English 1: Purpose of Communication and Workplace Communication Learning Objectives

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Purpose of Communication and Workplace Communication

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Discuss the various communication fundamentals that
comprise successful communication;
2. Identify the important purposes of communication;
3. Explain the importance of communication in
4. Distinguish the importance of effective workplace
5. Identify the different barriers to communication in the
6. Demonstrate the different direction/flow of
intraorganizational Module
11 in the
7. Classify the forms and levels of feedback;
8. Differentiate the written communication materials for the

According to Oliver Schinkte, communication is a critical part of our daily lives,

and it is something that we often overlook and fail to practice. There are times that we
also disregard the importance of speaking, listening and other forms of communication.
Although communication is an innate skill that is subconsciously learned and
used, this skill needs to be enhanced in order to attain a strong foundation of your
communication ability.

Communication Fundamentals
1. Know your Purpose

Why are you speaking? You need to have a specific purpose in mind. A
purpose is an exact statement of what you want your audience to
understand, to do, or to believe. You may want to entertain, inform, or
persuade your audience.

2. Know your Audience


To whom will you speak? As a communicator it is important that

you need to analyze, cater, and respect the needs of your

3. Organize your Ideas

How will you put your ideas together? Create an outline to diagram
how your communication will be organized. Your outline should
help you ensure that you don’t omit any vital information.

4. Follow Basic Communication Principles

How will you be an effective communicator? Master the principles

of clarity in presenting your ideas, use familiar words in
communicating your thoughts, and be an active participant in the
entire communication process.

Purposes of Communication

Communication is considered as one of the basic activities of human beings,

which may be used for varied purposes. They do so to express their feelings, opinions,
aspirations, dreams, fears, apprehensions or regrets in life. Humans are creative
beings, and they know how to communicate in various and creative ways through
verbal, non-verbal, linguistic, or non-linguistic cues. Specifically, people communicate in
order to inform, evoke, entertain, argue, and persuade.

1. To Inform: To inform is to impart knowledge, to clarify information, and to

secure understanding. The purpose of an informative communication is to
teach the audience ( the receiver ) something new or to provide them
worthwhile information. In this type, the speaker presents the “what”, “why”,
and the “how” of the topic.

2. To Evoke: To evoke means to rely on passion and controversy to make a

Evocative communication centers on controversial topics that typically use
emotion to make a point. Evocative communicators must show a lot of
enthusiasm and concern for the topic and must use personal experience to
draw the audience. Using government research, statistics and data can all
help make their topics more believable and more engaging.

3. To Entertain: To entertain is to transmit a feeling of pleasure and goodwill to

the audience.The communicator is considered gracious, genial, good-
natured, relaxed and demonstrates to his or her listeners the pleasant job of
speaking to them.

4. To Argue: To argue is to persuade, to assent to the plausibility of the

communicator’s side of a debatable question. The speaker’s purpose is to
appeal to the intellect of his or her listeners so that they will be convinced. An
argumentative speech or writing focuses on controversial issues and the
speaker is expected to present evidence to support his side. A message that
aims to influence any other people’s beliefs, attitude, and behavior is
persuasive, while a message that makes people accept a fact or point of view
is argumentative.

5. To persuade: To persuade is to move the listeners to action. The

communicator should demolish the listener’s objection, and prove the
acceptability of his or her argument or position. A person whose purpose is to
persuade or convince the receiver of his message attempts to influence not
only other people’s beliefs but also their attitude. A persuasive speech or
writing must make people apply what they have learned and act or take action
immediately. A person with this purpose in mind must be credible enough to
be able to present facts, statistics, quotes, or personal experiences and make
other people believe in what he or she is saying.

There are three elements or proofs of persuasion:

1. Ethos: This is the Greek word for “character”. Here, the speaker
attempts to persuade others by using authoritative and
trustworthy course or support of the message. (The speaker is a
credible, a good person who knows what he is talking about)

2. Pathos: This refers to the speaker’s appeal to emotions. A

speaker might use pathos to arouse the audience’s feelings.
(Use emotional appeal in the form of pity, sorrow, or
compassion, display photo to convince people to contribute to
charitable organizations.)

3. Logos: This involves using logic to support a speaker’s

statements and, thereby, persuading his audience. One way of
doing this is by developing a coherent space that moves
logically through his argument, emphasizing reasoning
(including statistics and appropriate data), then moving in to a
powerful conclusion.

