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AARC Clinical Practice Guideline

Bronchoscopy Assisting—2007 Revision & Update

BA 1.0 PROCEDURE properties of the upper airway1,2,4,6,8

The role of the assistant in Bronchoscopy Assisting 4.3 The need to investigate hemoptysis, persis-
(BA) tent unexplained cough, dyspnea, localized
wheeze, or stridor1,2,4-8,10
BA 2.0 DESCRIPTION/DEFINITION 4.4 Suspicious or positive sputum cytology re-
Bronchoscopy, fiberoptic or rigid, is an invasive sults1,2,4-6
procedure for visualization of the upper and lower 4.5 The need to obtain lower respiratory tract
respiratory tract for the diagnosis and management secretions, cell washings, and biopsies for cyto-
of a spectrum of inflammatory, infectious, and ma- logic, histologic, and microbiologic evalua-
lignant diseases of the airway and lungs.1,2 Bron- tion1,2,4,7,9,11,12
choscopy may include retrieval of tissue specimens 4.6 The need to determine the location and ex-
(bronchial brush, forceps, and needle), cell wash- tent of injury from toxic inhalation or aspira-
ings, bronchoalveolar lavage, coagulation, or re- tion1,2,4,6
moval of abnormal tissue by laser. Bronchoscopy is 4.7 The need to evaluate problems associated
widely used as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for with endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes (tra-
management of the airway.3 Bronchoscopy is per- cheal damage, airway obstruction, or tube
formed by a specially trained physician broncho- placement)1,2,4-7
scopist and is assisted by a specially trained health- 4.8 The need for aid in performing difficult in-
care professional (HCP). This guideline addresses tubations or percutaneous tracheostomies1,2,4,6,7
the role of the HCP in bronchoscopy assistance 4.9 The suspicion that secretions or mucus
(BA)4 (Section 10.3). plugs are responsible for lobar or segmental at-
BA 3.0 SETTINGS 4.10 The need to remove abnormal endo-
The preferred location for bronchoscopy is deter- bronchial tissue or foreign material by forceps,
mined by the available equipment, the medical con- basket, or laser1,2
dition and age of the patient, and the specific proce- 4.11 The need to retrieve a foreign body (al-
dures to be performed.1,2,4 A designated bron- though under most circumstances, rigid bron-
choscopy room or suite is the preferred location for choscopy is preferred)6,7,13
outpatients or inpatients who are not critically ill. 4.12 Therapeutic management of endo-
The procedure may be safely performed at the bed- bronchial toilet in ventilator associated pneu-
side in the intensive care unit, the operating room, monia14
an appropriately equipped outpatient facility, or 4.13 Achieving selective intubation of a main
other suitably equipped clinical area.1,2,4 stem bronchus14
4.14 The need to place and/or assess airway
BA 4.0 INDICATIONS stent function14
Indications include but are not limited to 4.15 The need for airway balloon dilatation in
4.1 The presence of lesions of unknown etiolo- treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis15,16
gy on the chest radiograph film or the need to
evaluate recurrent pneumonia, persistent at- BA 5.0 CONTRAINDICATIONS
electasis or pulmonary infiltrates1,2,4-9 Flexible bronchoscopy should be performed only
4.2 The need to assess patency or mechanical when the relative benefits outweigh the risks.



