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*Mila Puspita Sari 1, Buhari 2 dan Adriani Jihad 3

(Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Yayasan Pendidikan Ujung Pandang Makassar)1
(Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Yayasan Pendidikan Ujung Pandang Makassar) 2
(Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Yayasan Pendidikan Ujung Pandang Makassar)3
Corresponding author:E-mail: mps.mila23@gmail.com/082396592404

Info Artikel Abstrak

Sejarah artikel The objective of the research is to stimulate the students’
Diterima writing English use of photo selfie at SMK Mastar Makassar.
Disetujui Penelitian ini menggunakan pre-test dan post-test sebagai
Dipublikasi instrument penelitian. Penelitian ini melibatkan peserta sebanyak
20 orang siswa dari SMK Mastar Makassar Jurusan manejemen.
Penelitian ini dilakukan secara online selama satu bulan dengan
Keywords: Writing Skills,
satu pertemuan pre-test, tiga pertemuan untuk treatment, dan satu
Stimulate Students, Photo
pertemuan lainnya post-test. Dari penelitian ini peneliti
mendapatkan hasil nilai rata-rata pre-test 52 dan nilai rata-rata
post-test 79,5. penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-
eksperimental design berdasarkan pengumpulan data kuantitatif
pada siswa SMK Mastar Makassar jurusan Bahasa Inggris.

Key words : writing skill, stimulate students, photo selfie.



