2da Clase. Toward A Revised Nosology For Attention-Deficit - Hyperactivity Disorder Heterogeneity

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CNNI Review

Toward a Revised Nosology for Attention-Deficit/

Hyperactivity Disorder Heterogeneity
Joel T. Nigg, Sarah L. Karalunas, Eric Feczko, and Damien A. Fair

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the many syndromes in the psychiatric nosology for which
etiological signal and clinical prediction are weak. Reducing phenotypic and mechanistic heterogeneity should be
useful to arrive at stronger etiological and clinical prediction signals. We discuss key conceptual and methodological
issues, highlighting the role of dimensional features aligned with Research Domain Criteria and cognitive, personality,
and temperament theory as well as neurobiology. We describe several avenues of work in this area, utilizing different
statistical, computational, and machine learning approaches to resolve heterogeneity in ADHD. We offer methodo-
logical and conceptual recommendations. Methodologically, we propose that an integrated approach utilizing theory
and advanced computational logic to address targeted questions, with consideration of developmental context, can
render the heterogeneity problem tractable for ADHD. Conceptually, we conclude that the field is on the cusp of
justifying an emotionally dysregulated subprofile in ADHD that may be useful for clinical prediction and treatment
testing. Cognitive profiles, while more nascent, may be useful for clinical prediction and treatment assignment in
different ways depending on developmental stage. Targeting these psychological profiles for neurobiological and
etiological study to capture different pathophysiological routes remains a near-term opportunity. Subtypes are likely
to be multifactorial, cut across multiple dimensions, and depend on the research or clinical outcomes of interest for
their ultimate selection. In this context parallel profiles based on cognition, emotion, and specific neural signatures
appear to be on the horizon, each with somewhat different utilities. Efforts to integrate such cross-cutting profiles
within a conceptual dysregulation framework are well underway.
Keywords: ADHD, Cognition, Emotion, Heterogeneity, Machine learning, Subtypes

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibits com- hundreds of studies, began to be developed well before the
plex yet clinically relevant and unresolved heterogeneity (1,2). It DSM-III was published in 1980 (5). That tradition identifies two
ranges widely in severity, with the mild end almost indistin- correlated domains of psychopathology (externalizing and
guishable from typical childhood behavior. Comorbidity is internalizing). Structured hierarchically under these domains
common, outcomes and treatment response are hard to pre- are less than a dozen nonorthogonal problem dimensions (6).
dict, and etiological studies suggest multiple routes to the These can be utilized to form an array of profile solutions
disorder. ADHD has no universal biological correlate. Because corresponding to clinical phenomenon of interest [e.g., dys-
outcomes are unpredictable and often severe, understanding regulation (7)], although the feature set will be primarily
different profiles and pathways to account for outcomes and descriptive and likely insufficient for questions related to pro-
mechanisms is urgently important. ADHD thus exemplifies cesses or mechanisms. Whereas it is encouraging that the
many of the issues about within-syndrome heterogeneity that empirical dimensions map to a certain extent onto the DSM,
challenge etiological research in the DSM at large (3). Het- results are not isomorphic with regard to heterogeneity. For
erogeneity requires better resolution for identifying stronger example, ADHD is a single dimension in some dimensional
mechanistic signals (4). We recap critical conceptual contexts psychopathology models but is bidimensional (based on factor
then selectively review avenues of potential progress in ADHD. analytic studies) in the DSM. Hybrid dimensional and cate-
gorical models of the nosology, such as the Hierarchical Tax-
onomy of Psychopathology proposal (8), are now gaining
CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND traction. These typically classified ADHD, or at least
The DSM reflects a deep tradition but is not the only psy- hyperactivity-impulsivity, under behavior or impulse disorders
chopathology framework available. A long-standing empirical owing to its strong correlation with oppositional, conduct, and
tradition in child psychopathology seeks data-driven, empirical aggressive behaviors (inattention sometimes loads equally
solutions to organize psychopathology via consideration of with mood or anxiety conditions). Yet often overlooked in large
behavioral or problem dimensions. This body of work, over multidisorder correlational studies are ADHD’s equally

726 ª 2020 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging August 2020; 5:726–737 www.sobp.org/BPCNNI ISSN: 2451-9022
ADHD Heterogeneity CNNI

