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Olongapo City
4TH Preliminary Examinations
SY 2017 – 2018
Science 7

Name: Score: _______________________

Gr. & Sec.: ________ Date: ________________________

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that correspond to the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

Consider the diagram below to question 1 below

_______1. The amplitude of the wave in the diagram above is given by letter __.

_______2. Indicate the interval that represents a half wavelength.

a. A to E b. B to F c. A to B d. C to E
_______3. Mechanical waves transport energy from one place to another through
A. Alternately vibrating particles of the medium
B. Particles traveling with the wave
C. Vibrating particles and traveling particles
D. None of the above
_______4. In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium
A. move in circles
B. move in ellipses
C. move parallel to the direction of travel
D. move perpendicular to the direction of travel
_______5. The higher the frequency of a wave,
A. the lower its speed
B. the shorter its wavelength
C. the greater its amplitude
D. the longer its period
________6. Waves in a lake are 5.00 m in length and pass an anchored boat 1.25 s apart. The speed of the
waves is
A. 0.25 m/s B. 4.00 m/s C. 6.25 m/s D. 5.00 m/s
________7. Energy from the sun reaches the earth through
A. ultraviolet waves C. mechanical waves
B. infrared waves D. electromagnetic waves
_______8. The minimum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium when waves propagate through it is
A. Crest B. trough C. amplitude D. hill
_______9. Which of the following refers to the distance between any successive identical parts of the wave.
A. Wavelength B. Amplitude C. Crest D. Trough
_______10. The the time required for one complete wave to pass a particular point is called________________
A. Period B. Speed wave C. Frequency D. Wavelength
II. True or False. Write T if the statement is True and F if it is false

_________1. Transverse waves occur when the individual particles or segments of a medium vibrate from
side to side perpendicular to the direction in which the waves travel.
_________2. Longitudinal waves occur when the individual particles of a medium vibrate back and forth in
the direction in which the waves travel.
_________3. The motion of water molecules on the surface of deep water in which a wave is propagating is a
combination of transverse and longitudinal displacements.
_________4. While energy is transported by virtue of the moving pattern, it is important to remember that
there is not net transport of matter in wave motion.
_________5. The trough refer to the highest point of a wave pattern.
_________6. The crest is the lowest point of a wave pattern.
_________7. The crest of a wave is the maximum displacement of a particle of the medium on either side of
its normal position when the wave passes.
_________8. The wavelength of periodic waves is the number of waves that pass a particular point for every
one seconds
_________9. The frequency is the distance between adjacent crests or troughs.
_________10. The period is the time required for one complete wave to pass a particular point.
_________11. The repetitive motion that you do with your hand while waving is called a vibration.
_________12. A wave is a periodic disturbance that moves away from a source and carries energy with it.
_________13. The wave speed is the distance traveled by the wave per second.
_________14. The wavelength of a wave refers to the distance between any successive identical parts of the
_________15. Waves can set other objects into motion.

III. Label the parts of a wave pattern below ( 2pts each)

IV. Solve the following problems

Suppose you observed an anchored boat to rise and fall once every 4.0 seconds as waves whose crests are
25 meters apart pass by it.

a. What is the frequency of the observed waves?

Given: Formula:

Find: Solution:

b. What is the speed of the waves?

Given: Formula:

Find: Solution:


Olongapo City
3rd Periodical Examinations
SY 2017 – 2018
General Biology 2
Name: Score: _______________________
Gr. & Sec.: ________ Date: ________________________
I. Identification: Identify the following being describe
___________________________1Mode of reproduction that does not involve the use of gametes or sex cells
___________________________2.Mode of reproduction that involves the use of gametes or sex cells
___________________________3 Type of asexual reproduction involving the division of body into two or more equal parts
___________________________4. Type of asexual reproduction where the body breaks into two or more parts, with
each fragment capable of becoming a complete individual
___________________________5. Type of asexual reproduction where a new individual arises as an outgrowth (bud) from
its parent, develops organs like those of the parent, and then detaches itself.
___________________________6. Type of asexual reproduction where a new individual forms from an aggregation of
cells surrounded by a resistant capsule or spore, which later on germinates
____________________________7. Fusion of similar gametes which are usually motile
____________________________8. Fusion of dissimilar gametes. In oogamy, a large immotile gamete, the egg is
fertilized by a small motile gamete, the sperm.
___________________________9. Type of sexual reproduction involving the union of gametes from two
genetically different parents
___________________________10. An individual with both male and female reproductive tissues.