Workplace Communication

Communication is an avenue for dissemination of information in order to be

understood. It is one of the basic functions of management in a firm, and its importance
cannot be taken for granted. One cannot have good human relations with his colleagues
if communication is not effective. If the relationship of a boss or employee with his
colleagues is harmonious, the business relationship is also good and will result to
successful business.

In a company setting, effective communication is essential for its success.

Messages, whether verbal or written instructions, or any information related to business
transactions or just plain office communication sent by the manager or employee of
rank, should be well imparted .A manager, for example cannot expect to get the results
he wants to obtain from his subordinates if he does not know how to communicate with
them and give his instructions effectively. Likewise, an employee will not be able to
expect positive feedback or a solution to a problem in the workplace if he does not know
how to communicate his message well. If this happens, both employer and employee
end up frustrated. And as expected, frustration will lead to less motivated and unhappy
employees, unhappy employees result in less productivity. A manager therefore, must
see to it that an effective system of communication is followed in the company if he
wants it to survive.

Channels of communication in any organization are usually made up of two

structures: formal and informal. Formal communication follows the same line of
organizational chart while informal communication is an unstructured one from which
lines change as the personal relationships among the members of the organization
change. When one considers a company or firm’s organizational setup, a chart is
helpful in determining the proper channels of communication.

As mentioned in the previous lessons, communication may be verbal or written.

In oral communication, listeners can make out what the speakers are trying to say, but
in written communication, it will be difficult for the reader to decipher what the writer
really means in the letter if it is with errors. Whatever the writer writes is a reflection of
his thinking. It is possible for a speaker to correct any mistake he has committed while
speaking, but a writer cannot take back what he has already written and sent.
Therefore, one should keep in mind, that a written communication should be clear, well-
thought of, and planned to avoid misinterpretation of message.

The merits of written communication are:

1. Written communication can be filed, therefore providing a permanent record

for future use.
2. It gives employees and all people in the workplace an opportunity to put their
comments or suggestions in writing.
3. The manager or any other employee can also read back to check the
information in case he forgets important details.

4. It is easier to remember information that is read compared with one that is

5. It serves as an evidence of what has occurred or taken place.
6. Written communication can be duplicated or photocopied.
7. It can be distributed to a number of individuals at one time.
8. It reduces the chances of misinterpreting the information if properly written.

Effective Communication in the Workplace

Communication plays a vital role in the success of every organization. It can be

effective if the intended message is indeed the same message received by the

A workplace becomes a harmonious haven when every employee is given the

avenue to communicate well with each other in a more professional way. In many
instances, communication in the workplace becomes unprofessional when one fails to
behave appropriately with courtesy and respect. Communication be professional, yet
ineffective, you can speak courteously but your ideas can be unclear.

Employees Top 5 Skills and Qualities

1. Communication Skills
2. Strong work ethics
3. Teamwork skills
4. Analytical skills
5. Initiative

Top 10 Communication Skills for Workplace Success

1. Nonverbal Communication
2. Clarity and Concision
3. Friendliness
4. Picking the Right Medium
5. Feedback
6. Confidence
7. Respect
8. Open-mindedness
9. Empathy
10. Listening

Barriers to Communication in the Workplace

The flow of effective communication may be hindered when the intended

message is not properly channeled. There are various reasons why communication
breakdown occurs, and this may be attributed to lengthy or disorganized messages,
complex or ambiguous language, and inconsistent verbal and nonverbal cues. All these
may contribute to distortion of messages which may result in confusion and

misunderstanding. It is therefore crucial for a speaker to be clear in his or her message.

Additionally, the speaker should also be aware of certain barriers to communication in
the workplace in order to avoid further communication gaps.

According to Leigh Richards, there are many barriers to communication that exist
in any organization, but some are more pervasive and more common than others.
Barriers can be environmental or personal and may include such things as noise (real or
internal ), bias, cultural differences or even differences in roles, or levels of authority,
within the organization.

1. Noise: Noise can be either internal or external. Internal noise represents the
internal self-talking that we all do. External noise can include other
conversations, traffic noise or anything that interferes with our ability to
maintain focus.

2. Culture: Culture can represent a barrier to communication when it keeps

communication from happening or when employees communicate the
information and input what they feel they are expected to communicate, and
not what they really believe.

3. Role: Role conflicts can create barriers to communication in organizations,

particularly when they involve interactions between subordinates and

4. Bias: Biases can be based on our preconceived beliefs (e.g. millennials don’t
respond well to criticism ) or based on impressions we form of people as we
interact with them.

