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Gartner for Finance

The Digital Future

of Finance
10 CFO Opportunities to Accelerate
Digital Transformation

© 2021 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_GBS_1100028
The Digital Future of Finance

Most business leaders expect revenue to return CFOs will have to reduce costs and fund growth
to or exceed 2019 levels in 2021-22, and CFOs
are drivers, or at least key stakeholders, in a Average relative increase/decrease
range of critical issues that will drive this IT/technology
postpandemic recovery. growth
Mergers & acquisitions
The chief challenge is to meet senior leadership’s Support investment
demands to accelerate growth and digital models Corporate restructuring in new technology
while restoring the organization’s financial health. and new business
Product development models to drive
CFOs also have a function to run. They are growth and
entering a period of significant transformation Research & development digitalization
for finance, with new technologies readily
available to help drive efficiencies and insights Reduce
into business performance. costs

These pressures culminate in 10 digital Still expect a

Human resources
imperatives for CFOs in 2021 — to accelerate reduction in the
the digital enterprise and the digitalization cost of operations Selling, general &
of the finance function itself.
0% 10%

Richard Ries
n = Base sizes vary; excludes “don't know”
Vice President Board directors were asked what budgetary changes they expected as a result of the COVID-19 impact
Gartner Research & Advisory Source: Gartner View From the Board of Directors 2021
The Digital Future of Finance

10 Digital
Strategy setting Must-Do’s for Waste reduction

CFOs in 2021
Planning and Technology
budgeting investment
Accelerate the Accelerate the Digital
Digital Enterprise Finance Function

Performance Employee Digital Data and

management productivity upskilling analytics

Cost allocation Cloud adoption

The Digital Future of Finance

Strategy setting
Align digital strategies and business
outcomes even as conditions shift

Planning and budgeting

Accelerate the
Design scenario-based, agile,
iterative planning and budgeting

Digital Enterprise

03 05
Performance Employee productivity
management Invest in employee performance
Rethink how to measure, fund in a hybrid work environment
and manage digital investments

Cost allocation
Focus costs and investments on
initiatives that are differentiating 4
Align digital strategies and business outcomes

What’s happening
2021: Strategic plans will
feature business-driven
digital initiatives
Your new customer

Wants multichannel
Digital Enterprise

Business leaders are clearly 64% of business leaders say

signaling an acceleration in digital they will use the COVID-19 and
related economic crises as Total mindset shift, Wants everything,
business initiatives. Many expect
not a new segment twice as fast
digital technology to lead to an opportunity to focus on
substantial or total transformation redesigning their businesses.
for their industry by 2026. 69% say digitalization initiatives
are accelerating. CFOs are Everything
What it means critical enablers of these customer
The pandemic uncovered new enterprise ambitions.
customers and sources of demand Business models will need to Wants access to Wants free stuff,
for all organizations; CFOs must shift, for example, to account you via digital giants but will pay for premium
enable pivots to new products and for the new “everywhere, Technologies
opportunities. everything” customer.

Learn more:
Top Priorities 2021 Source: Gartner

Design flexible planning and budgeting

What’s happening
2021: Support scenario-
based, agile, iterative
Criteria screen used to isolate cost categories to be included
in contingency budgets
Digital Enterprise

Planning and budgeting activities, First, be clear on business Is there

Does it have a
flexibility to
historically conducted on an annual priorities and realign the budget Cost category Is it variable? material impact
adjust it later
basis, aren’t fit for today’s dynamic to support them — which might in the year?
on the budget?
environment. require zero-basing budgets and
resource allocation decisions. Marketing
What it means expenditure Do not
Then consider contingency factor into
Budget rigidity impedes the ability budgeting, even if it’s only contingency
of business leaders to pivot and for select cost categories for budget
capture new opportunities as different scenarios.
they emerge.
Learn more: Labor
Use Zero-Based Budgeting Factor into
to Rightsize Tight Budgets contingency

Source: Gartner

Rethink digital business
performance management

What’s happening
2021: Rethink how to
measure, fund and manage
digital business performance
Investment Value Driver Model

Technical Drivers
Digital Enterprise

The growing diversity of investment CFOs need to promote a culture Syncs with tablets
Commercial Drivers
projects — especially given digital in which investment management External Drivers Ease of use

acceleration — pushes more processes balance innovation Pattern tracking

investments outside the scope and financial accountability and
of traditional capital budgeting champions a test-and-learn High-quality Differentiated
methods. mentality. New metrics will be product in marketplace
required — with, for example,
What it means a more venture-capital-like Effective sales and
approach to measuring
New digital business cases Proposal:
investments. Strategic priority: Introduce product Superior sales and
are difficult to quantify using Grow revenue. X as new revenue Brand awareness
marketing strategy
return-based measures, potentially source.
Learn more:
nixing opportunities too soon. Why Investment Governance Creative packaging and
Must Change ?
U.S. Affordable
Care Act
European reimbursement

