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Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918

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Strength performance of cement/slag-based stabilized soft clays

Li Liu a, Annan Zhou b, Yongfeng Deng a,⇑, Yujun Cui c, Zhao Yu a, Chuang Yu d
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Discipline Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, School of Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Melbourne, Australia
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Laboratoire Navier/CERMES, Marne-la-Vallée, France
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 The binder with steel slag, cement, and metakaolin is efficiently used to stabilize soft clay.
 The existed clay mineral in soils absorbs the water and changes the water formation in the binder-soil mixture.
 The binder-free water ratio is proposed to explicit the strength performance of the stabilized soils.
 A unified analysis frame was attempted to unify the strength performance of concrete, mortar and stabilized soil.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an experimental study on the strength behaviour of the soils stabilized by the com-
Received 17 September 2018 posite of steel slag, cement and metakaolin (SCM composite), at different clay fractions, water contents
Received in revised form 13 February 2019 and curing periods. The SCM composite can effectively improve the soil strength and the SCM stabilized
Accepted 20 March 2019
soil shows the similar property to cemented soils. The microstructures of SCM stabilized soils with dif-
Available online 29 March 2019
ferent curing periods and water contents are also presented via scanning electron microscope tests.
Comparing the microstructure and fissure between stabilized soils, mortar and concrete, it is clear that
the non-free water absorbed at the surface of clay minerals does not involve the hydration/pozzolanic
Steel slag composite
Stabilized soil
process. Moreover a new variable, the free water content, is proposed, which equates to total water con-
Plastic limit tent subtracts n times of plastic limits of the original soils. The free water content is effectively employed
Binder-free water ratio to characterize the unconfined compression strength of stabilized soils observed in this research and also
Unconfined compression strength in literatures. With this proposed concept, the binder stabilized soils can be accommodated by the frame-
Cement-based materials work for traditional cementitious material (concrete and mortar).
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction been done on the performance of stabilized clay by cement, consid-

ering the diversity and complicacy of soils. Some representative
With rapid economic development and population growth, studies can refer to Nagaraj et al. [28], Tremblay et al. [34], Lee
more land is requested in the coastal cities, expanding the et al. [23] and Horpibulsuk et al. [17].
significant demand of the marine reclamation and foundation rein- The strength enhancement in cement-based stabilized soils
forcement. One widely-used method to improve soil strength is originates from cement hydration (i.e., primary hydration) and sec-
cement-based stabilization. Cement plays an important role in ondary pozzolanic reaction between hydration products and soils
construction. For example, it has been widely used in mortars [10]. The primary hydration takes place rapidly once cement con-
and concretes in structural engineering, and also cement-based tacts with water, during which hydrated calcium aluminates
stabilized soils in geotechnical engineering. The strength is the (C2AHx, C4AHx) and hydrated calcium silicates (C2SHx, C3S2Hx) are
one of most important properties of cemented-based stabilized formed while hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) is generated as crystalline
materials. In geotechnical engineering, numerous studies have solid phase. The secondary pozzolanic reaction occurs then
between the calcium ions from cement hydration and hydrous alu-
mina and silica of clay minerals. The secondary pozzolanic reaction
⇑ Corresponding author at: Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, School of
promotes the bonding strength between soil particles in a long
Transportation, Southeast University, SEU Avenue 2, Jiangning District, Nanjing
211189, China. term.
E-mail address: (Y. Deng).
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
910 L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918

