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What I learnt was that there are issues in first language acquısıtıon.

Firstly, I learnt about

competence and performance that children don’t care competence while doing something
with the language , they are more concerned with the performance ,and we are not so good at
performance due to the lack of exposure and practise, also because of linguistic goofs and
slips of the tongue and fear ,not feeling relax .As for comprehension and production ,
production is superior to comprehension ,that’s why ,children do not learn writing or reading
firstly,they learn spaking before.Than with the help of imitation ,children can even produce
lots of words without knowing the meaning , they get just what they hear from the
adults.When I think about the issue of nature or nurture, borning with an innate knowledge of
language and learning and internalizing of language acquisition through environmental
factors come to my mind.Than in universal there are universals in FLA ,no matter where they
come from.Language is learned in the same manner in all languages.In addition to these ,FlA
is a systematic system no matter how much systematic it is ,there is different prospective , a
remarkable amount of variability in the process of learning.Moreover ,yhe earlier we learn
language, the beter we sound like a native speaker.Children firstly imitate primitively, than
they start to understand.At the beginning they don’t know what they are saying
As for educational psychology,we should make use of it.When we know how to use
it,we can guıde the children more easily, make them develop in language learning,create
different atmospheres to generate learning of students.Additionally,if we have multiple
theories,we can have a deeper point of view in noticing the reflection in
practices.Finally,Skinner suggests four procedures to improve the language development in
which teachers should make clear students about what they will learn,matters should be given
in small sequential steps,we as a teacher should give them encouragement to work at their
own pace and lastly what we are teaching shuold be programmed.
I did not have any difficulty in learning.
I suppose I should focus more on subjects of educational psychology.

I believe that if I know deeply psychology of education I will be more qualified teacher
,because when I know their age necessities,their capacities of learning,how can they perceive
I may use different theories in my teaching ,maybe my teaching will be more flexible.

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