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Human Rights Alert

PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750

Fax: 323.488.9697; Email:

11-04-04 Closed Petition – Free Richard Fine

The story of the arrest, imprisonment and release of the 70 year old former US prosecutor Richard Fine is of
historic significance.

− He was arrested and held in solitary confinement for 18 months for protesting judicial corruption.

− He was held with no valid legal warrant, conviction or sentencing.

− His habeas corpus petition, which was purportedly reviewed by the US District Court, Central District of
California, US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, and Supreme Court of the United States, documented in great
detail the corruption of the US justice system from top to bottom.

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FREE RICHARD FINE // LIBERAR Joseph, You signed on October 18,

RICHARD FINE Your signature has been delivered to:
Like Be the first of your friends to like this. Sheriff Lee Baca, Los Angeles County,

Target: Sheriff Lee Baca, Los Angeles County, California

Sponsored by: The COD PROJECT and Dr Z

signatures: 376

Introduce Kids to Healthy

signature goal: 1,000 David Yaffe-Judge;Lee Baca-Sheriff Foods in School Meals
signatures: 9,903
Please join the Facebook Cause: FREE THE LA-FIPs sign petition
(Los Angeles Falsely Imprisoned Persons)
Tell Health and Human Services: Stand Up to
Insurance Companies
sign petition
English Intro:
Save Bristol Bay From
Richard Fine - 70 year old, former US prosecutor, had
Destructive Mining!
shown that judges in Los Angeles County had taken signatures: 34,855
"not permitted" payments (called by media "bribes").
sign petition
On February 20, 2009, the Governor of California
signed "retroactive immunities" (pardons) for all all petition categories | view more petitions
judges in Los Angeles. Less than two weeks later, on
March 4, 2009 Richard Fine was arrested in open
court, with no warrant. He is held ever since in
solitary confinement in Los Angeles, California. No
judgment, conviction, or sentencing was ever
entered in his case.

Richard Fine attempted to have his habeas corpus

reviewed by the United States courts, from the US
District Court, through the US Court of Appeals, to the
Supreme Court of the United States; however, all
United States courts involved in the matter denied
Richard Fine access to valid judicial review; instead,
Richard Fine was subjected only to pretense judicial
review, while false and deliberately misleading
dockets were published online, affecting the
pretense that Richard Fine’s case was indeed
accorded valid and effectual judicial review and was
duly denied.

On September 17, 2010, Richard Fine was released,

again with no valid court order as foundation for the
conduct of the Sheriff. Instead, it again documented
the arbitrary and capricious nature of the 1/11

Castellano Intro:

Richard Fine - 70 anos de edad, ex fiscal de EE.UU.,

ha demostrado que los jueces de condado de Los
Angeles habia tomado "no permitidos" pagos
(llamado por los medios de comunicacion
"sobornos"). El 20 de febrero de 2009, el gobernador
de California firmo "inmunidades retroactivos"
(perdones) para todos los jueces en Los
Angeles. Menos de dos semanas despues, el 04 de
marzo 2009 Richard Fine fue detenido en audiencia
publica, sin mandato judicial. El se lleva a cabo
desde entonces en confinamiento solitario en Los
Angeles, California. Ninguna de las sentencias, la
condena, o condena, se inscribio nunca en su caso.

Deutsch Intro:

Richard Fine - 70 Jahre alt, ehemaliger US-

Staatsanwalt, hatte gezeigt, dass die Richter in Los
Angeles County genommen hatte "nicht zulässig"
Zahlungen (genannt von den Medien
"Bestechungsgelder"). Am 20. Februar 2009
unterzeichnete der Gouverneur von Kalifornien
"rückwirkende Immunität" (Verzeihung) für alle
Richter in Los Angeles. Weniger als zwei Wochen
später, am 4. März 2009 Richard Fine in öffentlicher
Sitzung verhaftet, ohne Gewähr.Er ist seitdem in
Einzelhaft in Los Angeles, Kalifornien statt. Kein
Urteil, Verurteilung oder Verurteilung war immer bei
ihm eingegangen.

Francaise Intro

Richard Fine - 70 ans, ancien procureur des États-

Unis, a montré, que les juges de comté de Los
Angeles avait pris «interdit» les paiements (appelé
par les médias "pots de vin").Le 20 Février 2009, le
gouverneur de Californie a signé «immunités
rétroactives" (amnesties) pour tous les juges à Los
Angeles. Moins de deux semaines plus tard, le 4
Mars, 2009 Richard Fine a été arrêté en audience
publique, sans mandat. Il est détenu depuis en
isolement cellulaire à Los Angeles, en
Californie. Aucun jugement, condamnation ou la
peine n'a jamais été inscrit dans son cas.


The two records below, produced by the Superior

Court of California, County of Los Angeles, and by
the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department as the
legal foundation for the holding of Richard Fine are
alleged as fraud, each on its own. Moreover, the
production of contradictory records by the two justice
system agencies of Los Angeles County is alleged as
additional fraud to top it off.


provided by Sheriff Lee Baca in letter to Los Angeles
County Supervisor, Michael Antonovich, in response
to request for access to the California public records
that were the non-existing warrant and booking
records of Richard Fine. For over a year, Sheriff Lee
Baca insists on providing false records - claiming that
Richard Fine was arrested on location and by
authority of the "San Pedro Municipal Court". No 2/11
such court has existed for almost a decade:

2) FALSE ON ITS FACE March 4, 2009 Judgment and

Order of Contempt. Such judgment record is missing
any authentication at all. It was stamped on its face
"FILED" with the date of March 4, 2009, but signed on
its last page by Judge Yaffe and dated March 24,
2009. Such judgment was never entered as required
by California Code to make it "effectual for any



issued by the court regarding the release of Richard

10-09-18 Richard Fine Released with no Due Process

- Additional Evidence of False Imprisonment


The case of Richard Fine documented a pattern of

publication of false records in online public access
systems, and denial of access to or missing true
judicial records:
1) The Los Angeles Superior Court – in Marina v
LA County (BS109420) published a false online "Case
Summary", but denied access to the Register of
Actions (California civil docket) in the case
management system of the court.
2) The Sheriff of Los Angeles County – in re:
Richard I Fine, (Inmate #1824367) published false
online arrest and booking records in its "Inmate
Information Center", but denied access to the true
Los Angeles County Booking Record of Inmate
Richard Fine.
3) The US District Court, Los Angeles – in Fine v
Baca (2:09-cv-01914) published a false online "PACER
docket", which the Clerk of the Court refuses to
certify, but denied access to the NEFs (Notices of
Electronic Filing - the authentication records) in the
case, and to the paper record, which was Richard
Fine's commencing record - the petition for a writ of
habeas corpus, which was allegedly adulterated at
the US District Court.
4) The US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit – in Fine v
Sheriff (09-71692) and Fine v Sheriff (09-56073)
published false online "PACER dockets", but denied
access to the NDAs (Notices of Docket Activity - the
authentication records), and also to critical records
filed by respondents in the appeal.
5) The US Supreme Court – in Fine v Baca (09-
A827) published a false online "docket" noting
denials on both March 12, 2010 and April 23/26, 2010,
which were not supported by the Court records in the
case. Any evidence of valid judicial review of the
Application was missing from the Court file. 3/11


Below are links to two complaints filed with the

office of US Attorney, Central District of California -
for public corruption and deprivation of rights in the
case of Richard Fine:

1) View complaint filed with US Attorney Office,

alleging public corruption and deprivation of rights
by the California Judicial Council and California
Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald George, relative
to their conduct in the habeas corpus at the US
District Court:

2) View the Complaint filed July 8, 2010 against

Judge David Yaffe and Sheriff Lee Baca - for Public
Corruption and Deprivation of Rights in re:
Imprisonment of Richard Fine:

3) View the Complaint filed July 1, 2010, against

Counsel Danny Bickell, of the US Supreme Court,
alleging public corruption and deprivation of rights
relative to his conduct in the Application Fine v Baca




Executive Summary:

Instant petition is filed with Los Angeles County

Sheriff LEE BACA, to use his due authority and
properly address the legal, civil and human rights of
an American, inmate RICHARD FINE (#1824367).

Reconstructed Chronology:

- Prior to the March 4, 2009 proceeding, a request was

forwarded by the court of Judge David Yaffe to the Sheriff
Department to have the Warrant Detail present in the
proceeding, with the understanding that the proceeding 4/11
would end with the sentencing and jailing of Attorney
Richard Fine for contempt.

- On March 4, 2009 Judge David Yaffe indeed pronounced

such sentence in open court, as evidenced in the Court
Reporter's transcript. Through such oral directives, Judge
Yaffe misled the Sheriff's Warrant Detail to arrest Attorney
Richard Fine at 11:05 am - albeit - with no written, valid,
and effectual warrant at all.

- On March 4, 2009, at 11:05 am, the Sheriff's Warrant

Detail arrested Richard Fine in open court, at the Superior
Court of California, County of Los Angeles, City of Los
Angeles, albeit - with no warrant at all.

- On March 4, 2009 Judge Yaffe then left the courtroom,

and likewise - left the Warrant Detail with no record as an
adequate legal foundation for the arrest. Instead, Judge
Yaffe proceeded to create a second, contradictory record
in the court file. The court file to this date does not reflect
any sentencing or jailing at all. In fact, the March 4, 2009
proceeding was entirely omitted from the record!

- On March 4, 2009, at 12:32 pm, the Sheriff's Warrant

Detail, having no record as foundation for the arrest and
jailing, recorded the arrest and booking of Richard Fine as
if they had taken place on location, and pursuant to the
authority of the non-existent "San Pedro Municipal Court."
Such records were a false and deliberately misleading
records, and out of compliance with the law. They had no
valid court order or judgment as its foundation. No such
court had existed for almost a decade! The false and
deliberately misleading booking record is the main subject
of instant petition.

- On March 4, 2009, at 4:31 pm, papers were received by

the Sheriff's Department through an anonymous fax
transmission, unauthenticated, and with no cover sheet,
from "Judicial Services". Such papers reflected yet a
third, again false and deliberately misleading set of
retroactive records for the arrest and booking of Richard
Fine. Such records included invalid records: (a) The
March 4, 2009 Remand Order and (b) the March 4, 2009
Judgment for contempt.

On such background it was understandable why Sheriff

Lee Baca refused to respond to Attorney Richard Fine's
habeas corpus petition, and likewise - why Sheriff Lee
Baca has refused to allow access to the California public
records, which are the arrest and booking record of
Richard Fine.

Pleading: We pray Sheriff Lee Baca review the arrest and

booking records, and if such records are found failing to
conform with the fundamentals of the law - take corrective
actions and immediately release Attorney Richard Fine.
With it, the Sheriff may mark a new beginning for the Los
Angeles County justice system, with dignity of the legal,
civil, and human rights of all.

Joseph Zernik, PhD

Human Rights Alert (NGO) 5/11

Human Rights Alert is dedicated to discovering, archiving,

and disseminating evidence of Human Rights violations by
the justice systems of the State of California and the
United States in Los Angeles County, California, and
beyond. Special emphasis is given to the unique role of
computerized case management systems in the
precipitous deterioration of integrity of the justice system
in the United States. less


# 376 07:21, Mar 31, Susan Lom as, CA

We are many. You are few .

# 375 11:07, Mar 09, Elzbieta Gotkow ska, Poland

# 374 21:34, Mar 06, Anthony Blunda, MI

# 373 08:48, Mar 05, Tracy Nunez, CA

I w as falsely arrested on a 5150 hold after I confidentially reported a crime to the Carlsbad Police Department. Then CPD illegally detained my child for 4 months w hile I
fought a corrupt juvenile system to recover custody. We do not live in a free country w hen w e have to w orry about organized crime w ith government surveillance and
seizures.Yes, this is a disgraceful act of retaliation!

# 372 11:42, Jan 16, Gregory Lem ke, WA


# 371 07:08, Dec 30, john caron, CA

I had heard stories about La County being perverse,but this says it all.Free the man "NOW" or accept or fate as a nation of free peoples.

# 370 22:08, Dec 26, Nam e not displayed, CA

la corrupcion la hay en partes de govierno muchos trabajadores y yo personal la estamos viviendo

# 369 00:38, Dec 05, Heike Winnig, VA

Obviously, the concept of innocent until proven guilty has no place in the case of Mr. Fine, w ho w as a prosecutor, and know s the legal system and all its hidden
agendas. Yet, he did w hat he had to and believed to be justified, and he risked being blackballed and w orse arrested. I respect Mr. Fine for representing justice and all
that demands.Yes, from the information provided, I believe it is "false on its face".