5. Misinterpretation: It is important to be sure that the meaning behind your

communication is clearly and accurately understood. When in doubt, ask for
( http:small business.chron.com).

How does one overcome communication barriers in the workplace?

Barriers are inevitable; hence, in order to work well in a team and in a company,
you need to listen properly, avoid jargons, keep an open mind and be aware of cultural

Flow of Intraorganizational Communication in the Workplace

Communication can flow in different directions. In business, the type of
correspondence that one writes must consider the direction of communication. Below
are the different flows of communication in business.

1. Downward Communication Flow: This flow is the usual movement of

communication in an organization. The message comes from a person of a
higher rank to a person of a lower rank. This communication flow is used by
managers to transmit work-related information to the employees at lower
levels. Employees require this information for performing their jobs and for
meeting the expectations of their managers. Downward communication is
used by the manager for the following purposes:

a. providing feedback on employee’s performance;

b. giving job instructions;
c. providing complete understanding of the employees’ job as well as to
communicate them, how their job is related to other jobs in the
d. communicating the organization’s mission and vision to the employees;
e. highlighting areas of attention.

2. Upward Communication Flow: This flow’s movement is the opposite of

the downward flow. The message comes from a person from a lower rank
to a person of a higher rank. This can be an employee reporting to a
supervisor, or a manager echoing to the CEO what he learned from a
conference. Subordinates can use upward communication to convey their
problems and performances to their superiors. It can also be used by
employees to share their views and ideas and participate in the decision-
making process.

Upward communication can lead to a more committed and loyal workforce

in an organization because the employees are given a chance to raise and
speak dissatisfaction issues to the higher levels. The managers on the
other hand can get to know about the employees’ feelings towards their
jobs, peers, supervisor and organization in general.

The effectiveness of upward communication according to Luthans (1984)

can be increased using the grievance procedure, open door policy,
counselling, questionnaires, and exit interviews, participative decision
making, and ombudsperson.

a. Grievance procedure: Employees can make an appeal upward

beyond their immediate supervisor. This protects the individual from
arbitrary action by their direct supervisor.

b. Open door policy: This is an invitation for subordinates to come in

and talk to their superior about things that trouble them.

c. Counselling, questionnaires, and exit interview: The Human

Resource Department can facilitate confidential Counselling,
administer attitude questionnaires, and exit interviews. Information
obtained from these forms of communication can be
used to make improvements.

d. Participative decision-making technique: This technique uses

informal involvement of subordinates, quality Improvement teams, and
union management committees. Employees can make valuable
contributions to the organization as they participate in the decision-
making process.

e. Ombudsperson: The use of an ombudsperson provides an outlet for

persons who feel they have been treated unfairly.

3. Parallel / Lateral / Horizontal Communication Flow: The message or

communication is between or among people of the same rank or position. It
happens among employees of equal rank or hierarchy like committees, task
forces, and cross-functional project teams. The advantages of horizontal
communication are as follows:

a. time-saving;
b. facilitates coordination of the task;
c. facilitates cooperation among team members;
d. provides emotional and social assistance to the organizational
e. helps in solving various organizational problems;
f. a means of information sharing; and
g. can also be used for resolving conflicts of a department with other
department or conflicts within a department.

4. Outward /Diagonal: In this type, the company communicates or transacts

business with the other companies or firms. It must be noted that not all
communication goes in one direction. Sometimes, the readers or receivers of
the message sent can be combined. For instance, if a manager writes a
business proposal to another company, which is an outward flow, the
communication also goes upward. A copy may also be furnished and sent to
some other supervisors for their information. This communication crosses the
formal network of communication and chain of command. Diagonal
communication is especially used by expert groups to communicate expert
ideas to the different levels of employees.

Another type of communication flow is the grapevine.

This is not an accepted nor adopted system of communication in the


business world. The dictionary gives us a definition of grapevine as “the

Informal transmission of information, gossip, or rumor from one person to

The grapevine, therefore is the informal and unsanctioned information

network within every organization. Since it is unstructured and not under
complete control of management, it moves through the organization in every
direction. It does not follow any chain of command as what is observed in
formal communication, and messages are transmitted between workers and
managers from one department to another and even within or outside the

Advantages of Grapevine Communication

1. Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon as the

employee gets to know some confidential information, he becomes
inquisitive and passes the details then to his closest friend who in turn
passes it to other. Thus, spreads rapidly.