compelling correlations with neurodevelopmental problems ways are available to divide a multivariate sample. Assump-
such as learning disabilities, intellectual development, motor tions, beliefs, theory, and goals are necessary to choose how
development, and autism spectrum disorder. These are influ- to do so and to interpret results. See the Supplement, Parts A
ential in developmental theory of ADHD (9). Thus, consider- and B and Figures S1 and S2 for more explanation, including
ation of both this empirical tradition and a developmental the role of sample size. In short, if we fail to recognize the
perspective is advisable for capturing ADHD heterogeneity critical role of our beliefs, assumptions, and goals, we may be
(10). misled by a given data solution or may misapply our conclu-
Furthermore, other approaches beyond the clinical problem sions to clinical situations or populations for which they are
domain are important to recall. For over a century, psycholo- inappropriate. Therefore, we highlight the value of an inte-
gists have sought to link personality and temperament traits grated approach to data-driven studies in which conceptual
inward to biology and outward to psychopathology. The models, assumptions, and goals are explicitly (rather than
Supplement, Part E provides background on that tradition and implicitly) combined with data-driven approaches. This logic is
an explanation of personality and temperament traits [for re- summarized in Figure 1 (also see the Supplement, Part B).
view, see Nigg (11)]. Higher-order traits are similar in children This review highlights approaches using measures of the
and adults. For example, the classic 3 to 5 higher-order traits in child’s psychology and neurobiology (e.g., cognition, emotion,
adult personality include extraversion/surgency, neuroticism, brain imaging). Space does not permit consideration of equally
and conscientiousness/constraint (12). One child temperament important literatures on environmental/contextual variation,
model (13) highlights 1) surgency with subfeatures of activity genetic variation, pharmacogenomics, and genotype-by-
level and positive-affect, similar to extraversion; 2) negative environment interplay and interaction (23–27) in ADHD [for
affectivity, meaning prone to fearfulness, worry, and anger, additional review see (2,28)].
similar to neuroticism; and 3) effortful control, the ability to
override an immediate impulse, similar to conscientiousness or
constraint. Personality traits in adults are, of course, more ADHD HETEROGENEITY USING DSM ADHD
elaborated and differentiated than in children. Progression of SYMPTOMS
traits and their integration from infant to toddler to child to The DSM provides 3 well-known subtypes/presentations. An
adolescent to adult remains a critical area for developmental older conceptual or clinical idea is that there is a subpopulation
science (13) and for ADHD. However, this developmental un- associated with ADHD that is inattentive (and maybe impulsive)
derstanding is increasingly promising, bolstered by updated but hypoactive. Introduced in DSM-III, and formalized in DSM-
theories about neurobiology (14) [for more background, see IV, the concept has now shifted more heavily to the concept of
(11,13,15,16) and the Supplement Part, E]. Psychopathology is sluggish-cognitive tempo (29)—which may represent a group
hypothesized to relate to particular trait configurations (11,13). only partially overlapping with ADHD.
A modern incarnation of this logic is the Research Domain A substantial literature has sought to improve on the DSM
Criteria (RDoC) proposal from the National Institute of Mental presentations via revised clustering of the 18 DSM
Health (17,18). It does not directly address heterogeneity or the symptoms—typically using latent class/profile analysis (a type
idea of multiple mechanisms in an existing disorder. However, of maximum likelihood analysis). This approach identifies
its logic can facilitate work in this area just as the personality- classes of ADHD roughly corresponding to DSM inattentive
temperament traditions have done. RDoC proposes to link and combined presentations, but further divided by the
dimensions of psychological functioning such as negative severity within those domains (e.g., mild inattentive, severe
emotional valence, working memory, and other transdiagnostic inattentive), and these results tend to replicate reasonably well
features with neurobiological systems, and then to psycho- (30,31). However, individual profiles change over development
pathology, to advance knowledge about psychopathology. It in a manner that exceeds expectations from normative
thus equally elevates psychological and neural phenomena behavioral change, at least when rating scales are relied on for
and highlights dimensional measures. assessment (10,31). For example, hyperactivity normatively
RDoC, trait theory, and dimensional measures of psycho- declines during late childhood and adolescence, suggesting
pathology all offer a critically useful perspective that warrants that we could expect a child’s ADHD presentation to develop
integration to solve the heterogeneity problem in ADHD. Yet from combined to inattentive. Yet the opposite frequently oc-
the challenges cannot be overlooked: 1) dimensions require curs as well. Overall, it is not clear that these solutions improve
conversion into decision algorithms or cut points for clinical on existing utilization of symptom severity in regard to clinical
decision making; this is tractable if we retain clarity about goals evaluation or for mapping neurobiology (32,33).
(e.g., clinical vs. biological discovery). 2) The structure of re- A potentially promising approach uses item response theory
lationships among the dimensions is missed in studying a (34) or versions of a bifactor model to account for shared and
single dimension (as RDoC can lead to), sacrificing potentially distinct underlying dimensions within ADHD symptoms. The
essential information about trait combinations in clinical syn- bifactor model is beginning to replicate, albeit with develop-
dromes. Configural trait models can address this. 3) A one-to- mental variation. This model appears to improve the account of
one correspondence of neurobiological or psychological ADHD heterogeneity in relation to comorbidity and clinical
function to psychopathology is unlikely (15,19,20). prediction (35–37). [For a criticism of the bifactor approach,
Third, it is crucial to recognize the importance of integrating see (38)].
data-driven and conceptual efforts and assumptions. Alone, Another approach applies network modeling (39,40) to
mathematical methods cannot reveal nature’s true categorical interrogate symptom structure (see the Supplement, Part C for
structure in a multidimensional space (21,22). Nearly unlimited explanation and contrast with the bifactor model). Rather than

Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging August 2020; 5:726–737 www.sobp.org/BPCNNI 727
CNNI ADHD Heterogeneity

Panel A Panel B Panel C Panel D

•Choose Feature •Feature Reduc on. •“Data-driven” •External valida on.

