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Name: Colton C Date: 03/09/21

Directions: 1. Type your name and date above.

2. Complete this activity by reading below and answering questions.
3. Submit your work when finished, by returning to this assignment in Schoology > Submit Assignment.

Choose one research publication from or

1. Read the article you have chosen.

2. Answer the organizer details below about the article you read. This will assist you in your final writing.
3. Write a 1 paragraph summary by putting together the details from this sheet. Use the last page of this
Google document for your paragraph. You must summarize and not copy. Please cite when writing about
any numbers or direct quotes from people. Use MLA format.
4. Submit in Schoology in the Biology and Earth/Space root folders.

1. Name of the scientist, where they work (ie.- university, government agency, private company), basic
sentence on what they researched
And discovered two new
species of sacoglossan sea slugs
that shed and regenerate a
Nara’s Women’s whole new body complete with
Dr. Sayaka Mitoh from University of Japan researched organs. .

Example: Dr. Jeff Peischl from NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Division in Boulder, Colorado researched the amount of methane emissions
from U.S. natural gas production plants.

2. What was the reason the study was conducted?

After noticing one of the sea slugs she studies
Dr. mitoh performed the research at the Yochi Yusa lab, moving without a body. .

Example: Dr. Jeff Peischl and his team performed the research to study the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from all U.S.
coal-fired plants.

3. What was the study design? What did they use (technology, trials, animals/humans etc.)? Did they
have different groups to compare?
Decapitating individual slugs of various ages and feeding
The design of the investigation consisted of them algae. .

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Example: The design of the investigation consisted of analyzing the measurements from over 400 locations of oil and gas production
sites. The team studied data from valves, tanks, and other equipment to determine the amount of gas that was lost.

4. Explain the results from the investigation.

The slug heads move immediately after being severed. Within a few days,
the wound is closed and they continue regenerating their heart for a week.
After 3 weeks, the regeneration process is complete. Although the heads of
fairly young slugs were able to survive and regenerate into full bodied
slugs, most older slug heads didn’t eat and therefore died a short time
The researchers found that after the severing. .

Example: The researchers found that 13 million metric tons of methane are released from the oil and gas industry operations, which
is harming the planet greatly.

5. Describe what the scientists concluded from their data.

The slugs must have stem-like cells at
the cut end region of the neck that are
Dr. Mitoh and his/her team concluded that capable of regeneration. .

Example: Dr. Pieschl and his team concluded that this loss of methane can unfortunately reverse the benefit from switching from coal
to natural gas. Also, this escaping methane is a financial problem with a lost value of at about $2 billion.

6. Choose one quote from the study.

“We thought that it would die soon without a heart and other
important organs, but we were surprised again to find that it
Dr. mitoh explained, regenerated the whole body .”

Example: Dr. Colm Sweeney (the study co-author) explained, "Identifying the biggest leakers could substantially reduce emissions
that we have measured."

7. Why was this research important?

It represents a new type of autotomy where complex body plans
This research is important because shed most of their body. .

Example: This research is important because we now know how much methane the U.S. is emitting from natural gas and oil
production each year.

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8. Why was this study interesting?
It could possibly help humans survive severe traumas such
as amputations, massive lacerations and other major tissue
I found this study interesting because loss. .

Example: I found this interesting because although natural gas is supposed to be better for our environment than coal, it is
contributing greatly to global warming.


Jill Smith Hernandez

Ms. Jackson

U.S. Oil & Gas Methane Emissions 60 Percent Higher than Estimated

Dr. Jeff Peischl from NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Division in Boulder, Colorado

researched the amount of methane emissions from U.S. natural gas production plants.

Dr. Jeff Peischl and his team performed the research to study the amount of carbon

dioxide emissions from all U.S. coal-fired plants. The study design consisted of

analyzing the measurements from over 400 locations in six oil and gas production basins. The studied data from valves,

tanks, and other equipment to determine the amount of gas that was lost. The researchers found that 13 million metric

tons of methane are released from the oil and gas industry operations, which is harming the planet greatly. Dr. Pieschl

and his team concluded that this loss of methane can unfortunately reverse the benefit from switching from coal to natural

gas. Also, this escaping methane is a financial problem with a lost value of about $2 billion. Dr. Colm Sweeney, the study

co-author, explained, "Identifying the biggest leakers could substantially reduce emissions that we have measured." This

research is important because we now know how much methane the U.S. is emitting from natural gas and oil production

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each year. I found this interesting because although natural gas is supposed to be better for our environment than coal, it

is contributing greatly to global warming.

University of Colorado at Boulder. “US oil & gas methane emissions 60 percent higher than estimated: High emissions findings
undercut the case that gas offers substantial climate advantage over coal.” Science Daily, 21 June 2018.

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Colton Cabading
Mr. Howie
Earth & Space

Sea Slugs Decapitated, Regenerates Full Body

Dr. Sayaka Mitoh from Nara’s Women’s University of Japan

discovered and researched two new species of sacoglossan sea slugs

that shed and regenerate a whole new body complete with organs.

Dr. Mitoh and her team performed the research after noticing one of the

sea slugs she studies at the Yochi Yusa lab, moving without a body. The

design of the investigation consisted of decapitation of individual slugs of various ages and documenting the

following, and feeding algae to the slug heads. The researchers found that the slug heads move immediately

after being severed. Within a few days, the wound is closed and they continue regenerating their heart for a

week. After 3 weeks, the regeneration process is complete. Although the heads of fairly young slugs were able

to survive and regenerate into full bodied slugs, most older slug heads didn’t eat and therefore died a short

time after the severing. Dr. Mitoh and her team concluded that the slugs must have stem-like cells at the cut

end region of the neck that are capable of regeneration. Dr. Mitoh explained, “ We thought that it would die

soon without a heart and other important organs, but we were surprised again to find that it regenerated the

whole body.” The research is important because it represents a new type of autotomy where complex body

plans shed most of their body. I found this study interesting because it could possibly help humans survive

severe traumas such as amputations, massive lacerations and other major tissue loss.

Citation: Cell Press. "These sea slugs sever their own heads and regenerate brand-new bodies." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 8 March 2021. <>.

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