# 368 17:40, Nov 29, lucy depew , IN

Corruption in our courtrooms must STOP...abosutely!

# 367 05:10, Nov 22, Susie Deeds, OH

The Journal Of Reflections & Thought Truth Of Justice Nothing IS Black Or White Part I (c) 1995 Part II - (c) 1995 through 2009 w w w\sdeidjs -Photos

# 366 04:18, Nov 16, Koch Saskia, Germ any

# 365 13:38, Oct 31, Jam es Reynolds, FL

A great miscarriage of justice!

# 364 02:13, Oct 19, Anna Schaefer, MN

# 363 21:04, Oct 15, Nam e not displayed, CA

I respectfully think all of them are slave masters.Yes

# 362 07:15, Oct 12, angelica D' Archagelis, WA

I've tried circulating this on facebook.... this w as a w hile ago.... can't believe you are still there.... w e can all be there.....

# 361 21:29, Sep 20, Mark Ram irez, CA

Richard Fine is a very good man. I used to w ork w ith him. Yaffe is totally out of control. This deserves a federal investigation.Yes, the March 4, 2009 Judgment w as
false on its face.

# 360 19:44, Sep 18, Leland Lehr, AZ

As a Honorable human being I demand ALL involved obey their oath of office, as eventually all w ill face THE SUPERIOR JUDGE of all. 6/11
# 359 05:39, Sep 17, Verena Hess, Germ any
Olease, free Richard Fine to get Justice for Michael Jackson as w ell as for any other murdered victims

# 358 01:05, Sep 04, Nam e not displayed, Czech Republic

# 357 11:12, Sep 02, Nam e not displayed, CA

# 356 06:24, Aug 30, Rebecca Potter, FL

I haven't seen one banker jailed. It seems as if only those persons w ho uphold the constitution are jailed.

# 355 15:08, Aug 29, sam w orthy, FL

# 354 14:23, Aug 29, Michael Goebel, TX

This is an outrage. Those that have participated in the arrest and confinement of a man not constitutionally process need themselves to be arrested and tried.Absolutely!

# 353 04:22, Aug 29, George McDerm ott, MD

As a victim of over 50 unsigned orders from Maryland Court of special deals for gangsters and the United States appellate courts including the United States Supreme
Court I personally picked up the unsigned orders from the Supreme Court and the clerk of the court told me that the Supreme Court does not have signed orders.
Additionally they are not subject to the 2000 E sign w ith the UCC code from August 1-22 I have received five unsigned orders taking my my property and my legal rights
from me details @secret justice.comNot only are unsigned orders of fraud on the people's of these United States. The trace port of these orders via US mail constitutes
mail fraud under title 18 of the United States criminal code and all judges, court clerks, participating in this fraud should be prosecuted under criminal law

# 352 19:26, Aug 27, Nam e not displayed, CA

Mr. Fine is a qualified HERO to all honest and freedom loving Americans. On the other hand the corrupt and vile judicial system w ith their black robed anathemas is a
disgrace to everything our once great nation stood for!Yes...

# 351 14:50, Aug 27, guadalupe orellana, CA

# 350 21:20, Aug 22, Stephen Sm ith, NM

# 349 12:21, Aug 21, Philipp Holler, Austria

# 348 18:23, Aug 14, Betsy Johnson, SC


# 347 13:54, Aug 07, O.Y. Messer, Israel

Yes, I do

# 346 15:59, Aug 04, Michael Chartier, CA

Free "political prisoner" and CA Citizens' advocate attorney, Richard Fine.Yes, Judge Yaffe should have "recused" himself.

# 345 15:42, Jul 29, Bruce Burns, Canada

How long can this injustice be allow ed to continue, this just goes to show the sad state the judicial system is in around the w orld!

# 344 09:55, Jul 26, edw in snell, CA

My name is ET Snell I am a community activist originally from LA County. David Deemerjian Public Integrity Unit is a joke he put me in prison for 2 years on phony charges
and I have the polygraph to prove it. We w here shutting dow n the BKK dump and I w as attacking his friend and neighbor x mayor Ben Wong on the issues.
http://w w w As usual reporters do not get all the story straight so it dosen't mention BKK in the
article and that katie Mc Comb use to w ork for Ben Wong Dermerjian's neighbor. Look at attorney Fine case best described by this video
http://w w w s_20100528.php LA County board of supervisors needs to be recalled in it's interity ET Snell Clow n Community
ActivistMr Fine should have never been jailed.

# 343 21:28, Jul 25, Nam e not displayed, CA

The only crime committed by Mr. Richard Fine w as to fight against corruption and for justice. This country is supposed to a beacon of light for the rest of the w orld for.
What is being done to Mr. Fine is a violation to the Founding Fathers and all the righteous principles that this country stands for. A great country that does not search
and stand for truth cannot survive.YES!

# 342 16:20, Jul 25, Denise Sayles, MI

It is just to release Mr. Fine.

# 341 15:16, Jul 22, Matthew Kudlov, Israel

Solitary confinmenet? Wow .yes

# 340 08:52, Jul 22, John Hepw orth, Canada

No man suffers injustice w ithout learning, vaguely but surely, w hat justice is. But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some
persons w hat belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to w hom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing w hat
the citizen himself cannot do w ithout committing a crime.

# 339 03:45, Jul 20, Linda Jensen, Denm ark

# 338 12:03, Jul 19, Kathryn Perkins, UT

# 337 08:48, Jul 19, C Rogers, CA

# 336 02:31, Jul 17, Andrew Yiannides, United Kingdom 7/11
The time has come for all citizens to use their rights and accordingly contribute tow ards the making of genuine democratic governance. In that spirit, I have been
engaged in looking into human rights violations w ithin the United Kingdom, as of 1972, after I w as made aw are of the fact that the justice system / the courts are used
as a free-for-all corrupt service & the operatives provide protection to criminals w ho operate out of public services and high office. My long research established as of
the onset that the element of constructively engineered fraud, through false instruments created by the judiciary and the courts service, invaraiably serve undeclared
policies w hich in no w ay relate to DEMOCRATIC RULE & GOVERNANCE. With the above in mind, noting the background and the plans of secretive organisations and
brotherhoods there can be no other explanation BUT fraudulent use of the justice / courts services in the Ricahrd Vine shameful criminalisation of an honest and
sincerely concerned citizen of the United States of America.There is no doubt in mind that the incarceration of Richard Vine is but an abomination and disgraceful act
resting and founded on abuse of the courts facilities.

# 335 08:26, Jul 15, William Lauritzen, CA

Free Richard Fine!

# 334 19:34, Jul 14, Nam e not displayed, MD

The judgment and imprisonment of innocent citizens w ill not go unnoticed, and someday sooner them most people realize, all those responsible w ill have to answ er to
God for their part in harming his innocent children. Just as it says in the Bible (Rev): "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men...hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face
of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the w rath of the Lamb: For the great day of his w rath is come; and w ho shall be able to stand?" Do the privileged people
believe that God cannot see them in their underground shelters? The earthquakes w e're seeing now are a message to these people that they w ill not be safe in their
underground "hotels." Please, heed God's w arning and repent of your sins so that God w ill be merciful in the coming great chastisement of the U.S.. Prophecy is being
fulfilled and w e are indeed in the last days, for these are the end times.Yes.

# 333 00:31, Jul 14, Jeffrey Golin, CA

This is the scariest development in the law that I've ever seen and it only heightens my perception that the US is on a clear trajectory to a different form of government,
one that mimics 1930's Germany more than anyone w ants to admit. Look there in history and there's a blueprint for w here w e are heading if people don't stop it. The
government has been captured by the elites and corporations.

# 332 20:59, Jul 13, Linda Tillotson, CA

# 331 21:05, Jul 12, Quenby Wilcox, DC

The corruption w ithin our judicial systems is all encompasing and a real threat to our democracies. My ow n research has show n 60-80% failure rates w ithin judicial
systems. My ow n Cause (Safe Child International) deals w ith custody cases and children being handed over to abusive parents.

# 330 14:11, Jul 12, VIJAY *, CA

What happened to this country America that purports to flag w ave democracy here and abroad? While I w as serving in our military of the United States I lived and
visited areas in the w orld that did these same things against its citizens, those governments are called "DICTATORSHIPS", MONARCHIES, etc If the judicial branch of this
country is doing these illegal processes and the judges are not being charged and incarcerated for these false imprisonments that include OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE,
FRAUD, PERJURY, ETHICS VIOLATIONS and a host of other charges I am quite sure, then w e are in serious trouble in this country! This man is an upstanding attorney,
doing exactly w hat is expected of an attorney w hen he or she sees the w rong and illegal activities of their very piers. Anyone that sanctions this situation as w ell as
the judges' illegal behavior such as the California State Bar has in coming against Mr. Fine, also need to be charged w ith AIDING and ABETTING to start w ith and face
the cruel incarceration in w hich Mr. Fine finds himself in now ! In closing, I cannot believe I am born and raised in this country and that I served the United States Military
to protect w hat? My service w asn't upholding Mr. Fine's rights look at w here he is sitting as I w rite this letter. This country is a sham and in a shambles, I have a very
good friend w ho w as illegally charged w ith many felonies, grand jurors testimony that eventually proved the "so-called" w itnesses w ere lying and the D.A. of Los
Angeles, Steve Cooley is behind all of it along w ith Judge Wesley. The judge ignored the rule of law and the statements he made during the hearings et al, w ere
reminiscent of w hat Judge Yaffe has done to conspire w ith law enforcement and other judges in an attempt to silence Mr. Fine. I miss my grandparents, but as
immigrants to this country a hundred years ago, they w ould be mortified to see w hat is happening today. SHAMEFUL to be an American! VJ(American-born and raised)

# 329 13:39, Jul 12, Dale Thorup, CO

Impunity and immunity for judges has led to corruption in the entire judicial system in Colorado, apparently just as it has in California. In Colorado, corrupt judges and
magistrates operate under a veil of secrecy due to a Commission on Judicial (Non) Discipline that hasn't unseated a single judge in it's forty-three year history and an
Office of Attorney (De)Regulation that investigates less than one-percent of the formal complaints that it receives annually. Some associated w ith the legal system in
Colorado say that organized crime is to blame as they have judges and magistrates in their pocket.Yes

# 328 09:56, Jul 11, Lane Dion, CA


# 327 01:34, Jul 11, Alan Jim , Germ any

The 'bottom-to-top' approach given to local government lacks oversight. The gravity of the situation is so that its abuse of authority has crossed even international
spheres. Signs and symptoms of this are false incarcerations of thousands, overburdening of cases and prison facilities, lack of proper investigations, altering of and
deleting of court transcripts, nepotism, and many others. Where as Mr. Fine's and the thousands of cases depicted here are contained to LA County, other California
counties too partake in local government and sheriff misconduct.It is false on its face value and so there is still an ongoing legal balance betw een the continuing
rise(post 9/11 and post Bush era) of authoritarian local government and state governments and federal government (how ever this one is still w ithin its ow n constructs,
evolving) and international efforts, being human rights group, United Nations, and even ad hoc or motu propio.

# 326 16:22, Jul 10, David Schied, MI

Mr. Fine is a man taking a stand. It's our duty to each other as Americans to do the same.I agree that the judgment w as false on its face. Furthermore, I have found this a
common practice of today's State and Federal judges. We are no longer a nation of law s. We are a nation of government "discretion" coupled w ith government
"immunity". Try getting access to a criminal "Grand Jury" to report government crimes. You can't get to one, particularly if you reside in Michigan w here state grand
juries have been placed w ith the "investigative subpoena statute" giving the prosecutor sole authority and discretion on w hat crimes to prosecute. What happens w hen
the prosecutor is one of the criminals?

# 325 14:09, Jul 10, Carol Kochm ann, MA

Based on the information provided, yes.