Domain (e.g., brain Consider (a) domain clustering solu on. Ideally, in an
features, cogni ve knowledge (e.g., Involves (a) careful independent data set,
features, clinical relevance), selec on of clustering evaluate (a)
combina on). and (b) empirical algorithm, finding reproducibility and (b)
Consider (a) what is feature reduc on best model; (b) correlates relevant to
the main goal and (b) using various internal valida on to the purpose (e.g.,
what is the methods. rule out ar fact and clinical outcome,
theore cal evaluate robustness. e ological correlate).

Figure 1. Recommended workflow for examining heterogeneity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and similar conditions. Schematic or conceptual
workflow guiding our view of how data-driven and machine learning approaches are best utilized in psychopathology research. The problem of heterogeneity
appears tractable using approaches that include (A) careful feature selection based on both theoretical and empirical considerations, (B) exploration and novel
discovery that targets specific questions of interest, followed by (C) internal or statistical validation (various robustness indexes, simulation studies), and
(D) external validation in independent datasets. For example, external validation might include further exploration of clinical utility (e.g., predictive accuracy
differential) or enhanced etiological signal. Because the research space is multilevel (one can study physiology, psychology, behavior) and multidimensional,
and because the intended purpose can vary (clinical prediction, discovery of etiology, etc.), different clustering solutions will be valid and correct in different
research contexts. The role of conceptual purpose, theory, and assumptions about the nature of the phenomenon should be explicit. Then, feature domain can
be chosen. Feature reduction can then proceed with the end goal in mind, as in the functional random forest (127) described in the Supplement, Part B. Then,
the clustering solution can be explored using unsupervised (discovery-based) approaches. Internal and external validation then follows. Internal validation
evaluates the likelihood of artifact in the data, and external validation evaluates the usefulness of the solution. Different solutions can be pitted against one
another competitively to determine which is most useful for a goal. The approach can assume a non-zero number of groups within statistical and machine
learning contexts, with a specific, hypothesis-driven, targeted set of features (21). Doing so strengthens feature selection, goal identification, and interpretation
of solutions to answer targeted questions.

assume that a latent disorder or trait causes observed symp- relates to RDoC, goes outside of the DSM symptom lists, and
toms of psychopathology, it assumes that the confluence of can emphasize cognitive or emotional domains as well as
symptoms is the disorder (41). In other words, symptoms lead to neurobiological measures.
one another and accumulate until the syndrome is in place. A
network is made up of nodes and edges. Nodes are the features Cognitive Heterogeneity in ADHD
of interest (e.g., symptoms of ADHD). Edges are the relation-
A key set of conceptual proposals for ADHD mechanism has
ships among them (e.g., correlations) (39,40). In the case of
involved neuropsychological or cognitive differentiation within
ADHD, the network approach appears to enable further traction
ADHD, via different kinds of attentional breakdowns. This
related to developmental change and population specificity of
approach dates back half a century. It has included a long-
syndrome structure and heterogeneity. Martel et al. (41) reported
standing interest in frontal lobe-related executive functions,
that symptoms differentiated with age, but a small core set of
reward or reinforcement, and arousal systems (44,45). Barkley
symptoms drove the others. Somewhat similar findings were
(46) sought to integrate multiple neuropsychological and
reported by Silk et al. (42). This approach may help identify
cognitive domains related to ADHD, emphasizing response
unique pathways to syndrome emergence via one symptom
inhibition and temporal information processing. In the 1970s
leading to another set of symptoms (43), perhaps in different
through 1990s, Sergeant, van der Meere, and others advo-
ways for different subgroups. Such insights, if confirmed, could
cated an energetic state perspective, in which arousal or
open avenues for more targeted intervention.
activation is a key moderator of performance (47–49). Long-
Overall, contemporary approaches to refining symptom
standing ideas about reinforcement or reward-based mecha-
structure are poised to bring useful improvements in charac-
nisms in ADHD have remained of interest (50–55), motivated by
terizing ADHD heterogeneity that are relevant to clinical
sophisticated neurobiological theories (56–59) and treatment
assessment within the DSM context. They have not been used
utility (60). Sonuga-Barke (61) introduced the idea of a dual
much to relate symptoms to cognitive, affective, or neural
pathway to ADHD that might integrate different accounts.
mechanisms, but this work is on the horizon.
Multipathway approaches have been further articulated to
attempt to integrate the picture. These tend to build on the idea
that only some children have a problem with a given function
DIMENSIONAL FEATURE SETS: COGNITION AND (such as executive functioning), while others have a different
TEMPERAMENT dysfunction. Table 1 summarizes many of these ideas.
Even more promising may be approaches using neuro- In one empirical example, we attempted to evaluate these
biologically and psychometrically informed dimensional mea- ideas by integrating theory and method (Figure 1) (62). We
sures of psychological or biological functioning. This approach administered a broad range of measures of executive function,

728 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging August 2020; 5:726–737 www.sobp.org/BPCNNI
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Table 1. A Selection of Proposals for Addressing ADHD Mechanistic Heterogeneity