In the engineering practices, it has been found that the soil min- the strength and deformation of unsaturated soils. Similarly, the
eral, clay fraction, cement type and water content significantly non-free water can also be inert in the stabilization process. There-
affect the strength development of cement-based stabilized soils fore, Ws/Cs in which the free water and non-free water are not dif-
[11,12]. For example, Croft [13] found that the chemical and min- ferentiated from each other may be not suitable to describe the
eral composition of clayey soils have a great impact on the cement unified strength of stabilized soil. There are some attempts tried
stabilization process through investigating seven types of clays to study the water involved in hydration process (Zhu et al. [43]),
which were stabilized by cement. Soils with rich montmorillonite but the quantitative expression on the strength of the cement-
retarded the hydration and hardening of cement, while kaolin based stabilized soils considering the different water configura-
and illite were relatively inert. It was also observed that kaolin tions in clays has not been achieved.
and montmorillonite show different influences on the strength of It is clear that hydration products are prevalent cementations to
cemented soils [15]. Taki and Yang [33] found that the cement- bind soil’s fragments into a composite with a high strength. Apart
based stabilized sand shows higher strength than cemented silt from pure cement, some industrial wastes with similar hydration
and clay. Bell [7] observed that more stabilizing materials were reaction are added to reduce the cost and protect environment
needed with increase of clay fraction to enhance the strength of [29]. Among them, steel slag is one of the options. Comparing with
stabilized soil. The similar conclusion was drawn by Bergado ordinary Portland cement, the steel slag is lack of active oxides
et al. [8] and they suggested that the strength of cemented soil SiO2 and Al2O3, with potential cementitious capacity consisting of
decreased with the increase of clay fraction and plastic index. 30%–55% CaO, 8%–20% SiO2, 1%–6% Al2O3 etc. [32]. To high efficiently
Although numerous studies have been reported in literature, recycle the steel slag, metakaolin was added to complement the
the strength development of the cement-based stabilized soils steel slag-cement composite [40,14]. Note that, metakaolin is rich
and its evaluation are still a challenging area in geotechnical engi- in active SiO2 and Al2O3 phases, which can make up the active
neering. Some researchers [27,16] suggested the soil water- binder Si/Al phases and improve the cementation [14,24]. In this case, the
(including cement) ratio (Ws/Cs) as a parameter for evaluating the artificially fabricated composite with slag, cement and metakaolin
engineering properties of cement-based stabilized soils, following (SCM composite) was used as the binder to stabilize the soft clays,
Abrams’ law [1] for concrete and mortar. In Abrams’ framework, aiming to enrich the analysis of the binder type on stabilized soils [14].
Ws is the water content, which is equal to the mass ratio of total This study aims to investigate the influence of soil water con-
water to the dry solid phase in the cement–water-soil/aggregate tent on the strength development of SCM stabilized soils consider-
matrix. Cs is binder (including cement) ratio, which is equal to ing different water configuration in clays. In this study, the
the mass ratio of binder to dry solid phase in the matrix. Horpibul- commercial kaolin was used to adjust the clay mineral component
suk et al. [16,18,19] suggested that the Ws/Cs is also a key and fea- of Lianyungang marine clay, and then, the admixture was prepared
sible parameter for evaluating the strength development of with different initial water contents. Hereafter, the admixtures
cement-treated clays by experimental studies. However, the were stabilized by the SCM composite, and the unconfined com-
cement-based stabilized clay is more complicated than mortar or pression strengths and microstructures were tested at prescribed
concrete in which the non-free water can be ignored. The non- curing periods. Based on the experimental results in this study
free water (or adsorbed water) exists on the surface of fine soils together with a large number of test data on stabilized soils in lit-
especially clayey soils is affected by the clay mineral and particle eratures, the water involved in the hydration process was dis-
size. The non-free water, which can be reflected by Atterberg lim- cussed and deducted. After identifying that only free water is
its, is usually inert in terms of chemical and mechanical processes involved in the hydration process, a new equation for strength of
due to a strong molecular force [41]. For example, Zhou et al. stabilized soils was proposed. The most advantage of the proposed
[41,42] addressed that the non-free water does not contribute to equation is that the strength of cement-based materials can be

Fig. 1. Plasticity chart (ASTM D-2487, 2011).

L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918 911

The steel slag was pretreated by the wet magnetic separation method from Jiax-
ing, Zhejiang province. The wet steel slag was air dried and then passed through No.
10 sieve. Its chemical component was listed in Table 3. The primary oxides of steel
slag are CaO and SiO2 (up to 85%) and the content of Al2O3 is limited (less than 5%).
As shown in Fig. 2, the slag content with particles size between 0.075 mm and
0.25 mm accounts for 62%, which results in the low activity. The Metakaolin (i.e.
MK) with 40% Al2O3, with particle size less than 0.005 mm, was used as the compo-
nent adjustment for steel slag in this study. The essential component of MK is anhy-
drous aluminum silicate by kaolin’s dehydrating at the temperature from 600 to
900 °C. The cement used in this study is ordinary Portland cement of Hailuo brand
(#42.5). The basic chemical properties of MK and cement are presented in Table 3.
According to previous investigations [40,14], when the mass ratio of slag, cement
and MK is 85:50:15, the maximal strength of the composite was achieved, equal
to 40 MPa after 28 days’ curing (almost same as that of cement paste). In this exper-
imental study, the SCM composite with this proportion was employed as the