# 324 13:56, Jul 10, Alison Maynard, CO

I am an attorney in Colorado undergoing similar retribution for exposing judge corruption, including likely bribery of a Summit County district court judge. I have endured 3-
1/2 years of bogus disciplinary proceedings from the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel as a result. What has happened, and is happening, to Richard Fine is even
more heinous, and execrable beyond description. Take heed, all you Americans w ho believe you live in a free country w ith a democratic government and due process. 8/11
YOU DON'T. We have become w orse than a third-w orld country. Organized crime is in charge of all of our institutions, the most frightening being this final stronghold of
the judiciary, the most chilling perversion because of the presumption of integrity and morality w hich attends judicial acts. I see evidence of a big fat payoff netw ork at
play, w ith developers and defense attorneys delivering bags of cash behind the bench to the judges, w ho then rule their w ay. What is going on is, I believe, aptly
characterized as asset-stripping enabled by judges. In Colorado, the judges have been planted in their positions by organized crime. People w ho ow n real property
(particularly, in my cases, it has been w ater rights) are being targeted by developers, w ho, w ith their crooked attorneys, take the true ow ners to court on trumped-up
civil charges. The judge then transfers the property from the true ow ner to the developers, w ithout even the barest color of right. I have reason to believe this scenario
is operating all over the country: kickbacks to judges. Particularly, innocent people w ho are minors w ho have inherited estates, or elderly w ith assets, are targeted, and
declared incompetent--even sent to a mental institution--w hile the attorney or guardian ad litem--the one w ho has been put in charge of their assets after this
declaration--makes off w ith all the dough (and pays some percentage back to the judge). I have had to defend, three times now , against bogus charges of "mental
disability" simply for representing my clients, in good faith and w ith ALL the law and the evidence on our side, against these scams. The Office of Attorney Regulation
Counsel in Colorado has meddled and interfered in ongoing litigation in its pursuit of me, causing REAL harm to my clients. My clients have been testifying for me, at
PERCENTAGE BACK. My take is that the elaborate security systems in the courts have had to be implemented because people are not merely "disgruntled litigants," they
are being ripped off by the judges w ithout right. Deliberately. That's w hy these particular people are holding judgeships. AND THAT'S WHY RICHARD FINE HAS BEEN
haven't actually read it. I haven't found it on your w ebsite.

# 323 13:23, Jul 10, Stephen MacDonell, MN

It is an egregious and entirely noxious breach of any semblance of justice to keep people imprisoned under these circumstances. Please give back the civil rights of all
those w ho w ere imprisoned under false pretenses. We are supposed to be in America, land of the free, not cold w ar stalinist Russia right?

# 322 09:51, Jul 10, kay sieverding, WI

Richard Fine w as imprisoned for his political speech. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled recently that "Because speech is an essential mechanism of democracy -- it is the
means to hold officials accountable to the people -- political speech must prevail against law s that w ould suppress it by design or inadvertence. Law s burdening such
speech are subject to strict scrutiny, w hich requires the Government to prove that the restriction "furthers a compelling interest and is narrow ly tailored to achieve that
interest." WRTL, 551 U. S., at 464. This language provides a sufficient framew ork for protecting the interests in this case. Premised on mistrust of governmental pow er,
the First Amendment stands against attempts to disfavor certain subjects or view points or to distinguish among different speakers, w hich may be a means to control
content. The Government may also commit a constitutional w rong w hen by law it identifies certain preferred speakers. There is no basis for the proposition that, in the
political speech context, the Government may impose restrictions on certain disfavored speakers. Both history and logic lead to this conclusion…. (1) The First
Amendment prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for engaging in political speech…. First Amendment protections do not depend
on the speaker's "financial ability to engage in public discussion." Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, No. 08-205 (U.S. 01/21/2010) “Since [United Mine
Workers] the Court has erected substantial procedural protections in other areas of contempt law … But the contempt pow er also uniquely is “liable to abuse.” Bloom,
391 U.S., at 202, quoting Ex parte Terry,… Unlike most areas of law , w here a legislature defines both the sanctionable conduct and the penalty to be imposed, civil
contempt proceedings leave the offended judge solely responsible for identifying, prosecuting, adjudicating, and sanctioning the contumacious conduct. Contumacy
“often strikes at the most vulnerable and human qualities of a judge’s temperament,” Bloom, supra, at 202, and its fusion of legislative, executive, and judicial pow ers
“summons forth . . . the prospect of ‘the most tyrannical licentiousness… Our jurisprudence in the contempt area has attempted to balance the competing concerns of
necessity and potential arbitrariness by allow ing a relatively unencumbered contempt pow er w hen its exercise is most essential, and requiring progressively greater
procedural protections w hen other considerations come into play… (the judicial contempt pow er is a “pow er of self-defense,” limited to sanctioning “those w ho
interfere w ith the orderly conduct of [court] business or disobey orders necessary to the conduct of that business")… Summary adjudication of indirect contempts is
prohibited, e.g., Cooke v. United States… the risk of erroneous deprivation from the lack of a neutral factfinder may be substantial…. the court effectively policed
petitioners’ compliance w ith an entire code of conduct that the court itself had imposed…” INTERNATIONAL UNION v. JOHN L. BAGWELL ET AL. (06/30/94) U.S.
Supreme CourtDo you agree that the March 4, 2009 Judgment w as and is FALSE ON ITS FACE?

# 321 21:10, Jul 08, William Davidson, OH

# 320 18:18, Jul 08, Paolo Fiora, United Kingdom


# 319 12:49, Jul 08, Michael Warnken, CA

Its a sham that Mr. Fine is in Jail. He needs to be released immediately.The Judges need to stop taking bribes.

# 318 09:25, Jul 08, Anne elliott, United Kingdom

If there is no elicit reason w hy this man is suffering such brutal confinment,please prove it by releasing him.

# 317 20:49, Jul 07, Paul Christofersen, IN

This is a travesty of justice and should never have occurred anyw here or any time in these United States.Yes!

# 316 19:55, Jul 07, Dan Danziger, TX

# 315 19:49, Jul 07, Yolanda North, AZ

# 314 15:53, Jul 07, Gerald Hulett, DC

The goverment that w e live under is becoming more and more like China,Iran,Saudi Arabia, and so on..Our Democracy is being taken from us slow ly but surely..

# 313 21:06, Jul 06, Nam e not displayed, TX

Free this man at once. He has committed no crime, has not been convicted and does not belong in jail. This is the w ork of one judge that chose to violate another
persons rights by having them incarcerated. Im sure the State of California could use that jail cell for a real criminal. Free this man.

# 312 22:04, Jul 05, Michelle Kelley, CA

This is an outrage. Free him and let him speak. I am tired of injustice.

# 311 21:02, Jul 05, Allena Hansen, CA

Have nothing civil to say about this situation.I do.

# 310 20:23, Jul 05, Stephen Taylor, CA 9/11
# 309 13:20, Jul 05, Brianne Sheehan, CA
Excessive imprisonment.

# 308 01:41, Jul 04, Lilly Collette, SC

Any judgment w hich can be show n to be false on its face is no judgment at all. It is a fraud upon the court and a criminal outrage against all persons.Yes.

# 307 13:00, Jul 03, Sandra Roberts, HI

I can't imagine being in solitary confinement for any period of time let alone 16 months! What's going on that this man's life is being taken in such a heartless, law less
w ay? I think about this poor man, his family, his friends, and his supporters every day. I w ondered w hether there are others nonviolent 'offenders' of the judicial status
quo imprisoned elsew here in the United States or is LA the only place in this country w here sheriffs and judges w ork together to bend the law to satisfy their ow n
ruthless agendas. Here is something more I found about Falsely Imprisoned Persons in LA County! http://w w w
Review -e p. 3/5 Public responses and perspectives Fine's jailing w as perceived by many as false imprisonment, and became the center point for demands for reform of
the judiciary. Small rallies took place outside the Men's Central Jail, and fundraisers w ere organized to help sponsor his legal expenses.[40] Fine's jailing and the
underlying secret payments to judges w ere also mentioned as diminishing the prospects of California Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno, one of the recipients, for
nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Embattled Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit Alex Kozinski, never commented on the unsigned order
issued in his name in this case, w hich appeared inconsistent w ith his usual liberal, civil rights-sensitive, judicially-incisive reputation.[41] The fundamental judicial
w rongdoing at the Los Angeles Superior Court, as alleged by those w ho consider the case False Imprisonment, should be view ed in perspective of the w idespread
False Imprisonment instances of the Rampart-FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons) affected by that court. Such false imprisonments had been documented already a
decade ago, as part of the Rampart scandal investigation (1998-2000), and w ere estimated by PBS Frontline at many thousands.[42] How ever,the latest official Rampart
scandal report - by the Blue Ribbon Review Panel- titled Rampart Reconsidered (2006) – documented the Superior Court judges as key parties in the ongoing refusal to
free the Rampart-FIPs over the past decade. The report recommended "external investigation" of the Los Angeles justice system, w hich w as never instituted. It also
singled out the Los Angeles Superior Court as requiring review .[43],[44],[45] Supreme Court rules against jailed law yer Richard Fine By Troy Anderson, Staff Writer
Posted: 05/24/2010 07:54:15 PM PDT Updated: 05/24/2010 07:58:04 PM PDT Issuing a final ruling in the case, the U.S. Supreme Court Monday denied Tarzana tax
attorney Richard I. Fine's request to be released from Men's Central Jail, w here he has been held for failing to divulge information on his personal assets. Fine, a 70-
year-old former taxpayer advocate attorney w ho claims he's a "political prisoner," has spent 14 months in jail. A former Beverly Hills attorney w ho once w orked for the
U.S. Department of Justice, Fine has been held in solitary confinement since early 2009 after he refused to pay $46,329 or release details of personal finances. At the
time, Fine w as handling a case on behalf of Marina del Rey residents and Superior Court Judge David P. Yaffe found him in contempt of court and ordered him held until
he divulges the information. "We are deeply disappointed in the outcome of this," said Victoria Fine, Fine's daughter w ho is a journalist and editor at The Huffington Post.
"It's scary to me that the justice system at all levels doesn't see the inherent flaw s in the system and is choosing not to correct them." In his Supreme Court brief, Fine
alleged his confinement is retaliation for exposing Los Angeles County's practice of paying judges an annual bonus of $57,000 in addition to their state salary of
$179,000 - providing local judges w ith salaries higher than the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court w ho earns $218,000 annually. Since the county began paying the
judges the the extra benefits in the late 1980s, Fine w rote the county has w on "virtually all law suits" decided by the judges. An appellate court in San Diego ruled in late
2008 that the payments w ere unconstitutional, but the state Legislature subsequently passed a bill authorizing the payments and granting retroactive immunity from
criminal prosecution for all involved government officials. In a telephone interview late last w eek, Fine said if the Supreme Court denied his release that it w ould mean
the "entire judicial system in the United States is lost." "It means it's acceptable for judges to accept bribes and acceptable for judges to judge their ow n actions," Fine
said. A Superior Court spokesw oman said the court had no comment on the Supreme Court's ruling. The high court's ruling came only hours after CNN aired a story
about Fine's plight. In a blog entry, CNN Special Investigations Unit reporter Abbie Boudreau noted the "dapper Beverly Hills attorney know n for his bow tie" is "not a
criminal." "What w ill happen if Fine refuses to cooperate, and Judge Yaffe doesn't put an end to this?" Boudreau asked. "Could this go on for another year, or maybe
even more? At w hat point does `coercive confinement' become nothing more than an indefinite jail sentence?"Victoria Fine Editor, HuffPost Impact Posted: January 12,
2010 12:44 PM My Dad Tried to Right a Wrong, Now He's Behind Bars Unjustly As an editor at Huffington Post Impact, I have the honor of reporting daily the generous
acts of others and the devastating issues that our communities have yet to address sufficiently to make this w orld a safe and healthy place for everyone. I empathize
w ith the subjects of our articles on a very personal level. My ow n parents are uninsured, facing foreclosure of their house, and my father is unjustly in jail. All because
of his compulsion to help others. Many of you may be familiar w ith California's budget mess. Around the state, parks are being closed, tuition hiked and state w orkers
laid off in an attempt to salvage a very bad financial situation, one that is rife w ith misuse of funds and, in some cases, corruption. My father is a respected law yer and
has, for the last decade, dedicated his career to retrieving as much of these w rongly funneled funds back to taxpayers like you and me. He is 69 years old, (he turns 70
on the Friday after next) and is know n for his dapper bow ties and for seeing the w orld in strict terms of right and w rong. And since March, he has been taken a
political prisoner of the L.A. County Jail System. Richard I. Fine and Victoria Fine In a country that prides itself on its adherence to the rule of law , my father has been in
solitary confinement for more than nine months, deprived initially of paper, pen and telephone, w ithout any legal charges being filed or indication of length of his
incarceration. His crime? His belief that $300 million dollars in taxpayer money should be legally spent. And suggesting that Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge
David P. Yaffe had violated state law by accepting bribes from a party before him in court -- namely, Los Angeles County. My father is being held in contempt of court
by the judge he has embarrassed. Every day, an uncountable number of people are unjustly held in prison for crimes they have not committed. Most of these people are
too poor or too ill-connected to find advocates for their cause. They suffer in silence, and their families are torn apart in the aftermath of their incarceration. But my
father is a first-generation American w ho, from sheer hard w ork, rose to found the first municipal antitrust division in the United States in Los Angeles and has served
as a diplomat for Norw ay for the last 14 years. I never believed that a man like my dad could be in the same situation. And yet, here w e are, my mother and me, sorting
foreclosure papers w hile my dad w aits in his jail cell for someone to recognize the ridiculousness of this affair. What could have led a respected 69-year-old antitrust
law yer to nine months of solitary confinement? On March 4, my father w as arguing a case on behalf of a group of homeow ners in Marina Del Rey. The case
piggybacked on another case of his that w as gaining some attention by local media, in w hich my father w as representing a group of environmentalists w ho w anted to
stop further development in the neighborhood of Playa Vista in Los Angeles. The city had allow ed new homes to be built on methane gas deposits w ith allegedly faulty
safety monitoring systems. In several of these cases, my father alleged that the county w as selling taxpayer-ow ned land for rock-bottom prices in return for campaign
donations. These are the kinds of cases most law yers don't w ant to take on. But my father believed that justice w ould be served to normal people w ho w anted houses
that w ere safe to live in and their tax money to go tow ard sound investments. His cases kept getting dismissed for nonsensical and strange reasons and it w asn't
surprising to find out that the judges my dad w as going up against had a very good reason to shoot dow n his arguments on behalf of homeow ners and taxpayers.
They w ere being paid off. On that day in court, my father brought forth the argument that Judge Yaffe couldn't give an impartial ruling on his case against the county of
Los Angeles because, like other L.A. Superior Court judges, Yaffe had draw n his salary not only from the state of California but also from Los Angeles County. Judges
receive $46,436 in annual bonuses from the county, on top of a handsome salary of $178,789 from the state. The total compensation of $225,225 a year exceeds the
pay of even Chief Justice John Roberts, w ho earns $217,000 a year. The payments, my father maintained, w ere illegal under a 1997 state law that held that the state
w as solely responsible for paying the salaries of trial court judges. Just last year, California's Court of Appeals ruled the practice of double-dipping unconstitutional. In
addition, my father noted that Judge Yaffe, like others, had failed to report this extra income in state financial disclosure statements, w hich also is a violation of law .
How , my father asked, could a judge receiving an illegal annual bonus from the county render an objective judgment in a case involving the county? Remember, this is
$300 million w e're talking about here. California's school bus system or more currently, California's colleges could have used some of the more than $300 million that Los
Angeles County taxpayers have spent footing the costs of these illegal bonuses to judges. But just as much of an issue for my father as the taxpayers' loss is the
conflict of interest created by double-dipping. In a brief to the court, my father pointed out that in all cases brought over a three-year period by citizens against Los
Angeles County, judges ruled against the citizens. It could reasonably be expected that the county w ould prevail most of the time, but it is a stretch to assume that a
court should find that government is right all the time. To be clear, many judges in the United States are paid by their county w ithout suspicion of bias. What
differentiates this circumstance is that Los Angeles judges do not publicly disclose that they receive tw o paychecks in state-mandated statements. Our city residents
have no w ay of protecting themselves against judicial bias if they bring a case against L.A. county in front of these judges. My father's incarceration appears indefinite.
Judge Yaffe has said he w ould be freed if he signs a personal financial statement (so that the judge could order a fine) and accept disbarment w ithout further options
for recourse. This w ould leave my father, already financially ruined from this debacle, w ithout hope of further employment in his career choice of 40 years for the 10/11
remainder of his life. Why w ould my father jeopardize his career and livelihood over a mere pay issue? It is not in his nature to close his eyes to w hat he regards as
injustice. He believes that justice should prevail over insider politics. To him, the taxpayers are a bunch of Davids, facing a government Goliath w ho w as supposed to
protect them. He feels obligated to seek a hearing for his clients before a court w ithout a conflict of interest. In the face of this, Judge Yaffe is using coercive detention
to stifle his dissent. Richard I. Fine and Family My father, my mother and me, Christmas 2006 In the meantime, the w hole affair has ruined my family. My parents have
been left w ith nothing, their house foreclosed on, their health insurance, due to age and stress, revoked. Their pleas ignored. The only thing that hasn't been ignored, in
a strange ironic tw ist, is the pay issue itself. As of late November, L.A. County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich revoked these illegal judicial benefits for new judges
and has retroactively made the bonuses already paid out to judges legal. (That means that until November 23 of this year, the payments w ere officially recognized as
illegal.) Despite this, my father remains in jail. His request for release is ''under consideration'' but there's no deadline for courts to make a decision on his case. My
father may very w ell have to face his birthday in a jail cell w hile he, and w e, aw ait the scrutiny and resolution that his situation deserves. Every day at Impact, I w ork in
the hopes that injustices w ill be given the attention they're entitled to. I hope that today, as my father faces a biased and unsympathetic court, you w ill keep this small
injustice in mind and share his story w ith the people you know so that he can one day return to championing the causes of others. You can learn more about my
father's situation and how you can help on his supporters' site. Follow Victoria Fine on Tw itter: w w w .tw

