Bocc Meeting Agenda Supplement: Additional Material Submitted by The Florida Health Department

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MEETING DATE: September 1, 2021

G-3: Additional Material Submitted by the Florida Health



This information will be uploaded and available on COIN.

Hillsborough County
Covid -19 Information
Based upon 8/28/21 FDOH update

Health Care Services Department •

7-day Average Number of COVID-19 Cases Per Day and 7-day Average Positivity in
Hillsborough County, 3/1/2020 – 8/28/2021

7-day Average COVID-19 Case Rate (Per 100,000 Residents) in Hillsborough, Pasco,
Pinellas Counties and the State, 5/23/2021 – 8/28/2021

Hillsborough County COVID-19 Case Rate ( per 100,000)
by Pediatric and College Age Groups

COVID Hospital Visits in Hillsborough County, based ESSENCE-FL
Emergency Department Data, as of 8/28/2021

Percentage of Hillsborough County Residents Vaccinated, as of 8/28/2021

Number of Hillsborough County Residents Vaccinated by Age Groups and
Gender, as of 8/30/2021


A report presented to the

Board of County Commissioners
on 9/1/2021
from Management and Budget

Receive a report on Local Pandemic-Related

Data, Recovery Programs and Strategic
Investments related to COVID-19.

Sign-Off Approvals
Kevin Brickey 8/26/2021
Department Director Date

Kevin Brickey 8/26/2021

Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy Date

Samuel Hamilton 8/26/2021

County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency Date

Tom Fesler 8/26/2021

Assistant County Administrator Date

Tom Fesler 8/26/2021

Deputy or Chief County Administrator Date

Consent Section – Informational purposes only. (No discussion anticipated)

Consent Section – Board requested report. (No discussion anticipated)
Staff Reports Section

Note: Staff reports scheduled for the Consent or Staff Report sections may not contain any recommendations.
Hillsborough County
COVID-19 Update

September 1, 2021
R3 Emergency Rental Assistance Program Update

R3 Emergency Rental Assistance Program Update

Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Landlord Tenant
Registration Application
Start (3/16) Start (3/23)

Emergency Rental $149,423 disbursed per working day

Assistance Program
Priority Applicants All Applicants
(up to 50% AMI or 90 (up to 80% AMI or 90
days unemployed) days unemployed)

Program Metrics as of August 23

14,027 Applications Submitted $21,014,766 Total Financial Assistance Approved
6,238 /6,525 Applications Approved/Denied $15,988,231 Total Financial Assistance Disbursed
48.9% Application Eligibility Approval Rate 2,651 Registered Landlords
$3,168 Avg. Shelter Award (Amount) 9,080 Registered Properties
2.5 Avg. Shelter Award (No. Months) 403,325 Residences Available for Tenant Matching
$218 Avg. Electric Utility Award 53,638 Call Center Calls since 3/16
4,882 Applicants Paid (via Payments to Landlords) 48 / 435 Landlord/Applicant Calls (daily avg.)

American Rescue Plan (ARP) - Overview

American Rescue Plan (ARP) Overview

• Signed by President on March 11, 2021 - $1.9 trillion

• $362 billion to state and local governments

• $285.9 million in direct payments to Hillsborough County

• 50% payment in FY 21, 50% payment in FY 22

• Expenditures eligible beginning March 3, 2021 (some exceptions)

• Expenditure incurred deadline December 31, 2024 (some exceptions)

ARP – Overview & State/Local Eligible Uses

• Public Health Response

• Equity Focused Services

State & Local
$362 Billion • Negative Economic Impact Offsets

• Premium Pay
All Other Funding
$1.55 Trillion • Revenue Replacement Funded

• Infrastructure (Water,
Stormwater, Sewer, Broadband)
ARP – Overview & State/Local Ineligible Uses
• Extraordinary pension fund contributions

• Infrastructure spending, except:

• Water, sewer, and stormwater
State & Local
$362 Billion • Broadband
• Projects funded through revenue

All Other Funding • Reserve replenishment

$1.55 Trillion
• Debt service, legal judgments, and

• Cash match for federal grants

Revenue Replacement - Eligible / Ineligible Uses

Eligible: Ineligible:
• Pay-go infrastructure • Debt service
(including maintenance)
• Judgments
• Cybersecurity
• Settlements
• Health services
• Replenishment of reserves
• Environmental remediation
• Educational services
• Fire, law enforcement, and
other public safety services

ARP Community Support beyond State/Local
Housing / Shelter Stability Small Business Assistance
• Emergency Rental Assistance Program • Paycheck Protection Program
Supplement • Economic Injury Disaster Loans
• Housing Counseling • Restaurants and Bars Program
State & Local • Emergency Housing Vouchers • Shutter Venues Operator Grants (arts
$350 Billion • Homeless Assistance and Supportive Services organizations, live performing arts,
• Homeowner Mortgage Assistance museums, theatrical producers, etc.)
• Additional FEMA Funding at 100% Federal
Cost Share Additional Support
• Supplement to Low-Income Home Energy • Assistance to Elementary, Secondary
All Other Funding Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Schools, and Universities
$1.55 Trillion • Child Care Grants to Providers
Healthcare • Transit
• Community Health Centers, Mental Health • Broadband and Telecommunications
Services, Vaccine Delivery, Contact Tracing, Etc. for Schools and Libraries (off-site)
• Separate funding to cities
Individuals / Families
• Direct Payments to Individuals
• Unemployment Insurance
• Child Tax Credits
Proposed ARP Investment Guiding Principles

