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J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2004) 6:64–72 © Springer-Verlag 2004

DOI 10.1007/s10163-003-0104-8


Masaya Koshikawa · Akira Isogai

Analyses of incinerated ash of paper sludge: comparison with incinerated

ash of municipal solid waste

Received: January 9, 2003 / Accepted: August 28, 2003

Abstract Fourteen paper sludge samples were collected at

seven representative pulp and paper mills in Japan, and
were analyzed to obtain fundamental data on the reuse of
paper sludge-incinerated ash as papermaking material. For Paper and paper board are composed of pulp fibers
comparison, incinerated ashes of municipal solid waste and some inorganic fine particles, which are used as paper
(MSW) were collected at MSW incineration plants in fillers and coating pigments in papermaking and coating
Tokyo, and analyzed by similar methods. Elementary and processes, respectively. Paper and paper board production
X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that the predominant is now about 31 million tons per year in Japan, and about
elements in paper sludge samples are calcium, silicon, 60% of paper and paper board used is recycled and reused
aluminum, and magnesium, which are derived from paper as secondary fibers in papermaking. On the other hand,
fillers, coating pigments, and coagulants used in papermak- some pulp fractions and inorganic fine particles, which
ing and process effluent treatments. Similar results were cannot be retained in paper or are rejected during recycling,
also obtained for the MSW-incinerated ashes, indicating transfer to paper sludge fractions by simple mechanical
that major components in the collected MSW are paper- separation or coagulation treatments followed by sedimen-
related materials. Incineration of paper sludge around tation of suspended solids in effluents. Paper sludge also
800°C is recommended in terms of high brightness of the comes from deinking processes, in which ink fractions,
incinerated ash, which has about 60% brightness. Calcium, deinking reagents, and extraneous materials are present.
silicon, and aluminum components in the paper sludge are Paper sludge is generally dried in air, and subjected to
fused or sintered by heating. Although paper-sludge- incineration. The resulting ash is then disposed by landfill-
incinerated ashes have irregular shape and large particle ing or is used by mixing in cement. The quantity of paper
size distributions, they may be used as papermaking sludge produced is approximately 1.5 million tons per year
materials after pulverization using a ball mill. The MSW- in Japan, and about 0.6 million tons of incinerated ash is
incinerated ashes have 5%–30% water-soluble fractions formed thereby.1 Thus, a large amount of paper sludge is
and low brightness, and thus incineration conditions must formed in pulp and paper mills, and suitable methods to
be changed to reuse the MSW-incinerated ash as a paper- utilize the paper sludge have been examined. It is prefer-
making material. able to reuse inorganic compounds in paper sludge as
papermaking materials, as 60% of pulp fibers in waste paper
Key words Paper sludge · Incineration · Municipal solid are now reused in papermaking. Furthermore, some of the
waste · Paper filler · X-ray diffraction incinerated ash produced in plants that incinerate munici-
pal solid waste (MSW) is good for reuse as papermaking
materials if the MSW-incinerated ash components are
partly derived from paper-related materials.
Johnston and Wiseman2 studied mineral recovery from
paper sludge formed in papermaking processes including
M. Koshikawa · A. Isogai (*)
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of deinking. In the case of incineration at 800°–1150°C, fusion
Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan or sintering occurred among calcium, aluminum, and silicon
Tel. 81-3-5841-5538; Fax 81-3-5841-5271 components in the paper sludge, thus giving mullite
e-mail: (Al2O3·4/3SiO2), cristobalite (SiO2), or calcium silicate
(CaSiO3), depending on the incineration temperature. On
Part of this paper was presented at the 68th Research Conference of the other hand, the original paper filler components were
Japan Tappi, Tokyo, 2001 recovered without fusion by hydrothermal oxidation of the