II. Matching Type: Match the items under Column A with the items under Column B. Write the letter of your answer
on the line before each number.

________1. involves formation of sex cells, zygote formation, a. Fertilization

subsequent stages in one’s life span. b. Organogenesis
________2. When a cell has only half the chromosome c. Growth
number or only one set of chromosomes d. Monozygotic twins
________3, When a cell has the full chromosome e. Implantation
number or two sets of chromosomes f. Blastocyst-
________4 A cell that is capable of differentiating g. Haploid
to become any kind of cell h. Dizygotic twins
________5 Stage of development that yields haploid gametes i. Development
________6, Stage of development that results in j. Totipotent
a unicellular diploid zygote k. Morula
________7. Stage of development involving a series of l. Cleavage
mitotic divisions to produce a multicellular blastula m. Gastrulation
________8. Stage of development involving morphogenetic n. Gametogenesis
movements of the cells to produce a gastrula o. Diploid
________9. Stage of development where the different germ
layers differentiate into specific organ systems
________10 Stage of development characterized by
an increase in size of an individual
________11 Also known as identical twins
________12 Also known as fraternal twins
________13. A human blastula made up of a solid ball of cells
________14 A human blastula composed of the inner cell mass,
which becomes the embryo,
________15 Process where the blastocyst implants
itself in the endometrium;
III. Complete the table below
1. Fates of the primary meristems in flowering plant development
Ground meristem

2. Fates of the cells of each germ layer in vertebrate animals

IV. Complete the diagram below

General Life Cycle of a Plant

V. Compare and contrast the reproduction, growth and development of plants and animals.
Olongapo City
4th Preliminary Examinations
SY 2017 – 2018
General Chemistry 2

Name: Score: _______________________

Gr. & Sec.: ________ Date: ________________________
I. Multiple choice: Choose the letter that correspond to the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number. Note: Periodic table is NOT ALLOWED DURING EXAM

________1. Among the scientists who were responsible for the development of the periodic table are:
I. Dmitri Mendeleev II. Johann Dobereiner III. John Newlands.
Arrange their names in order of the history of the development of the periodic table.
a. I , II, III b. II, III, I c. III, I, II d. III, II, I
________2. Who was the scientist who arranged the elements according to groups of three?
a. John Dalton c. Dmitri Inovich Mendeleev
b. Johann Wolfgang Dobereneir d. John Alexander Newlands
________3. All the elements belonging to Group II A have ___ electron(s) in its outermost shell.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
________4. The number of protons in an atom represents the
a. ionization energy b. electronegativity c. atomic number d. atomic mass
________5. Which of the following is an alkali metal?
a. Ba b. Pb c. Li d. Fe
________6. Which of the following decreases across a period on the periodic table?
a. atomic radius b. ionization energy c. electron affinity d. electronegativity
_________7. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
a. Atoms become smaller as one moves down a group.
b. Atoms become smaller as one moves to the right across a period.
c. Atoms become larger when electrons are removed.
d. The size of an atom is not a factor in arranging the elements in the periodic table.
_________8. Who was the scientist who arranged the elements in horizontal rows according to increasing atomic
a. John Dalton c. Dmitri Inovich Mendeleev
b. Johann Wolfgang Dobereneir d. John Alexander Newlands
_________9. Which orbital is being filled in the lanthanide series of elements?
a. 4f b. 4d c. 5f d. 5d
_________10. Which of the following sets is a set of all metals?
a. S, Li, C b. He, Be, Ne c. K, Li, Na d. Ca, Cr, Co
________11. Each vertical column of the periodic table is called
a. a period b. a row c. a group d. none of these
________12. What family of elements includes helium and neon?
a. noble gases b. alkali metals c. halogens d. none of these
_________13. What family of elements includes fluorine and chlorine?
a. noble gases b. alkali metals c. halogens d. none of these
_________14. How many electrons are there in an atom of an element in Period 4 group VII A?
a. four b. five c. six d. seven
_________15. Which element reacts by gaining an electron?
a. He b. Be c. F d. Na
_________16. Arrange the following elements according to decreasing atomic radius:
a. As, P, Sb, N c. As, N, P, Sb
b. Sb, As, P, N d. N, P, As, Sb
_________17. Which of the following decreases as you go from left to right?
a. atomic radius c. electron affinity
b. ionization energy d. electronegativity
_________18. Which of the following groups is a set of metals?
a. Group VII A c. Group II A
b. Group IV A d. Transition elements
_________19. Electron affinities of elements generally become smaller as we move from:
a. top to bottom c. left to right
b. bottom to top d. diagonally
_________20. The ability of an element to attract an electron from another atom is called:
a. electronegativity c. ionization energy
b. electron affinity d. metallic property