• Focus on funding projects and/or programs not available through other funding
• Develop a plan of investment – minimize unsolicited funding requests
• Select investments with a broad community impact while prioritizing underserved
and vulnerable communities
• Partner with local municipalities and others where appropriate
• Be judicious in the creation and operation of temporary programs
• Pursue investments with one-time versus recurring operating impacts
• Apply sound and transparent financial management practices
• Minimize administrative efforts while recovering staff costs where appropriate

Hillsborough County ARP Investment Plan

• 32 potential investment options grouped

by ARP categories
• Each option includes a statement of need,
an overview of how the option might be
implemented, and a broad cost range
• Projects/programs will be brought before
the BOCC for approval, with more details
provided at that time
• After the BOCC approves an option, status
reporting will begin immediately as part of
this report

COVID-19 Cases / Vaccinations Update

Florida Dept. of Health Update

Florida Dept. of Health Update

Florida Dept. of Health Update

Florida Dept. of Health Update

Florida Dept. of Health Update

Florida Dept. of Health Update

Hillsborough County EOC Update

Hillsborough County EOC Update (as of 8/25)

COVID-19 Funding & Financials Update

Summary of COVID Funding (in millions)

Funding Source Amount

1. CARES Act $256.8
2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)* $42.6
3. Various COVID-19 grants $40.3
4. Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations
Act (Emergency Rental Assistance Program 1.0) $32.4
5. Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations
Act (Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2.0)** $25.6
6. American Rescue Plan Act (ARP)*** $285.9

Total COVID Funding $683.6

* The FEMA amount represents actual expenditures to date while other amounts represent awards that may not yet be fully expended
** For ERAP 2.0, $10.25M (40%) has been received.
*** For ARP, $143M (50%) has been received. 22
CARES Act Expenditures
Category Expended
Economic Recovery Financial Assistance $ 93,594,900
City Allocations $ 38,900,000
Housing & Utility Financial Assistance - Phases 1 and 2 $ 34,904,953
Workforce Training $ 14,186,070
County Allocation for Employee & Resident Safety $ 14,177,772
Nonprofit Financial Assistance - Phases 1 and 2, Daycare Program, & $ 11,245,405
Community Venue Nonprofit Program
Sports Venue Public Safety $ 11,347,215
Public Health Support $ 9,588,948
Food Relief $ 10,034,008
Rapid Response Recovery Support $ 3,627,168
Constitutionals Support $ 2,969,340
Community Venue Public Safety $ 2,935,783
Tourism Recovery $ 2,000,000
Total (as of 8/19/21) $ 249,511,563

FEMA Expenditures
Category Amount
County Facilities Improvements $ 33,101
Other (e.g. Call Center, Meals, Public Awareness) $ 2,070,679
PPE $ 5,148,575
Quarantine & Isolation Sites $ 6,679,282
Security - Non Quarantine & Isolation Sites $ 560,304
Teleworking and Other Technology $ 173,833
COVID-19 Testing $ 16,118,648
The Inn at University Village (Step Down Site) $ 7,499,555
Cleaning / Disinfecting / Medical Supplies & Services $ 1,360,753
Vaccination Sites $ 2,970,610
Total FEMA Fund (10793) & IT Project Fund (10140) as of 8/19/21 $ 42,615,342

COVID-19 Grants
Grant Type Award Services
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) $ 8,184,556 Rapid rehousing and shelter
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $ 9,914,421 Rapid rehousing and shelter
Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) $ 5,425,733 Low income housing energy assistance
State Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) $ 5,489,393 Rental and mortgage assistance
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) $ 2,333,993 Prepare, prevent, and respond to COVID
Older Americans Act - CARES Funding $ 1,982,505 Various senior services
Older Americans Act $ 860,699 Senior home-delivered and congregate meals
Ryan White Program $ 683,041 Prepare, prevent, and respond to COVID
United State Department of Justice $ 464,297 Prepare, prevent, and respond to COVID
CARES Act Provider Relief $ 618,976 Fire Rescue operations
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) $ 363,041 Personal Protective Equipment
HHS Administration for Children & Families $ 3,052,977 Prepare, prevent, and respond to COVID
HHS Senior Connection Center (EHEAP) $ 154,295 Senior low income housing energy assistance
HHS Senior Connection Center $ 735,207 Senior access to grocery services
Division of Library and Information Services $ 36,978 Increasing Circulating Hotspots for Remote Access
Total (as of 8/19/21): $ 40,300,112


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