Perspective General Proposal for Heterogeneity Example Publications
Clinical Sluggish cognitive tempo (30,139–141)
Nonhyperactive/hypoactive DSM-III
Predominantly hyperactive, inattentive, combined DSM-IV
Neurobiological-Cognition Executive dysfunction subtype (64)
Inhibition, working memory, time processing (68,142)
EF, time processing (68,69,142)
Neurobiological-Motivation EF vs. delay aversion (61,70)
EF, reward response/discounting (58,59,65,143)
Emotion-Regulation/Temperament Callous-unemotional (144)
Emotional dysregulation (81,145)
Irritability (80,93)
Surgent, negative affect, cognitive control (82)
Neurobiology Differential cortical-subcortical engagement (68,142)
Differential rates of neurodevelopment (130)
Etiological Perinatal exposure vs. genetic or G 3 E (146)
The table includes illustrative conceptual and empirical citations for reference. The proposals fall into a few basic themes related to clinical
symptom profiles, cognition/executive function, motivation/reward function, emotional regulation/temperament, and neurobiological proposals
involving clues from magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, and other methods. Cognitive proposals are the most numerous,
emphasizing functions such as working memory, processing speed, inhibition, timing, reward discounting, and delay aversion. Etiological
proposals are numerous; one is included here as an exemplar.
ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; EF, executive function; G 3 E; genotype-by-environment interplay.

arousal, reaction time, and other functions selected to reflect hyperactivity followed by Halperin and others yielded several
commonly studied domains in ADHD. After this conceptual contributions. In one finding of 214 preschoolers followed over
feature selection, we turned to a data-driven approach. We time (71), ADHD childhood status varied in relation to whether
introduced the use of a clustering method from graph theory hyperactive preschoolers were impaired focally in neuropsy-
called community detection (63) (see the Supplement, Part D for chological measures of attention/executive function or globally
explanation) to identify profiles in ADHD (62). Internal validation in a range of neuropsychological abilities. In a related finding
provided strong evidence of .0 clusters or profiles. The result- (72), cognitive control was related to inattention symptoms, but
ing profiles suggested a subgroup with top-down or executive stimulus-driven processes related to hyperactivity over time. In
function problems (64), as well as an additional subgroup with an older sample from childhood into early adolescence fol-
bottom-up (e.g., signal detection response or arousal) weakness lowed by our group (73), working memory change was asso-
(65). Notably, similar profiles were seen in both ADHD and ciated with symptom recovery over time, while response
typically developing populations (62). Such nested context may inhibition and reward processing changes were not. [But see
be necessary to isolate deficits specific to ADHD. These results (74) for a discrepant set of findings.]
partially reproduced in an independent sample (66). That effort Overall, these various findings illustrate that adding neuro-
yielded a result consistent with the same principles: more than biologically informed measures of cognition can generate
0 but fewer than 5 profiles justified by internal validation, and novel insights into heterogeneity. Findings are broadly but not
distinctions along conceptually top-down versus bottom-up specifically reproducible, in that studies consistently find useful
functions. However, the specific profiles differed. cognitive subprofiles in ADHD but not necessarily the same
Vaidya et al. (67) examined executive functions as assessed subprofiles across studies. They also confirm clinical obser-
via rating scales in children with ADHD and autism and in vation for an initial argument of at least one executive
typically developing, healthy control subjects. First, they used dysfunction subgroup in ADHD (64). Several interpretive chal-
community detection to propose profiles and applied a lenges remain, however, regarding generalizability, reproduc-
support-vector-machine algorithm to predict group member- ibility, and specific feature selection and external validation
ship in a confirmation sample. Then, they sought biological relevant to a given goal [for more discussion see Karalunas and
validation with task-based functional magnetic resonance im- Nigg (75)].
aging (MRI) in a subset of the youths. Although the measure- Further progress may be possible using computational de-
ment method was quite different (ratings vs. laboratory tests), compositions of cognitive performance. For example, we and
results provided again support multiple cognitive profiles in others have used signal detection theory and diffusion models
ADHD [also see 61,65,68–70)]. That study (67) illustrates the to isolate cognitive processes related to ascending noradren-
potential and importance in combining discovery and valida- ergic systems (76,77). The results, combined with use of latent
tion and the potential for clinical prediction. variable modeling to increase measurement reliability, have
Longitudinal studies evaluating whether cognitive develop- helped clarify and amplify the cognitive route of genetic effects
ment modulates ADHD outcome are emerging as another view in ADHD (i.e., polygenic effects on ADHD proceed via working
of heterogeneity. For example, a cohort of preschoolers with memory and arousal, but not other cognitive functions) (78). In