The objective of the research is to stimulate the students'
writing English use of photo selfie at SMK Mastar Makassar.
This study used writing test consist of pre-test and post-test as an
instrument of this research. This research involved 20 students in
SMK Mastar Makassar from Management Department. This
research was conducted online method for one month with one
pre-test meeting, three meetings for treatment, and one post-test
meeting. From this research, the researcher got the pre-test mean
score of 52 and the post-test mean score of 79,5. This study uses
a pre-experimental design method based on quantitative data
collection on students of SMK Mastar Makassar majoring in
Peliminary and to increase motivation in the learning
Language is one of the most of process of writing, it is recommended to use
important things in our life,it refers to the interesting media and acceptable to students,
function to communicate. Language also play so it is possible to them to be more interesting
an important role in human life, almost in learning especially in writing English. To
everywhere including Indonesia. It has overcome the students' problems in writing,
become a media to communication, so that researcher used media in the form of images to
humans can socialize with others. solve problems of writing, for example writing
One of the languages used as a tool of descriptive text.
communication in the world is English. But in The researcher think that by using
Indonesia, English is a foreign language. picture media students be interest in activity
English which in fact is an international of writing,so it stimulate them in the writing
language, takes a very important role in almost process, make them to be enjoy in writing on
all aspects of life such as business, commerce, the target language, and also to increase
education, communication, art, science, etc. student motivation in writing. Used images
Talk about English, we know that can stimulate imagination of students, so they
English has four basic skills, namely reading, can show or describe their opinions about a
listening, speaking and writing. The first basic picture. Image media has an important role in
is reading, reading skill is the process to teaching and learning activities. For example,
understand the intent by the writer to the pictures can be an interesting media for
reader. Second is listening, listening skill is the students to tell the thing which they observe in
process of listen about what the speaker pictures, so they can put in writing.
convey to the listener to get the points of the Image media that researcher used here
conversation. Third is speaking, speaking skill as a media to stimulate the students in writing
is the process to deliver an information from English was “The activity of take self-portraits
someone to another person or group on direct used a smartphone or photo camera”. This
process. And the last basic skill is writing, self-potrait activity is commonly called a selfie
writing can be interpreted as a communication activity. Selfie (self-portrait) is usually taken
tool and self-expression formed in a series of with a digital camera or smartphone, which
letters that in the end become a writing. can be held in the hand or supported by a
In this section, researcher be focus on selfie stick. Selfie (self-portrait) has became a
the one of the basic skills in English namely trend until now, every human likes selfie,
writing. Writing skill is very important ability especially among teenagers and students.
for students to have, writing also an excellent Almost all of them like to take photo
communication tool. Through writing, especially selfie.
everyone be able to convey feelings, ideas, and The researcher expected that, with this
announcement to others. Writing can clear the selfie photo as a media to stimulate the
mind and it help to remember new students writing Engish, the activities more
information. But sometimes, in the process of interested, so assume that “writing English
writing the writer usually lose them motivation activities is a boring activity” does not occur
to write, so stimulation is needed here. more. So in this research, researcher choosed
One obstacle that is often experienced the image media to stimulate students to
by a teacher in motivating students to wrote writing English by using selfie photo media.
English, because students assume that writing Researchers assume that through selfie photos
English is a difficult and boring activity. of students they were be more interested in
Therefore, to make the students more interest telling themselves to others. Through this
method the researchers got that students was The sample of the research used
be able to describe themselves as they were in purposive sampling technique in determining
their photos through writing as an example the sampling. It means that, the researcher
they can describe the clothes their used, their choose one of the two clasess which was take
poses, their background of photos, etc. as a sample. The researcher selected B class
The researcher does this research in consist of 24 students.
eleventh-grade of SMK Mastar Makassar, The writing test of the research,
because according to the English teacher on researcher used as an instrument. The test was
SMK Mastar Makassar “one of the problems be given to the students as pre-test and post-
when students learn to write English, because test. The pre-test was administer before the
the students lose motivation to writing treatment to got data about the knowladge of
English; Many students complain that writing students. Meanwhile, the post-test was gave
English is too difficult and it makes them after the treatment to get data and impact of
bored”. So researcher think if the teacher the students after the treatment stimulation by
makes a selfie to stimulate students to writing photo selfie.
English, it was make students more interested. Pre test was the first step to collecting
data, where is on this step researcher was gave
Materials and Methods a test for the students before researcher give
This reseac covers the research the treatment and the last is post test.
method and strategy, design,variables, Researcher asked the students’ to wriote a
population and sample, instrument of the description text about their self on a selfie
research, procedure of the collecting data and picture . The researcher gave the pre-test to the
technique of analysis to stimulate the students’ students before do the treatment. It aimed to
writing English. identify students’ current ability in writing.
This method used a pre-experimental Pre-test was giving the first meeting.
design which consisted of three steps namely Treatment After giving pre-test, the
pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The steps researcher gave the treatments to the students
purpose to stimulate the students to writing to stimulate them to writing English by Selfie
English using of media selfie photo editor. The activities. Researcher used zoom meeting
design of this research is presented below : application to monitor the activity of students,
O1 X O2 maybe all of them cannot share their screen
Where : simultaneously, so researcher randomly select
O1 : pre test students to show their screen on meeting.
X : treatment Researcer asked them to wrote 70 words for 1
O2 : post test hour. Researcher explained to have three
This research haved two variables. meetings with students on a week. Researcher
Those were Independent variable and used Photo Caption Application as a media to
Dependendent variable. Where the Dependent write a descriptive text. There were some
variable was the writing skill of students, and activities that does by the researcher, as
Independent variable of this research was the follows:
selfie photo editor. a) Before giving an assignment, the
The population of this research was researcher gave a short explanation about
the eleventh-grade students’ of SMK Mastar descriptive text.
Makassar. The population consist of two b) The researcher gave the explenation about
classes. The total number of the students are what they want to do.
47 students. A class consists of 23 students c) Then, the researcher asked the students’
and B class consist of 24 students. to choose a photo and asked them to
wrote a description text related to the picture to the students then asked them to
picture use “photo caption application”. wrote a descriptive text in 30 minutes was
d) After write a descriptive text, the students consist of 70 words. This learning process was
share it by zoom meeting. carry out by online procces through the google
e) The students got some feedback from meet application.
their peers after they reading in front of After pre-test resercher does the
class about their task. They also can treatment process, where the first time
exchange their ideas in the process of researcher explain about the meaning of
gave feedback. descriptive text, examples of descriptive text,
f) The students got another correction and general characteristics of descriptive text, etc.
feedback from their peers after In the treatment process, the researcher asked
developing the paragraph. In this stage, the students to choosed one of their selfie and
the researcher also can give correction then make a descriptive text about it on the
and feedback for incorrect grammar and photo caption application. The researcher
spelling. asked the students to wrote a descriptive text
g) The students rearrange the paragraph into about their photo consist of 70 words in 40
a good piece of writing after getting minutes.
correction and feedback.This procedure After does the treatment, the
divided for three meetings of treatment researcher gave a post-test, where the
with different picture of each meeting. researcher asked the students to choose one of
Post-Test After the treatment, the their selfie photos (different from the previous
researcher gave post-test to the students. The one) then asked them to make a descriptive
aim of the post-test to know or find the result text about the photo consist of 70 words in 40
of treatment on writing achievement. minutes. Researchers divided the meetings
into: one meeting for pre-test, four meetings
Research Result for treatment, and one meeting for post-test.
In this research, researcher gave Researchers does this research at the eleveen-
students a pre-test with the aim of measuring grade of SMK Mastar Makassar, majoring in
students' ability in writing descriptive text; management which consisted of 20 students.
After giving the pre-test, the researcher gave Post-test was the last measurement
the treatments to the students’ which aim to indicator used by researchers to evaluate
stimulate and improve the students' ability in students' ability and understanding of the
writing English; After that the researcher give treatment or teaching that has been given. In
a post-test which aims to measure the level of this section the researcher only asked students
understanding and ability of students after the to choosed one of their photo and then makes a
researcher give treatment description of the photo. The description in the
In the pre-test activity, the researcher photo may include the photo's background,
gave questions to students by verbal about the clothing, physical features, gender, etc.
meaning of descriptive text and examples of After complete the research process,
descriptive text. After the students gave their the researcher classify the data descriptive text
opinion about the understanding of the of students', which was the students' score of
descriptive text, then the researcher give a pre-test (x1) and post-test (x2), gain
brief explanation about the descriptive text differences between matched pairs (D) and the
with an example. Then researcher gave a square of the gain (D2).

