ENCE 454 - Design of Concrete Structures - SPRING 2004: Solution To Homework Set #9

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Solution to Homework Set #9

ENCE 454 – Design of Concrete Structures – SPRING 2004

Assigned Th, 4/29 Due Th, 5/6

Problem 1:
Compute the active earth pressure horizontal forces on the wall shown for the following
conditions. Use we = 100 lb/ft3.

Case φ θ ws (psf) hw (ft)

(a) 30 0 200 20
(b) 33 20 0 25

*** SOLUTION ***

CASE (a):
1 − sin 30 200
Ka = = 0.333, hsu = = 2 ft
1 + sin 30 100
1 1
H a = K a we hw2 = (0.333)(0.100)(20 ) = 6.67 kips/FT of wall

2 2
H su = K a we hsu hw = (0.333)(0.100)(2 )(20) = 1.33 kips/ft of wall
The total horizontal force = Ha + Hsu = 6.67 + 1.33 = 8.0 kips/ft of wall
CASE (b):
 cos θ − cos 2 θ − cos 2 φ   
 = cos 20 cos 20 − cos 20 − cos 33 
2 2
K a = cos θ 
 cos θ + cos 2 θ − cos 2 φ   cos 20 + cos 2 20 − cos 2 33 
   
= 0.36

hb = hw + 6 tan θ
= 25 + 6 tan 20 = 27.18 ft

H H = H s cos θ
1  1
=  K a we hb2  cos 20 = (0.36 )(0.100)(27.18) cos 20 = 12.5 kips/ft of wall

2  2
The total horizontal force = Ha + Hsu = 12.5 + 0.0 = 12.5 kips/ft of wall

HW #9 Solution, ENCE 454 – Spring 2004 1/1 © Assakkaf

Problem 2:
Find the passive earth pressure force in front of the wall for Problem 1(a) if h ′ = 4 ft.

*** SOLUTION ***

1 + sin φ 1 + sin 30
Kp = = 3.0
1 − sin φ 1 − sin 30
1 1
K p we (h′) = (3.0)(0.100 )(4) = 2.4 kips/ft of wall
2 2
Hp =
2 2

Problem 3:
For the wall shown in the figure, determine the factors of safety against overturning and
sliding and determine the soil pressures under the footing. Use Ka = 0.3 and we = 100
lb/ft3. The coefficient of friction f = 0.50.

2′ - 0′′

*** SOLUTION ***

HW #9 Solution, ENCE 454 – Spring 2004 2/2 © Assakkaf

Problem 4:
In Problem 1(a), assume a footing depth of 2 ft. Design the stem steel for Mu at the top of
the footing. Do not check for anchorage into the footing. Disregard other stem steel
details. Use f c′ = 4000 psi and fy = 60,000 psi. Use thickness at top of stem = 12 in. and
thickness at bottom of stem = 1 ft-9 in.
*** SOLUTION ***

HW #9 Solution, ENCE 454 – Spring 2004 3/3 © Assakkaf

HW #9 Solution, ENCE 454 – Spring 2004 4/4 © Assakkaf

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