paper sludge at 260°C and 5 MPa conditions in which organic Analyses

components such as pulp fibers were converted to CO2.
Moilanen et al.3 reported that precipitation of calcium car- Relative weight ratios of elements heavier than sodium in
bonate on paper sludge-incinerated ash particles increased paper sludge and incinerated ash samples were measured
its brightness to more than 70%.Yamada and Fukui1 studied by means of an X-ray fluorescence analyzer using an
applications of paper sludge-incinerated ash to paper attached determination program (Mesa 500, Horiba, Kyoto,
coating pigments, and relationships between the paper Japan). About 1 g of a sample was put on a thin polyethyl-
sludge incineration conditions and some properties of paper ene film, and X-rays generated at 15 kV and 500 µA were
coated thereof were investigated.Also, the fates of some ele- irradiated onto the sample through the film for 100 s under
ments derived from some additives used in papermaking, vacuum. Ash samples were pressed to pellet form using
effluent treatments, and others have been reported.4,5 an apparatus for preparing KBr pellets in infrared (IR)
However, analytical data on paper sludge samples are measurements, and subjected to recording X-ray diffraction
insufficient, and the number of samples used in previous patterns on a Rigaku RINT 1000 (Kanagawa, Japan) with
reports is limited. More detailed analyses of paper sludge the reflection mode at 40 kV and 40 mA. A data base
using multiple samples are, therefore, required for evalua- system6 for X-ray diffraction patterns attached with the
tions of reuse as resources of papermaking materials. In this above X-ray diffractometer was used for assignment of dif-
study, 14 paper sludge samples were collected at seven pulp fraction peaks. Pyrolysis-gas chromatograms (Py-GC) of
and paper mills in Japan, and their elements were deter- paper sludge samples were recorded on a Shimadzu GC-
mined using an X-ray fluorescence analyzer. Two of the 14B (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) attached with a vertical
representative paper sludge samples were subjected to microfurnace-type pyrolyzer.7 The gas components formed
incineration, and changes in brightness, yield, X-ray diffrac- from a 1-mg sludge sample pyrolyzed at 500°C were directly
tion patterns, morphologies, and distribution of elements analyzed by the GC equipped with a capillary OV-1 column
were analyzed in terms of the incineration temperatures. (0.25 mm  30 m), whose initial temperature, final temper-
This allowed the collection of fundamental data to examine ature, and program rate were set at 150°C, 300°C, and
the reuse of paper sludge-incinerated ash as papermaking 5°C/min, respectively. Py-GC peaks were identified using
material. The incineration temperature examined varied pyrograms of pure cellulose, spruce wood meal, and typical
from 300° to 1000°C, because fluidized bed-type incinera- deinking and sizing reagents. Distribution of elements in
tors are generally used for paper sludge combustion in the incinerated ash particles and their morphology were
temperature range of 600°–900°C in pulp and paper observed by a field-emission-type scanning electron micro-
mills. Incinerated ash samples were collected at five MSW scope (SEM: Hitachi S-4000, Tokyo, Japan) with an energy
incineration plants in Tokyo and were investigated for dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX: Horiba EMAX 5770X,
comparison. Kyoto, Japan) after platinum coating for 150 s.

Materials and methods Results and discussion

Materials Elements in paper sludge

Fourteen paper sludge samples were collected at seven Figure 1 depicts the relative weight ratios of elements
representative pulp and paper mills in Japan. Detailed heavier than sodium in 14 paper sludge samples. The major
information about each paper sludge sample in terms of, three elements are silicon, calcium, and aluminum. Large
for example, the original resources used for paper produc- fluctuations of relative calcium content in the range from
tion as well as their weight ratios and deinking processes 6% to 42% are observed among the paper sludge samples.
adopted are unknown. Talc (3MgO·4SiO2·H2O), kaolin clay Mill effluents of alkaline papermaking and/or coating, where
(Al2O3·2SiO2·2H2O), titanium dioxide, and precipitated and calcium carbonate is used as a filler and/or in coat-ing pig-
ground calcium carbonates are commercial fillers of paper- ments, give paper sludge with higher calcium content than
making grade. About 1 g of a dried paper sludge sample was those of acidic papermaking. It is possible for silicon to mix
set in a crucible, and heated at 300°–1000°C for 1 h in the in the paper sludge as kaolin clay (Al2O3·2SiO2·2H2O) or
presence of air, using an electric muffle furnace (Eyela TMF talc (3MgO·4SiO2·H2O) used as paper fillers or coating pig-
2000, Tokyo, Japan). Some incinerated ash samples were ments. Moreover, silicate ions are often present naturally in
pulverized in a container with balls made of agate using a process water of paper mills. Sodium silicate is used as a sta-
planetary ball mill (P-7, Fritsch, Kanagawa, Japan) for 3 min. bilizer of hydrogen peroxide, which is used in the deinking
MSW-incinerated ash samples were obtained from mixtures process of secondary fibers and for bleaching of mechanical
of bottom, grate, and fly ashes at five different MSW incin- pulps. These silicate ions present in effluents easily precipi-
eration plants in the Tokyo metropolitan area, whose MSW tate as aluminum silicates in the presence of water-soluble
combustors were the continuous feed mass-fired-type incin- aluminum compounds such as aluminum sulfate and polya-
erators with fire grates. The MSW incinerated ash samples luminum chloride, which are added to effluents as coagu-
were refluxed in boiling water for 1 h to remove water- lants for suspended solids.8 Aluminum in Fig. 1 is derived
soluble materials. from kaolin clay used as paper fillers or coating pigments,

