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2100 BC 2000 BC 1900 BC 1446 or 1290 BC 1010 BC

Calling of Abraham The Father Birth of Jacob, later to be called The descendant of Jacob/Israel The Exodus begins, led by Moses, David uses a slingshot to defeat
of the Jewish nation Israel. The twelve tribes of Israel known as Joseph is sold into the Israelites leave Egypt and Goliath, and becomes king of
are named after Jacob's sons. slavery in Egypt. eventually settle in Canaan Israel, making Jerusalem his

330 BC 512 BC 538 BC 930 BC 970 BC

Conquest by Alexander the Completion of the temple. Return of some of the Jewish Following Solomon's death, the David's son Solomon becomes
Great. Rise of Hellenism (Greek exiles to Jerusalem. Start of Kingdom is divided into two king. He later builds a Temple in
culture) reconstruction of the temple. sections: Northern and Southern Jerusalem to honor God.

250 BC 63 BC 4 BC 30 AD 33 AD

Work begins to translate the Old Roman rule of Israel begins. Birth of Jesus Christ, in Death of Jesus Christ. Pentecost and the coming of the
Testament from Hebrew into Rome becomes a significant Bethlehem Holy Spirit (Acts 2).
Greek. Empire.
BSIT - 2

Write a reflective essay citing concrete ways of expressing your gratitude for your roots and origin. End it with a prayer.

I was born in a Christian family, my mother is a Baptist and my father is a roman catholic. When I was already in high school my mother used to
bring me to church every Sunday and because of that, I was gradually learning about God on how he gave us his begotten son and save us from the
power of sin. I am very thankful that I grew spiritually on the church and knowing God. Because in our church we were trained to speak in front, enhance
our leadership skills, enhance our teaching skills and many other. Before knowing whom really God is, my life was full of what ifs. but after the day that
I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Personal savior that day my life changes, from the life that if full of what ifs to a life that is full of faith. God
teaches me to believe in him no matter what, for he is in control, he has a purpose on everything, and every “no” on my prayer is not a rejection but
instead a redirection from something good to something better. Because of prayer also after how many years of prayers, my father did change from
being a drunkard to a man of God. Now he serve as a member of deacon in our church. That is why I am very grateful of my past because of those
things I learned how to put my faith to God and trust in him always for he has better plans for me, plan to prosper me and not to harm me, and it did not
only change me but it also change the persons around me.

Heavenly and most gracious father

Thank you for all the blessings that you bestowed upon me, thank you for the gift, the salvation, and the love that you gave to me, thank
you for all the people that you used that become a blessings to my life, thank you for the answered prayers and I even thank you Lord for the prayers
that you answered “no” because you direct me in path that I should go. Thank you Lord for giving me an amazing childhood and thank you for giving me
an opportunity to know you. Forgive me father from the sins that I have committed. I do pray that you will continue to bless us every day. Continue to
amaze us with your unending love and continue to keep our burning desires to worship you with all our hearts. This is all I ask and pray, in the sweetest
name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen.

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