2.2. Specimen preparation

The raw marine clay was passed through a sieve with 2 mm in diameter to
remove stones and impurities. The commercial kaolin was added to adjust Atter-
berg’s limits of the soil with changing the clay mineral composition. The aim is to
investigate influences of the water content on the strength of cement-based stabi-
lized soils, since most ground improvement projects occur in soft clays with high
Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of soft clay, steel slag and kaolin.
water contents. The specimens were prepared with initial water contents of 1.0,
1.15 and 1.3 times of LL.
accommodated in a unified analysis framework which is suitable Prior to mixing with water, the marine clay, kaolin and binder at the prescribed
for various concretes, mortars, and cement-based stabilized soils. proportions were first mixed to produce a homogeneous powder. In this investiga-
tion, the binder ratio (Cs, the ratio of binder mass to the dry soil mass) was set to be
20% referring the engineering practice in Lianyungang region. Water was then
added to the mixture to ensure uniform dispersion of the clay-binder-water matrix.
2. Material and methodology
ASTM [6] was followed for a mixing process. The procedure when mixing with
water lasted for 10 min in total, in which 1 min was allowed to scrape off the mate-
2.1. Materials
rials attached to the sidewall and bottom of the mixing bowl. After mixing, the uni-
form paste was transferred to cylindrical split molds (50 mm in diameter and
The soil in this study is the upper marine clay collected from Lianyungang, a
100 mm in height). The paste was artificially tapped to remove trapped air bubbles.
coastal city in the east China and kaolin from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. The liquid
The specimens were then sealed by plastic wraps and cured in the chamber
limit (LL), plastic limit (PL) and plastic index (PI) of the marine clay (kaolin), deter-
with a temperature of 20 ± 2 °C and a humidity of 95%. Prior to testing, the top
mined following ASTM [3], are 54.7%, 26.4% and 28.3, respectively. The values of LL,
and bottom of the specimen were trimmed to ensure 100 ± 5 mm in height and
PL and PI of kaolin are 42.0%, 23.0% and 19.0, respectively. According to the Unified
to maintain a length/diameter ratio about 2:1. The mass of each sample was
Soil Classification System [4], the marine clay and kaolin are classified as high-
weighed and checked for consistency to within ±3 g of the mean mass of the matrix.
plasticity clay (CH) and low-plasticity clay (CL), respectively (see Fig. 1). As shown
At least three samples were tested for each matrix.
in Fig. 2, the particle size distribution[2]of the marine clay is poorly graded, with
57.8% clay, 39.6% silt and 2.6% sand. The specific gravity ds of the marine clay [5]
is 2.71. To clarify the role of the non-free water enriched in clay matrix, the kaolin 2.3. Unconfined compression strength tests
was added into the marine clay as the ratio of 50% and 100% of dry weight of the
marine clay. The basic physical properties of the soils (the marine clay and kaolin) After different curing periods (7, 14 and 28 days), the specimens were tested for
are summarized in Table 1. Three mixtures of the marine clay and kaolin with dif- unconfined compressive strength (UCS) with a shearing rate of 1.00 mm/min (ASTM
ferent kaolin ratios are referred as to soil A (kaolin ratio = 0%), soil B (kaolin D-2166). During compression tests, the specimens were covered by a preservative
ratio = 50%) and soil C (kaolin ratio = 100%). The characteristics of these soils (i.e., film to minimize water loss due to evaporation. The tests were terminated when
soils A, B and C) are listed in Table 2. the peak strength was attained, or 15% axial strain was reached.

Table 1
Physical properties of Lianyungang soft Clay and kaolin.

Soil LL (%) PL (%) Plastic index Particle size distribution (%) Specific gravity ds
Sand >75 mm Silt [75,2] mm Clay <2 mm
Soft clay 54.7 26.4 28.3 2.6 39.6 57.8 2.71
Kaolin 42 23 19 0.2 78.1 21.7 2.74

Table 2
Characteristic of tested soil.