# 306 10:23, Jul 03, Nam e not displayed, Canada

# 305 18:18, Jul 02, sara breining, IN

# 304 14:42, Jul 02, Donald Clem ents, HI

I believe it is unconscionable to hold anyone in solitary confinement for a civil dispute. The Judiciary in this case appears to be out of control. Even in cases of criminals,
solitary confinement should be limited to those incarnated persons w ho are a threat to others, not as means of extorting cooperation, confession or submission. Donald
ClementsI don’t know but w ill read it now .

# 303 21:21, Jul 01, GUS CORRADO, CA


# 302 23:44, Jun 30, Nam e not displayed, CA

# 301 16:55, Jun 30, Chelene Nightingale, CA

If elected, Richard w ill be FREE!!! We must end big government corruption!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 next

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# 300

02:24, Jun 30, Gregory Lermke, WA

Stop the abuse of the systemYes I agree

# 299

08:11, Jun 28, Fred Sottile, CA

Ironically, July 4th 2010 will be exactly 16 months to the day that the illegal incarceration of Richard Fine was committed. Happy Independence Day to the judiciary who have declared themselves
independent of the law. It will be truly interesting when the citizens respond in kind.

# 298

06:43, Jun 28, Blake Moore, SC

# 297

05:40, Jun 28, Name not displayed, MD

# 296

14:25, Jun 27, John Wright, CA

# 295

08:48, Jun 27, David Spiegel, PA

If Richard Fine's assertions were frivilous as the government contends, then why did California quietly pass Senate Bill SBX2 11 which gives the judges retroactive criminal and civil immunity to all
California Judges, County Government and Court officials who participated in the illegal payment scheme, since 1988 to present? The other courts including the US Supreme court are condoning
this injustice by denying all appeals.

# 294

14:41, Jun 26, Shane M Krikorian, CA

Free Richard Fine.

# 293

12:38, Jun 26, Robert Wagner, OH

Let Mr. Fine go please. You are adding to the frustration of America with NAZI stunts like this. If a civil war were to break out, it will be the citizens against the corrupt system. Guess who would
win?False judgment against Richard Fine!

# 292

11:48, Jun 26, Mike Perretta, NV

Let Richard Fine out of jail so he can do some good for himself and others as he always did.. We should put the Sheriff and his police force in jail instead.. All Cops are crooked!!

# 291

12:13, Jun 25, Carol Long, CA

Please release Mr. Fine and allow his friends to visit him and allow public record to be placed in the court computers on what has happened to him.This man does not deserve this unkine and
illegal punishment.

# 290

19:21, Jun 22, Nancy Snider, FL

Please free Richard. This in not how American Citizens should be treated.

# 289

20:31, Jun 21, Marcy Langley, IL

Marcy A Langley

# 288

14:20, Jun 21, Name not displayed, MI

I do agree that Dr. Fine is imprisoned by a corrupt legal system and that it has gone on for well over what is reasonable. There is clear abuse of judicial power at work here and a federal
investigation into this matter is not only warranted.. but demanded!I do agree.

# 287

07:11, Jun 18, Name not displayed, Australia

please review the arrest and booking records, and if found not confirming with the fundamentals of the law - initiate corrective actions and immediately release attorney Richard Fine

# 286

12:25, Jun 17, Name not displayed, AZ

Please use your authority and address the legal, civil and so very important human rights of Richard Fine. Review the arrest and booking records then release Attorney Richard Fine on account of
the procedures not conforming with the fundamentals of the law. It is only right -

# 285

11:05, Jun 17, Cecilia Mattsson, Sweden


# 284

09:08, Jun 15, Name not displayed, CA

Having anyone jailed this long on a contempt charge is more than evil, it is unconstitutional. The fact that the matter has been supported by so many other judges is more than disturbing -- it is a
call to action. FREE RICHARD FINE NOW!Flatly false.

# 283

02:19, Jun 15, Stephen Lendman, IL

Richard Fine should be lauded, not imprisoned. The entire process against him was appalling and illegal. Free him now and drop all spurious charges.All charges against Fine are bogus

# 282

20:55, Jun 14, Michael Thatcher, OK

Free Richard from this travesty of justice now!Yes
# 281

12:46, Jun 13, Name not displayed, FL

I do not know all that much about the case against Mr. Richard Fine. However, based on what I do know I think that holding Mr. Fine in jail is an offense to everything we in America hold dear to
us! I truly believe he felt he was doing right and there is no legal ground to hold him. Something is not right with his confinement. It is all wrong and immoral. I really could not believe what I was
reading about Mr. Fine was happening here in America! ????? He was trying to do the right thing and someone up higher than he came down on him hard and he was imprisoned. Wow! In
America. Please help him. He is a good man, doing the right thing.Yes, I highly agree with this statement!!!!!!!

# 280

20:42, Jun 10, William Tingle, GA

Please limit your comments to such that are respectful.YES!

# 279

11:42, Jun 06, Judy Morris, Canada

It seems that Richard Fine was jailed for telling the truth. It is shocking to think that a system that was set up to execute the law could be so corrupt. I am asking that the Richard Fine be released
from prison. He is being held falsely. To keep him there is a violation of human rights

# 278

11:57, Jun 03, Lon Diffenderfer, PA

Imprisonment of Richard Fine is a terrible travesty of justice. Mr. Fine should be released immediately and paid for all legal his legal costs and lost wages during his imprisonment.I completely
disagree with the March 4, 2009 judgement against Mr. Fine. It contains and is based on completely false information.

# 277

15:00, Jun 02, catharina vrieze, Netherlands


# 276

10:36, Jun 02, Candice Oliver, OK

This is just horrible. What they are doing to him is against everything the system stands for. I hope he gets out and karma comes back to those who put him in there.

# 275

00:32, Jun 02, WWW.Barfly, Canada

This of course is systemic with such news seldom getting to the people due the obviousness the media moguls like once Sir ... Conrad Black are with the UPIG (Ultimate Personal Interest Group)
as the elitist of the elite SUPIG (Superior UPIG) with the Bilderberg New World Order that have been underway since the world financial collapse with them setting the stage for the really big one
wwIII with the BP OIL thing to be a humongous disaster setting the US and British on unfriendly terms with North Korea supposedly sinking the South's ship and Israel already not on favorable
terms with the US taking a shot at the Turks their only Muslim associates I would say just another one or 2 of their plans put to action will provide one humongous ruckus with the majority of the
Dumb Bi Asses of the 90% majority waiting for lies to see who they should call to account when of course it is them for not standing up as a majority against the unscrupulous Capital PIGs that
have been able to convince the people white is black or black is white as you prefer. The enemy is as always the 10% elite and their governments they proclaim are ours as they claim democracy
absolutely 180 degrees adverse to Capitalism that is feudal facadel TyrannyYes enough if the people amass will fall flat on their face If we do not deal with them now ... it is all over Charter
Democracy Force Justice Inc.

# 274

23:46, Jun 01, Name not displayed, United Kingdom

Fine must be released immediately, before the Los Angeles County Justice system's credibility is lost for good!

