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‫بسم هللا الرمحن الرحي‬

‫ عز الدين محمد طه على‬/‫سلسلة مطبوعات األستاذ‬

‫مدارس المنارات الثانوية الخاصة‬

0918084991 ‫ عثمان صدى‬/ ‫تصميم وطباعة األستاذ‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه & أحمد محمد طه‬/ ‫إعداد‬
1- Who is the writer of the story ?
 Chinua Achebe
2- Who retold the story ?
 John Davey
3- Where did the story take place ?
 In Nigeria
4- In what part of Nigeria ?
 Umuofia
5- How many villages in Umuofia ?
 Nine villages
6- What was the name of Okonkwo's village ?
 I geudo
7- When did Okonkow become famous ?
 When he was 18 years old
8- How did Okonkow become famous ?
 By beating the best wrestlev in all Umuofia
9- What is the clan ?
 Agroup of people who lives together and share the same customs
10- What was the job of people in Umuofia ?
 They were farmers
11- How old was Okonkow when his father died ?
 He was 30 years old
12- Why was Okonkow ashamed of his father Unoka ?

)10 ‫من‬1 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
 Because his father was lazy and coward
13- Why did the clan respect Okonkow ?
 Because he was not like his father
14- Why were other districts a fraid of Umuofia ?
 Because people of Umuofia were strang and powerful
15- Why did Okonkow never let anyone see that he was kind ?
 Because he had to show people that he was strang and powerful
16- How did Okonkow break that rules of the week of peace ?
 He beat his third wife Ojiugo
17- Who was Ezeani ?
 He was the priest of Earth goddess
18- Why did Ezeani come to Okonkwo's house ?
 To punish Okonkow for breaking the week of peace
19- Why did Ezeani tell Okonkow to take certain things to the shrine of Earth
Goddess ?
 To please the Earth goddess
20- Why were the other villagers not please with Okonkwo ?
 Because they did think him really respected the gods of the clan
21- Why were the first two days of the new year so important ?
 Because the first day was a day of big meal and the second day was a day
of wrestling match
22- What sort of stories did Nwoye like hearing ?
 His mother's stories which were about birds and animals
23- What did Ezeudu tell Okonkow not to do ?
 He told Okonkwo not help in killing Ikemefuna
24- How old was Ikemefuna when he came to Umuofia ?
 He was 15 years old
25- What was the name of the man whose wife was killed in Mbaino ?

)10 ‫من‬2 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
 His name was Ogbuefi
26- Who killed Ogbuefi's wife ?
 Ikemefuna's father
27- What was town's crier ?
 A man who cries out messages to people of Umuofia and calling them for
28- Where did Ikemefuna stay in Umuofia ?
 He stayed with Okonkwo’s first wife
29- “ Umuofia Kwenu” what does it mean ?
 It means we all greet you , Umuofia
30- What is the week of peace ?
 A week before planting yams and everyone must be kind during this week
31- What is the main crop in Umuofia ?
 Yam
32- Why did Okonokwo beat his wife ?
 Because she did prepare his food
33- Where did Ojiugo go ?
 She went to see her friend
34- What things did Okonkwo take to the shrine of Earth Goodess ?
 He took a hen , a goat , a long piece of cloth and hundred cworie shells
35- Whom often did Ikemefuna think of during his stay in Umuofia ?
 His mother and sister
36- How many times did Ikemefuna try to run away from Umuofia ?
 Once or twice
37- Why didn’t Ikemefuna run away ?
 Because he did know where to run to

38- Why did Okonkwo try to beat Ikemefuna ?

)10 ‫من‬3 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
 Because Ikemefuna refused to eat
39- “ Take away your Kola-nut I shall eat in a house of a man who doesn’t
respect our gods ” Who said this ?
 Ezeani
40- What happens to a man in the past who breaks the week of peace in
Umuofia ?
 they would be killed
41- Why did clan men in Umuofia think Okonkwo was lucky ?
 Because he got an easy punishment
42- Why did Okonkwo seem to think that he was better than gods ?
 Because he was a very proud man indeed
43- Why did Ekwefi Okonkwo’s second wife prefer the second day of the
new year ?
 Because she remembered the first match she saw Okonkwo
44- Why did Ekwefi’s family refuse to marry Okonkwo ?
 Because he was very poor
45- What sort of stories did Okonkwo tell Nwoye and Ikemefuna ?
 Stories about War and Battles
46- How had Okonkwo broken one of the rules of the clan ?
 He killed Ikemefuna
47- When did Nwoye lose his love to his father ?
 When he came without Ikemefuna
48- Why did Okonkwo think that he had become like a woman ?
 Because he shivered when he thought about Ikemefuna
49- Why did Okonkwo wish that he had a son like Maduka ?
 Because Maduka was brave and strong

50- How did Okonkwo feel after had talked to Obierika ?

)10 ‫من‬4 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
 He felt much happier person
51- Why did Ekwefi love Ezinma very much ?
 Because she was her only daughter
52- What does Ogbanje child mean ?
 A child who is ill a day and well the next
53- Where did Chielo want to take Ezinma ?
 To god Agbala in hills and canves
54- How did Chielo use to get in and out the cave ?
 By crawling on her stomach like a snake
55- What was Okonkwo’s punishment after killing Ezeudu’s son ?
 Seven years away from Umuofia
56- What was the difference between male and female crime ?
 Male crime was not accident while female crime was an accident
57- Where did Okonkwo go after leaving Umuofia ?
 He went to Mbanta
58- What was the name of Okonkwo’s uncle ?
 Uchendu
59- Why did clan men in Umuofia bury Ezeuda after dark ?
 Because he was an important man
60- Ezinma was telling her mother a story she suddenly stopped - why ?
 Because she heard a loud high voice shouting in the distance
61- Why didn’t Ekwefi walk very far behind Chielo ?
 Because she did not want to lose the priestess
62- What did clan men do to Okonkwo’s compound when Okonkwo left for
 They destroyed every thing that Okonkwo owned

63- Who told men in Umuofia to destroy Okonkwo’s compound ?