Soil type Kaolin ratio LL (%) PL (%) Ws (%) Curing period (days)
A 0% 54.7 26.4 54.7 62.9 71.1 7 14 28
B 50% 44.1 24.1 44.1 50.7 57.3
C 100% 42.7 21.8 42.7 49.1 55.5

Table 3
Chemical composition of Steel Slag, MK and Cement.

Materials CaO (%) Al2O3 (%) SiO2 (%) Fe2O3 (%) MgO (%) SO3 (%) Else (%) Loss of ignition
Steel slag 48.8 2.1 27.9 8.3 3.3 1.7 6.3 1.6
MK 1.0 40 52 2.5 0.8 / / /
Cement 54.7 7.5 21.7 2.9 1.7 3.5 1.9 3.4
912 L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918

Table 4
Properties of stabilized soil samples from literatures.

Soil LL (%) PL (%) Ws (%) Cement type Cs (%) Curing period (d) Reference
Wuxi 75 29 108% Type 1 Ordinary Portland Cement 7.3–101.9% 7,28 [43]
Shenzhen 73 32 93% 6.4–90.7% 7,28
Guangzhou 62 35 95% 6.6–92.9% 7,28
Singapore 87 35 90%,120% Type I Portland cement 5–60% 7,28,90 [10]
Bangkok-1 103 43 80–160% Type I Portland cement 10% 7,28 [25]
Bangkok-2 89 30 89,119,148% Type I Portland cement 10–30% 7,14,28,90 [19]
Mizushima 65.3 15.5 97.95–130.6% Ordinary Portland Cement 2.04–25% 7,28,90 [20–22]
Tokuyama 107.6 35.4 161.4, 215.2% 11.1–25% 7,28,90
Hibiki 61.2 20.7 91.8% 11.1–25% 7,28,90
Moji 89.5 29.3 134.25% 11.1–25% 7,28,90
Ariake 120 57 106,130,160% Ordinary Portland cement 10,15,20% 7,28 [16]
Red earth 38 15 38,57,76% Portland cement 1.9–15.2% 7,14,28 [30]
Brown soil 60 23 60,90,120% 3–25% 7,14,28
Black cotton soil 97 35 97,135.5,194% 4.85–38.8% 7,14,28

sediment clay from Shenzhen, river sediment clay from Guangzhou, Singapore mar-
ine clay, Bangkok clay at different regions, dredged clay of four airports as well as
clays with high LL in Japan, and red earth, brown soil and black cotton soil from
India. The water content of these soils varies from 38% to 252.2%, the binder
(including cement) ratio ranges between 2.04% and 101.9%; and curing time ranges
from 7 days to 90 days.

2.4. SEM tests

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate the microstructure

changes of the stabilized soils with different curing periods, water contents and soil
types. Five specimens were tested by SEM in this study, including (1) soil A with
water content of 1.15 LL after 7, 14, and 28-day curing (three specimens), and (2)
soil A with water content of 1.0 LL and 1.3 LL after 28-day curing (two specimens).
Small pieces of specimens were first trimmed to appropriate size and shape and
then immersed in liquid nitrogen (196 °C) for instant freezing. Then the frozen
specimens were transferred to the vacuum chamber of a freeze dryer for sublima-
tion for approximately 24 h. Then, the dried specimens were trimmed flat and vac-
uum coated with a layer of gold in the thickness of 200–300 Å (1 Å = 0.1 nm) to
make it electrically conductive to prevent electric charge on the specimens.

3. Results and discussions

The test results in this study show that Atterberg limits of arti-
Fig. 3. Relationship between strength and water content. ficial soils decrease with the increase of kaolin content in Table 2.
In other words, with the increase of kaolin content, water-holding
In addition to the experiments performed, a detailed survey and data collection
capacity of artificial soils decreases, and the soils turn from high CH
from the literature have also been done in this study. The unconfined compression to CL gradually. After the stabilization by the SCM composite, the
test results on different types of clay treated with different cement-based materials strength of stabilized soils improved significantly (>1 MPa after
in literature [10,22,27,23] (Chew et al. [10], Horpibilsuk et al. [16,19], Lorenzo and 28-day curing) as shown in Fig. 3. The SCM stabilized soils show
Bergado [25], Zhu et al. [43], Kang et al. [20–22], Narendra et al. [30]) were also
the similar properties of soils stabilized by pure cement, regarding
included in the analysis. As shown in Table 4, the unconfined compression results
cover different types of clay including lake sediment clay from Wuxi, marine strength evolution with the water content, curing period and Atter-
berg limits.