That the researchers found in this research relates to the description of students' scores in
writing descriptive text based on the frequency and percentage of student scores, pre-test and post-
test scores, five writing components, mean score, t-test score, and hypothesis testing. In this study,
then the findings data were analyzed into a formula, for get the mean score of the students and then
students' scores classification from bad to very good. The t-test use to analyze significant differences
between the pre-test and post-test data. These findings are describe below.
Researcher hold experiments through several students at SMK Mastar Makassar, used a pre-
experimental method through pre-test, treatment, and post-test. This research collected data through
writing descriptive text, used photo seifie media to stimulate the students' to writing English on SMK
Mastar Makassar.
Result of pre-test and post-test.
1 AM 40 80 40 1.600
2 AJ 40 85 45 2.025
3 AP 45 80 35 1.225
4 BPS 75 90 15 225
5 DBA 60 85 25 625
6 EK 50 85 35 1.225
7 EA 50 85 35 1.225
8 HS 55 80 25 625
9 LL 50 75 25 625
10 MF 55 80 25 625
11 MS 45 75 30 900
12 MQ 70 90 20 400
13 NN 50 80 30 900
14 PA 50 80 30 900
15 ST 55 70 15 225
16 SH 60 80 20 400
17 AR 45 70 25 625
18 SMPA 40 70 30 900
19 STWN 50 75 25 625
20 QR 45 75 30 900
N = 20 ∑X = 1.040 ∑X2 =1.590 ∑D = 560 D2 = 16.800

As seen on the tabel above, there was a big difference between the mean scores of pre-test
and post-test. Where before giving treatment used the photo selfie, the score of the students’ still
really bad, but after treatment the student's score be increase. Where the mean score of students in
the pre-test was 52 while the mean score of students in the post-test was 79.5. So through the table
above the researcher can conclude that the used a photo selfie to stimulate the students in wiriting
English, the student's score increase.