Fig. 1. Relative weight ratios of elements in 14 paper sludge samples

collected at 7 Japanese pulp and paper mills Fig. 2. Yields and brightness of paper sludge samples A and B heated
at various temperatures. Paper sludge A contains Ca  Si  Al  Mg,
whereas paper sludge B contains Si  Mg  Al  Ca (see Fig. 1)
and from aluminum sulfate or polyaluminum compounds
used as retention aids in papermaking or coagulants for
effluents. Magnesium and titanium in the paper sludge
originate from talc or magnesium carbonate and titanium a single component or even in the presence of burnable
dioxide, respectively, used as paper fillers. cellulose. The paper sludge sample A certainly contains
Paper sludge samples A and B in Fig. 1 are selected calcium carbonate, as described in the following section.
as representatives having high and low calcium contents, However, no such yield decrease was observed around
respectively, for the successive incineration treatments. 800°C. This result indicates that calcium carbonate turns to
Because the paper sludge sample A is dark gray (brightness some compounds other than calcium oxide during heating
ca. 10%), it contains carbon black and other ink compo- in the presence of aluminum and/or silicon compounds
nents, which may be formed in deinking of waste paper. On below 600°C by sintering or fusion. In fact, when the heated
the other hand, the paper sludge sample B, which has bright- product of the paper sludge sample A was treated with
ness of about 40%, may be from effluents of papermaking boiling water for 1 h, almost no weight loss was observed; if
without any deinking processes. calcium oxide is formed by heating, it becomes partly water-
soluble Ca(OH)2 and this brings about some yield loss by
the boiling-water treatment. It is unlikely that the burning
Incineration of paper sludge temperature of the paper sludge in the crucible exceeded
the setting temperature of the muffle furnace. This is
The selected paper sludge samples were heated at because neither weight decrease nor decrystallization of
300°–1000°C for 1 h, and changes in yield and brightness of calcium carbonate occurred at 400°–700°C, when calcium
the residues were measured (Fig. 2). Both paper sludge carbonate or a mixture of calcium carbonate and cellulose
samples have similar yield patterns with increasing heating powder was heated at 400°–700°C.
temperature, and the patterns consist of three different Brightness of the heated products increased with increas-
phases: the first phase at 20°–400°C, the second phase at ing heating temperature up to about 600°C, and then a
400°–700°C, and the third plateau phase at 700°–1000°C. rough plateau level was observed at 600°–1000°C.
The difference in yield between the two paper sludge Unburned carbon residues entrapped inside the heated
samples are caused by different content of burnable organic products probably burn up to 600°C. The maximum bright-
compounds such as pulp fibers, which are rejected during ness values are about 65% and 57% for paper sludge
the screening and drainage processes of papermaking. Cel- samples A and B, respectively. These values are lower than
lulose, which is the main component in pulp fibers, starts to those of commercial paper fillers, which have brightness
decompose at 200°–270°C and ignites at 390°–400°C. Thus, values of more than 80%. However, these incinerated ashes
cellulose and other organic compounds such as hemicellu- may be used as paper fillers for producing some particular
lose and lignin in the paper sludge are thermally decom- papers, which require recycling of paper sludge but do not
posed and ignite in the first phase. The inorganic hydrates require high brightness levels. Considering the incineration
present in the paper sludge are probably partly dehydrated temperature forming dioxin,9 incineration of paper sludge
in the second phase. at around 800°C may be suitable.
Calcium carbonate is decomposed together with decrys- Figure 3 shows the Py-GC of the original paper sludge
tallization to calcium oxide at about 800°C, when heated as samples A and B and their heated products at 300°, 500°,

gasified and/or carbonized below 300°C, and then com-

pletely burn by 600°C, forming CO2.