Fig. 4. Relationship between strength and liquid limit.

Fig. 5. Relationship between strength and plastic limit.
L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918 913

phase, water content and cementation intensity. Therefore,

water-binder ratio, initially developed for concrete and mortar,
was introduced to interpret the strength of stabilized soils
The influence of the water content on the strength of stabilized
soils is presented in Fig. 3. It is clear that initial water content dis-
tinctly affects the strength development. For all the soil types, the
UCS almost decreases with the water content. With the increase of
water content, the distance between soil particle and cluster is
enlarged, resulting in weaker soil fabric and cementation. Addi-
tionally, this new binder has the same effectiveness when stabi-
lized soils, for the UCS28 of the clays stabilized by only cement
just about 1.0 MPa.
Unlike in concrete and mortar, the water in soils is not entirely
free. One part of water adheres to soils (especially fine clays and
montmorillonite-rich clays) and forms the bound water. The
remaining water (i.e., free water) gives consistency of clay-binder
paste and keeps flowability, like that in mortar and concrete. But
Fig. 6. Relationship between strength and clay fraction (soil particle less than
there is no very clear separation among two types of water. Partic-
2 lm). ularly, it is hard to quantify the amounts of bound water and con-
nected water. It should be noted that bound water and connected
water are related to the plastic limit of the soil, which is a key
3.1. Strength parameter to classify soil type.
Figs. 4 and 5 show the unconfined compression strength plotted
It is well acknowledged that the microstructure of stabilized against LL and PL, respectively, for the samples with Ws/LL of 1.0,
soils is a combination of soil fabric and cementation [36,38]. The 1.15, and 1.3 after 7, 14, and 28-day curing. The results indicate
fabric of stabilized soils refers to microstructure related to the that higher strength was achieved at lower LL and PL for the same
arrangement/constituent of mineral, fraction and porosity. The value of Ws /LL. Although the tendency is similar, the details are
cementation fills the space among soil particles and welds the fab- changing with the value of Ws /LL and the curing period. The UCS
ric by hydration process/pozzolanic reaction during curing. The decreases sharply as Ws /LL is relatively low, but changes gently
strength of stabilized soils is related to the component of solid when Ws /LL is higher. However, when the Ws/LL ratio is high,
the slopes of trend lines are almost the same, implying that a water
content of 1.0 LL is appropriate for the reaction of soil–water-
binder matrix. Regarding the strength change with PL, it shows a
nearly linear relationship between UCS and PL when the value of
Ws/LL is low. When Ws/LL is greater than 1.0, the UCS changes little
if the value of PL is less than 24% and reduces sharply when PL is
larger than 24%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the strength
of stabilized soils with high water content is dependent of their
basic properties like Atterberg limits and closely related with the
water content.
Clay fraction is another key factor affecting the strength of the
stabilized soils with high water content. Fig. 6 shows the relation-
ship between the clay fraction and UCS of stabilized soils after 7,
14, and 28-day curing. The results illustrate that UCS decreases
as the clay fraction increases, with the same water contents (1.0,
1.15, and 1.3 LL respectively). Since the cohesion between clay par-
ticles is weak, high clay fraction implies more specific surface area
that needs more stabilized agent to bind particles together. As a
Fig. 7. Relationship between strength and curing periods. result, when the stabilized agent is limited, higher clay fraction

Fig. 8. Microstructure of stabilized soil A (Ws = 1.15 LL, T = 7, 14, 28d).

914 L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918

Fig. 9. Microstructure of stabilized soil A (T = 28d, W = 1.0, 1.15, 1.3LL).

leads to a weaker gelation in general. As shown in Fig. 6, the shape is higher than 1.15 LL, the reduction tendency changes non-linearly
of the curve (UCS versus clay fraction) is similar to the UCS-PL from gentle to sharp. Therefore, the plastic limit can be employed
curve (UCS against plastic limit). When the water content is low to reflect the influence of clay fraction on the strength of stabilized
(e.g., 1.0 LL), the strength reduces linearly. When the water content soils.
The effect of curing periods on the UCS is presented in Fig. 7.
The strength develops rapidly at early age and thereafter slows
down with curing period. For example, the strength after 7-day
curing has achieved more than 60% of that after 28-day curing.
The increasing trends of different soils are almost same. With the
increase of water content, the strength of three types of stabilized
soils (soil A, B and C, see Table 2) converges with each other. For
example, the UCS of stabilized soil B (50% Lianyungang marine
clay) is equal to that of soil C (kaolin) when water content equates
to 1.3 LL.