# 273

23:14, Jun 01, Name not displayed, IN

For someone to be jailed in retaliation of his or her investigative work is shameful.

# 272

20:36, May 31, Brent LaRoche, CA

I am saddened and horrified by the false imprisonment of Richard Fine, a good man standing up for a just and fair judicial system. Everyday that he remains incarcerated is further proof of that the
CA Judicial System is corrupt and without oversight and accountability, and I believe whole-heartedly that this is and already was the demise of the 8th largest economy in the World (CA). There
needs to be a major clean-up of corrupt officials California Court systems. Please release Richard Fine immediately and stop putting self-interests and greed ahead of justice and the truth.The
Judgement was False on its face, I agree.

# 271

19:45, May 31, AURELIA ALONZO, CA

HOLDING SOMEONE FOR 14 MONTHS...without charging him is ABSOLUTELY CRIMINAL !!!! and what the Heck...this hasnt even been talked about on the news...WHERE CAN WE GO ?

# 270

18:41, May 30, John Kaye, CA

This is an AbominationLooking at what was presented, shouldn't the judges be in jail that put him there?

# 269

07:35, May 30, Name not displayed, CA

I agree

# 268

04:43, May 30, ivana de luca, Italy

# 267

04:19, May 30, Naruki Nagata, CA

The Sheriff's Dept has clearly violated the due process of law. This is inexcusably unjust.It is clearly false.

# 266

02:26, May 30, Christina Clark, United Kingdom


# 265

13:51, May 28, Evan Reyes, CA

I don't agree with anything that is going on and if you think you can hide behind made up records in the internet age; you're wrong.I more than agree it's a scandal that needs to be dealt with.
# 264

12:55, May 28, Carol Knapp, CA

This debacle shows the depth of degradation and corruption to which the County Supervisors of Los Angeles and L.A. Superior Court judges have sunk. And, now that the "Supremes" have
refused to hear this case, we can add them into the sludge and muck created by the So Cal government gang-bangers. Richard Fine is a true hero, but I worry that he will not make it out of this in
one piece. Carol Knapp

# 263

12:46, May 28, Patrick Haws, MN

Absolutely barbaric. One of the most shameful acts committed by a court system already utterly bereft of any moral compass. Unreal that this could happen to a person, and all the while these
judges have their comfy, secure jobs & benefits and won't hear ANYTHING this innocent man has to say. NO EXCUSE FOR THAT KIND OF BEHAVIOR FROM ANYONE, LET ALONE A
FREAKING JUDGE.ABSOLUTELY. Without any doubt whatsoever; every single one of them should be fired immediately. One word for their sort of behavior: DISGUSTING. And one word for
what this man and his flippin' family have been FORCED to go through: INHUMAN. This is the United States of America; could we please act like it? For once?

# 262

00:59, May 28, adalia salomaa, CA

Truth and Justice. The United States used to stand for something and it seems with all of the corruption it is headed down hill fast. "Bless my people and you will be blessed, curse my people and
you will be cursed" adalia salomaaYes

# 261

21:20, May 27, David O'Donnell, NJ

Courts in California are corrupt, the self policing pseudo-regulation of lawyers is a sad joke. But so are courts in NY, NJ, DE, FL and elsewhere around the country. The financial crisis imperiling
our nation was built on a crescendo of frauds in our courts, on Wall Street under the SEC and Spitzer, and in our bankruptcy courts. Crooked lawyers and a broken justice system profited from the
bubbles and will profit more in the collapse. We need a Federal Special Prosecutor to examine the facts of this case, as well as every other organized crime ring involving big law firms and public
officials.It appears false on its face.

# 260

18:28, May 27, Name not displayed, CA

# 259

14:22, May 27, Sierra Lytle, CA

What is happening to America? This is unconstititional and the people who put Richard Fine in jail, should be in jail themselves.Yes was against the law.

# 258

13:11, May 27, CHRISTINA SKOW, CA

How many times have we heard California has the best paid court system? Oh gee I wonder why???? Who let it get so corrupt? Richard Fine and his family DO NOT deserve this, and anyone
who has taken money from any association or county should be ashamed of themselves. They are upstanding citizens?? I think not!! Release Richard!!

# 257

12:51, May 27, Rachel Prado, CA

Free this man...he has done nothing wrong...

# 256

09:21, May 27, Scott Walsh, NY

Respect one of our most basic principles: Habeas Corpus, and release this man from prison now!

# 255

23:02, May 26, No Name, CA

# 254

22:48, May 26, Shoshana List, MO

# 253

18:04, May 26, Blair Raglin, GA

# 252

17:58, May 26, Robert Van Dine, CA

I have known Richard Fine for 20 years. He is a fine man and above all a gentleman. He is not capable of doing anything that would demean the law. I only learned of this today. How can I help an
old friend?tes

# 251

17:53, May 26, Void Judgment, CA


# 250

17:06, May 26, Cathe Martin, IN

I work for attorneys. I wish I worked for an attorney with his passion for the law. The justice system is a joke and he is addressing such issue.Yes

# 249

16:27, May 26, Name not displayed, FL

This is not Justice!! Free this man who has done nothing wrong. This is truly disgraceful.

# 248

11:50, May 26, Jessica Leah, CA

# 247

03:08, May 26, Frank p, CA

It's a huge disgrace that this man is being held in a jail for a year without even being tried for anything- something you'd expect from Russia or some Arab dictatorship, not the good ol' USA. The
whole thing is disgusting. The city of LA is abusing this man's human dignity and human rights.

# 246
22:24, May 25, Jeniffer Leach, IL

# 245

21:56, May 25, Name not displayed, CA

This is an outrageous example of back door politics. Fine is right in standing up for what he believes. The City of LA spends its time on boycotting Arizona for attempting to fix problems while
further punishing an attorney who wants to shed light on serious issues. If this act was found unconstitutional then "fixing it" with newer legislation is a disgusting political tactic. Free Mr. Fine
now.This judgement is blatantly false and should be reversed.

# 244

21:28, May 25, Cordarryl Martin, LA

This man did nothing wrong for having his pride. He needs to be freed. We the people know all about your dirty work. You can't hide from us anymore. We've known the truth far too long for you to
play dumb and throw innocent people in jail. You are giving yourselves away and pretty soon you won't have anything left.Yes. I agree it was very wrong.

# 243

21:19, May 25, Betty Tinoco, LA

You better release Richard Fine! He has done nothing wrong. He has his dignity. He decided not to be part of this corrupt mess and he was thrown in jail for it. One day when all your material
possessions will be gone you shall understand and feel the regret of your mistakes! Free Richard Fine. We will never stop protesting or defending him until your eyes and ears go DEAF.Yes

# 242

19:21, May 25, Frank Gallagher, Canada

It seems we have the wrong attitude as whoever is responsible for Richard' incarceration and them that condone it simply must be punished consistent with the law in the concept of legitimate
democracy whereas due punishment must be consistently and equally enforced or there simply is no democracy as the status quo attests. Only when they have reason to fear punishment will
they fear it and act accordinglyYes

# 241

19:17, May 25, Cherle Hassler, MI

Yes I agree that it was false

# 240

18:01, May 25, Dorothy Dent, CA

This is America? Trial by a jury of your peers? Innocent until proven guilty? This is a case that NEEDS to be investigated- Get County and Developers as plaintiffs' moneys off the judges' tables-
then there can be justice.

# 239

16:48, May 25, Alexis Evans, OH

# 238

16:42, May 25, mike murcko, CA

To Whom it may concern. You who imprisoned a man without just cause are no better than the Nazis we eliminated during WWII. You are despicable.No. This is deplorable, reprehensible,
behavior. And anyone found intentionally disregarding the law in this matter should be hanged by the neck until DEAD.

# 237

16:25, May 25, Name not displayed, NC

I wish there were more attorney's fighting against the corrupt system we call justice. I hope he gets freed and this matter is resolved. I'm sure there is much more to uncover about the injustice of
our judicial system.

# 236

14:19, May 25, Melvin Patterson, CA

I do not believe that judge has the power to put him in jail to shut him up. Judge's job is to interpret the law... not make a decision based on what he did or like/dislike what he did. Hear his case... I
want to know what's going on. Please free him!yes

# 235

12:43, May 25, Joe Rella, NY

The whole episode is nothing but payback against this man for calling out the corruption in the courts. Don't be a part of that same corruption.

# 234

10:33, May 25, Kathleen Swiatek, PA

As a military Veteran and a former Police Officer, I find this a serious flaw in the justice system. This man should not be in prison and certainly not in solitary confinement. He is being deprived of
freedom for what? Tying up the courts as many individuals do. He has already lost his job. Why is he still being punished so severely?Do you agree that the March 4, 2009 Judgment was and is

# 233

08:11, May 25, Cheryl Bailey, OH

Isn't this frightening that our judicial system will allow this man to be locked up?yes

# 232

08:00, May 25, norman miller, CA

Something is drastically wrong here. The country suffers when the courts ignore justice. Fine should be released. The March 4 2009 judgment against him appears to be false on its face.

# 231

07:42, May 25, Dixie Deaton, IN

How many political prisoners do we now have in USA jails?. Let them go. The citizens are taking note and sick of the corruption.yes.

# 230

07:16, May 25, Ruby Wilson, OR

Do not make a mockery of our already ridiculous legal system. Free Richard Fine! I cannot believe this is happening in our country! This is something the president of Iran would do!Free Mr. Fine!
He is not a criminal!

# 229

03:20, May 25, Name not displayed, GA

This is AMERICA this socialistic communism that we call justice is a fraud. The same fraud Mr. Fine is standing up against. Let him go.Yes
# 228

00:20, May 25, Name not displayed, CA

How can you hold a man in jail for 14 months without being charged with a crime. The only thing he did was refuse to except brides from corrupt people.Yes

# 227

20:14, May 24, Name not displayed, NY


# 226

17:56, May 24, santiago doyhenard, FL


# 225

17:08, May 24, Darlene Walker, Australia

In most countries that I am aware of it is illegal to hold anyone in custody without any charges. I also believe that is a breech of human rights to hold anyone without charges. So why has Mr Fine
been held in custody for 14months with no charges. Why is there not a lawyer clever enough to get him out. There are a lot of people who should be held responsible for what has happened to Mr
Fine. He must really have some good info that will bring the Justice system down. Isn't it strange how it has all been swept under the rug. Why has Mr Fines human and constitutional rights been

# 224

16:54, May 24, Gary L. Zerman, CA

It is time that the judiciary be held to account. The bane of the despicable and dastardly doctrine of absolute judicial immunity must end. Judge Yaffe has a conflict of interest (the illegal double
benefit payments he has recieved from his benefactor LA County), is personally embroiled and has retaliated against Mr. Fine. The other judges have circled the wagons to protect the judiciary
and get Mr. Fine. Liberty is in the balance. The People must rally to FREE MR. FINE and save Liberty.Yes, Judge Yaffe's conflict of interest rendered him legally/constitutionally biased and unable
to provide Mr. Fine a fair hearing and due process, as the 5th and 14th Amendment guarantee .

# 223

16:16, May 24, Karmen Legazpi, Spain

# 222

13:40, May 24, Peter Salerno, NY

As someone about to enter into his first year of law school in a another large American City (New York) I shutter to think of the consequences I may incur for pursuing liberty and the American way
while spitting in the face of corruption that undermines a system built upon the antithesis of the judges of LA's behavior.YES.

# 221

13:40, May 24, Andrea Ketner, MI

# 220

13:01, May 24, Teresa Gill, OH

I pray that Justice will Prevail for a man that's been fighting for it - FOR CALIFORNIANS - practically all of his life.Free Mr. Fine

# 219

10:39, May 24, Joseph Rohring, NY

Enough is enough

# 218

10:23, May 24, Name not displayed, GA

# 217

08:51, May 24, Janis Margulis, FL

I am sickened and appalled at the obvious lynching of this courageous lawyer.

# 216

08:45, May 24, Christopher Svensk, CA

# 215

08:43, May 24, Munir Ibrahim, TX

We should all applaud this man for what he is doing. For once someone had the fortitude to stand up for what he believes in. All to often individuals are unable to stand up the system because of a
lack of knowledge or financial constraints. This should not be the case and Richard is someone we can all look up to. Leaders in a position of power should not abuse it and should look to serve
those they represent.

# 214

08:41, May 24, Name not displayed, CA

The judges are arrogantly abusing their power. This must be stopped. What sort of a country do we live in where something like this can occur?