2. The managers get to know the reactions of their subordinates on their

policies. Thus, the feedback obtained is quick compared to formal
channel of communication.

3. The grapevine creates a sense of unity among the employees who

share and discuss their views with each other. Thus, grapevine helps
in developing group cohesiveness.

4. The grapevine serves as an emotional supportive value.

5. The grapevine is a supplement in those cases where formal

communication does not work.

Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication

1. The grapevine carries partial information at times as it is more based

on rumors. Thus, it does not clearly depict the complete state of affairs.

2. The grapevine is not trustworthy always as it does not follow official

path of communication and is spread more by gossips and
unconfirmed report.

3. The productivity employees may be hampered as they spend more

time talking rather than working.

4. The grapevine leads to making hostility against the executives.

5. The grapevine may hamper the goodwill of the organization as it may

carry false negative information about the high level people of the
organization. http://www.managementstudyguide.com

A Communication Tool in the Workplace

Feedback according to Keyton (2000) , is any information that individuals receive

about their behavior. Feedback should not be viewed as a negative Process, instead it
should be used as a strategy to enhance goals, awareness, and learning
(Liebler&McConnel,2004). Keyton (2000) identifies the forms and levels of feedback.

Forms of Feedback with Different Intent

1. Descriptive Feedback: A feedback that identifies or describes how a

person communicates.

2. Evaluative Feedback: A feedback that provides an assessment of the

person who communicates.

3. Prescriptive Feedback: A feedback that provides advice about how

one should behave or communicate.

Four Levels of Feedback

1. Task or Procedural Feedback: This level involves issues of

effectiveness and appropriateness, specific issues include the quantity
or quality of a group output.

2. Relational Feedback: This level provides information about

interpersonal dynamics within a group.

3. Individual Feedback: This level provides feedback that focuses on a

particular Individual in a group.

4. Group Feedback: This level provides feedback that focuses on how

well the group is performing.

Written Communication Materials for the Workplace


1. Minutes of the Meeting: Minutes are written or recorded documentation that

is used to inform attendees and non-attendees about what was discussed
and what happened during a meeting. The meeting minutes are generally
taken or recorded by a note taker/minute taker during the meeting.

Who is the note taker/ minute taker?

a. An employee who takes the meeting minute is usually a member of the

team and takes the notes while participating in the meeting.

b. Must have an ear for details to record accurately. Must also multi-task
effectively to participate in the meeting while recording the minutes.

What does a minute taker need?

1. Concise notes
2. Informative notes

2. Memorandum: A memorandum is written to communicate policies,

procedures, or related official business within an organization. It is often
written from a One – to – all perspective. The purpose of a memorandum is to
inform, but occasionally includes an element of persuasion or a call to
action.All organizations have informal and formal communication networks.

3. Business Letters: A business letter is a written communication from one

company to another, a company to its clients or customers, business
associates, etc. It can be written for varied purposes: to inquire, to sell, to
order, to apply, to complain etc. The appearance of a business letter
communicates. This is the reason we should be concerned with our
letter’s appearance. Anyone who writes a letter should always remember
that a reader of a business letter considers not only the contents of the
letter but also its physical appearance, just like an appropriately dressed
individual who attracts people’s attention. According to Bovee & Thil
( 2010) they are often printed on letterhead paper, and represent the
business or organization in one or two pages. Shorter messages may
include e-mails or memos, either hard copy or electronic, while reports
tend to be three or more pages in length.

Activity 1
Directions: On the blank before the number, write T if the statement is true and if
false, write F and the word/s that will make the statement correct.

__________ 1. A purpose is an exact statement of what you want your audience to

understand, to do, or to believe.
__________ 2. A message that aims to influence any other people’s beliefs, attitudes
and behavior is argumentative.
__________3. Pathos is an element or proof of persuasion which a speaker might use
to arouse the audience’s feelings.
__________ 4. A person whose purpose is to persuade or convince the receiver of his
message attempts to influence not only other people’s beliefs but also
their attitude.
__________ 5. Logos is the Greek word for “ character “.
__________ 6. In order to inform the audience, the speaker presents the “ what”,
“ why”, and the “ how “ of the topic,
__________ 7. communication is considered as one of the basic activities of human
__________ 8. Ethos, Pathos and Logos are the three elements or proofs of
__________ 9. Communication is an innate skill that is formally learned and used.
__________10 To be an effective communicator, one must observe the principles
of clarity, in presenting ideas, use unfamiliar words in communicating
one’s thoughts.