3.2. Microstructure

The microstructures of stabilized soil A (Lianyungan marine

clay) with different curing periods are shown in Fig. 8. A large
number of ettringite (AFt and AFm) and calcium silicate hydrate
crystal (C-S-H) layers that enwrap the soil aggregate can be
observed, demonstrating how the binder effectively enhances the
strength. As shown in Fig. 8, the morphology and amount of
hydrates between soils are changing with the curing time. After
7-day curing, few AFt is observed on the soil surface. With the
increase of the preservative age, the products like AFm and C-S-H
are generated to connect soil particle and form large size aggre-
Fig. 10. Relationship between UCS7D and binder-water ratio. gates. After 28-day curing, there is no clear boundary between soil

Fig. 11. Relationship between UCS28D and binder-water ratio. Fig. 12. Relationship between UCS90D and binder-water ratio.
L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918 915

and hydrates, implying that the completion of stabilization. Fig. 9 soil (i.e., free water, equal to the total water subtracts by the
presents the microstructure of stabilized soil A with different absorbed water) can be involved in hydration. However, for con-
water contents after 28-day curing. It is found that a higher water crete and mortar, almost all the water is involved in the hydration
content leads to a larger distance between soil particles (the circles process. Thus, it is worthy to highlight the content of free water
and lines are soil particles), resulting in a large porosity, weak that involves the hydration process instead the total water content
bonding and low strength. for stabilized soils.
In general, the strength of stabilized soils is affected by the fac-
tors like soil properties (i.e., Atterberg limits), water content, curing 4. Unified strength framework for Cement-based materials
duration, where the soil properties and water content are coupled
with each other. Different from clayey soils, there is little water Abrams [1] proposed the principle of water-binder ratio
trapped on the surface of sands or coarse aggregates used in mortar through numerous experiments. It states that, when the concrete
or concrete. The strength of concrete or mortar has a significant is completely compacted, the relationship of compression strength
linear correlation with water cement ratio. However, such a linear (UCS) and water-binder ratio (Ws/Cs) can be summarized as below.
correlation between strength and water cement ratio is not valid
for stabilized soils. The main reason can be attributed to a very k1
UCS ¼ W s =C s
high affinity between water and clay particles due to a large sur- k2
face area of clay particles. Therefore, only part of the water in the
where k1 and k2 are experimental constants. This equation suggests
a positive correlation between compression strength and binder-
water ratio (Cs/Ws). Lyse [26] proposed an empirical relationship
of strength and cement–water ratio.
UCS ¼ a  þb ð2Þ
where a and b are constants related to cementation strength and
the gradation of coarse aggregate. It illustrates that the strength
depends on binder-water ratio (Cs/Ws) linearly. Bolomey [9] vali-
dated Lyse’s equation that has been widely used in concrete
According to the knowledge on the strength of concrete, the
binder-water ratio (Cs/Ws, the reciprocal of water-binder ratio)
was first introduced to evaluate the strength of stabilized soils by
Miura et al. [27]. The experimental relationships between strength
and Cs/Ws of stabilized soils from 15 regions/countries are pre-
sented in Fig. 10 (after 7 days’ curing), Fig. 11 (after 28 days’ cur-
ing) and Fig. 12 (after 90 days’ curing). Figs. 10–12 just indicate
that the strength roughly increases with the cement–water ratio
for all the samples involved. But the strength of the stabilized soils
cannot be adjusted well in terms of the binder-water ratio and in
Fig. 13. Plastic limit of stabilized soils [35]. view of the concept of the traditional cmenet-based materials

Fig. 14. Relationship between UCS7D and binder-free water ratio.

916 L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918

Fig. 15. Relationship between UCS28D and binder-free water ratio.

