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1. The cry for reform was a direct consequence of the abuses of the church hierarchy in the pass. – True

2. During the Reformation period, the Catholic church immediately admitted the abuses in the Church. –

3. The reformers’ issues raised were legitimate and needs to be addressed. – True

4. The advances made in the 16th c. ushered the time when Science was reconsidered as an alternative
source of Truth. – True

5. The era exploration and discoveries, signals the climax of worldwide evangelization. – True

6. The era of Enlightenment is also marked by the presence of intellectuals that gave rise to
Scholasticism. – True

7. All baptized Christians are Catholics in the context of mission to evangelize. – True

8. The Church is holy but composed of sinful members who are constantly in need of conversion. – True

9. As prophetic people, we give witness to Christ that the power of the gospel may shine out in daily
personal, family and social life. – True

10. As kingly people we share in the power of Christ who came to serve especially the poor. – True

11. Mary play an important role in the economy of salvation equal to Jesus. – False

12. Mary is the mother of the Church in the order of grace. – True

13. A righteous person chooses to do God’s will which is right and good. – True

14. Without Mary we are nothing and with Mary we have everything, because Mary always has her
adorable Son within her arms or in her heart. – True

15. In the Church, nobody is so poor as to have nothing to give and nobody is so rich as to have nothing
to receive. – True

16. The Church fulfills its mission, taking it inspiration from Jesus himself, to be a Church in the poor. –

17. The BEC/GKK is the well-spring of renewal. – True

18. After Marcellin Champagnat was raised to sainthood in April 18, 1999 by Pope John Paul II, now a
saint, he is still the possession of the Marist Brothers. – False

19. It is significant for us to know the history of the Marist Brothers so to understand our identity as
Marists of Champagnat. – True

20. Marcellin died at the age of 51 in France on June 6, 1840, the reason why Marist schools celebrates
his feast day. – True

21. Frates Mariste Scholis or FMS is originally known as the Little Brothers of Mary. – True

22. Conflicts among societies are often because of lack of respect and toleration of each other’s world
view. – True

24. As individuals, our primary task is to actively participate for cultural solidarity toward a peaceful
society. – True

25.NDMU promotes cultural solidarity as manifested in its programs and activities. – True

26. Which of the following is NOT a doctrine of Martin Luther. – Predestination

27. Not a reform made by Zwingli. – b. rejection of celibacy

28. Not a result from council of Trent? – b. Gave freedom to the Protestants

29. First Vatican Council was convened in. – d. 1869

30. Following are achievements of Vatican I EXCEPT: - a. Self-renewal

31. The followers of Descartes are called. – a. Rationalists

32. The Pope who called for the second Vatican council towards total renewal in the Church – c. John

33. The nature of the church as mystery is best describes in the following EXCEPT: - a. Unity of all

34. Christ made the church as His Sacrament is best described in the following except: - d. A sign of
progress of the people

35. The image of the church as a Kingdom is best characterized in the following EXCEPT: - a. As priestly,
kingly, and prophetic.

36. “ You are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you” – b. Eat well, sleep well, drink well

37. Mary is aptly given the title “ Mother of the Church” because of the ff., EXCEPT ONE: - D. She
accepted the announcement of Angel Gabriel

38. Mary is aptly given the title “ Model of the Church “ EXCEPT ONE: - d. She loves Joseph

39. The following are manifestation of Mary being the first to be evangelized EXCEPT: - c. She
proclaimed the great things the Lord had done for her.

40. Which of the following manifest Mary’s being the first evangelizer. – d. She patiently waited with
the disciples for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

41. PCP II defines it as proclamation, above all salvation from sin, the liberation from everything
oppressive to man/ woman. – b. Discipleship

42. Which is the best response in following Christ as His disciple? – a. Personal commitment

43. Which of the following is NOT a description of the Church of the poor according to PCP II? – a. The
poor are discriminated

44. Which of the following is NOT the best description of the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) or GKK-
b. the members are obliged to participate actively in the community’s activities every Sunday
45. St. Marcellin was inspired to found the Marist brothers’ Congregation after his encounter with the –
d. Dying boy

46. The mission of the Marist Brothers who are present in 79 countries is best capsulized in one of the
following – a. All to Jesus through Mary


48. Which of the following best explains the scapegoat theory? – d. A person with little power is
unfairly blamed for the trouble of others

49. Which of the following is NOT a negative effect of ethnicity? – a. Unites humanity

50. Which of the following refers to a preconceived judgment or opinion formed without just or
sufficient grounds – c. Prejudice


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