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The Great Depression Analysis

Name: Colton C Assignment Number: 7.4.2 Date: 8/3/21

Directions: 1. Type your name, assignment number, and date above.

2. Complete the comprehension questions below to demonstrate your understanding of the Great Depression.
3. Submit your work when finished, by returning to this assignment in Schoology > Submit Assignment.

Answer each of the following questions in a well-developed paragraph. Be sure to include details from the
videos and article to support your answers. (Hint: Use your notes from Part 1.)

1. What caused the Great Depression?

Stock market crash, black tuesday, $14b lost in investments. There was a drought, making it impossible for
farmers to farm and sell their foods. There was an epic fail in a tariff with Europe, as the U.S needed to trade
with Eurpope to make money.

2. How did the Great Depression affect the typical American in terms of standard of living and lifestyles?
Come on dude, I literally just did this. It was an awful part of life. People were depressed hence “The Great
Depression '' if you couldn’t figure that part out already. Families weren’t close as they all had to work.
People would go watch movies and comedy shows to try to brighten up their mood.

3. Why was the Great Depression one of the most challenging crises in U.S. history?
Everybody was broke duh.… This is obvious. Everyone lost jobs, the banks weren’t handing out money.
People couldn’t find work, the stock market crashed. The U.S Government tried to put tariffs on
international trades, yet it backfired as other countries refused to trade with them, hich the U.S need to do
to make some kind of money.

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How to Share | How to Submit | More Help ConTech Curriculum ©2017 Revised 2017_01_24

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