)10 ‫من‬5 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
 The Earth goddess
64- Why did men in Umuofia destroy . Okonkwo’s compound ?
 To punish him for killing Ezeudu’s son
65- What did Obieriko bring to Okonkwo in Mbanta ?
 He brought two bags of cowrie shells
66- “ Nneka” what does it mean ?
 It means mother is the most important of all
67- “ This man was riding an iron horse ” said Obierika what did he mean by
“ Iron horse ” ?
 He meant the bicycle
68- Why did people of Abame tie the bicycle to a tree ?
 Because they thought it might run and tell the white man’s friends
69- “ perhaps green men will come to our clan next and shoot us” who said
that ?
 Obierka
70- How many missionaries come to Mbanta ?
 Six one of them was white
71- Why didn’t people in Mbanta Understand they white man when he spoke to
them ?
 Because he was speaking in English
72- What was the name of interpreter ?
 Mr Kiaga
73- Why did Okonkwo stay at the meeting of missionaries ?
 Because he wanted to chose them away from the village with whips
74- Why didn’t people of Mbanta go into the evil forest ?
 Because it was full of evil and dangerous spirits
75- Why did leaders of Mbanta give the missionaries a piece of land in the
evil forest ?

)10 ‫من‬6 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
 They thought they would die
76- Who saw Nwoye with the converts ?
 Okonkwo’s cousin
77- Why did the clan men not worry very much about the people who became
converts ?
 Because most of the converts were unimportant people
78- How many of the OSU became convert ?
 Two OSU
79- What had the district commissona brought to Umuofia ?
 He brought new government
80- Why did people of Umuofia hate the messenger?
 Because they proud and strangers
81- What did Okonkwo do before leaving Mbanta ? and why ?
 He prepared a big meal to thank his mother for looking after him and his
82- Why was Okonkwo became sad when he returned to Umuofia ?
 Because nobody noticed him and his clan had fallen apart
83- What did the clan men think when they burnt the church ?
 They thought the christians would not make trouble in Umuofia
84- Who tore off the leader’s mask in the meeting ?
 Enoch
85- Why did the OSU refuse to cut off their hair ?
 They thought they would die
86- Why did Mr Brown leave Umuofia for ever ?
 Because he was ill

87- How did Okonkwo know that the men of Umuofia would not fight the white
man ?

)10 ‫من‬7 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
 Because they let the other four messengers run away
88- Why did Obierika want the commissioner’s men to help him ?
 Because they were strangers
89- Why clan men in Umuofia refused to cut Okonkwo’s body from the tree ?
 Because it was against their laws
90- Why did Okonkwo hang himself ?
 Because he know the white man would hang him if he caught him a live
91- “ It is against our law ” said Obierika what did Obierika mean by “ against
our law ” ?
 He meant to touch or to bury a man who kills himself
92- Why did clan men in Umuofia refuse to bury Okonkwo ?
 Because it was against their laws
93- Okonkwo will be buried like .............. a .............. like what ?
 Like a dog
94- What is Nwoye christain name ?
 Isaac
Ex No (1)
Match (A) with (B) in (C): No (1) is done as an example :

No A C B
1 Nwoye d a Umuofia thank you for this greeting
2 Mbaino b Okonkow
3 Ogbuefi c Tore off the mask
4 Enoch d Isaac
5 Buried like a dog e Ikemefuna
6 Yaa f His wife was killed

Ex No (2)

)10 ‫من‬8 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
Match (A) with (B) in (C): No (1) is done as an example :

No A C B
1 Killed Ikemefuna e a Messengers
2 Twins babies b Mother is the most important of all
3 Town crier c Not accident
4 Nneka d Bad luck
5 Male crime e Okonkwo
6 Proud and strangers f Cries out messages

Ex No (3)
Match (A) with (B) in (C): No (1) is done as an example :

No A C B
1 Buried after dark e a Enoch
2 Strang and powerful b His hair is long and dirty
3 Hanged himself c The author
4 Chinua Achebe d Okonkwo
5 OSU e Ezeudu
6 Tore off the mask f People of Umuofia

Ex No (4)
Match (A) with (B) in (C): No (1) is done as an example :
)10 ‫من‬9 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬
No A C B
1 Mr Smith f a A day in the holy week
2 Chielo b People must be kind
3 Ogbanje c Okonkwo’s wife
4 Ekwefi d Priestess of god Agbala
5 Week of peace e Ezinma
6 Wednesday f Second missionary

Ex No (5)
Match (A) with (B) in (C): No (1) is done as an example :

No A C B
1 Our father c a Okonkwo’s friend
2 Harmless b Distric commissimer
3 Unoka c Holy snake
4 Farmers d Converts
5 New government e Okonkwo’s father
6 Obierika f People of Umuofia

The End ,,,,,,,,

)10 ‫من‬10 ( ‫ صفحة رقم‬- ‫ عز الدين محمد طه – مدارس المنارات الثانوية‬/‫( إعداد األستاذ‬Things fall Apart ) ‫األدب اإلنجليزى‬

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