decreased, although this is influenced inthrathoracic pressures. This increases left ventricular afterload
by admission criteria. Mechanical ventilation in PSA is a risk factor which can in turn decrease coronary blood flow. Mucus plugging can
for mortality in the 10 years after discharge and close follow up is provoke atelectasis. Electrolyte disturbances including hypokalemia
suggested.8,9 caused by salbutamol are possible. Myopathy and rhabdomyolysis
are described when giving steroids in combination with neuromus-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF STATUS ASTHMATICUS cular blockers.16 Lactic acidosis and anoxic brain injury have also
been described.17 These problems warrant close monitoring and
The three main factors that are involved in the pathophysiology speedy intervention in a PICU.
of asthma are bronchoconstriction, mucus plugging and airway
inflammation, with the exacerbation usually induced by a viral
infection.10 The relative contribution of these factors determines DETERMINATION OF ASTHMA SEVERITY
the targets for optimal therapy. Some patients underestimate the
severity of airway obstruction: they have a reduced sensation of A gold standard for the assessment of the severity of an asthma
dyspnoea while breathing with increased airway resistance and exacerbation does not exist. Similar to adults, there is a lack of
have decreased hypoxic ventilatory drive, resulting in little reserve validated instruments to determine asthma severity in children.
at presentation.11 These are patients that are predisposed to ‘‘near The primary importance of defining severity is to determine
fatal asthma’’. further patient management. Depending on severity patients can
In fatal and near fatal asthma we can distinguish two different be divided into life threatening asthma, necessitating immediate
classes: type I or slow onset fatal asthma and type II or rapid onset therapy and PICU admission, slow responding forms that need
fatal asthma.12 Predisposing factors in type I are inadequate hospital admission and patients that can be discharged directly
therapy, inadequate compliance, inappropriate control and psy- from the emergency department. Second, a tool for defining
chological factors. Type II can occur epidemically (soybean, castor severity of PSA can be used to assess the effect of therapeutic
bean or unknown) or sporadically (NSAID, allergen, sulphites, food interventions. Peak flow measurements, serial lung function
or unknown).13 measurements, pulse oximetry and clinical examination and
Type I is a progressive obstruction of the airways in patients asthma scoring systems are tools that can be potentially helpful.
already constantly using bronchodilators. These patients are
usually undertreated with inhaled corticosteroids. Bronchodilating Peak flow measurements and serial lung function measurements
medications cause a maximal smooth muscle relaxation. Mean-
while, the process of inflammation and oedema continues due to Peak expiratory flow rates (PEFR) or forced exipiratory volume
inadequate treatment. Only a small increase in oedema or in one second (FEV1) are difficult to reliably perform in children
inflammation can be fatal. Given the state of maximal broncho- with acute asthma, especially in those under 5 years of age. In
dilation, further use of short acting b2-agonists will not have much children aged between 6 and 18 years, only 64% were able to
additive effect and cannot reverse the bronchial obstruction. These perform PEFR adequately.18 Stable peak flow records can be
patients are at risk for severe therapy resistant PSA. Airway present despite severe bronchial hyperresponsiveness resulting in
plugging is demonstrated and secretions are characterised by fatal asthma.19 Thus, it is not recommended to rely on peak flow
eosinophils in pathological examinations.14 In a prospective study measurements for assessing severity.
80 M. Koninckx et al. / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 14 (2013) 78–85

Pulse oximetry are wheezing, work of breathing and prolongation of expiration.