X-ray diffraction analysis of paper sludge

X-ray diffraction patterns of the paper sludge samples

heated at 400°–1000°C are illustrated in Fig. 4. The original
paper sludge sample A, whose predominant elements are
calcium, silicon, and aluminum, has a relatively simple
pattern, which is composed of clear diffraction peaks due to
cellulose (broad peaks around 2θ 16° and 22°), talc, kaolin
clay, and calcium carbonate. The diffraction peaks due to
kaolin clay disappeared at 600°C by converting to amor-
phous metakaolin, and that due to talc disappeared at
1000°C. The diffraction peak due to calcium carbonate at 2θ
29.5° disappeared at 600°C, indicating that calcium carbon-
ate in the paper sludge turned to some compounds with
aluminum and/or silicon other than calcium oxide. As
described in the previous section, when calcium carbonate
or a mixture of calcium carbonate and cellulose were heated
at 600°C, neither yield reduction nor decrystallization of
calcium carbonate occurred. Almost all diffraction peaks
present in the original paper sludge disappear for the
product heated at 1000°C, and quite small peaks, which are
not due to calcium silicate (wollastonite)2 but probably due
to anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) and gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7), are
detected at 2θ of 28.2° and 31.7°, respectively.6 The paper
sludge sample B has a similar X-ray diffraction pattern, but
has no peak due to calcium carbonate. The sharp peak was
observed at 32.9°, which may be due to MgCO3 used as a
paper filler. Diffraction peaks of mullite (2Al2O3·4/3SiO2),
cristobalite (SiO2), and woolastonite (CaSiO3)2 were not
detected in the X-ray diffraction patterns of the paper
sludge-incinerated ashes.

Fig. 3. Pyrolysis-gas chromatograms of paper sludge samples A and B

SEM-EDX analysis
heated at various temperatures. Peaks due to pyrolyzed products orig-
inating from cellulose, lignin, deinking reagents, and sizing chemicals Scanning electron micrographs of paper sludge sample A
(alkylketene dimers) are marked as C, L, D, and S, respectively and the product heated at 800°C are shown in Fig. 5,
together with the corresponding distribution of elements. In
the original paper sludge, aluminum and silicon are present
in the same particles but calcium is not in most cases,
and 900°C. Levoglucosan formed from cellulose by thermal because the former two elements are present as kaolin clay
degradation is detected at a retention time of 2–5 min in the and the latter as calcium carbonate. In some particles, the
Py-GC patterns of the paper sludge samples. This result three elements seem to coexist. This may be due to either
shows that wood pulp is the predominant organic compo- physical adsorption of calcium carbonate particles on kaolin
nent in the paper sludge. Peaks due to pyrolyzed products clay particles or low EDX resolution among the three
originating from cellulose, deinking reagents, sizing chemi- elements. After heating at 800°C, calcium, aluminum, and
cals (alkylketene dimers), and lignin in mechanical pulp are silicon are all present in the same particles, suggesting that
marked in Py-GC patterns of the paper sludge samples in sintering or fusion occurs among these elements.
Fig. 3. When the paper sludge samples are heated at 300°C, In the case of paper sludge sample B, some particles have
almost no organic compounds are detected in the Py-GC both magnesium and silicon but others have magnesium
patterns, because the peaks at 1, 18, and 22 min are due to only, suggesting that the former is due to talc and the latter
some compounds adsorbed on the glass wool used for the is due to magnesium carbonate (Fig. 6). Because the
pyrolysis. In fact, these Py-GC patterns are almost identical diffraction peak due to MgCO3 in paper sludge sample B
to those of the paper sludge heated at 500°C and 900°C. disappears together with kaolin clay after heating at 600°C
Thus, most organic compounds present in paper sludge are (Fig. 3), these two components have the opportunity to

Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction patterns

of paper sludge samples A and
B heated at various tempera-
tures. Paper sludge A contains
Ca  Si  Al  Mg, whereas
paper sludge B contains Si 
Mg  Al  Ca (see Fig. 1). T,
Talc; K, kaolin clay; C, calcium
carbonate; M, magnesium
carbonate; A, anorthite; G,

Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of paper sludge A and its heated product at 800°C for 1 h, and the corresponding distribution of Al, Ca
and Si. Bar 10 µm

Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographs of paper sludge B and its heated product at 800°C for 1 h, and the corresponding distribution of Al, Mg
and Si. Bar 10 µm

Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of the paper sludge A and B, their ashes incinerated at 800°C for 1 h, and the same ashes after ball milling
for 3 min. Bar 0.1 mm

sinter together. However, there are no particles having both size, it is difficult to reuse them as paper fillers. On the other
magnesium and aluminum in the heated product in Fig. 6. hand, the ashes are convertible to fine powder by pulver-
Thus, magnesium and aluminum do not appear to fuse ization using a ball mill (Fig. 7), and these fine particles are
together even after heating. able to be used as recycled paper fillers or coating pigments
Because the paper sludge-incinerated ashes have in papermaking and coating processes. Many pulp fibers are
irregular-shapes and heterogeneous distributions of particle present in the original paper sludge, and disappear in the

Fig. 9. Yields of incinerated ash of municipal solid waste after boiling-

water extraction for 1 h

with boiling water to remove the water-soluble fractions.