II. Fill in the blank with the correct word(s).

1. The first scientist to arrange the elements in the periodic table by groups of eight (8) was___________________.
2. The number of electrons distributed in each energy level of an atom is indicated by the _____________________________.
3. Elements having some metallic and nonmetallic properties are called ____________________.
4. Elements belonging to Family VIII A are called ____________________.
5. In an electron configuration, the number 3 in 1s22s22p63s1 represents the _________ in the periodic table.
6. The first scientist who arranged the elements into group of threes with the same properties was ___________.
7. The arrangement of grouping elements by three’s is called ______________.
8. Elements were also grouped by eight. This was devised by __________________.
9. Arranging the elements into groups of eight was termed as the Law of _____________.
10. The modern periodic table was devised by ___________.

III. Directions: Fill up the blank periodic table with the Element as described by each statement below:
(2pts each)
1. Element A is the biggest in Group 1A.
2. Element B forms the biggest anion in period 2.
3. Element C has complete d electrons in period 4.
4. Element D is the most electronegative in period 2.
5. Element E will be isoelectronic with the noble gas in period 3 when it loses two electrons.
6. Element F has the highest ionization energy in period 4.
7. Element G has the least electron affinity in group 6.
8. Element H has the 4f14 configuration
9. Element I is the first member of the actinide series
Olongapo City
3rd Periodical Examinations
SY 2017 – 2018
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Name: Score: _______________________

Gr. & Sec.: ________ Date: ________________________

I. Multiple choice: Choose the letter that correspond to the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
_______1. It is concerned with showing how the findings can be applied or summarized into some type of teaching
a. Applied research c. basic research
b. Practical research d. action research
_______2. This research goes one step further and applies the findings of research to a specific “ practical” situation
a. Applied research c. basic research
b. Practical research d. action research
_______3. It is used to develop new skills or new approaches
a. Applied research c. basic research
b. Practical research d. action research
_______4. It can be applied by studying intensively the background, current status, and environmental interaction of a
given social unit
a. Case and field study c. correlation
b. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______5. It is used to investigate possible cause-and-effect relationship by observing some existing consequences
a. Case and field study c. correlation
b. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______6. It is used to investigate the relation of X and Y variable
a. Case and field study c. correlation
b. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______7. Type of research which aims to collect detailed factual information that describes existing phenomena
a. Case and field study c. correlation
b. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______8. What type of research that aims to investigate patterns and sequences of growth and changes as a function
of time
a. descriptive c. developmental
b. historical d. quisi-experimental
________9. This type of research pertains to the past systematically and objectively by collecting, evaluating,, verifying
and synthesizing evidence
a. descriptive c. developmental
b. historical d. quisi-experimental
_________10. This type of research does not allow the control or manipulation of all relevant variables
a. descriptive c. developmental
b. historical d. quisi-experimental

II. Identification: Identify the following being describe

________________________________1. It provides readers with the background information for the research
________________________________2. Are presumed as true statement of facts related to the research problem
________________________________3. Are relevant to the theoretical research generally used in quantitative inquiry
________________________________4. Enriching research instrument and methods
________________________________5. The meaning of term is usually taken from the dictionary or book
________________________________6. The definition is based on an observed characteristics and how it is used in the study
________________________________7. It will give necessary background to understand your research
________________________________8. These are published and unpublished theses/dissertations or published research
________________________________9. This chapter explains how the study will be conducted
________________________________10. It is concerned with knowledge for the sake of theory

II. Identify the type of research in the following examples (2pts each)

__________________________________1. An in-service training program to help train teachers to teach more effectively with
various groups of students.