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Figure 2. Alluvial plot illustrating stability of

temperament heterogeneity in attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder. This plot represents just un-
der 400 children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder at 3 times points [see Karalunas et al.
(92,93)]. Time point 1 ages are 7–11 years, time point
2 ages are 8–12 years, and time point 3 ages are
9–13 years. The plot illustrates the proportion of
children in each initial profile (by different colors) and
then where they go at the next time point (by shading
of the colors). Tracing the flows, the chart shows
several points. (a) The irritable and surgent profile is
highly stable over 1-year follow-up (note the dark
and light blue and the dark and light red from year 1
[Y1] to year 2). However, (b) over a 2-year period,
many in the surgent profile convert to a mild profile,
and a subgroup of the irritable, while remaining
dysregulated, convert to a surgent profile. The mild
profile can become surgent (usually, only tempo-
rarily, as shown in the pale yellow path from mild to
surgent to mild) or irritable (and then remain there, as
shown in the steep pale yellow path up to and
remaining at irritable). To summarize, only a small
fraction of irritable children transition to the
emotionally regulated group. In addition, once a child
transitions to the irritable group from mild or surgent
group, they often remain there at least in this age range. In contrast, the surgent and mild groups are less stable, with significant transitions between these 2
groups across years, as well as some transitions into the irritable group. We hypothesize that anger dysregulation may inform impairment in both dysregulated

another study, these computational phenotypes helped isolate much broader domain of emotion regulation [see Gross
shared and unique cognitive features for ADHD and autism (89)]. In initial, relatively constrained linear models, traits
spectrum disorder that can inform neurobiological study (9). were strongly correlated with ADHD but not isomorphic
with it, suggesting that traits brought new, useful infor-
mation (90,91).
Emotional and Trait Heterogeneity in ADHD Subsequently, we applied the Rothbart et al. perspective
Another long-standing conceptual focus concerns (13) (Supplement, Part E) to feature selection. We identified 3
emotional and/or anger dysregulation as an important reproducible profiles in ADHD samples (which did not appear
feature and source of heterogeneity in ADHD (80). This re- in a non-ADHD sample): 1) normative temperament ratings
lates to a proposal by Barkley and Fischer (81) and others, (and by implication, normative emotional regulation); 2) high
and a related proposal using a different conceptual frame- surgency, extraversion, or sensation seeking; 3) high anger and
work by Nigg et al. (11,82) and others, that ADHD reflects other negative affect (92–97). (See the Supplement, Part E for
variation in etiological pathways across temperament or details of the measure and profiles.) These profiles converge
emotion regulation systems (see below). Several groups with the developmental proposal by Nigg et al. (82).The iden-
have worked on ADHD in relation to temperament, with tification of a group with high negative affect converges with
Halperin's group again offering interesting studies. For growing evidence of the importance of irritability and emotional
example, that group (83) has effectively pursued the hy- lability in ADHD (98–100). Figure 2 illustrates that these profiles
pothesis that negative emotionality and anger dysregulation were quite stable over a 1-year period and moderately stable
influences development of ADHD via disruption of executive over 2 years; they were somewhat more stable than DSM
functioning, from preschool into the early school years. In a profiles that rely on ratings data. Figure 3 illustrates these
9-year prospective sample, Miller et al. reported links be- groups’ proportional breakdown in relation to corresponding
tween infant temperament and childhood ADHD that were DSM-5 profiles, showing that these are not isomorphic but that
moderated by gender and parenting style, suggesting sub- traits introduce new information.
typing via contextual moderation and temperament (84,85). External validation with regard to both biological signal
From another group, Auerbach et al. have also linked early and clinical outcome was supportive. The emotionally dys-
temperament to subsequent ADHD with potential contextual regulated groups had higher genetic loadings for ADHD li-
and genetic moderation (86,87). Sullivan et al. also noted ability (101) and distinct electroencephalogram (EEG)
potential early markers of ADHD risk (88). profiles (102) and, in preliminary evidence, distinct func-
Formal mathematical efforts to discover emotion-related tional connectivity on MRI. Most important for our purposes,
subprofiles were slower to emerge, however. Therefore, reasonably consistent evidence indicates that these profiles
drawing upon related developmental theory about ADHD predict clinical outcomes over a 1- to 3-year period better
(82,86), we evaluated trait ratings (Supplement, Part E). We than symptom severity, baseline comorbidity, impairment,
stress that using trait ratings is only one approach to the ADHD subtypes, or ADHD symptom profiles and that they

730 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging August 2020; 5:726–737 www.sobp.org/BPCNNI
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initially interpreted as a cortical hyperarousal profile (104).