# 213

07:45, May 24, James Angerstein, TX

This case is a disgrace to American justice. Mr. Fine should be freed and restored to practicing law. The ones that did this to him should be investigated for corruption.yes

# 212

07:31, May 24, Sara Sepan, CA

He has to be released as soon as possible with a big apology from the people that did this to him. He is totally innocent.

# 211

07:20, May 24, Merrianne Cassidy, CO

I am appalled at the skewed priorities of California's judiciary system. Any reasonable person would conclude that jailing a 70 year old (non-violent) man while releasing violent criminals due to
"budget constraints" is wrong.

# 210

06:40, May 24, Name not displayed, FL

The concept of public sevice has been so corrupted, public tyrany has replaced it.
# 209

06:12, May 24, Richard W. Fine, SC

The exposure of this corruption is a breath of fresh air in our continuingly downspiraling country. These "supplemental" payments are the epitome of Conflict of Interest. And the practice of
"coercive confinement" is rarely used on the most hardened and violent of criminals for fear of the case being thrown out due to the accused's rights being violated. To play that card for this long is
a joke. The rest of our citizens in this country with any common sense should rally behind Attorney Fine and put an end to such ridiculousness. Our judicial system is not supposed to operate this
way. The rest of the country should not allow L.A. judges to just do what they want. They are supposed to be public servants, not money-grubbing tyrants. Mr. Fine should be released, the corrupt
individuals put in his place, and compensation paid to Mr. Fine for the injustice he has suffered on behalf of the taxpayers of L.A. He is a true American Hero!!Yes...100%

# 208

22:58, May 23, Donna Freitas, MA

I have no faith in your judicial system, i think it is a shame to see Mr. Fine in prison for finding corruption in the state of California, and then doing the right thing by trying to seek justice, and what
does he get for doing the right thing.... jail time, no charge, and solitary confinement???? This is unbelievable!! Free Mr. Fine...There has to be someone out there in California that isn't afraid to
help this man and do the right thing!

# 207

23:26, May 22, Jaison Diaz, FL

It is appalling and absurd that this man is in prison without due process and without the ability to speak to anyone for no reason other then he challenged the corruption in the state of California.
Justice must be sought! I hope that he is released and this terrible wrong made right.

# 206


“Judicial judgment must take deep account of the day before yesterday in order that yesterday may not paralyze today.” Felix Frankfurter quotes (American Jurist, 1882-1965)Yes, let's us as
Americans come to the aid of this Great American Hero Richard Fine, ESQ

# 205

15:45, May 22, Pete Veilleux, CA

This is an incredible injustice which is causing us, the people of california to lose all faith in our justice system. Either charge Richard Fine or release him, but no more of these constitutional

# 204

09:50, May 22, Freedom Has-a-price, CA

Diognese would have ended his search with this man. It only takes one honest fellow human to make a difference. And what a difference Richard Fine has made for his fellow citizens. We are all
in jail until he is free.The March 4, 2009 judgment has no merit.

# 203

07:52, May 22, Joyce Thomas, OK

I am speechless that this could and has happened in AMERICA.What happened to due process, and Constitutional Rights? Richard Fines an Honorable man. Set him free.Yes

# 202

17:56, May 21, Name not displayed, NY

This is an outrage!

# 201

21:51, May 12, Efren mojica, CA


# 200

18:09, May 12, Frank Gallagher, Canada

If the world is to ever meet the definition of sanity TRUE DEMOCRACY the people must know what it is to know that Capitalism is its adversity 180 degrees in opposite direction while the
hierarchy of State and Church head the facade. We have the opportunity now to cllapse them attcking on two fronts. Please go to www.atatotko.comCertainly

# 199

17:41, May 09, Name not displayed, CA

We the people of California and other states need to STEP UP THE PRESSURE on the LA courts to get this man released. The Sheriff is useless. He's a co-conspirator and is worried about only
one thing: Himself.

# 198

12:47, May 07, Bubba DaGr8, CA

Please limit your comments to such that are respectful.Do you agree that the March 4, 2009 Judgment was and is FALSE ON ITS FACE?

# 197

20:15, May 03, Karen Slone, NC

# 196

11:45, Apr 30, allen brand, OH

have you no sense of decency? "The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants." - Omar Bradleyyes.

# 195

10:22, Apr 30, Steven E. MacIntyre, AZ


# 194

23:25, Apr 29, Josie Perez, FL

The courts are nowing imprisoning those who file cases, against their own corruption as meritless. These judges hearing the case should be demanding recusal, since some of their names are
mentioned. This is openly defiling our courts as our judges now claim to be above the law and it is evident when they write up laws only weeks or months later in order to abolish any previous
crime or penalty that affects their judicial standing.

# 193

09:10, Apr 26, Patrick McMaster, GA

Please release Mr Fine. His incarceration is unethical at the very least.

# 192
20:44, Apr 23, Phillip Bradshaw, FL
Richard Fine should be free and all the Judges taking bribes should be planting rice in the Everglades. Richard Fine has done well to stand for the good of the people, but judges that take bribes
to pervert justice is why children are being kidnapped under color of law and exploited by perverse, demonicaly possessed people.Richard Fine did no wrong, he should not be in jail.

# 191

14:34, Apr 23, Name not displayed, UT

I work for the U.S. Judiciary branch. I am appalled that this unconscionable breach of Constitutional liberties has been supported by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and that this case has not
resulted in a grand jury investigation of the practices of Los Angeles county.Yes, 100 percent.

# 190

16:47, Apr 22, Kelley(Mia) Houlton, KS

Please consider your oath to uphold the constitution.Do the right thing.Listen to "WE THE PEOPLE" instead of the corporation masquerading as our court system.I do

# 189

15:53, Apr 19, alex tambor, CA

free richard fine! This is an latest example of tyranny in this county.

# 188

06:02, Apr 19, Nate Warren, CO

This abuse of power needs to be corrected, beginning with the release of Mr. Fine and ending with a change in the laws that permit these payments and removal from service of the judges who
abused their power to protect their privilege.

# 187

05:02, Apr 19, Frank Booth, MI

I did not know that a judge could indefinitely imprison a citizen without a trial. This is very troubling because it could happen to anyone. Free Richard Fine.Yes

# 186

23:55, Apr 18, Dan OConnor, SC

he did not receive due process of law amoung many other constitutional rights and state rights.yes I do

# 185

17:37, Apr 18, Name not displayed, CA

# 184

13:02, Apr 18, Eric Pierson, CA

# 183

12:52, Apr 18, Patrick Meek, IN

This is a disgrace to the justice system that Mr Fine has been held this long.Yes!!!

# 182

18:22, Apr 17, Name not displayed, CA

# 181

12:22, Apr 17, roberto delgadillo, CA

"What is to become of us if the government desides the extent of its own powers?" -JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO

# 180

02:50, Apr 17, Bonnie Chabot, NC

Give justice a turn and free Mr. Fine!Yes

# 179

23:40, Apr 16, Shane McHan, CA

End corruption, free Richard Fine.Yes, I agree that the judgment was a shame to the justice system.

# 178

20:44, Apr 16, Jesse Lewis, CA

Totally unfair and if it is allowed to stand it will have dire consequences for future Americans appearing in court.

# 177

18:22, Apr 16, Jennifer Pitts, FL

How can we, as a country, imprison our own citizens just because we do not agree with them? This is an OUTRAGE of the HIGHEST degree! What is next - putting someone in jail because they
were wearing the wrong type of clothes on a Thursday? This is absurdly ridiculous and I do not see how ANYONE can let this happen! Mr. Richard Fine MUST be freed!YES!

# 176

15:45, Apr 16, Mark Jacobs, AZ

Due Process!

# 175

13:04, Apr 16, Steven Lewis, CA

This is a true injustice and personal abuse of our legal system. Those responsible must be brought up on charges and Mr Fine should be released immediately, issued a public apology, and
compensated for his unlawful imprisonment. I am shocked and appalled over the treatment of Mr. Fine.

# 174

12:33, Apr 16, Michael Caulfield, WA

why is this man in jail for this long?

# 173

11:00, Apr 16, Joe Facio, CA

Free Mr Fine. Do what is just and right. Thank you

# 172
10:59, Apr 16, Barbara Calder, CO
Since when is the bill of rights optional? Our justice department is in urgent need of reform. Save the republic. When have turned into a kakistocracy.

# 171

09:09, Apr 16, Warren Raftshol, MI


# 170

20:46, Apr 15, Jose Daniel Herrera, WA

Due Process not adhered to, simple as that. Illegal activities within the judicial system WILL not be tolerated.Yes, i agree the Judgment placed upon Richard I. Fine is false!

# 169

18:44, Apr 15, Paul Valente, IN

If this injustice continues any longer... that will prove that there is no justice left in america. only tyranny, and ALL of the corrupt judges MUST and WILL be kicked out of office.

# 168

13:49, Apr 15, Peter Smith, CA

There is a serious liability at stake here for the County of Los Angeles. Arresting someone w/o a charge could result in a lawsuit & the taxpayers may witness millions of dollars in restitution that
could've been spent on county services. If angry taxpayers know that certain county officials could've prevented this by releasing Richard Fine, they would not vote for them least I
wouldn't. If Richard Fine is guilty of a crime, I ask that you please charge him and give him a speedy trial.

# 167

16:20, Apr 14, Name not displayed, WA

If we do nothing about this, when they come for you or your loved ones no one will care or be able to help you. We must unite against abuse of power and false imprisonment.yes, I agree.

# 166

12:38, Apr 14, Jeremy Phillips, AZ

It is an outright scandal of preposterous proportion, to imagine, to contemplate, and to witness such an atrocity such as the false retention and imprisonment of Mr. Fine. It is remarkable that in the
"Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" that this happened, and a shame to our Founding Fathers.It is an outright scandal of preposterous proportion, to imagine, to contemplate, and to witness
such an atrocity such as the false retention and imprisonment of Mr. Fine. It is remarkable that in the "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" that this happened, and a shame to our Founding

# 165

07:54, Apr 13, Molly Shannon, CA

# 164

11:18, Apr 11, Cheryl Martone, CT

# 163

13:12, Apr 05, susan michaels, Australia

To Sheriff Lee Baca Please review the case of Atty Fine and take the appropriate corrective actions to free this man. He is innocent and it is a shame not to uphold the civil liberties we hold so
dearly in this nation. Yours sincerely susan michaels

# 162

10:51, Apr 04, Lisa Hasty, TN

Please help my son by signing his petition. Go to;

# 161

13:38, Mar 31, Lloyd Rowsey, CA

The UN's first step regarding the treatment of American prisoners is absolutely necessary. Thank you for letting me sign this petition.

# 160

06:03, Mar 29, Akhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkmed 3alawi, Afghanistan

AL Qaeda will always be with you Richard Fine!!! ALLAHU ACKBAR!!Death to America!

# 159

23:10, Mar 25, BUSTER S, CA

Please limit your comments to such that are respectful.Do you agree that the March 4, 2009 Judgment was and is FALSE ON ITS FACE?

# 158

10:50, Mar 25, Ginte Ramutyte, Lithuania

# 157

15:55, Mar 23, Warren Sibille, CA

I would like to ask you to do the right thing and put an end to the false imprisonment without charge, bail, or hearing of Mr. Richard Fine. It is unconscionable that a citizen of the United States can
be locked up indefinitely without charge or court hearing. I ask you to imagine how you would feel to have your freedom unlawfully taken from you and your constitutional rights disregarded and no
one, including the law enforcement officials in charge, were willing to stop the injustice. It is a basic tenet of the United States that no U.S. citizen is unlawfully imprisoned. Please assist in
correcting this injustice to Mr Richard Fine.

# 156

15:23, Mar 23, Aviv Harel, CA

# 155

20:14, Mar 21, Deborah Hallstrom, CT

FREE Attorney Richard Fine

# 154

18:09, Mar 21, Rachelle Duplantis, MA

# 153

18:08, Mar 16, Heather Adriano Adriano, NY

I want an explanation for why and how this could happen. I demand an explanation and will see that more people become aware and demand his release.yes
# 152

20:35, Mar 05, Gary Fielder, CO

Our country was built on the principles of Presumption of Innocence, Right to Counsel, and the requirement of Due Process. The work "Due" as written in our Constitution, simple means "fair."
Fundamental fairness requires access to the courts and impartial jurists upon arrival. From my review of this gentlemen's situation, he has been denied all of these most basis rights. He has been
disbarred, jailed, committed and utterly humiliated. This sort of treatment is typically reserved for the most dangerous and criminally insane--not for one of this man's stature and intellect. Have we
no shame? Is there any justice for this man? Godspeed, Mr. Fine, and good luck. Many of us are praying for you.Yes, I do.