__________________________________2. An intensive field study of socio-cultural life in a remote resettlement area in

Zambales and Olongapo

__________________________________3. To determine the attributes of effective instructors as measured by their

performance evaluations and other data in their personal files as well as other school-related factors

__________________________________4. Intensive study of birth control method practiced by parents in Barretto Olongapo

__________________________________5. To develop an exploratory program in drug addiction prevention in the Community

Service Center of Columban College
___________________________________6. A study investigating the relationship between students learning style and their
academic performances

___________________________________7. A school survey to determine or assess the environmental performance of

elementary schools in the Division of Olongapo City

___________________________________8. A study to predict success in graduate school based on intercorrelation patterns of

various variables in the undergraduate school

___________________________________9. To identify factors characterizing college students having either excellent or below
average grade3s in the major and minor subjects, using the scholastic records and demographic profiles

___________________________________10. A study of the leadership and management style of business managers in some
fast food chain in Olongapo City

____________________________________11. An action research on the difficulties of college students in coping with science
and Mathematics related subjects

____________________________________12. Piaget’s studies of cognitive growth among elementary school children in

Columban College Elementary Department.

____________________________________13. Professor’s competencies in teaching business-related courses in Columban

College Inc.

_____________________________________14. A study of old practices of elementary school teachers in Olongapo City and
Zambales and relevance to the modern teaching

____________________________________15. The teaching of Business-related subject grounded on Multiple Intelligences



Olongapo City
3rd Periodical Examinations
SY 2017 – 2018
Research 1

Name: Score: _______________________

Gr. & Sec.: ________ Date: ________________________

I. Multiple choice: Choose the letter that correspond to the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
_______1. It is concerned with showing how the findings can be applied or summarized into some type of teaching
a. Applied research c. basic research
b. Practical research d. action research
_______2. This research goes one step further and applies the findings of research to a specific “ practical” situation
a. Applied research c. basic research
b. Practical research d. action research
_______3. It is used to develop new skills or new approaches
a. Applied research c. basic research
b. Practical research d. action research
_______4. It can be applied by studying intensively the background, current status, and environmental interaction of a
given social unit
c. Case and field study c. correlation
d. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______5. It is used to investigate possible cause-and-effect relationship by observing some existing consequences
c. Case and field study c. correlation
d. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______6. It is used to investigate the relation of X and Y variable
c. Case and field study c. correlation
d. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______7. Type of research which aims to collect detailed factual information that describes existing phenomena
c. Case and field study c. correlation
d. Casual-comparative d. descriptive
_______8. What type of research that aims to investigate patterns and sequences of growth and changes as a function
of time
a. descriptive c. developmental
b. historical d. quisi-experimental
________9. This type of research pertains to the past systematically and objectively by collecting, evaluating,, verifying
and synthesizing evidence
a. descriptive c. developmental
b. historical d. quisi-experimental
_________10. This type of research does not allow the control or manipulation of all relevant variables
a. descriptive c. developmental
b. historical d. quisi-experimental

II. Identification: Identify the following being describe

________________________________1. It provides readers with the background information for the research
________________________________2. Are presumed as true statement of facts related to the research problem
________________________________3. Are relevant to the theoretical research generally used in quantitative inquiry
________________________________4. Enriching research instrument and methods
________________________________5. The meaning of term is usually taken from the dictionary or book
________________________________6. The definition is based on an observed characteristics and how it is used in the study
________________________________7. It will give necessary background to understand your research
________________________________8. These are published and unpublished theses/dissertations or published research
________________________________9. This chapter explains how the study will be conducted
________________________________10. It is concerned with knowledge for the sake of theory

II. Identify the type of research in the following examples (2pts each)

__________________________________1. An in-service training program to help train teachers to teach more effectively with
various groups of students.