5.1 Absolute contraindications include 5.4 The safety of bronchoscopic procedures in

5.1.1 Absence of consent from the patient asthmatic patients is a concern, but the presence
or his/her representative unless a medical of asthma does not preclude the use of these
emergency exists and patient is not com- procedures11,18
petent to give permission1,2 5.5 Recent head injury patients susceptible to
5.1.2 Absence of an experienced broncho- increased intracranial pressures19
scopist to perform or closely and directly 5.6 Inability to sedate (including time con-
supervise the procedure1,2,4 straints of oral ingestion of solids or liquids17
5.1.3 Lack of adequate facilities and per-
sonnel to care for such emergencies such BA 6.0 HAZARDS/COMPLICATIONS
as cardiopulmonary arrest, pneumotho- 6.1 Adverse effects of medication used before
rax, or bleeding1,2,4 and during the bronchoscopic procedure4,7,20,21
5.1.4 Inability to adequately oxygenate 6.2 Hypoxemia4,22
the patient during the procedure1,2 6.3 Hypercarbia
5.2 The danger of a serious complication from 6.4 Bronchospasm23
bronchoscopy is especially high in patients 6.5 Hypotension24
with the disorders listed, and these conditions 6.6 Laryngospasm, bradycardia, or other vagal-
are usually considered absolute contraindica- ly mediated phenomena4,7,20
tions unless the risk-benefit assessment war- 6.7 Mechanical complications such as epis-
rants the procedure1,2,4 taxis, pneumothorax, and hemoptysis7,20,23,25
5.2.1 Coagulopathy or bleeding diathesis 6.8 Increased airway resistance4,26
that cannot be corrected1,2,4 6.9 Death27
5.2.2 Severe refractory hypoxemia1,2,4 6.10 Infection hazard for health-care workers
5.2.3 Unstable hemodynamic status in- or other patients28-31 (see also Section 13)
cluding dysrhythmias1,2,4 6.11 Cross-contamination of specimens or
5.3 Relative contraindications (or conditions bronchoscopes28-31
involving increased risk), according to the 6.12 Nausea, vomiting23
American Thoracic Society Guidelines for 6.13 Fever and chills23
Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy in adults,1,2 include 6.14 Cardiac dysrhythmias32
5.3.1 Lack of patient cooperation
5.3.2 Recent (within 6 weeks) myocardial BA 7.0 LIMITATIONS/VALIDATION OF RE-
infarction or unstable angina17 SULTS
5.3.3 Partial tracheal obstruction 7.1 Bronchoscopy should not be performed in
5.3.4 Moderate-to-severe hypoxemia or patients who have a contraindication listed in
any degree of hypercarbia Section 5.0 of this Guideline, unless the poten-
5.3.5 Uremia and pulmonary hyperten- tial benefit outweighs the risk, as determined by
sion (possible serious hemorrhage after the physician bronchoscopist.
biopsy) 7.2 Poor or inadequate training of the bron-
5.3.6 Lung abscess (danger of flooding choscopy assistant or bronchoscopist
the airway with purulent material) 7.2.1 The techniques of premedication for
5.3.7 Obstruction of the superior vena bronchoscopic examination
cava (possibility of bleeding and laryn- 7.2.2 Function and preparation of bron-
geal edema) choscope and related equipment
5.3.8 Debility and malnutrition 7.2.3 Physical and physiologic monitor-
5.3.9 Disorders requiring laser therapy, ing during the procedure
biopsy of lesions obstructing large airways, 7.2.4 Specimen retrieval (biopsies and
or multiple transbronchial lung biopsies washings), preparation of specimens, and
5.3.10 Known or suspected pregnancy site documentation
(safety concern of possible radiation ex- 7.2.5 Post-procedure care of the patient



BA 8.0 ASSESSMENT OF NEED: tently clearing tip of bronchoscope dur-

Need is determined by bronchoscopist assessment ing procedure
of the patient and treatment plan in addition to the Appropriate procedure docu-
presence of clinical indicators as described in Sec- mentation paperwork, including labo-
tion 4.0, and by the absence of contraindications as ratory requisitions
described in Section 5.0.1,2,4 Water-soluble lubricant or lu-
bricating jelly
BA 9.0 ASSESSMENT OF OUTCOME: 10.1.2 Monitoring devices
Patient outcome is determined by clinical, physio- Pulse oximeter
logic, and pathologic assessment. Procedural out- Electrocardiographic monitor-
come is determined by the accomplishment of the ing equipment
procedural goals as indicated in Section 4.0, and by Sphygmomanometer
quality assessment indicators listed in Section 11.0. Whole-body radiation badge
for personnel if fluoroscopy is used
BA 10.0 RESOURCES Capnograph
10.1 Equipment 10.1.3 Procedure room equipment
10.1.1 Bronchoscopic devices Oxygen and related delivery The appropriate bronchoscope equipment
size is determined by the broncho- Resuscitation equipment
scopist, based on the patient age7; this Medical vacuum systems
includes selecting appropriate suction (wall or portable) and related suction
and biopsy valves supplies for scope or mouth Bronchoscopic light source, Infection control devices as
and any related video or photographic listed in Section 13.0
equipment, if applicable Fluoroscopy equipment in- Cytology brushes, flexible for- cluding personal protection devices if
ceps, transbronchial aspiration needles, warranted
retrieval baskets (Compatibility of the Laser equipment if applicable
external diameter of all scope acces- Adequate ventilation and
sories with the internal diameter of the other measures to prevent transmission
bronchoscope should be verified before of tuberculosis34
the procedure.) 10.1.4 Decontamination area equipment Specimen-collection devices, Protease enzymatic agent (eg,
fixatives, and as determined by institu- Protozyme) for cleaning and removal
tional policies of blood and protein before disinfec- Syringes for medication deliv- tion or sterilization, or other detergent
ery, normal saline lavage, and needle capable of removing these substances35
aspiration High-level disinfection or Bite block sterilization agent: 2% alkaline glu- Laryngoscope taraldehyde (eg, Cidex, Metracide, Endotracheal tubes in various Sonacide, Glutarex), ethylene
sizes oxide,30,36 or peracetic acid37 Thoracostomy set/tray Sterile water is preferred, if Venous access equipment feasible, for rinsing bronchoscopes.
(I.V. supplies) Following this rinsing with isopropyl Laryngeal mask airway33 alcohol38 Adaptor with ability to con- 10.2 Medications: Institutional policies and
nect mechanical ventilator and bron- personal preferences of the bronchoscopist vary
choscope simultaneously greatly regarding the type and method of pre- Sterile gauze for intermit- meditation for bronchoscopic examination. Ad-