This score might have limited clinical use, since these three items
Measuring SaO2 is an important tool to determine asthma do not easily detect subtle changes in the clinical situation.
severity, but always in combination with other parameters. Initial For clinical purposes, at this point in time, treatment will be
SaO2 <91% or SaO2 unresponsive to oxygen treatment are related mainly driven by clinical signs and symptoms rather than results
to hospital admission and outcome.20,21 The cut-off value of 91% is from lung function testing.
somewhat arbitrary and needs to be seen in the context of the PICU admission is necessary in a minority of PSA patients.
whole patient.21 Low oxygen saturations and hypoxia are the Several predicting factors defining the need for intensive care have
consequence of V/Q mismatch caused by mucus plugging, been identified. A history of three or more emergency presenta-
bronchoconstriction and bronchial inflammation with a low tions in the previous year, an elevated serum IgE level, oxygen
degree of intrapulmonary shunting. saturations of 91% or less on presentation or a longer duration of
asthma can predict the need for intensive care admission.24
Clinical scoring systems Next to these factors, PICU admission in PSA patients was
recently related to allergies, active or passive smoking, earlier
Severity is predominantly assessed by applying clinical judge- hospitalization for asthma and non-sanitized homes.25
ment, based on different signs and symptoms, including respira-
tory effort, pulse rate and the presence of pulsus paradoxus in THERAPY
combination with measurements of gas exchange (Table 1).
Warning signs of imminent respiratory arrest should be observed Choices in treatment of PSA are made taking the underlying
closely and warrant immediate PICU care and intervention. pathophysiology into account. Treatment is directed at reversal of
A clinically useful and simple (but unvalidated) tool to assess inflammation and bronchoconstriction, and in a later phase also of
severity of PSA is shown in Table 2.22 This tool results in a score relieving mucus plugging if necessary. The initial goal is correction
between 5 and 15 which can be repeated on a regular basis and can of significant hypoxaemia and reversal of the airflow obstruction as
help assess the effect of therapy. The paediatric asthma severity soon as possible. Initial therapies for PSA are supplementation of
score (PASS) is based on assessment of three clinical findings and oxygen, repetitive administration of rapid-acting b2-agonists (e.g.
validated in children.23 It is a three item score where every item is salbutamol), inhaled anti-cholinergics (e.g. ipratropium bromide)
scored as none or mild (0 points), moderate (1 point) or severe (2 in combination with systemic glucocorticosteroids (e.g. predniso-
points). Minimum score is 0, maximum score is 6. The items scored lone) and magnesium sulphate.

Table 1
Clinical judgement

Classification of severity of an asthma exacerbation

Symptoms Mild Moderate Severe Imminent Respiratory


Dyspnoea When walking During speech (infant-softer At rest (infant: Gasping

or shorter crying; stops drinking)
difficulty drinking
Talks in: Sentences Shorter sentences Words None
Alertness: Can be agitated Most often agitated Most often agitated Decreased or confused
Signs at physical examination
Breathing frequency Increased Increased Often > 30/minute
(awake patient) Normal breathing
frequency in children
Age Normal frequency:
< 2 months < 48/minute
2-12 months < 42/minute
1-5 years < 28/minute
6-8 years < 24/minute

Use of auxiliary muscles; Most often not Often Usually Paradoxal thoracoabdominal
Sternal retractions movements
Wheeze Moderate, most often Loud, whole expiration Mostly loud in- Absent
end-exiratory and expiratory
Pulse rate/minute < 100 100-120 > 120 Bradycardia
Normal pulse rate in children
Age Normal pulse:
2–12 months 80–180
1–3 years 75–150
4–12 years 60–120

Pulsus paradoxus Absent Can be present Often Absence suggests exhaustion

Fluctuation of pulse pressure < 10 mm Hg 10–25 mm Hg 20–40 mm Hg (child)
between in- and expiration.
Gas exchange
SaO2 (room air) > 95% 91-95% < 91%
PaCO2 < 5.6 kPa < 5.6 kPa >= 5.6 kPa >= 5.6 kPa
PaO2 Normal > 8 kPa < 8 kPa: possible cyanosis < 8 kPa: possible cyanosis
C.A. Camargo, G. Rachelefsky, M. Schatz. Managing asthma exacerbations in the emergency department. Summary of the national asthma education and prevention program
expert panel report 3 guidelines for the management of asthma exacerbations. Proc Am Thoracic Society 2009;6: 357–366.83
The presence of several parameters, not necessarily all, gives an indication of the severity of status asthmaticus.
Many of these parameters have not been studied systematically, they only serve as guidance.
M. Koninckx et al. / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 14 (2013) 78–85 81

Table 2
Asthma score


1 point 2 points 3 points

Respiratory rate (Breaths/min)