Consequently the relative weight ratios of elements became
quite similar among the ash samples (Fig. 8). Yields after the
boiling-water treatment are shown in Fig. 9; about 5%–30%
of the MSW-incinerated ash is water soluble. Although
relative calcium content in these samples are higher than
those of paper sludge, the predominant elements are the
same between the MSW-incinerated ash and paper sludge.
This similarity of the predominant elements indicates that
Fig. 8. Relative weight ratios of elements in incinerated ash samples paper-related materials are the major components in the
collected at five incineration centers of municipal solid waste in Tokyo collected MSW.
before and after boiling-water extraction for 1 h Figure 10 illustrates X-ray diffraction patterns of MSW-
incinerated ash samples before and after the boiling-water
heated residues. Thus, reuse of paper sludge as papermak- treatment. Consequently, similar X-ray diffraction patterns
ing material may be feasible for particular cases by inciner- were obtained for the five MSW-incinerated ashes. The dif-
ation of paper sludge at around 800°C and the successive fraction peaks at about 29.6° and 31.6° may be due to
pulverization of the incinerated ash. calcium silicate (Ca8Si5O18)6 that is formed by incineration.
These two peaks are not detected in the X-ray diffraction
patterns of paper sludge-incinerated ashes, indicating that
Analysis of incinerated ash of municipal solid waste this calcium silicate may be formed from calcium carbonate
and some silicate compounds under particular incineration
Differences between paper sludge-incinerated ashes conditions used in the MSW incineration plants. All the
discussed in the previous sections and MSW-incinerated MSW-incinerated ashes collected were dark gray, clearly
ashes were investigated. Figure 8 shows the relative weight having black carbon particles, probably because these ashes
ratios of elements heavier than sodium present in the MSW- were produced by incomplete combustion. Brightness of
incinerated ash samples. Because only about 1 g of ash these MSW-incinerated ashes were less than 10% but
sample collected from huge ash heaps are subjected to the increased up to 40% by heating the ashes again at 800°C
elemental analysis, the ratios may have large fluctuations for 1 h. Thus, the first incineration temperature of MSW
even among samples collected at the same incineration is significant in order to increase brightness of MSW-
plant. However, when the relative weight ratios are com- incinerated ash.
pared among the five MSW-incinerated ash samples, similar There are some common points between paper sludge-
trends are observed. The major three elements are calcium, incinerated ash and MSW-incinerated ash, and thus both
silicon, and aluminum, and these three components occupy paper sludge and MSW collected at municipal incineration
about 75% in the detectable elements of the ash samples. A plants have potential to be used as papermaking materials
part of calcium must be derived from garbage bags contain- by incineration under suitable conditions. However, MSW-
ing calcium carbonate filler, which is incinerated together. incinerated ash, once produced under conventional
Because some water-soluble inorganic compounds may procedures, has lower brightness and some water-soluble
remain in the MSW-incinerated ashes, they were treated fractions, compared with paper sludge-incinerated ash.

Fig. 10. X-ray diffraction pat-

terns of incinerated ash of
municipal solid waste before
and after boiling-water extrac-
tion for 1 h. Arrowheads, peaks
at 29.6° and 31.6° may be attrib-
uted to calcium silicate formed
during incineration

Moreover, although trace elements present in paper sludge- be changed to reuse the MSW-incinerated ash as paper-
incinerated ash and MSW-incinerated ash samples were making materials.
disregarded in this study, they may have some negative
effects on reuse and recycling processes. Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Norio Matsukura of Nippon
Paper (now of Japan Pulp and Paper Research Institute), Mr. Yuzo
Igarashi of Nippon Paper, Dr. Tokiya Yaguchi of Oji Paper, Dr. Tohru
Katsura of Mitsubishi Paper, and Mr. Michitaka Kubota of Daishowa
Conclusions Paper for kindly providing paper sludge samples. Mr. Takafumi Watan-
abe of the Environment Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Govern-
ment arranged sampling opportunities for MSW-incinerated ash
This study reveals the feasibility of paper sludge for reuse samples. This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
as papermaking materials. The predominant elements in Research (Grant number 12556025) from Japan Society for the
paper sludge samples are calcium, silicon, aluminum, and Promotion of Science.
magnesium, which are derived from paper fillers, coating
pigments, and coagulants. Incineration of paper sludge at
around 800°C is recommended in terms of brightness of References
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