Source: Gartner

Allocate costs to fund digital growth and new
business models

What’s happening
2021: Focus costs on
differentiating initiatives
Many CFOs prioritize investments
Impact of cost structure on long-term value realization
Relative impact of moving from 10th to 90th percentile
Digital Enterprise

As CFOs look to set their based on external factors such 45%

organizations up for success as what peers are doing. The
over the next 12 months and most effective CFOs focus
beyond, job No. 1 is to fund on costs and investments that
are differentiating.
new (or existing) growth. 30%

What it means Take the differentiating approach Superior performance at differentiating

and keep the organization the cost structure drives 42% higher
To avoid an overly conservative focused on costs that align
long-term value realization, and over
15% 6 percentage points of excess return
approach to the renewal period, with digital growth and new compared to competitive peers.
CFOs need a more sophisticated business models.
lens to evaluate costs and growth
opportunities. Learn more: 0%
New Role for CFOs in Structuring costs around
Capturing Value differentiating factors

n = 55 CFOs
Source: Gartner CFO Cost Structure Survey
Long-term value realization is a measure of an organization’s ability to realize value over a 3-year period: expanding
margins as much as possible, fully translating growth bets into profitability, taking on enough risk, creating capacity
to pursue growth opportunities and pursuing growth without creating excess complexity.

Invest in employee performance in a hybrid
work environment

What’s happening
2021: Fund the right
investments to increase
employee performance
in a hybrid workplace
Are employees as productive as before COVID-19?
Compared to last year, how productive is your current workforce?
Percent selecting
Digital Enterprise

Almost all organizations expect to Significantly Slightly less

allow employees to work remotely The pandemic offered critical proof
more productive productive
that efficiency often comes at the 11%
at least some of the time even after 17%
COVID-19 subsides. cost of flexibility. But, equally, you
can’t build resilience at any cost.
What it means CFOs are key to ensuring that the
right resources and support flow
CFOs must help the organization
to employees.
provide employees with whatever
they need to be productive For example, 70% of businesses are
when remote. allowing employees to bring home
work equipment, and 58% have Slightly more
supplied new hardware. CFOs must productive
protect these and other enabling 33%
expenses, such as contracts around As productive this
data security, cloud storage and VPN. year as they were
last year
Learn more: 39%
Dispel 7 Myths to Prepare for
a Hybrid Future of Work n = 110
Source: Gartner HR Lessons From COVID-19 Webinar Poll (December 9, 2020)

The Digital Future of Finance

Waste reduction
Free up capacity from repeatable and
transactional finance processes

Accelerate the
Technology investment
Invest in technology that enables

Digital Finance
finance to deliver value


10 08
Digital upskilling Data and analytics
Hire, retain and develop must-have Deploy D&A insights securely
digital finance competencies and at scale

Cloud adoption
Accelerate cloud adoption with
right-size, right-choice vendor 10
Reduce waste and redundancy
to free up capacity

What’s happening
2021: Free up capacity from
repeatable and transactional
finance processes
Benefits of RPA in finance grow as deployment expands
Capacity of full-time employees (FTEs) freed across phases of robotic
process automation (RPA) adoption
Finance Function

Robotic process automation (RPA) RPA is limited by its adherence 10+ FTE capacity
has brought speed, efficiency and to rigid rules, and it can’t execute freed up

cost optimization, but finance is decision-oriented tasks. By Benefits

still expected to increase decision adding machine learning, RPA • Headcount displacement
2-4 FTE capacity • Significant
support while reducing costs. can be used for more complex freed up efficiency gains
activities, such as budgeting • Effectiveness gained

RPA adoption
Benefits from combining
What it means and forecasting. This will free 1 FTE capacity • Increased productivity disparate RPA programs
up relevant staff to focus on the freed up • Improved regulatory • Compelling
Finance needs to critically compliance opportunities for
most impactful decision-support Benefits
reassess the benefits of existing • Reduction of
• FTE redeployment to high-caliber candidates
aspects of their jobs. higher-value work
RPA programs and ensure they manual work
• Increased staff
• Reduction of errors
are aligned to enterprise goals. Learn more: • Faster processing time
retention rates

