Keyboard Shortcuts: Moving Object (S) Object Settings

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Legend: Ctrl = Cmd / Alt = Option


(Using keyboard)

Move along X/Y axis / / / Transparency toggle T

Move along Z axis Ctrl + / Turn object(s) into Holes H

×10 Nudge along X/Y axis Shift + / / / Turn object(s) into Solids S

×10 Nudge along Z axis Ctrl + Shift + / Lock or Unlock object(s) Ctrl + L

Hide object(s) Ctrl + H


(Press and hold the keys, then click and drag the mouse) Show all hidden object(s) Ctrl + Shift + H

Duplicate dragged object(s) Alt + Drag left mouse button

Select multiple object(s) Shift + Left mouse button TOOLS AND COMMANDS

45° rotation Shift (Hold while rotating)

Copy object(s) Ctrl + C

Scale in one direction Alt + Hold side handle

Paste object(s) Ctrl + V

Scale in two directions Alt + Hold corner handle

Ctrl + D
Duplicate object(s) in place.

Uniform scale Shift + Hold corner handle

Delete object(s)

Uniform scale in all directions Alt + Shift + Corner handle

Undo action(s) Ctrl + Z

Uniform scale in all directions Alt + Shift + Top handle

Redo action(s) Ctrl + Y

Redo action(s) Ctrl + Shift + Z

(With the help of a mouse or a mouse pad) Group object(s) Ctrl + G

Orbit the view Right mouse button

Un-group object(s) Ctrl + Shift + G

Orbit the view Ctrl + Left mouse button

Align object(s) L

Pan the view Shift + Right mouse button

Flip/Mirror objects(s) M

Pan the view Ctrl + Shift + left button

Select all object(s) Ctrl + A

Zoom the view in or out Mouse scroll wheel

Place a Ruler R ( Shift toggle midpoint/center )

Zoom-in + Place a Workplane W ( press Shift to flip direction )

Zoom-out - Drop object(s) to workplane D

Fit selected object(s) into view F

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