Activity 2

Directions: On the space provided before each number, write IN if the purpose is
to inform, PE if to persuade, and AR if to argue.

__________ 1. Teaching a group of elders how to use the computer.

__________ 2. Participating in a debate on a current issue.
__________ 3. Selling a new brand or soap to consumers.
__________ 4. Convincing your mother to allow you to join the educational tour.
__________ 5. Reporting in class about the literary genres.
__________ 6. Inviting new students to join your organization.
__________ 7. Introducing the speaker in a seminar.
__________ 8. Campaigning for the election of student leaders.
__________ 9. Demonstrating how to operate the machine.

__________10.Insisting that the government should still implement the curfew for
people who are 18 years old and below.

Activity 3
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers on the
space provided for.

1. What is workplace communication?


2. What are the two structures of the channels of communication? Differentiate these
two structures.

3. Give at least three merits of written communication.


4. How can a writer of communication avoid misinterpretation of message?



Directions: Identify the type of barrier exemplified in the following situations or

scenarios. Write your answer on the space before each number.

_______________ 1. The manager is giving instructions to his secretary on what

should be included in the report that she is going to prepare.
Instead of listening well to the instructions, she keeps on
murmuring to herself about the bulk of work that she is tasked to

_______________ 2. Mr. Santos cannot adapt to the new work environment

because his colleagues have social and cultural differences.

_______________ 3. Mr. Cruz, a very young project leader attended a training but he
found the resource speaker so boring because the techniques
that he is discussing are obsolete for him.
_______________ 4. The president of the company didn’t listen to the suggestions
of the other employees. He feels that he is more capable and
competent that his subordinates.

_______________ 5. The secretary did not get the message of the lawyer because
the lawyer used words that were commonly used only in the
Law firm.


Directions: Identify the flow of Intraorganizational Communication used in the

following situations. Write your answer on the space provided for.

_______________ 1. A subordinate giving suggestions to the supervisor.

_______________ 2. A manager writes a business proposal to another compamy.
_______________ 3. A secretary is reporting to the manager about what transpired
In the meeting of the laborers.
_______________ 4. The director is giving directives to the subordinates.
_______________ 5. The managers of the three companies are discussing about
their partnership.
_______________ 6. The presidents of the different organizations are sharing about
their own plans for the foundation day celebration.
_______________ 7. The University Registrar is instructing her staff about the new
enrollment requirements.
_______________ 8. A memorandum was passed from the superior to the
_______________ 9. The project leader is talking to the supervisor about the problems
encountered in the new project.
_______________10. An employee heard a confidential information about a colleague,
then she passes the details to her friend who in turn passes it to

Activity 6

Directions: Match the words/phrases in Column B with their definitions in

Column A. Write only the letter of your answer on the space before each number.

Column A Column B

__________ 1. A level which provides feedback that A. Relational Feedback

focuses on a particular individual in a B. Group Feedback
group. C. Descriptive Feedback
__________ 2. A feedback that identifies or describes D. Task or Procedural
how a person communicates. Feedback
__________3. A level of feedback which provides E. Feedback
information about interpersonal F. Individual Feedback
dynamics within a group. G. Forms of Feedback
__________ 4. A feedback that provides advice about H. Prescriptive Feedback
how one should behave or communicate I. Levels of Feedback
__________ 5. A feedback that provides an assessment J. Evaluative Feedback
of the person who communicates. K. Presidential Feedback
__________ 6. A level which provides feedback that
focuses on how well the group is
__________ 7. A level which involves issues of
effectiveness and appropriateness
__________ 8. Any information that individuals receive
about their behavior.
__________ 9. Descriptive, evaluative and prescriptive
Feedback are the examples of this.
__________10. Individual feedback is an example of this.


Antonino, Maria Teresa Munji et.al ( 2018). Purposive Communication. Malabon City:
Mutya Publishing House Inc.

Bernales, Rolando A. ( 2018 ). Purposive Communication in Local and Global Contexts.

Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House Inc.

Magan, Rhodora G. ( 2018 ).Purposive Communication in the 21st Century. Manila:

Mindshapers Co., Inc.

Padilla, Mely M. ( 2018 ). Communicate and Connect Purposive Communication.

Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House Inc.

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