ADHD Although intriguing, this proposal lacked a theoretical inter-
Temperament pretation, after the arousal-based interpretation of these fre-
Profile quency patterns was challenged, and clinical or concurrent
validation was lacking (105).
In the largest and most carefully done EEG heterogeneity
study of ADHD to date, Loo et al. (106) addressed clinical
validation empirically in children with ADHD (n = 620) and
Irritable Surgent Combined
without ADHD (n = 121). They identified 5 distinct EEG sub-
profiles, each with an elevation in one of the traditionally
measured EEG frequency bands (e.g., high delta, high theta).
Children with and without ADHD were distributed across all 5
profiles, raising again the possibility of nested variation similar
to some cognitive profiling studies, including ours (107–111).
The EEG-based groups differed in age, mandating more ex-
ADHD DSM-5 amination of developmental trends and potential population
Presentation admixture. Profiles appeared psychologically meaningful: a
Figure 3. DSM-5 presentations and proposed emotion regulation profiles
group with elevations at lower-frequency bands exhibited
are not the same. Sunburst plot showing the relation among DSM baseline cognitive impairment, whereas those with elevations in higher-
presentations and temperament-based baseline profiles. The inner (blue) frequencies (alpha, beta) exhibited emotional dysregulation.
ring shows the proportion of children in the attention-deficit/hyperactivity Loo et al.’s findings may converge with our own recent work
disorder (ADHD) sample in each temperament profile at baseline (ages suggesting that EEG-measured alpha power distinguishes
7–11). The outer (yellow) ring shows for the same children their DSM-5 subgroups with ADHD with varying degree of negative
assigned clinical profile at the same point in time. The mapping thus
shows that the ADHD-combined type (pale yellow) is evenly divided be-
emotionality (102).
tween surgent and irritable profiles, but that all are in a dysregulated Overall, EEG-based profiles hold promise, but the literature
group. The inattentive DSM profile (gold) is divided between irritable, to date underscores both 1) the interpretive challenges asso-
surgent, and mild profiles, exemplifying heterogeneity. The small num- ciated with lack of strong theory and 2) the utility of identifying
ber of hyperactive profile children are exclusively in the mild profile of the goal, such as clinical validation. Feature selection has also
temperament, underscoring the likelihood that this group may less se- been limited; whether use of more high-dimensional EEG input
vere of a group than the combined type with which it is often associated.
[Data from Karalunas et al. (92).]
features will be productive remains untested.

predict over and above other clinical information (92–94,97).

MRI Subtypes Within ADHD
Children in the irritable profile were more than twice as likely
as other groups to have onset of additional psychiatric In a major review in 2012, Willcutt et al. (10) noted that at that
disorder 1 year later. time there were minimal contemporary MRI studies of the
Thus, approaches using emotion and temperament appear ADHD DSM profiles. Now, several studies have attacked this
poised to converge on a useful reframing of heterogeneity that classification problem productively using machine learning
may relate to developmental outcome as well as particular methods (108,112–115). More work in this area will be useful in
aspects of neurobiology. evaluating alternative subprofiling schemes [see recent dis-
cussion in Pruim et al. (28)]. We focus here, however, on the
STARTING WITH NEUROBIOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS clustering problem—on efforts to discover new and more
informative neurobiological types of ADHD. Recent reviews
have highlighted the diversity of brain imaging findings asso-
Until this point, we highlighted use of an expanded feature of ciated with ADHD (116), underscoring the need for clarification
either cognition or ratings of temperament to characterize of heterogeneity.
heterogeneity in ADHD in low-dimensional data sets. A further Efforts at an integrated conception have considered varia-
set of RDoC-compatible dimensions arises from direct mea- tion in the involvement of parallel frontal-subcortical-thalamic
sures of neurobiology that have strong empirical or theoretical loops (117,118) or the relative importance of top-down or
links to psychological, mental, or behavioral constructs [but bottom-up signaling (119). While many of these ideas are
see Poldrack and Yarkoni (20) for cautions]. focused on function, heterogeneity can be adjudicated via
studies of brain structure as well. For example, variation in rate
EEG Subtypes Within ADHD of development of cortical thickness may be important to
Within ADHD, EEG features have received long-standing ADHD outcome (15,120–122). Consideration of widespread
attention, mostly on frequency patterns in the resting-state intrinsic functional networks allows for hypotheses related to
EEG. Early studies converged on two ADHD profiles charac- differential disruption or cross-talk among these networks
terized by relatively greater frontal activity in 1) slow (particu- (123). Although it is early days in this area for ADHD, several
larly theta) versus fast (particularly beta) frequency bands, groups have worked in this direction in recent years with
interpreted as reflecting cortical underarousal (103), and 2) a encouraging initial results (124). However, outcomes depend
small but consistent group with relatively high beta activity on levels of analysis and feature set.

