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John's Classes DATE:  

12th science TIME:  1 hr

12th Science- 2020 : Physics MARKS:  25


1. All Questions are compulsory.
2. Numbers on the right indicate full marks.

Section A

Q.1 Select and Write the correct answer. (4)

1. A particle performs linear S.H.M. starting from the mean position. Its amplitude is A and time
period is T. At the instance when its speed is half the maximum speed, its displacement x is

A) B)

C) D)

Ans : A

2. A body of mass 1 kg is performing linear S.H.M. Its displacement x (cm) at t (second) is given by x
= 6 sin (100t + /4). Maximum kinetic energy of the body is
A) 36 J B) 9 J
C) 27 J D) 18 J

On comparing a = 6 cm = 6 × 10 m
 = 100 rad/s and m = 1 kg

Ans : D
3. The length of second's pendulum on the surface of earth is nearly 1 m. Its length on the surface
of moon should be
[Given: acceleration due to gravity (g) on moon is 1/6th of that on the earth’s surface]

A) B) 6m

C) D)

For a second’s pendulum,

Given, L = 1m and L = ?

Then, g  L
 g = 2 L and g = 2L


Ans : A

4. Two identical springs of constant k are connected, first in series and then in parallel. A metal
block of mass m is suspended from their combination. The ratio of their frequencies of vertical
oscillations will be in a ratio
A) 1:4 B) 1:2
C) 2:1 D) 4:1

Parallel combination, Kp = K + K = 2K


Ans : B

Q.2 Answer the following. (3)

1. What do you know about restoring force?

Ans :
1.  Restoring force is a force which acts to bring body to its equilibrium position.
2.  Whenever body is displaced from its mean position in SHM it tends to come back to its original
equilibrium position for the
     force generated by body is called as restoring force.
3.  Examples :
    a.    Action of spring if stretched or compressed
    b.    Action of simple pendulum when disturbed from its mean position.

2. Obtain the expression for amplitude in linear SHM.

Ans :

Consider a particle P performing S.H.M. along the straight line MN. The centre line MN.The centre O
of MN is the mean position of the particle.
Then, the displacement of the particle is given by, x = A sin ( t + )
The particle will have maximum displacement when sin ( t + ) = ±1 i.e. when x = ±A
Here, the distance A is called as the amplitude of S.H.M.

3. Define : Phase Difference

Ans :
Phase Difference : The difference in phase between two sinusoidally varying quantities is called
phase difference. It is also called phase angle.

Section B
Attempt any Four
Q.3 Obtain expression for displacement starting from mean and extreme position. (2)
Ans :
Case I : If particle starts from the mean position then x = 0 at t = 0, equation becomes 0 = a sin (0 +
) = a sin
    sin = 0          =0
       Substitute = 0
    x = a sin ( t + 0)
    x = a sin t
Case II : If particle starts from the extreme position then x = ± at t = 0, equation becomes
    ± a = a sin (0 + ) = a sin
    sin = ± 1     
    a = ±  sin (1)

Substitute in equation, we have

    x = a cos t

Q.4 What do you mean by phase of SHM? Explain Epoch. (2)

Ans :
Phase of S.H.M. : A quantity which describes the state of oscillation of a particle performing S.H.M. is
called the phase of S.H.M.
The state of oscillation involves not only the displacement of the particle but also the direction of
motion at any given instant. The general expression for displacement in S.H.M. is,

The angle in the expression is called the phase of S.H.M. the angle represents the phase
at the start of S.H.M. i.e. at t = 0. Therefore, the angle is called starting phase or initial phase or
phase constant or epoch of S.H.M.

Q.5 What fraction of K.E, and P.E. of T.E. for a particle performing S.H.M. for the case when : (2)
(a)    K.E. = P.E. 
(b)    at x 

Ans :
(a)  If K.E.   = P.E.
       As K.E. =   and P.E. =




      As C.E

      when T.E.


(b)  At 


       it  =  i.e. 25% of T.E.

       and K.E.


       i.e. 75% of T.E.

Q.6 Derive expression for the displacement, velocity and acceleration of a particle starting from the (2)
mean position and performing S.H.M.
Ans :
Linear displacement of particle in S. H. M. is, 
At time t = 0; x = 0 then equation becomes,                 Substituting this value in equation we get
                 0    = a sin (0 + )                                        x    =    a sin
         a sin   = 0                                                          v    =    
            sin   = 0                                                          a    =  
                   = 0
These are expressions for displacement, velocity and acceleration of the particle at any later instant,
which starts from mean position.