ministration of these medications by intra- maintenance of the bronchoscopy equipment,

venous or intramuscular routes is limited to and recordkeeping.
nurses, physicians, or other trained personnel. 10.3.1 Bronchoscopy assisting should
(The training and certification of “other person- occur only under the direction of a physi-
nel” is institution specific, should be consistent cian who has been trained in bron-
with institutional policies, and may include the choscopy according to the Guidelines en-
respiratory therapist.) Aerosolized or atomized dorsed by the American Thoracic Soci-
drugs, or drugs instilled through the broncho- ety1,2,4
scope, may be delivered by the respiratory ther- 10.3.2 Bronchoscopy assisting should be
apist or other trained assistants. limited to personnel who possess the
10.2.1 Topical anesthetic (lidocaine 1%, skills necessary to determine adverse re-
2%, 4%, benzocaine 14%)5,7,39,40 actions and to undertake the appropriate
10.2.2 Anticholinergic agent to reduce se- remedial action
cretions and minimize vaso-vagal reflexes 10.3.3 The bronchoscopy assistant must
(atropine, glycopyrrolate)5,39 be trained in the setup, handling, cleaning,
10.2.3 Sedative agent 30-45 min prior to and care of bronchoscopy equipment and
the procedure (eg, codeine, midazolam, related supplies; specimen retrieval and
morphine, hydroxyzine)5,39 preparation for commonly ordered labora-
10.2.4 Intravenous sedative immediately tory studies on bronchoscopy specimens;
prior to and/or during the procedure (mi- biopsy labeling; delivery of aerosolized
dazolam, propofol, diazepam, fen- drugs; and mechanical ventilation. The
tanyl)5,6,39,41,42 assistant must also be trained in monitor-
10.2.5 Benzodiazepine antagonist ing and evaluating the patient’s clinical
(flumazenil),4 narcotic antagonist (Nar- condition as reflected by pulse oximetry,
can)41 capnography, electrocardiogram, and sta-
10.2.6 Sterile nonbacteriostatic 0.9% bility of or changes in mechanical ventila-
NaCl solution for bronchial washings or tion parameters, and be capable of relat-
lavage22 ing changes in clinical condition to dis-
10.2.7 Vasoconstrictor for bleeding con- ease state, procedure, or drugs
trol (dilute epinephrine, usually administered for the procedure. Assistants
1:10,000)43,44 should be versed in CDC ventilation re-
10.2.8 Inhaled ß agonist (albuterol, quirements for control of tuberculosis
metaproterenol, levalbuterol)40 transmission. Bronchoscopy assistants
10.2.9 Water-soluble lubricant, or com- should hold one of the following creden-
bined lubricant/anesthetic (viscous lido- tials: Certified Respiratory Therapist
caine)7,36,39 (CRT), Registered Respiratory Therapist
10.2.10 Nasal decongestants (pseu- (RRT), Certified Pulmonary Function
doephedrine)2 Technologist (CPFT), Registered Pul-
10.2.11 Mucolytics or mucokininetics monary Function Technologist (RPFT),
(10% or 20% acetylcysteine, 7.5% sodi- Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practi-
um bicarbonate, rhDNAse)45 cal Nurse (LPN), physician (MD or DO),
10.2.12 Emergency and resuscitation or Certified Surgical Technologist (CST).
drugs as deemed appropriate by institu-
tional policies BA 11.0 MONITORING
10.3 Personnel: The precise role of the bron- Patient monitoring should be done before, at regu-
choscopy assistant varies among institu- lar intervals during, and after bronchoscopy until
tions;4,5,7,46 however, the prime responsibilities the patient meets appropriate discharge criteria. For
include preparation and monitoring of the pa- no or minimal sedation, less monitoring is neces-
tient, assisting with the procedure, handling sary. For moderate and deep sedation, more moni-
specimens, post-procedure care of the patient, toring should be done.47 The following should be