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CNNI ADHD Heterogeneity

For example, we identified ADHD subpopulations based While different solutions will be useful in different ways, we
on a targeted analysis of variation in nucleus accumbens highlight two exemplar applications of the general self-
activity (125). Nucleus accumbens resting-state functional regulation model based on this review.
connectivity corresponded to reward processing deficits—
but only in a discrete subset of participants with ADHD. Cognitive Profiles as Useful in Different Ways at
This finding helps amplify the search for mechanisms in that Different Developmental Stages
subgroup. However, how these participants clustered using It appears that appropriate feature selection and validation
this feature set is very specific and does not take into ac- may differentiate ADHD subgroups characterized by
count the rest of the brain’s organization. An overall picture 1) disruption of relatively late-stage, top-down cognitive
of heterogeneity requires pairing this solution with alterna- operations (e.g., working memory) versus 2) relatively early-
tives using a different classification logic. stage, bottom-up operations (e.g., reward temporal dis-
Therefore, we identified and validated a different set of counting, arousal state). Such cognitive profiles need more
subgroups based on specified individual network phenomenon work and may not map on to the temperament profiles. With
utilizing a novel clustering method called GIMME (126). Here, regard to utility, the identification of a subgroup of youths
we classified individuals with ADHD into groups with distinct with ADHD characterized by executive dysfunction or top-
network phenomena based on higher-order brain systems down cognitive operations may suggest interventions
(e.g., frontoparietal, cingulo-opercular). We validated these related to that weakness—adapted to developmental stage.
findings via simulation. We expect this finding to be useful in For example, a body of work has argued that preschool
searches for mechanistic linkage to neurodevelopmental, ge- intervention to help children with weak executive func-
netic, or environmental influences. tioning may enhance academic outcome (128,129). Such
These latter two findings taken together underscore that intervention may also secondarily support emotion regula-
there exists more than one valid solution depending on the tion. In adolescence, variation in trajectory of working
approach and features used. There is simply more than one memory development may inform clinical persistence or
“right” answer. The importance of a given valid division de- desistence (130). Additionally, a subgroup with a low
pends on the question or outcome of interest (e.g., diagnosis, arousal profile may require a different approach (or may be
prognosis, treatment outcome, biological signal, etiology). [See particularly responsive to a particular medication class).
the Supplement, Part B and Figures S1 and S2 for details of These hypotheses are quite readily tested.
possible methodological solutions such as the functional
random forest (127).] Temperament Profiles as Useful for Clinical
In short, the literature specific to characterizing heteroge- Prediction in Childhood
neity in ADHD based on MRI is maturing at a rapid pace. It is
clear that unique patterns in brain physiology exist in in- Support is quite promising for evaluating emotionally dys-
dividuals with ADHD. The task now is to determine their best regulated ADHD subprofiles, at least in preadolescent chil-
use, identify the best formulation for a given goal, and maxi- dren. These profiles, perhaps varying in positive or negative
mize this information to improve long-term outcomes. valence dysregulation and perhaps anchored by anger
dysregulation, are promising with regard to 1) accessing
developmental science of temperament, 2) detecting a
CONCEPTUAL CONTEXTS REVISITED stronger biological signal, and 3) enhancing clinical pre-
diction. Such an approach thus warrants consideration in
Dysregulation as an Organizing Framework for the nosology. However, this perspective also has limita-
Many Findings tions. It may not detect distinct etiological signals, or it may
The various psychological mechanisms involved in ADHD and only be useful for predicting some clinical outcomes and not
the theories put forward about them can be schematized within others. Developmental stage may be particularly important.
a model of self-regulation (15). One widely used conceptual The temperament profiles may be most useful in outlining
framework in this vein is the triarchic model, depicted in the early developmental sequences and childhood functioning
Supplement, Part F and Figure S5). (Such models require and outcome. Figure 4 illustrates a set of hypotheses for
partially collapsing the artificial distinction between cognition follow-up study.
and emotion.) If ADHD broadly captures a population of in-
dividuals with varying kinds of dysregulatory problems (and A Developmental Story May Be Possible
risk for serious dysregulation-related complications), such an We can speculatively propose the following in regard to
integrated conception helps organize where the most tractable possible developmental and clinical heterogeneity. In early life,
paths for differentiation may lie for a given goal. Considering ADHD can emerge through breakdowns in the regulation of
this model and the findings highlighted herein, we can postu- approach signaling (surgent/exuberant) or negative emotion
late the following: 1) The clinical features that comprise the regulation (irritability, anger, negative affectivity). These profiles
ADHD syndrome for a given individual manifest through a may be modulated by a recursive process in early life by which
subset of particular breakdowns within self-regulation; 2) the extreme negative emotionality disrupts top-down control, and
specific breakdowns vary between groups of individuals; and this in turn leads to further emotional dysregulation. When
3) differentiating these may enable identification of neurobio- compensatory mechanisms are insufficient, such processes
logical correlates and prediction of different clinical pathways emanate in emergence of ADHD in an emotionally dysregu-
within the ADHD population. lated profile or profiles (14,73,77,82,130–132). In adolescence,

732 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging August 2020; 5:726–737 www.sobp.org/BPCNNI
ADHD Heterogeneity CNNI

Figure 4. Potential attention-deficit/hyperactivity

disorder (ADHD) heterogeneity related to clinical
Profile and speculative Speculative intervention outcome and treatment. BT, behavior therapy; DBT,
incentive sensitivity target dialectical behavior therapy.

Type 1: Emotional
dysregulation with high anger Oppositional and mood
dysregulation and poor Reward based BT,
problems as secondary mindfulness/DBT based
working memory, irritable- complications, high
anger, low reward sensitivity therapies, medication
and high threat sensitivity

Type 2: Emotional
dysregulation with
exuberant/surgent style, Behavior and conduct
frustrative anger, low threat problems, Some benign Traditional ADHD intervention
sensitivity and high reward outcome

Type 3: Unremarkable
temperament profile, poor Organizational skills training,
behavioral regulation and Potential for benign outcome standard of care
executive dysfunction

in the context of asynchronous development of limbic and 5. Are temperament, cognitive, or neural subtypes useful in
cortical networks and gradual maturation of prefrontal cortical determining specific differential treatment response? We
circuits, distinct cognitive profiles re-emerge that reflect proposed hypotheses for both temperament and cognitive
continuation or potential recovery of ADHD with or without an profiles. EEG or functional MRI profiles could be targetable
emotional dysregulation profile (73,77,130). Further empirical by refined neurofeedback approaches or transcranial neural
integration across data types remains a priority, however. stimulation technologies.