__________________________________2. An intensive field study of socio-cultural life in a remote resettlement area in

Zambales and Olongapo

__________________________________3. To determine the attributes of effective instructors as measured by their

performance evaluations and other data in their personal files as well as other school-related factors

__________________________________4. Intensive study of birth control method practiced by parents in Barretto Olongapo

__________________________________5. To develop an exploratory program in drug addiction prevention in the Community

Service Center of Columban College
___________________________________6. A study investigating the relationship between students learning style and their
academic performances

___________________________________7. A school survey to determine or assess the environmental performance of

elementary schools in the Division of Olongapo City

___________________________________8. A study to predict success in graduate school based on intercorrelation patterns of

various variables in the undergraduate school

___________________________________9. To identify factors characterizing college students having either excellent or below
average grade3s in the major and minor subjects, using the scholastic records and demographic profiles

___________________________________10. A study of the leadership and management style of business managers in some
fast food chain in Olongapo City

____________________________________11. An action research on the difficulties of college students in coping with science
and Mathematics related subjects

____________________________________12. Piaget’s studies of cognitive growth among elementary school children in

Columban College Elementary Department.

____________________________________13. Professor’s competencies in teaching business-related courses in Columban

College Inc.

_____________________________________14. A study of old practices of elementary school teachers in Olongapo City and
Zambales and relevance to the modern teaching

____________________________________15. The teaching of Business-related subject grounded on Multiple Intelligences



Olongapo City
3rd Periodical Examinations
SY 2017 – 2018
Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Name: Score: _______________________

Gr. & Sec.: ________ Date: ________________________

I. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.

___________1. Pyroclastic flows and surges are potentially highly destructive owing to their mass, high
temperature, high velocity and great mobility.
___________2. Lahars are rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic sediments (from the pyroclastic materials) and
water, usually triggered by intense rainfall during typhoons, monsoons and thunderstorms.
___________3. Lahars can occur immediately after an eruption or can become long-term problem for as long as there
are excess sediments on the volcano’s slope and water to remobilize these.
____________4. Lava flows are considered the most dangerous type of hazard from a volcano and is always a big
threat to human lives.
____________5. During eruption, excessive ashfall is dangerous as it can cause poor or low visibility.
____________6. Ash from volcanoes are also abrasive, because of this, ash suspended in air is also dangerous for
airplanes as this can cause the engines to fail if the suspended ash is encountered by the airplane.
____________7. High concentrations of CO2 which is colorless and odorless can be lethal to people, animals and
____________8. When lava is degassed and/or very viscous, it tends to extrude extremely slowly, forming lava domes.
____________9. Lava flows rarely threaten human life because lava usually moves slowly
____________10. Ash suspended in air is also dangerous for aircrafts
___________11. When the shaking starts, I should run immediately and leave the room to get out of the building as fast
as I could.
____________12. During an earthquake and I am outside, it is best to take shelter under trees, power lines, posts and
concrete structures.
___________13. If near the shore and a very strong earthquake is felt, one must move quickly to higher ground even if
there is no immediate information of the possible source and location of the earthquake.
____________14. During an earthquake, to make it faster to get out of the building, use the elevator.
____________15. In the chemistry lab, breakable items, harmful chemicals and flammable materials are be stored
properly in the uppermost secured shelves.

II. Identification: Identify the following being describe.

____________________________1. These are stream-like flows of incandescent molten rock erupted from a crater or fissure.
____________________________2. These are showers of airborne fine- to coarse-grained volcanic particles that fallout from
the plumes of a volcanic eruption
____________________________3. are rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic sediments (from the pyroclastic materials)
and water,
____________________________4. gases and aerosols released into the atmosphere, which include water vapor,
hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride
____________________________5. Massive collapse of a volcano, usually triggered by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.

II. Complete the table below.


Lava Flows

Ashfall or tephra fall

Pyroclastic flows and

surges (Pyroclastic
density current)

Volcanic gases

Debris avalanche or
volcanic landslide

Ballistic projectiles

V. Essay :
Cite major volcanic eruptions in the Philippines and what are the negative impacts during the eruption?

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