The mean score of the sctudents pre-test and post-test

Mean score of pre-test Mean score of post-test Mean score of gain
52 79.5 1.375

Comparison diagram between pre-test and post-test

Pre-Test Post-Test
Discussion free time, so that the teaching and learning
This section intends to discuss the process carry out by other teachers was not
results of the use of photo selfie to stimulate hamper, so researchers usually got research
the students' writing english at the eleveenth- around 14.00 WITA when students have
grade of SMK Mastar Makassar in relation to finished learning.
the resercher question that "what is the role of Furthermore, the last step was the post
selfie photos in stimulating students to write test, where the researcher gave the task to
English?". students to wrote about one of their photos in
The pre-test was the first step that the the photo caption application, researcher was
researcher gave to the students before gave the gave time to the students’ about 40 minutes to
treatement, it aims to find out the knowladge make a descriptive text about their photo, at
and motivate of students’ in writing this time students was choosed a photo and
descriptive text. The pre-test was give to vocabulary which they were used and then
students on November 4, 2020, which was the write it down in a photo application. The
day after admission. This study consost of 20 posttest was given in 1 meeting which was the
students from class XII, majoring in last meeting in the teaching and learning
Management. The researcher gave the pre-test process. In this post-test, 20 students attended
to students through online method by used a the meeting. The post-test was given on
WhatsApp group then resercher send a picture November 20, 2020.
to the students, then to monitor the activity of After obtained the results of the above
students researcher make a meeting room used research, the researcher concluded that the use
zoom app to check student activity. of photo selfie to stimulate the students’
After giving a pre-test to students, the writing English at the eveenth grade of SMK
next step was to provide treatment. Where in Mastar Makassar was increase students'
provide the arrangement the researcher used interested in writing.
the online method in the form of a google In the research above, the researchers
meeting which still used 20 samples from the used the photo selfie as a tool to stimulate
same class. At the treatment stage the students to write English. The use of photo
researchers make three meetings which discuss selfies is very effective in arousing student
about students' gripe in learning English, interest because in adolescence, photos are a
material about descriptive text then form of self-existence. At the time of gave the
assignments. Where in the first assignment in pre-test to students, there was one student got
writing descriptive text researcher liberate the the highest score, that was 75 points and four
students to choose their photo selfie, they was students got the lowest score, that was 40
wrote a description of the photo in English points. Furthermore, after gave treatment then
used the photo caption application and then the researcher given a post-test. where one
make it in the form of an image and then student get the highest score that was 90 points
submit through the WhatsApp group and three students get the lowest score, that
application. Researchers gave treaments to was 70 points. The highest score obtain by
students started on November 8, 2020, then on students during the pre-test was 75 and the
November 12, then the last treatment was on highest score on the post-test was 90.
November 16, 2020. The time was not too far, It means that the null hypothesis (HO)
it aim to help the students to be not stress, so of this research was rejected and the
if they used time good time they were does the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted,
best and happy. When gave the treatment to because there was a significant difference
students, the researcher usually gave a between students' pre-test and post-test by
mandate to the class leader to help to found a
photo selfie to stimulate the students' on used a more specific image media, namely
writing English. selfie photos. Meanwhile, the similarities
T-Tabel was bigger then T-test value between previous research and this research
on writing of the students. Where the value of were used photo as a media of attracting
T-Table was (2,093) while T-test (0,804) for students' interest in writing so that learning can
the degree of freedom was (0,05) and df (19). be more effective and interesting.
It can be conclude that there was a significant Through findings the data by the
difference between the results of the pre-test researchers above, it concluded that the use of
and post-test. photo selfie to stimulate the students at the
There were several facts that the eleveenth-grade of SMK Mastar Makassar can
researcher got when the researcher used selfie improve the writing skills of the students'
photos as a media of increase students' specially of writing descriptive text.
knowladge in writing, there were :The first
was to stimulate the interested of students' in Conculusion
writing English, so that students' perceptions Language is one of the basic aspects
that writing English is boring and difficult can that must be own especially for humans.
be pushed over. Language is also very closely related to
The second was to increase the writing, where writing is a tool of comunicate
students' knowladge of English vocabulary. consist of symbols and lines that can be
When a student given a picture that they were provide information to others in this case to
goes to describe, it make a desire to found new readers. In Indonesia, writing English is still a
vocabulary that they uses in describe the very difficult thing to do because of the attach
picture in front of them. The third is to understanding on citilizen and students’ that
increase the students' creativity in choosing the English is difficult. So that thleveenth grade of
narrative to be presented. A student describe a SMK Mastar Makassar get a very good
narrative on their picture, they were required response from students.
to choose the right narrative and in accordance Through the results that researchers
with the picture. has found in findings in the prevous chapters,
In previous research, Jenni (2016) researchers can conclude that the use of photo
conluded that "Picture can translate an abstract selfie to stimulate the students' writing english
idea into a more realistic form and they are at the eleveent grade of SMK Mastar Makassar
inexpensive". Chairena (2018) concluded that is effective to solve problems of students who
the use of picture could to play a role is think that writing English is difficult and not
motivating students. This was effective to be attractive.
used to improve students 'writing skill ability
because there was a significant difference
In this research, the researcher realizes
between the processes in writing of the
that there are many deficiencies in both
students' who was though by using picture. In
writing and compilation. Therefore,
contrast to previous studies, in this study the
researchers expect constructive criticism and
researchers concluded that the use of photo
suggestions from all parties so that they can
selfies to stimulate the students not only could
become a reference for researchers and also in
translate an abstract idea but also stimulate the
subsequent research
students' in writing because the selfie photos
used were directly related to students
personally. Thank You Note
The researcher expresses his gratitude to all
Another difference was that the
those who help especially the STKIP-YPUP
previous researchers used free images related
Makassar lecturers and also the respondents at
to students, whereas in this study, researchers
SMA Mastar Makassar so that this thesis can be completed properly.

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