monitored before, during, and/or after bron- determined appropriate by the institu-
choscopy, continuously, until the patient returns to tion’s quality assessment committee
his pre-sedation level of consciousness. 11.3.2 Documentation of monitors indi-
11.1 Patient cated in Sections 11.1 and 11.2.
11.1.1 Level of consciousness46 11.3.3 Identification of bronchoscope
11.1.2 Medications administered, dosage, used for each patient
route, and time of delivery46 11.3.4 Annual assessment of the institu-
11.1.3 Subjective response to procedure tional or departmental bronchoscopy pro-
(eg, pain, discomfort, dyspnea)46 cedure, including an evaluation of quality
11.1.4 Blood pressure, breath sounds, assurance issues
heart rate, rhythm, and changes in cardiac Adequacy of bronchoscopic
status specimens (size or volume for accurate
11.1.5 SpO2, FIO2 and ETCO217,46,48 analysis, sample integrity)
11.1.6 Tidal volume, peak inspiratory Review of infection control
pressure, adequacy of inspiratory flow, procedures and compliance with the
and other ventilation parameters if subject current guidelines for semicritical pa-
is being mechanically ventilated tient-care objects34,35
11.1.7 Lavage volumes (delivered and re- Synopsis of complications
trieved) Control washings to assure
11.1.8 Monitor and document site of biop- that infection control and disinfection/
sies and washings. Record which lab tests sterilization procedures are adequate,
were requested on each sample and that cross-contamination of speci-
11.1.9 Periodic post-procedure follow-up mens does not occur
monitoring of patient condition is advis- Annual review of the bron-
able for 24-48 hours for inpatients. Outpa- choscopy service and all of the above
tients should be instructed to contact the listed records with the physician bron-
bronchoscopist regarding fever, chest choscopists
pain or discomfort, dyspnea, wheezing,
hemoptysis, or any new findings present- BA 12.0 FREQUENCY
ing after the procedure has been complet- The frequency with which bronchoscopy is repeat-
ed. Oral instructions should be reinforced ed on a given patient should be determined by the
by written instructions that include names physician bronchoscopist based on indications.
and phone numbers of persons to be con-
tacted in emergency. BA 13.0 INFECTION CONTROL
11.1.10 Chest radiograph one hour after 13.1 Standard Precautions49
transbronchial biopsy to exclude pneu- 13.2 CDC Guideline for Handwashing and
mothorax43 Hospital Environmental Control-Section 2:
11.2 Technical Devices Cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing patient
11.2.1 Bronchoscope integrity (fiberoptic care equipment38,50,51
or channel damage, passage of leak test)36 13.3 CDC Guideline for preventing tuberculo-
11.2.2 Strict adherence to the manufactur- sis transmission34
er’s and institutional recommended proce- 13.4 Hepatitis B vaccination for personnel
dures for cleaning, disinfection, and ster- 13.5 Establishment of and conformance to writ-
ilization of the devices, and the integrity ten protocol for infection control
of disinfection or sterilization packag-
ing35,36 Revised by Shelly Clifton RRT CPFT, University of
11.2.3 Smooth, unhampered operation of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and ap-
biopsy devices (forceps, needles, brushes) proved by the 2006 CPG Steering Committee
11.3 Recordkeeping
Original publication: Respir Care 1993;38(11):1173-1178.
11.3.1 Quality assessment indicators as



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