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The benefits of using the L1 in the L2 classroom

There are many occasions when the use of L1 in the classroom has advantages:
- For self evaluation: Teachers speaking the student's L1 promote self-evaluation and
discussion of topics in a fluent way.
- For noticing differences between L1 and L2: Students can use their L1 in a different way,
maybe more formal, with the teacher. Giving a feedback of their experiences is easier for them
- For translation activities: Straight translation of short texts and a translation summary of long
texts are recommended to be done in groups
- As the 5th skill: Translation is added to the 4 macro skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening)

There are 3 different strands or points of view

1- Low-level Students find it easier to talk about their needs and opinions. Explanation of
instructions and helping student is easier with the use of L1
2- Comparison between L1 and L2 will help students to recognize and understand errors. And,
translation activities improve the learning of structures in grammar and Lexis (meaning)
3- L1 can be used to keep the Social atmosphere. Rapport is enhanced when teachers can
exchange jokes with students or talk about aspects of life.

The Disadvantages of using the L1 in the L2 classroom

We can have a problem when the teacher doesn't share the students' L1. However, the
teacher can encourage the use of L1 by asking for expressions or translation from the students.

This is rich territory when we talk about Idiomatic expressions and different languages.

Example: It's obvious. (literal) has different Idiomatic expressions

As plain as the nose on your face ( Varieties of British)

As straight as a wire ( Polish)
It it is a dog it bites (Cuban)
There is an elephant in the field ( Burma)
Clearer than water ( Argentinian)

As teacher we can attract the students attention by making them work in this differences.

A more serious disadvantage is that use of L1 restrict exposure to English or L2. Instructions
given en English promote an useful comprehensible input. The more English, the better.

The use of L1 can be excessive sometimes. As Teachers we have to equilibrate the use of it.
Finally in Communication activities, it's counterproductive to use L1. We need to give students
the opportunity to practice the use of their English.

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