2–3 yr 34 35–39 40
4–5 yr 30 31–35 36
6–12 yr 26 27–30 31
>12 yr 23 24–27 28
Oxygen saturation (%) >95 with room air 90–95 with room air <90 with room air or
supplemental oxygen
Auscultation normal breathing or end expiratory wheezing Inspiratory and expiratoy
expiratory wheezing wheezing, diminished breath
sounds or both
Retractions none or intercostal intercostal and substernal Intercostal, substernal and supraclavicular
Dyspnoea Speaks in sentences speaks in partial sentences speaks in single words or short
or coos and babbles or utters short cries phrases or grunts
Peak expiratory flow rate (% of predicted value*) >70 50–70 <50
Asthma score 5–7 8–11 12–15
F Qureshi, J Pestian, P Davis, A Zaritsky. Effect of nebulized ipratropium on the hospitalization rates of children with asthma. N Engl J Med 1998; 339: 1030–5.22
The overall asthma score (range 5 to 15 points) was calculated by adding the scores for each of five variables: respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, auscultation, retractions and
dyspnoea. The overall asthma score was used to stratify children according to the severity of the disease.
When peak expiratory flow rate was known and reliable, it, rather than the asthma score, was used to stratify the children according to severity.

Oxygen group.32,33 Conversely, nebulisation has the added advantage of

delivering high flow oxygen. Comparison of the different studies is
Asthma fatality is related to hypoxia. As respiratory arrest in difficult because of the variation in outcome measures and severity
asthma has been associated with hypoxic asphyxia, oxygen is of asthma exacerbations.
advised as first line therapy in acute severe (life-threatening) If nebulisation fails, salbutamol can also be given intravenously,
asthma in the hospital setting.26 Oxygen also has a broncho- on the assumption that with little air entry only a small amount of
dilating effect.17 Loss of respiratory drive through oxygen the drug reaches the target airway receptors. In children, well
delivery, associated with chronic hypercapnia, is very rare in conducted studies concerning pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-
children and should not delay oxygen treatment. There are small dynamics of intravenous salbutamol are lacking. An early study
studies in children demonstrating that nebulisation of salbuta- found that 69% of the patients responded satisfactorily after a
mol without oxygen can cause profound hypoxaemia from loading dose of 10 mg/kg, followed by a continuous infusion of
increased V/Q mismatch, but this could not be found in adult 0.2 mg/kg/min, which was increased by 0.1 mg/kg every 15 min-
studies.27 utes.34 This study included only 14 children and the outcome
parameter was a decrease of the pCO2, which gives only scarce
Short acting b2-agonists information about the clinical condition. Another double blind
randomized study in 29 children with severe acute asthma
Reversal of bronchoconstriction can be achieved by short acting compared a loading dose of 15 mg/kg intravenous salbutamol to
b2-agonists like salbutamol or terbutaline which are sympatho- nebulised ipratropium bromide or a combination of both. Bolus
mimetic agents with adrenergic effects like smooth muscle salbutamol was more effective, leading to earlier cessation of
relaxation resulting in bronchodilation. Inhaled short acting b2- nebulisation, less oxygen need and earlier discharge from
agonists have a local effect on the b-receptors in the bronchial hospital.35 Dosing of intravenous salbutamol in children varies
smooth muscle cells if air entry is sufficient. In cases of severe between 0.1 and 15 mg/kg/min and there is no consensus if a
bronchoconstriction, with mucus plugging and low tidal volumes, loading dose is needed.36,37
the drug will not be able to reach the most affected areas. Even in Terbutaline is also used as short acting b2-agonist. When added
healthy subjects only a small fraction of the dose administered will to continuous nebulisation, intravenous terbutaline showed a non-
reach the bronchial receptors because of deposition in the pharynx significant decrease in clinical asthma scores, duration of
and swallowing with intestinal absorption leading to detectable continuous nebulisation and PICU length of stay compared to
concentrations in plasma.28 Recent guidelines recommend con- saline.38 A terbutaline dose of 0.4–1 mg/kg/min was shown to
tinuous or repeated intermittent nebulised short acting b2- lower diastolic blood pressure.39 When terbutaline was adminis-
agonists combined with oxygen in cases of severe hypoxaemia.29 tered according to a severity related dosing algorithm, it led to
Continuous nebulisation might be slightly better than intermittent shorter PICU length of stay.40 Although the use of intravenous b2-
nebulisation, since it led to a shorter duration of hospital stay and a agonists varies between countries, it is normally only started after
decrease in bedside respiratory therapy care in one study.30 failure of continuous nebulisation. The relationship between dose
However, this study included only 17 patients. Depending on age and effect has not been studied in children. The drugs are also
the dose of nebulised salbutamol is 2.5 mg (4 years) or 5 mg (>4 known for many side effects including hypokalemia, tachycardia,
years) for intermittent administration. A metered dose inhaler hyperglycaemia and hypotension, warranting close monitoring,
with spacer is equally effective as nebulisation, with the dose being most often in the PICU setting. Some children are not as responsive
six inhalations [total of 600 mcg] or twelve inhalations [1200 mcg] to b2-agonists as others; this could be explained by genetic
via spacer respectively.31 However, in contrast to adults, a recent polymorphisms. Recent studies suggested that specific b2
Cochrane review shows some advantages of an inhalation device adrenoreceptor genotypes are related to shorter ICU length of
with holding chamber compared to a nebuliser, with a significantly stay and shorter duration of continuous b2-agonist therapy in
shorter length of stay in the emergency department for the first children.41
82 M. Koninckx et al. / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 14 (2013) 78–85

