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7/16/2021 Digital Marketing Review | Print - Quizizz


Digital Marketing Review
20 Questions

1. The purpose of Digital Marketing is ...

a) To encourage users to use mobile devices b) To save time and effort in marketing
like mobile phones and mobile tablets

c) Leverage on digital platform to promote d) To protect the environment as print media

and sell goods and services is bad for the environment

2. Digital Marketing as a platform increased with the

prevalence of devices e.g. smartphones, tablets, notebooks

a) True b) False

3. Which of the below is is a digital marketing techniques?

(There is more than 1 correct answer)

a) Rewarding a site or individual for each b) Creating and sharing useful, relevant and
sale/ lead i.e. Affiliate Marketing quality content content i.e. Content

c) Engaging consumers at a booth by d) Reaching consumers through their mobile

showing content on the tablet to generate phone with content and information i.e.
interest mobile marketing

4. To increase website traffic and visibility in search engine

results pages through paid and unpaid (organic) methods

a) Digital Advertising b) Search Engine Marketing

c) Search Engine Optimisation d) Display Advertising 1/5
7/16/2021 Digital Marketing Review | Print - Quizizz

5. Email marketing is a digital marketing technique to

a) Reach consumers directly via e-mail using b) Reach consumers by sending them
text and rich media content brochures with our company email via
postal service
c) Display our email addresses on every print d) Using our website as marketing tool with
advertisements our email address

6. Identify which are the 3 digital marketing goals from below

list (There is more than 1 answer)

a) Informing customers b) Increased visualization of our products and


c) Direct customer engagement d) Improved customer service

7. Lead generation is to generate customer interest in the

company product and services and creating contact lists of

those user who have expressed interest

a) True b) False

8. Which of the list is NOT a digital marketing advantage?

a) Cost effectiveness b) Higher engagement compared to

traditional marketing

c) ROI is easily tracked d) All audience is suitable for digital


9. "Digital advertising is obtrusive". Is this statement

considered true?

a) Yes it is especially Pop-up ads b) No, it is not true for digital marketing 2/5
7/16/2021 Digital Marketing Review | Print - Quizizz

Which of the following is a digital marketing strategy

consideration? (More than 1 answer)

a) Goals aligned with business goals and b) Identify target audience information e.g.
strategy values, needs, interests

c) Ensure that products and services has a d) Use engaging contents e.g. photos,
good shopfront animations, videos, blogs

11. Which one of the following are good platforms for content

marketing? (More than 1 answer)

a) Meme b) Testimonials
c) QR Codes d) Videos

12. Which of the following are ways to establish a web

presence? (Select more than 1 answer)

a) Business directory b) Engage an influencer

c) Web application d) Blog

13. One important element of creating a website is...

a) Engage a website developer b) Register a hosting service

c) Register a company d) Buy a wordpress license

14. Which of the following is a content management systems?

a) b) Gopal
c) Joomla! d)

15. What is a a factor to ensure consistently good ranking on a

search engine?

a) Good passwords b) Good details

c) Good users d) Good keywords 3/5
7/16/2021 Digital Marketing Review | Print - Quizizz

16. Which of the following is NOT a website design?

a) Responsive Design b) Accessbility

c) Colour usage d) Performance Optimisation

17. Performance optimisation in website design refers to

a) Colours are optimized to ensure its not a b) The font type and size must be efficient
strain on user eyes

c) The image size and video files must be d) The computer must be optimised

18. What are the ways to promote your website? (more than 1


a) Leverage on social media sites b) Run a competition to target your audience

c) Putting your website address with your d) Send Whatsapp message to your friends
email signature

19. A sitemap refers to

a) A map to travel to a business site b) It lists all the pages on the website like an

c) It is a map of worksite d) It is a index of contacts

20. Which of the below list is a typical website page

a) Homepage b) About Us

c) Friends List d) Services 4/5
7/16/2021 Digital Marketing Review | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. c 6. a,c,d 11. a,b,d 16. c
2. a 7. a 12. a,c,d 17. c
3. a,b,d 8. d 13. b 18. a,b,c
4. b 9. a 14. c 19. b
5. a 10. a,b,d 15. d 20. a,b,d 5/5

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