(including mortar and concrete), suggesting that the strength of correlation between the strength and the cement free water ratio
cemented soils would not be directly evaluated by using the (Cs/Wf), which validates the proposed equation (i.e., Eq. (6)). The
binder-water ratio. This is because clay mineral disturbs the water slope of the regression lines (parameter a) in Figs. 14–16 is differ-
consumption during the hydration process and pozzolanic reac- ent from each other because of the different cementation intensity
tion. Sasanian and Newson [31] attempted to solve this problem of binder materials. This observation is similar with that for con-
by introducing soil’s activity (Ac) to modify the cement–water crete and mortar. In addition, parameter n increases with the cur-
ratio. According to Sasanian and Newson [31], the strength of sta- ing time (n = 1.2 after 7-day curing, 1.5 after 28-day curing and 2.5
bilized soils can be expressed as after 90-day curing).
The water in soils is more complicated than that in
¼ 125:24b2 þ 7:47b þ 0:42 ð3Þ concrete/mortar for the existence of bound water film which is
dominated by the particle size distribution and clay mineral. Based
where on the results presented above, it is clear that the cement free
  water ratio (Cs/Wf) is a key parameter for analyzing the strength
b ¼ Ac 3:2 ð4Þ development of stabilized soils. As shown in Fig. 17, the cement
Ws stabilized soils can be accommodated by the framework for tradi-
The work from Sasanian and Newson [31] confirms that the tional cementitious material (concrete and mortar) by adopting the
binder-water ratio initially developed in the concrete industry cement free water ratio (Cs/Wf).
should be modified when it is introduced into the cement-based
stabilized soils. However, Eq. (3) is empirical, which cannot physi-
cally answer the water consumption in the soil-binder-water
Atterberg limits (PL and LL) are the synthesized indexes reflect-
ing soil’s water holding capacity influenced by the clay mineral and
particle distribution. Additionally, the previous investigations [27]
indicated that PL significantly increases with the increase of the
cement ratio and the curing period. This finding (see Fig. 13) is sim-
ilar to that by Uddin et al. [35]. Hence, the bound water (i.e., the
difference between the total water and the free water) can be fea-
sibly linked with the value of PL. Therefore, the PL of original soils
is introduced to extract the free water content (Wf) from total
water content (Ws). We have
W f ¼ W s  n  PL ð5Þ
where n is a material parameter. Combining Eqs. (2) and (5), the
strength of stabilized soils can be thus expressed as
aC s
UCS ¼ aC s =Wf þ b ¼ þb ð6Þ
ðW s  n  PLÞ
Figs. 14–16 present the relationships between strength and free
water content after various curing periods (7, 28 and 90 days,
respectively). It suggests that there is a strong positive linear Fig. 16. Relationship between UCS90D and binder-free water ratio.
L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918 917

Fig. 17. Concept of unified cement-based material.

5. Conclusions plastic limits. The value of n is related with the curing per-
iod, indicating the hydration/pozzolanic reaction between
The unconfined compression strength of stabilized soils was stabilized agent and soil’s clay fraction.
investigated in this study over a range of water contents, plastic (4) The binder-free water ratio (Cs/Wf) has been validated by
limits and curing periods. From test results and analyses, the fol- experimental results as an appropriate parameter for char-
lowing conclusion can be drawn: acterizing the strength of stabilized soils with different clay
fractions and minerals. Through employing the binder-free
(1) The binder composed of the steel slag, cement and metakao- water ratio (Cs/Wf), the binder stabilized soils can be accom-
lin, can effectively stabilize soft clays, the strength of which modated by the framework for traditional cementitious
could achieve 1.0 MPa after 28 days’ maintenance by the for- material (concrete and mortar).
mation of C-S-H, AFt and AFm among soil particles and
clusters. Conflict of interest
(2) Higher strength of stabilized soils can be attained at a lower
water content and a longer curing period, which consisted The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to
with concrete and mortar. Besides, clay fraction, plastic this work.
and liquid limit has also affected strength of stabilized soils
significantly. Acknowledgements
(3) The conventional binder-water ratio (Cs/Ws) is insufficient to
evaluate the strength of stabilized soils. The binder-free This study is supported by the National Natural Science Founda-
water ratio (Cs/Wf) is proposed, where the free water content tion of China (Grant No. 41577280, 51878159) and the Fundamen-
(Wf) is equal to the total water content subtracting n times of tal Research Funds for the Central Universities and Postgraduate
918 L. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 909–918

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