# 151

17:45, Mar 04, Angelina Chavez-Espudo, CA

This is wrong having this gentleman incarcerate because he was doing the right thing. Our Government and Judicial system is CORRUPT!!! FREE RICHARD FINE!!


# 150

09:06, Mar 01, Name not displayed, AZ

# 149

18:02, Feb 25, jeffrey colard, CA

PLEASE,NO WHEN IS MR FINE ALLOWED HIS DAy in court release richard m fine before this takes down biulding!no i do not agree,nor is sbx2-11,sbx212 these bill I will pass around the hall of
dirt for all to see !judicial coruption ! know why a judge wears black.its so all that dirt doesnt show

# 148


# 147

11:25, Feb 10, John Avalos, MA

Free Richard Fine!

# 146

11:06, Feb 10, Farida Gillot, Netherlands

# 145

08:44, Feb 10, Astrid Fuchs, Austria

# 143

10:51, Feb 09, Sheryl Moss, CT

Let there be real justice in this country and release Richard Fine. The people responsible for imprisoning him are real criminals. Sheryl MossI believe he should be released and the charges are
false against him. (Richard Fine). Sheryl Moss

# 142

18:48, Feb 08, Andrea H, MI

# 141

06:24, Feb 08, Name not displayed, OR

The word in the wind is that the international intelligence community will be acting in close coordination with U.S. agencies to put this situation right and restore Attorney Fine to his previous status
and stature. Yesterday would have been better, but now is the time for any and all members of the duly-constituted governing bodies of California, Los Angeles, and Los Angeles County to take
positive action against the outrageous, unconscionable, and Unamerican violations of Attorney Fine's civil liberties.Attorney Fine's incarceration is not only false on its face, those responsible for its
enactment and implementation are extremely likely to face prosecution, conviction, asset forfeiture and imprisonment under the Racketeering, Influence, & Corrupt Organizations Act. Action taken
now to reverse the wrongs done to Mr. Fine may prove ameliorative of the Court's eventual disposition of those who will be charged.

# 140

12:23, Feb 07, Pamela McCandless, IN

# 139

12:23, Feb 07, Robin Webster, AZ

Since when is due process optional?????

# 138

11:16, Feb 07, Patricia Donalds, CA

# 137

12:10, Feb 06, Jason Lund, MI

I hope one day I may raise children of my own that will not have to fight against a corrupt justice system with principles that will end them up in jail.YES!

# 136

00:43, Jan 29, Richard Hollister, AZ

# 135

17:00, Jan 25, Name not displayed, TN

# 134

05:33, Jan 25, clinton akins, KS

# 133

02:57, Jan 22, Donna Mummery, NY

If California Judges were accepting improper payments from Los Angeles County, they deserve to be exposed. And the lawyer who did the exposure deserves the heartfelt thanks of every
California resident. It is a vast miscarriage of justice that instead he is incarcerated without trial or proper procedure. I respectfully ask for his immediate release.

# 132

16:21, Jan 21, steve king, AZ

Bring back the constitution...yes
# 131

09:37, Jan 21, Jeff Harrington, MN

# 130

19:50, Jan 19, Nancy Walters, NC

Nancy Walters For what a man is innocent of he should not be unfalsly judged and imprisoned for by one who is supposed to uphold the law

# 129

06:23, Jan 19, george martinez, KY


# 128

06:21, Jan 19, Steve Fehr, MO

# 127

06:11, Jan 19, Jeff Mayer, MO

Sirs, please use your authority to put an end to this horrible miscarriage of justice.The March 4, 2009 Judgment was and is obviously false and alarming that such a thing could even occur in this

# 126

23:35, Jan 18, JANITA FLOREZ, TX


# 125

23:09, Jan 18, Phil Stimac, CA

I find it very disturbing that State Bar President Howard Miller will not make full and fair disclosure to State Bar members, the media, public and State Legislature about the Richard Fine case. If
called upon, I can competently testify that such bogus and politically-motivated disbarments are the custom, habit and standard business practices of the State Bar. Please visit for more information about Mr. Fine and the corrupt practices of the State Bar under Howard Miller. I'd also like to acknowledge the hard work and fine job the
promoters of this and other pro-Fine sites are doing. Please limit your comments to such that are respectful.The evidence clearly shifts the burden of proof to State Bar President Howard Miller.

# 124

22:56, Jan 18, Name not displayed, CA

# 123

20:47, Jan 18, Tracey Hackworth, MO

These corrupt judges should be impeached and Richard Fine should be freed. This is a travesty!

# 122

20:10, Jan 18, Nelson Secord, MI

From the information that I have, I do not see how Richard Fine can be held in jail let alone in solitary confinement. What are the charges?I think the March 4,2009 imprisonment is on false
charges and judge David Yaffe himself or at the request of someone else has taken away David Fine's freedom as guaranteed under the constitution.

# 121

18:45, Jan 18, G. John Granath, CA

Judges, more than anyone else, who are sworn to UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION and who then VILOATE IT - ALWAYS KNOWINGLY, are the worst of our criminal class. We look to the
judiciary as our last bastion of liberty and justice! When the job requires more character and ingegrity than the lawyer is capable of, s-he should be removed and, when their veridicts have
damaged another, they should face the same damages as retribution for violating their Oath.

# 120

17:39, Jan 18, Henry Tisdale, FL


# 119

17:36, Jan 18, David Walker, TX


# 118

16:24, Jan 18, Name not displayed, ME

# 117

15:57, Jan 18, Judith Bailey, WV

I never realized that there were so many corrupt judges in our country. Can the people impeach a judge. I would think that they could and in this case that they would.Yes, Yes, Yes

# 116

15:25, Jan 18, Lynne Jennings, FL

Corruption is in the State of California big time. Illegal Aliens are let go on a number of crimes. We have lost the state of california to M exico, thanks to our polititions dems and rebubs.definitly

# 115

15:15, Jan 18, NEIL TURNER, CA

# 114

13:23, Jan 18, Name not displayed, UT

I believe RICHARD FINE (1824367) was unjustly confined and should be freed.

# 113

15:08, Jan 13, Name not displayed, FL

Judge Yaffe is a piece of trashTell this scumbag, Judge Yaffe what you think YAFFE, DAVID Judge Stanley Mosk Courthouse (213) 974-5881

# 112

16:39, Jan 01, Barry Gray, SC

# 111
11:07, Jan 01, Nancy Jones, MI
Please set this man free. He has done nothing to deserve this punishment.YES!

# 110

09:37, Jan 01, Debi Garrett, SC

# 109

21:13, Nov 12, Name not displayed, NJ

# 108

21:07, Nov 11, Deborah L Davies, NY

I think the wrong one is in jail, Judge Yaffe needs to take his turn now.YES

# 107

02:41, Nov 07, Name not displayed, OH

# 106

19:20, Nov 06, David McElhaney, Canada

I am living in Canada but I am a US citizen and vote by absentee ballot.I think that these proceeding were a sham and a disgrace. It is imperative that whistle blowers be given every opportunity to
help us go after corrupt officials. Even murderers don't tend to get solitary confinement. It is pathetic that he is being thus sequestered. That act alone is tantamount to proof that he is being
gagged for the purpose of a cover up.

# 105

14:41, Nov 06, wendy jenkins, IN

# 104

12:54, Nov 06, Name not displayed, Panama

free the man who fight fur all of us.don't agree with the status of Richard Fine

# 103

08:19, Nov 04, Lisa Nelson, KY

# 102

20:13, Nov 02, Sharon Rising, SC

# 101

20:01, Nov 02, Amy Smith, NJ

Please do the right thing.


# 100

19:38, Nov 02, John Donath, NY

# 99

18:25, Nov 02, Donna Pelham, IL

# 98

17:23, Nov 02, MARSHA MAINES, FL


# 97

15:02, Nov 02, Coralynn McCovery, Ph.D, AL

This is an outrage to Not merely Californians-but to Americans, and to All Humanity. Free This Man, Leonard Peltier, and all other Political Prisoners PostHaste!

# 96

11:50, Nov 02, Alison Younes, NY

Isnt it time we free this man and move on? Ahh no it isnt why because he caught them all with his boxers and undies around there ankles, he caught a crooked system! His freedom of speech is
being denied! His way of life is being compromised, his impriosnment if false, free him please, enough is enough!Fals Allegations, False Judgement..

# 95

11:09, Nov 02, John Hentges, MN

# 94

10:33, Nov 02, MONA G., TX


# 93

09:51, Nov 02, Name not displayed, CO

Wouldn't it be interesting to know if Atty. Fine is somehow connected to Grand Junction dentist Terry Fine, who was brutally murdered here by a mysterious gunman with no apparent ties to his
victim? Who there has secrets they wish to protect by rendering a person who protects children unable to do so?I agree. Have experienced false and misleading evidence used against me as well
as the omission of key evidence in the fight for custody of my child. Seems justice doesn't really happen in the courtroom anymore since the powers that be are only interested in protecting
themselves and/ or those who can pay them handsomely.

# 92

09:29, Nov 02, Lois H, PA


# 91

09:25, Nov 02, Jeff Cefalo, FL

# 90
08:12, Nov 02, Kevin Moran, NY
Attorney Fine is being held unlawfully. This man needs to be set free IMMEDIATELY!

# 89

08:05, Nov 02, Wanda Farmer, TX

It's time for the corruption to stop.YES

# 88

08:01, Nov 02, L. Wilson, OH

Please review this petition and release Attorney Richard I Fine to restore the systems true design for We The People so that faith and trust can be reinstilled into We The People the powers
designed and created to protect, serve, and uphold the law in a manner that We The People are not harmed unfairly of anothers actions are still in place as Forefathers writing our Constitution and
Declaration intended for our systems of Justice to work.I agree it was and is False on its face.

# 87

07:50, Nov 02, Robert Williams, NY

# 86

07:50, Nov 02, Rainbow Conti, TX

# 85

07:47, Nov 02, Janette Isaacs, CA

Let Mr. Fine out of jail today. His being held is unconstitutional. He should never have been incarcerated in the first place. This would never have happened if he had been tried by a jury. We are
all outraged. We are assembling in the masses and our generations are uniting. Changes are being made and reform is being accomplished as evidenced by the Elkins Family Law Task Force.
Please google Elkins Family Law Task Force. Please free this man. It looks really bad on our government to keep him incarcerated. Thank You.Yes

# 84

07:32, Nov 02, R. Scott Lewis, NY

Cases based on presumption are unlawful under the U.S. Constitution. Please release this person. Your consideration with this request would be appreciated. Sincerely, >scott

# 83

07:11, Nov 02, Name not displayed, KS

This is corruption at the core.I do agree the judgment is false on its face.

# 82

06:41, Nov 02, Brenda Alexander, NC

# 81

06:35, Nov 02, Sue Bridgman, IL

Has anyone sent this petition to Bill Clinton? He flew all the way to North Korea to free a couple of journalists. Does he care about people right here at home? Let's see!Almost as wrong and
crooked as the arrest of Jesus! It is so wrong that this man is incarcerated, and the continued arrogance of the judiciary is going to bring judgement from God, like on Sodom and Gomorrah.

# 80

06:23, Nov 02, Name not displayed, FL

# 79

05:43, Nov 02, Joan Kloth, CT

Our judicial system is completely out of wack at this time. Crimes that should be punished such as a parent who lies to the courts and falsifies records in order to destroy the relationship between
the children and the other parent, are not being penalized. While law abiding citizens are being thrown in jail or harassed for crimes they have not committed just on one person revengeful
behavior. My husband's ex tried to file false allegations of abuse against my husband. It was proved that she lied and that everything the children knew had been told to them by their mother. Did
she get penalized for this libel and slanderous act? NO. She was instead allowed to have sole custody of the kids. Then she tried to claim that my husband was committing fraud when he legally
had his child support modified from the false one that she had proved to the courts. She was caught committing perjury, fraud, slander and perjury again by the judge. Was she held accountable
for these criminal acts? NO, she was not. And she still retained sole custody of their children and continued to destroy the relationship between the children and their father. Even after she was in
contempt of 6 separate court orders for visitation and counseling. Each time with proof of her interference and refusal to cooperate. Did she even get punished for these contempt of court orders.
NO, not once. And in the end, she was allowed to completely destroy and sever the relationship between a loving father and his two children.No, I do not agree.