Next Steps Resolving heterogeneity in ADHD requires at least 3 consid-
Key next steps are several. In the context of the current review, erations. First, identifying the goals and using theory to
we suggest 5 of the most central questions, taking into ac- explicitly guide analytic decision making is essential to un-
count the purpose of a given heterogeneity proposal or clus- derstanding the many valid solutions in complex multifactorial
tering solution. space. Second, ADHD-related cognitive and emotional fea-
tures should be considered in both 1) incentive context (pos-
1. In neurobiological work (e.g., EEG, MRI, physiology), what itive and negative valence) and 2) developmental context.
is the most useful level of analysis for identifying clinically Third, and crucially, work in this area still has relatively rarely
actionable predictors or mechanisms that differentiate considered psychosocial variations that may modulate sub-
children for particular clinical or other goals? Here network types and developmental trajectories, such as social or eco-
cross-talk, functional versus structural features, degree of nomic adversity (133,134).
data reduction, and other considerations require specifi- These considerations, in conjunction with theory and
cation in regard to utility or other goal. dimensional feature sets outside of the DSM symptom list, can
2. In psychological work, do working memory (in the control make the problem of heterogeneity tractable. It can lead to
domain) and arousal (in the energetic state domain) capture improvements in clinical characterization and detection of
distinct features of heterogeneity related to clinical predic- neurobiology. It therefore begins to be possible to foresee
tion or are they overlapping? integrating an RDoC framework with developmental theory and
3. Relatedly, do these psychological profiles serve as useful with DSM syndromes to work toward a functional or mecha-
targets for neurobiological study, enhancing understanding nistic nosology.
of pathways mechanistically? We offer a cautionary yet optimistic concluding note. Most
4. Are temperament, cognitive, or neural profiles useful in ADHD subtyping work to date has addressed relatively small
detecting differential etiological sources, particularly those data sets varying in their depth of clinical characterization. It
that may be modifiable? has not engaged large data sets very often. Sample size is an

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important concern with regard to appropriate model selection, 7. Aitken M, Battaglia M, Marino C, Mahendran N, Andrade BF (2019):
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND DISCLOSURES self-regulation, self-control, executive functioning, effortful con-
This work was supported by National Institute of Health Grant Nos. R37- trol, cognitive control, impulsivity, risk-taking, and inhibition for
MH-59105 (principal investigator, JTN), R01-MH099064 (principal investi- developmental psychopathology. J Child Psychol Psychiatry
gator, JTN), R01 MH115357 (multiple principal investigators, DAF, JTN), R01 58:361–383.
MH096773 (principal investigator, DAF). SLK was supported by National 16. Kagan J, Snidman N (2004): The Long Shadow of Temperament.
Institutes of Health Grant No. K23-MH108656. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
DAF is a founder of Nous Imaging, Inc. but its activities are unrelated to 17. Cuthbert BN, Insel TR (2013): Toward the future of psychiatric diag-
the current study and any potential conflict of interest has been reviewed nosis: The seven pillars of RDoC. BMC Med 11:126.
and managed by Oregon Health & Science University. The other authors 18. Insel T, Cuthbert B, Garvey M, Heinssen R, Pine DS, Quinn K, et al.
report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest. (2010): Research domain criteria (RDoC): Toward a new classification
framework for research on mental disorders. Am J Psychiatry
ARTICLE INFORMATION 19. Varoquaux G, Poldrack RA (2019): Predictive models avoid excessive
reductionism in cognitive neuroimaging. Curr Opin Neurobiol 55:1–6.
From the Department of Psychiatry (JTN, SLK) and Department of Behav- 20. Poldrack RA, Yarkoni T (2016): From brain maps to cognitive ontol-
ioral Neuroscience (EF, DAF), Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, ogies: Informatics and the search for mental structure. Annu Rev
Oregon. Psychol 67:587–612.
Address correspondence to Joel T. Nigg, Ph.D., 3181 SW Sam Jackson 21. Everitt BS, Landau S, Leese M, Stahl D (2011): Cluster Analysis, 5th
Park Road, Mailcode: UHN 80R1, Portland, OR 97239; E-mail: niggj@ohsu. Ed. New York, NY: Wiley.
edu. 22. Sterba SK, Bauer DJ (2010): Matching method with theory in person-
Received Sep 26, 2019; revised Feb 10, 2020; accepted Feb 11, 2020. oriented developmental psychopathology research. Dev Psychopa-
Supplementary material cited in this article is available online at https:// thol 22:239–254.
doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsc.2020.02.005. 23. Nigg J, Nikolas M, Burt SA (2010): Measured gene-by-environment
interaction in relation to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
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