Role of RPA in Finance • Enhanced auditing

Automation • Improved staff

Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3:
Starting out Operational Panfinance adoption
Timeline for RPA adoption
Source: Gartner

Invest in value-driving finance technology

What’s happening
2021: Invest in finance
technology that enables
finance to deliver value
Move toward hyperautomation

Finance Function

Many organizations continue to run CFOs have allowed finance to based

unwieldy finance processes using rely too heavily on RPA, and they Hyperautomation
outdated technology. now need a defined strategy to
scale automation with tactical
What it means and strategic goals. By using

Type of tasks
additional technologies to
Less than one-third of CFOs are
automate complex finance
confident that their technologies
processes, CFOs can focus on
are aligned with their requirements
identifying new value-adding
for ensuring the future success
services, such as automatically
of the organization.
forecasting long-term real estate
value or predicting pricing based
on consumer behavior.
Learn more:
Finance AI, a Step on the Task-level Process-level Process
Path to Hyperautomation
Automation scope

Source: Gartner

Deploy data and analytics insights
securely at scale

What’s happening
2021: Reduce the need for specialized skills
to perform complex analysis
To unlock data and insights for the business at scale,
Augmented data management
Finance Function

Finance executives have insufficient CFOs must champion “democratization” — providing Reduce reliance on finance
technical or domain expertise a radically simplified data and analytics experience analysts for repetitive and
to perform more complex data to finance teams. routine data management tasks
A specialized team, for example, could leverage
What it means augmented analytics to facilitate data generation

Without the help of professional

and preparation, and the discovery and visualization
of findings without the need to build models or write
data scientists, finance is Freeing up to 20%
challenged to generate insights of their time
that business leaders can use By 2023, augmented data management will reduce
to make decisions. the reliance on finance analysts for repetitive and
routine data management tasks, freeing up to 20%
of their time for collaboration, training and high-value For collaboration, training and
analytics tasks. high-value analytics tasks
Watch now:
Overcoming Data & Analytics Challenges

Accelerate cloud adoption with right-size,
right-choice vendor selections

What’s happening
2021: Accelerate cloud
adoption and acquire
data analytics tools
Determine what you really need to meet
business outcomes
Finance Function

Cloud service providers’ Assess your strategic, financial and technical requirements.
COVID-19 forced many finance
teams into remote operation. expertise in handling large
Many organizations plan to keep volumes of data means they Pick the right provider
some level of staff workloads can better ensure data security Understand the market; evaluate and select the
permanently remote. than on-premises or private right partners.
cloud solutions.
What it means Align deal structures with business needs
The imperative for CFOs is to
Finance has successfully shifted key find the right vendors, at the Pick the optimal delivery model, contracting vehicles
activities to the cloud, but must right time, at the right price, and pricing models.
continue to demonstrate value in and deploy solutions in places
scaling processes to support that will improve the speed, trust Optimize spend
business imperatives. and predictive nature of insights. Avoid unnecessary charges, rightsize support and service
Learn more: levels, benchmark pricing (where available).
Learn How Gartner
BuySmart™ Can Help You Reduce complexity and risks
to Buy Technology With Review T&Cs to protect against future cost increases
Confidence and unanticipated costs, and provide risk mitigation.

Hire, retain and develop digital skills
in finance

What’s happening
2021: Hire, retain and
develop finance digital skills
Five Most Relevant Digital Finance Competencies Defined
Technological literacy
Finance Function

Digital skills are needed to
support an always-on, Knowledge of how to exploit digital technology to drive
Only one-third of finance leaders
technology-driven, real-time better outcomes for finance and the business
agree that their teams have
sufficient competencies required business. Because skill needs
Digital translation

for a digital finance function. are changing so quickly,
finance leaders need an Ability to explain how digital technologies interact with
What it means “always on” skills-sensing finance stakeholders, processes and systems

The growing digital skills gap in ability to locate new skills and
Digital learning and development

finance reduces the function’s evaluate skills-development
priorities. This enables finance Ability to fast-cycle new digital learning requirements within
ability to successfully exploit
to course-correct quickly and the new learning environment
digital technology capabilities.
apply skills closer to the time
Digital bias management

of need.
Ability to understand and articulate bias in machine learning
Read article: and manage the risk
Fill Skill Gaps in Finance
Digital ambition

5 Capability and motivation to embrace technology and new

ways of working

Source: Gartner

Lead Your Finance
Function Into a
Digital Future
Throughout 2021, Gartner experts will continue delivering essential
insights on the key emerging trends and proven tactics that can help
to fuel your digital transformation. Position your finance function and
organization to thrive:

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