Anticholinergic agents of calcium uptake leading to bronchodilation. Magnesium can also

inhibit mast cell degranulation and in this way mitigate
These agents can decrease secretions, mucosal oedema and inflammation55 and decrease acetylcholine release from nerve
reduce bronchomotor tone. Anticholinergic agents such as terminals. A recent Cochrane review does not support routine use
ipratropium bromide give less bronchodilation and the effect of intravenous magnesium sulphate in patients with acute asthma
is slower compared to short acting b2-agonists. Adding multiple presenting to the emergency department. However, it can be used
doses of anticholinergics in moderate and severe acute asthma in safely and is beneficial in patients with severe acute asthma when
children to short acting b2-agonists has an additive effect. There added to bronchodilators.56 Three studies in children demon-
is a benefit in terms of lung function and hospital admission.42 strated that early administration of intravenous magnesium
Recommended doses are 250-500 mg every 20 minutes for up to sulphate is beneficial on hospital admission, lung function and
three times, followed by administration every three hours if clinical symptom score in children treated with bronchodilators
necessary.43 In cases where salbutamol is given intravenously, and steroids.57–59 Doses vary between 25 mg/kg and 75 mg/kg.
addition of ipratropium bromide does not have an additive Possible adverse effects are muscle weakness, hypotension,
effect.44,45 Ipratropium bromide has a very low rate of absorp- tachycardia, skin flushing and fatigue but these are mostly
tion, implying that systemic side effects are rare. There are negligible.
reported cases of bronchoconstriction, but this adverse effect has
not been described when current isotonic ipratropium bromide ADDITIONAL TREATMENT MODALITIES
nebuliser solutions are used.46 In summary, ipratropium bromide
has no additional value when it is used in combination with Standard treatment of PSA in the emergency department
intravenous short acting b2-agonists in the intensive care should include oxygen, short acting b2-agonists and steroids.
setting, but it can have a positive effect in the emergency In case of further deterioration intravenous salbutamol in
department.44,45 combination with anticholinergics and intravenous magnesium
sulphate should be considered. When there is no improvement
Steroids despite these therapies there are still some less frequently
used options. Most of these therapies are not evidence
In most cases of PSA, especially with failure to respond to based and (large) randomised controlled trials are not available.
repeated short acting b2-agonists, steroids are added. Their most These therapies warrant close monitoring preferably in a
important effect is controlling, suppressing and reversal of PICU.
inflammation. They also potentiate the effect of b2-agonists on
smooth muscle relaxation, decrease b-agonist tachyphylaxis, Methylxanthines
mucus production and microvascular permeability.47,48 The onset
of action of steroids is two to four hours with a maximum effect Methylxanthines (theophylline, aminophylline) act through
after twelve hours. It is important to administer steroids early in non-selective inhibition of a phosphodiesterase [enzyme]
the disease course of PSA because this can lead to earlier discharge and antagonise adenosine receptors in smooth muscle and
and fewer relapses.49 Recommended doses of oral prednisone are inflammatory cells. They result in bronchodilation, improved