# 78

05:28, Nov 02, Name not displayed, NC


# 77

04:49, Nov 02, Samuel Ross, NJ

How can this happen in America?? Why do we allow political prisoners to be held in jail at all let alone anyone be in prison for so long without a trial..... What is it that this man did to deserve this??
Standing up for others is not a crime.

# 76

02:16, Nov 02, S Moore, CA

The entire state of Calif. is out of control...The Sheriff is the employee of the people, no one can tell the Sheriff what to do but the people...I believe that the people hase spoke,,

# 75

20:00, Nov 01, Paula Michaud, ME

Judge Yaffe was being paid by the defendants, County of Los Angeles. Obviously he shouldn't have ruled in Attorney Fine's case against the County. More judicial news at Sign up at NFOJA for Citizen's Forum in your community, with Zena Logal! you agree that the March 4, 2009 Judgment was

# 74

16:32, Nov 01, carole hagen, OR

# 73

06:39, Oct 29, Carol L. Barlow, FL

When all the facts are not brought to light incorrect decisions are made. So is the case of Richard Fine. Please free Richard Fine.

# 72
06:45, Oct 27, John Villagrana, CA

# 71

11:12, Oct 24, Name not displayed, United Kingdom

# 70

07:18, Oct 24, Julie Linder, FL

# 69

19:20, Oct 23, Tamara Wing, IL

Sheriff, your position makes you The Protector of the people of your county. YOU have higher authority than the federal government within your jurisdiction, on this case and nearly *every*
possible law enforcement case, per THE CONSTITUTION, to which you are sworn. Sheriffs across the country will support you and are personally committed to upholding their oaths, to standing
up for Justice against corruption, on behalf of the people, even when the feds put you in an uncomfortable position. Call the feds' bluff; YOU have the authority. Sheriff Richard Mack, author of
"The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope" is in the process of contacting every sheriff in the country. He Will Support You and give you informed legal counsel. Contact him, Please. If you do
decide to continue alone, still, honor your oath.

# 68

00:22, Oct 23, johnny gilbert, NJ

johnny dane gilbert

# 67

20:31, Oct 22, Name not displayed, NY

Please limit your comments to such that are respectful.Do you agree that the March 4, 2009 Judgment was and is FALSE ON ITS FACE?

# 66

13:00, Oct 22, Name not displayed, AK

# 65

20:41, Oct 21, MICHAYL MELLEN, TX

JAIL 4 JUDGES, NOT The innocent KJV Deu 1:16 And I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear the causes between your brethren, and judge righteously between every man and his
brother, and the stranger that is with him.YES

# 64

22:41, Oct 20, Jeffrey R. Weinhaus, MO

The courts are the problem

# 63

19:45, Oct 20, Cort Wrotnowski, CT

This is clearly a case of extreme prejudice by Judge Yaffe - who, properly speaking, is the one who belongs in jail. Attorney Fine stood on principle, Judge Yaffe stood on deceit. -- These sorts of
abuses of power have gone on for too long in what is supposed to be America. Fix this and free this innocent man and prosecute the judge.

# 62

17:31, Oct 20, Name not displayed, FL

# 61

16:11, Oct 20, Cheryl Kennedy, CA

I began taking this issue directly with Deputy AG Barankin in March of 2009. I am a crime victim in a fraud on a court in San Mateo, CA. I've equally stood up to make sure Fine's issue was in front
of the Governor. It is even now in front of the US DOJ personnally by me. The intent to keep harming this innocent man is inexcusable, as well as the corruption in courts being covered-up. Fine
needs to be freed immediately, Governor Schwarzenegger and the DOJ are disgraceful aiding this corruption. The Judiciary needs major investigation. 94062

# 60

12:05, Oct 20, Name not displayed, NY

# 59

12:04, Oct 20, Name not displayed, NY

# 58

11:16, Oct 20, JAMES BENNING, TX

# 57

09:33, Oct 20, Mark Volovar, CA

Given all of the corruption that passes for "The Law" in this state, it's no wonder that California is nearly bankrupt. The Judges are morally bankrupt. Politicians let their cronies rob the treasury,
and pay off the Judges to keep the gravy train rolling down the track.Yes. Judge Yaffe should have recused himself in the underlying case.

# 56

08:18, Oct 20, Deborah Focht, FL

Its your job to stop Tyranny!!!Yes

# 55

22:02, Oct 19, jc shannon, HI

Catbirds and Swampfox's with the Stand Alone Battalion USA!FALSE FINES AND FALSE JUDGEMENTS!

# 54

20:50, Oct 19, Sheila Waddell, MI

This is "In your face" public corruption; a gross abuse of powers. This is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. There has to be someone that will speak truth to power and be willing to
publicize the abuse of those in power.I agree that the judgement is false on it's face.
# 53

17:55, Oct 19, Name not displayed, KY

# 52

17:25, Oct 19, Judson Witham, UT

Judicial and Economic Corruption associated with PONZI type land and real estate cons...including HOA's or Land Owners Association RACKETS are prevelant across the United States. I know
FIRST HAND how deep this BALONEY GOES and I suggest Mr. Fine is simply the target of retaliation .. IT HAS BEEN DONE TO ME AS WELL. see

# 51

16:39, Oct 19, Dianne Nezgoda, CA

I believe that Attorney Fine has some valid premises re the supp'l. benefits the LA Co. Superior Court receives and the potential for conflict of interest by that Court hearing cases involving the
County. I also believe he is sitting in jail as a means of silencing him in that regard. As a 54-yr-long LA resident, I am dismayed by the shuffle jive of my CA representitives in addressing Mr. Fine's
incarceration, from Congressman Waxman's office to Jerry Brown's, the former citing no legal jurisdiction and the later referring me to another entity. Just got my new property tax bill. I don't have
kids in the community colleges, high schools or elementary schools so may I refer it to somebody else?


# 50

14:54, Oct 19, Cal Mendelsohn, NY

# 49

13:39, Oct 19, Roger Li, CA

This man is innocent of any wrongdoing and should be freed immediately

# 48

13:33, Oct 19, Robert Klinefelter, WA

# 47

11:05, Oct 19, Gerri Bunnell, NY


# 46

09:57, Oct 19, Miriam Stenshoel, CA

Please limit your comments to such that are respectful.Do you agree that the March 4, 2009 Judgment was and is FALSE ON ITS FACE? Yes

# 45

09:45, Oct 19, Name not displayed, CO

# 44

09:21, Oct 19, Name not displayed, KS

# 43

08:20, Oct 19, jack grogan, NY

Dear Sheriff Baca: The record seems to indicate legal obfuscaton and undue process in the arrest of Attorney Fine. Please use your good judgement to put this radical judge on the defense. Jack

# 42

05:18, Oct 19, sagrario rilo, Spain

# 41

03:10, Oct 19, Maria Freitas, Portugal

# 39

23:27, Oct 18, Brandy Almy, MO

# 38

22:30, Oct 18, Florence Stone, OR

Please immediately release attorney Richard Fine. I cannot believe a distinguished attorney like Mr Fine is locked up in solitary confinement as a result of his efforts to expose corruption.Yes

# 37

21:41, Oct 18, karen graves, TX

# 35

21:25, Oct 18, Richard Lombardi, CA

Please free Richard Fine. he was doing his job and should not be punished for acting like a responsible attorney.

# 34

20:03, Oct 18, Nathan Martin, VA

# 33

20:02, Oct 18, Richard Menna, CA

Please immediately release attorney Richard Fine. His incarceration is a travesty which you have the ability, and duty, to correct. By doing so, this heroic demonstration of courage will not only
place you at the forefront of the effort to stop the corruption destroying this country, but will provide a truly worthwhile example to every member of the justice system. Please, PLEASE, do the right
thing while it can still make the most difference.ABSOLUTELY !!!

# 32

19:59, Oct 18, Carol Shih, CA


# 31
19:52, Oct 18, Lois Andrews, KY

# 30

19:41, Oct 18, Wallace Childress, TN

# 29

18:52, Oct 18, Darrin Wolfe, OK

# 28

18:22, Oct 18, David LaRocque, CA

This story is shocking. I cannot believe a distinguished attorney like Mr Fine is locked up in solitary confinement as a result of his efforts to expose corruption. The corrupt judges are the ones who
should be locked up. I strongly urge the immediate release of Mr Richard Fine. Nothing that he has done warrants incarceration, nor is there any possibility that he is a flight risk.Based on the facts
as I know them, the March 2009 judgment against Richard Fine is false.

# 27

18:14, Oct 18, John Bailey, IN


# 26

17:42, Oct 18, Vickie Bates, MN

# 25

17:22, Oct 18, hopncircle Inurface, Canada

# 24

16:20, Oct 18, guy olsen, CT

I have looked over the evidence presented and have concluded that the arrest and imprisoment is totally false. The sheriff (Lee Baca) should have required the judge to send the correct
paperwork but instead waited and finally jailed Atty. Fine. The paperwork in question is entirely false. I have done additional research and the same conclusion has been made. Furthermore the
Sheriff can be held liable in this case for false inprisonment.

# 23

16:04, Oct 18, Michelle Aranyosi, CA


# 22

15:27, Oct 18, Fred l Jarrell, MS

Dear Sir, There is always much talk against vigilantes, but in this troubling day in our country, when we are denied our vote, when our politicians are not representing us, when our judges do not
respect nor defend their oath to our supreme law, our constitution and bill of rights in favor of the degenerate admiralty law, we need good sherriffs to support the governed, if not, we have no
recourse but to effect justice independantly, we need you to do your job and defend the people and the constitution! NOT the corrupt interests of those such as Diane Feinstien or Arnold

# 21

15:19, Oct 18, Sharon Rondeau, CT

This man is innocent of any wrongdoing and should be freed immediately.Yes

# 20

15:17, Oct 18, Carl Bernofsky, LA

Attorney Fine's incarceration is an appalling miscarriage of justice. He must be freed, and those responsible should be disciplined.Yes

# 19

15:00, Oct 18, Scarlett Anderson, TX

Scarlett Anderson

# 18

14:22, Oct 18, Thomas Cooke, MO

It is abhorrant that any citizen is held in these conditions. We all have rights to be heard by an impartial judge (if that is even possible today) and jury. Give Mr. Fine his fair day in court.

# 17

13:51, Oct 18, Kirk Schwoebel, CA

Conspiracy to commit crimes against the people, by government officials, is bad, very bad.I believe the whole affair is false, criminal, and proves our judicial system has no credibility.

# 16

13:51, Oct 18, Omar Rivera, GA

I urge you sir to review the case on it's merits and if you do you will see that this man is been persecuted by corrupt judges that should be taking his place in jail.The march 4, 2009 judgement was
and is false in its face.

# 15

13:32, Oct 18, Michael J Young, NC

To Honor OATHS and our unique Republic's Constitution, rule of law, is paramount and has been denied for far too long.yes

# 14

13:22, Oct 18, Name not displayed, VA

free Richard Fine.

# 13

13:16, Oct 18, Name not displayed, CA

# 12
13:05, Oct 18, Haskell Bass, Jr., OK
Due process must be reviewed. Probably inaccurateYES

# 11

13:04, Oct 18, Name not displayed, CA

Please remember to protect and defend the Constitution.Charges are obviously FALSE!

# 10

12:56, Oct 18, Name not displayed, CA

Dear Sir, Please add my signature to those petitioning for the release of Richard Fine. His case is unconscionable and outrageous. Please release this unjustly held man. Sincerely, Susie


12:49, Oct 18, Daniel Hanley, GA



12:49, Oct 18, Name not displayed, NV



12:42, Oct 18, Steve Neuenschwander, WA

It is time to do the patriotic thing. Release this sheriff today.Yes.


12:36, Oct 18, Fran Austin, CA

Our country's honor and freedom are besieged by corruption from all sides. Please stand for truth and justice and rectify this situation. Edmund Burke's foundational principle of law, "All that is
necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Please do something.I agree that the March 4, 2009 judgment was and is false on it's face.


12:32, Oct 18, Jonathan Stuart, NC

Dear Sheriff we are counting on you!!


12:14, Oct 18, orly taitz, CA


12:14, Oct 18, orly taitz, CA


11:41, Oct 18, Cheri Woods, CA



11:22, Oct 18, Joseph Zernik, CA


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