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John's Classes DATE:  

12th TIME:  1 Hour 30 Min
12th Commerce - 2020 : Organisation of Commerce and
Management MARKS:  40
1. Principles of Management,


1. All Questions are compulsory.
2. Numbers on the right indicate full marks.

Q. 1 A Select the correct option and rewrite the complete sentence: (3)

1. Management can select right persons for the right jobs by using ............. selection procedures.
A) Manual B) Leadership
C) Scientific D) Organic

2. Taylor suggested the ............. piece wage system.

A) Differential B) systematic
C) scientific D) varied

3. 14 principles of management are developed by .............

A) F. W. Taylor B) Henry Fayol
C) Peter Drucker D) Philip Kotler

Q.1 B Match the pairs: (5)

1. Group A Group B
1. Henry Fayol (a) Eight Foremen
2. Principle of Unity of Direction (b) F. W.Tayloe
3. Principle of Management (c) Proper division of all activities
4. Scientific Management Theory (d) General guidelines
5. Functional Organisation (e) A place for everything and everything in its place
  (f) One head-one plane
  (g) Low wage rate
  (h) Harmony between the employees andmanagement
  (i) German engineer
  (j) Modern Management
Q. 1 C Give one word or phrase or term: (3)

1. The principle which is based on ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’.
2. It is the technique of observing and recording the time taken by an employee to complete agiven
3. The study of movement of an employee as well as machine while completing particular task.

Q.1 D State whether the following statements are true or false: (3)

1. The principle of management are universal in nature.

2. Each member of organisation should receive order only from one superior.
3. Henry Fayol has given different technique of management.

Q.2. Explain the following terms/concepts: (Any 2) (4)

1. Fatigues Study :
2. Differential piece rate system :
3. Time Study :

Q.3. Study the following case/ situations and express your opinion: (6)

1. Mr. Harshad is an entrepreneur and engaged in production of eco-friendly utensils. Both male
and female workers are working in his factory. All male employees are directly working on
machines whereas female employees are working in Packaging Department. Mr. Sharath is
working as Finance Manager while Mrs. Naina is working as HR Manager who is responsible for
recruiting employees in the factory. On this basis :
(i) Identify any one principle of management in above case.
(ii) What is the designation of Mrs. Naina in this organisation?
(iii) Who is responsible for overall planning of the organisation?
2. In ‘Fine Diamonds Ltd’ 200 employees are working in three shifts. In first shift 60 employees, in
second shift 60 employees and in third shift 80 employees are working without sufficient breaks
except lunch break and shift change break. No employee is able to complete the work in
designated time due to inappropriate time management which results into delay for nest shift
(i) Identify which scientific principle needs to be followed by the company.
(ii) Suggest two scientific techniques which can be used for smooth flow of work in ‘Fine
Diamonds Ltd’.
(iii) Why the work is not being completed in time?

Q.4. Answer the following (8)

1. Explain 14 principles of Henry Fayol in detail.

Q.5. Answer in brief: (4)

1. Describe any four techniques of scientific management.

Q.6. Justify the following statements: (4)

1. Principle of equity is important.

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