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Summary of Coefficients

Table 9 : Correlation Coefficient from SPSS

Value Result
0.05-0.001 Insignificant
0 Significant
-0.05-(-0.001) Non-significant
Table 10 : Coefficient Scale Table

Scatterplot Graph
Figure 1 : Illustration of ScatterPlot

Figure 1 shows how scatterplot graph being measured. There are three types of correlation which is
positive correlation, negative correlation and no correlation. Positive correlation as one variable
increases so does the other. Negative correlation as one variable increases, the other decreases.
Lastly no correlation when there is no apparent relationship between the variables.

Job Effectiveness
Graph 1 : Job Effectiveness

Graph 1 shows the relationship between job effectiveness and effectiveness work from home. When
the relationship between variables which is job effectiveness and effectiveness of work from home
are closer, the dot will slightly meet. Based on the graph above, the linear regression is 0.093.

Work Environment
Graph 2 : Work Environment

Graph 2 shows the relationship between work environment and effectiveness work from home.
When the relationship between variables which is work environment and effectiveness of work from
home are closer, the dot will slightly meet. Based on the graph above, the linear regression is 0.086.

Work Behavior
Graph 3 : Work Behavior

Graph 3 shows the relationship between work behavior and effectiveness work from home. When
the relationship between variables which is work behavior and effectiveness of work from home are
closer, the dot will slightly meet. Based on the graph above, the linear regression is 0.072.

SEM Development Prediction Model

Figure 2 : Direct Path Coefficient and R²

Model Analysis

The initial model showed a direct relationship between job effectiveness, work environment and
also work behavior. At the p-value of 0.000, based on figure 2, all variables are significant with the
path coefficient at 0.217, 0.173 and 0.135. The highest path value was 0.217 of the relationship
between effectiveness of work from home and job effectiveness. The items in the effectiveness work
from home that contribute the most to the highest relationship are WFH5, WFH4 and WFH1. The
models had :

i. A direct path job effectiveness to effectiveness of work from home

ii. A direct path work environment to effectiveness of work from home.

iii. A direct path work behavior to effectiveness of work from home.

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