1-2 mg/kg/day with a maximum dose of 60 mg for 5 to 10 days. mucociliary clearance and down-regulation of inflammation
Methylprednisolone is dosed 2 to 4 mg/kg/day with a maximum of and immune cell infiltration. In children, the addition of
125 mg per day. Higher doses are not associated with better aminophylline to short acting b2-agonists and corticosteroids
effects.50 The same effect is achieved whether steroids are given in an acute asthma exacerbation improves lung function (FEV1
intravenously or orally, although in severely ill and dyspnoeic and PEF), but there is no reduction in symptoms, number of
children, the oral form is often difficult to administer. In mild to nebulised treatments and length of hospital stay.60 In critically
moderate exacerbations a single dose of intramuscular dexa- ill children with status asthmaticus admitted to the intensive
methasone has the same effect as a 5 day oral course with care unit with impending respiratory failure, intravenous
prednisone.51 theophylline is as safe and effective as intravenously adminis-
A study in 100 children with PSA that were randomised either tered terbutaline.61 Methylxanthines have a small therapeutic
to oral prednisone 2 mg/kg or a single dose of 2 mg fluticasone window with many side-effects including headache, nausea,
through inhalation showed a higher FEV1 and a lower rate of palpitations and anxiety.62 High theophylline concentrations can
hospitalisation in the prednisone group.52 In children, adding high result in severe toxicity and in cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension,
doses of budesonide (1200-2000 mg) to systemic prednisone seizures and even death. Given the small clinical effect,
(1 mg/kg) and nebulised albuterol can prevent or shorten methylxanthines should be used with caution and only in
hospitalization.53 A more recent study concluded that adding a refractory PSA.
single dose of 2 mg of budesonide to standard treatment of PSA did
not have a positive effect on asthma severity score or short term Deoxyribonuclease (DNase)
outcome.54 Adverse effects of a short course treatment with
systemic steroids are mostly transient and can include hyperten- Mucus plugging and atelectasis are an important clinical
sion, hyperglycaemia and mood disorders among others. These problem in PSA. Since inflammation might lead to a high DNA
reactions are especially described in high dose steroid pulse content in mucus, the use of recombinant human (rh) DNase as
therapy and chronic use. Overall in PSA, addition of systemic treatment modality has been hypothesized. In children there are
steroids is recommended orally or intravenously. Conflicting only a few case reports (but no good evidence) which described
results were reported on the addition of inhaled budesonide to positive effects after intratracheal delivery of DNase in mechani-
standard treatment of PSA. cally ventilated asthmatic children.63,64 There is no place for
routine addition of nebulised rhDNase to conventional treatment
Magnesium in children with PSA presenting at the emergency department.65
Treatment with rhDNase might rarely have a place in the PICU for
Magnesium sulphate has a proven effect in status asthmaticus. patients with refractory PSA, sometimes in combination with
It works through smooth muscle relaxation secondary to inhibition bronchoscopy.
M. Koninckx et al. / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 14 (2013) 78–85 83

Ketamine 2 hours after start of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation

(NIPPV).76 A recent study also demonstrated the advantages of NIV
Ketamine has bronchodilating properties through increasing compared to standard treatment with a greater improvement in
circulating catecholamines after inhibition of the re-uptake of clinical asthma score and a decrease in respiratory rate in the NIV
noradrenaline in the presynaptic neurons. Ketamine was group.77 The advantages of NIV are that spontaneous breathing,
successfully used to prevent intubation in two children with especially expiration, can remain as well as productive coughing
status asthmaticus who received a loading dose of ketamine and swallowing. In addition, it leads to better patient comfort,
(2 mg/kg) followed by continuous infusion of ketamine (2 mg/ fewer lower airway infections and less need for sedation. All in all,
kg/h).66 However, a study in 68 paediatric patients could not NIV is certainly feasible although its precise position in treatment
demonstrate an additional benefit of ketamine over conventional of PSA has not been determined as yet.
emergency department therapy in PSA. A rather low loading
dose of 0.2 mg/kg followed by continuous infusion of 0.5 mg/kg/ Mechanical ventilation
h was used in this study.67 In refractory PSA ketamine might
have a place, especially when sedation and/or intubation are In severe PSA about 8% to 33% of cases need mechanical
considered. ventilation9 which is associated with several risks. The clinical
condition of the patient is the main determinant in the decision to
Sodium bicarbonate start ventilation. Next to severe hypoxia, deterioration in mental
state and progressive exhaustion, cardiac and respiratory arrest are
Respiratory or metabolic acidosis can be seen in PSA. The indications to intubate.78 Intubation can trigger bronchospasm and
presence of acidosis can diminish the effect of catecholamines. is a risk factor in the development of barotrauma. Fluid
Therefore, treatment of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate could be resuscitation and a cuffed tube are often necessary during this
beneficial. Administration of sodium bicarbonate in 17 patients procedure. The preferred method of intubation is with rapid acting
with life threatening asthma admitted to the PICU showed a muscle relaxants and ketamine as a sedative because of its
significant decrease in mean pCO2 and a significant increase of bronchodilating effect.2
mean pH. Clinical improvement of respiratory distress and level of
consciousness was seen in individual patients.68 This small Inhalational anaesthetics
retrospective study suggests sodium bicarbonate could be
considered in life threatening asthma with severe acidosis (pH Halothane, sevoflurane and isoflurane are inhalational anaes-
<7.2). thetic agents that can be used to treat severe therapy resistant
asthma. They have a bronchodilating effect through relaxation of
Heliox bronchial smooth muscle cells, lowering of vagal tone and a
synergistic effect with catecholamines. They can result in
Heliox is a mixture of 60% to 80% helium with 20 to 40% oxygen, haemodynamic compromise with hypotension and delivery in
which often is insufficient to sufficiently improve oxygenation in the ICU is often difficult given that most caregivers in paediatric
hypoxic children. Heliox reaches lower and obstructed airways ICUs are not familiar with the equipment.79 The positive effect of
more easily because of a lower resistance and less turbulent flow.69 isoflurane in the setting of refractory PSA has been described in two
In this way it can help to bring small particles, like salbutamol/ case series.80,81
albuterol to the distal airways. A randomised controlled trial in 29
children with moderate to severe asthma exacerbations that Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
compared heliox driven continuous albuterol delivery to a 100%
oxygen driven delivery demonstrated that the heliox group had This is a possible rescue therapy in life threatening asthma. The
better asthma scores.70 Other studies, however, showed opposite outcome in 24 adults receiving ECMO with respiratory failure due
results. A Cochrane review concluded that there is insufficient to status asthmaticus was better compared to adults with
evidence for the use of heliox in the standard treatment of acute respiratory failure due to other causes.82 ECMO has been
non-intubated asthma patients though it has proven its effect in anecdotally used in children with success.83
certain circumstances.71
Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
PSA is a frequent presentation in the emergency department
Epinephrine nebulisation was frequently used in asthma and PICU. Standard therapy includes oxygen, inhalation of short
patients in the 20th century. It has a b2-agonist effect with acting b2-agonists, anticholinergics and systemic steroids. If
relaxation of the bronchial smooth muscle cells. Additionally, it can insufficient improvement is achieved, magnesium sulphate and
decrease airway oedema, inflammation and mucus production intravenous short acting b2-agonists have to be considered and
because of its effect on a-receptors. Intramuscular administration intensive care admission will be necessary. Besides these therapies
of epinephrine is the first choice in case of anaphylactic there are additional treatment modalities including: methyl-
asthma.72,73 xanthines, rhDNase, ketamine, sodium bicarbonate, heliox, epi-
nephrine, non-invasive ventilation, mechanical ventilation and
Non-invasive respiratory support inhalational anaesthetics to be considered. Solid data on the effect
of these therapies in children are lacking.
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is increasingly used in PSA. In 72
episodes of NIV with PSA only 5 patients needed intubation. In the References
other patients a significant decline in heart rate, respiratory rate
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