Q.7 Define frequency and hence, derive expression for frequency. (2)
Ans :
Frequency of S.H.M. : The number of oscillations completed by a particle performing S.H.M. in the
unit time is called the frequency of S.H.M.

Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).

Q.8 Mention the SI unit and dimensional formulae of force constant. (2)
Ans :

1.    Its SI unit is N/m (newton per meter)

2.  Its C.G.S. unit is dyne/cm
3.  Its dimensional formulae = [M1L0T–2]

Section C
Attempt any Two
Q.9 Prove that under certain conditions a magnet vibrating in uniform magnetic field performs (3)
angular S.H.M.
Ans :
Let be the magnetic dipole moment and B the magnetic field. In the deflected position, a restoring
torque acts on the magnet, that tends to bring it back to its equilibrium position. [Here we used the
symbol for the magnetic dipole moment as the symbol m is used for mass].
The magnitude of this torque is

If is small, sin =   
For clockwise angular displacement , the restoring torque is in the anticlockwise direction.

where I is the moment of inertia of the bar magnet and a is its angular acceleration.


Since , B and I are constants, Eq. (i) shows that angular acceleration is directly proportional to the
angular displacement and directed opposite to the angular displacement. Hence the magnet
performs angular S.H.M. The period of vibrations of the magnet is given by
Q.10 State conditions for maximum and minimum displacement, velocity and acceleration in linear (3)
Ans :
1.  Maximum and Minimum displacement in S.H.M. displacement is given as x = a sin ( )
     (a)    At the mean position, x = 0    
      (b)  At the extreme position, x = ± a
2.  Maximum and Minimum Velocity in S.H.M. :
     For a particle performing S.H.M., the velocity at any point is given by,
     (a)    At the mean position, x = 0; vmax = a .
     (b)    At the extreme position, x =  a; v = 0.  
3.  Minimum and Maximum acceleration in S. H. M. :
     For a particle performing S.H.M. the magnitude of acceleration at any point =
     (a)    At the mean position, x = 0; amin = 0.
     (b)    At the extreme position, x = a; a =±

Q.11 Obtain expression for time period in linear SHM. (3)

Ans :
Period of  S.H.M. : The time taken by the particle performing S.H.M. to complete one oscillation is
called the period (T) of S.H.M.
Derivation : The displacement of the particle in time t is given by,

After a time; , the displacement is given by,


This result shows that, the particle is at the original position after time . In other words, the

particle completes one oscillation in time . Hence, its period (T) is given by,  

In linear S.H.M. acceleration

= acceleration per unit displacement

Ex : (i) for block attached to spring


Ex : (ii) for simple pendulum

Section D
Attempt any One
Q.12 State the laws of Simple Pendulum. (4)
Ans :
1.  Law of length : The time period of a simple pendulum is directly, proportional to square root of its
length i.e.
   . Where L = lenth of the pendulum.
2. Law of acceleration due to gravity : The period of simple pendulum is inversely proportional to the
square root of
    acceleration due to gravity. . Where L = lenth of the pendulum.
3. Law of mass : The time period of the simple pendulum is independent of the mass of the bob.
4. Law of isochronous : The time period of simple pendulum is independent of the amplitude of the
oscillation provided the
     completude is small.

Define Second’s pendulum. Obtain an expression for its length. (g = 9.8 m/s )
Ans :
A simple pendulum whose period is equal to two seconds is called the seconds pendulum. This 
means  that, time taken for half oscillation is one second.
For a simple pendulum,

For a second’s pendulum.

Where, Ls is the length of second’s pendulum having period T = 2 and

Also, experimentally, if L is known it can be used to determine acceleration due to gravity (g) at that

Q.13 Obtain an expression for potential energy of a particle performing S.H.M. What is the value of (4)
potential energy at (i) mean position (ii) extreme position?   
Ans :

Consider a particle of mass m performing linear simple harmonic motion along a straight line AB
about the mean position as shown in figure. Let T be period of S. H. M and a be an amplitude
Potential Energy (E ) :
The restoring force acting on the particle when it is at the point P is given by,
F = – kx                        
where k is the force constant.
Suppose that the particle is given a further infinitesimal displacement, dx against the restoring force
F. The work down (d ) during this displacement is,
d = –F dx = –(–k × dx) = k × dx
Therefore, the total work done on the particle to displace it from O to P given by,

This work represents the potential energy (Ep) of the particle when it is at the point P.

Since = = k/m

This is the general expression for the potential energy of the particle in S. H. M.
At mean position;   At extreme position,
x    =    0 x    =    ± a

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