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Lea E. Dela Peña

Normal hemostasis involves a complex interaction among the vascular subendothe-

OBJECTIVES lium, platelets, coagulation factors, and proteins that promote clot formation, clot
degradation and inhibitors of these substances. Disruption in normal hemostasis can
After completing this chapter, the result in bleeding or excessive clotting. Bleeding can be caused by trauma or damage
reader should be able to to vessels, acquired or inherited deficiencies of coagulation factors, or physiological
• Describe the role of platelets, disorders of platelets, whereas excessive clotting can result from abnormalities of the
the coagulation cascade, and vascular endothelium, alterations in blood flow, or deficiencies in clotting inhibitors.
fibrinolytic system in normal Clinicians must monitor the hemostasis process in individual patients to ensure
hemostasis their safety from an imbalance in this complex system. For example, practitioners
routinely order platelet tests in patients on certain antineoplastic medications to
• List the laboratory tests used assess for thrombocytopenia. Likewise, clinicians closely monitor coagulation tests
to assess platelets and discuss for patients receiving anticoagulants to prevent thromboembolic or hemorrhagic
factors that may influence their complications. Overall, the hemostatic process is intricate and requires a clinician
results knowledgeable in its dynamics for quality assessment.
• List the laboratory tests used This chapter reviews normal coagulation physiology, common tests used to assess
to assess coagulation and coagulation and hypercoagulable states, and factors that alter coagulation tests.
explain their use in evaluating
anticoagulant therapy
• List the laboratory tests used
to assess clot degradation and Normal hemostasis involves the complex relationship among participants that pro-
disseminated intravascular mote clot formation (platelets and the coagulation cascade), inhibit coagulation, and
coagulation and discuss their dissolve the formed clot. Each phase of the process is briefly reviewed.
• Interpret results and suggest
Clot Formation
follow-up action given results Numerous mechanisms promote and limit coagulation. Factors that promote coag-
of laboratory tests used for ulation include malignancy, estrogen therapy, pregnancy, obesity, immobilization,
evaluating coagulation and damage to the blood vessel wall, and causes of low blood flow or venous stasis. Nor-
anticoagulant therapy in a case mal blood flow dilutes activated clotting factors and results in their degradation in
description various tissues (e.g., liver) and by proteases. However, when low flow or venous stasis
is present, activated clotting factors may not be readily cleared.
• Discuss the availability and use
of point-of-care testing devices Platelets
specifically for platelet and Platelets are non-nucleated, disk-shaped structures, 1–5 microns in diameter, which
coagulation tests are formed in the extravascular spaces of bone marrow from megakaryocytes. Mega-
karyocyte production and maturation are promoted by the hormone thrombopoi-
etin, which is synthesized in the bone marrow and liver. Two thirds of the platelets
are found in the circulation and one third in the spleen; however, in splenectomized
patients nearly 100% are in the circulation.
The average human adult makes approximately 100 billion platelets per day, with
the average platelet circulating for 7–10 days. On aging, platelets are destroyed
by the spleen, liver, and bone marrow. Throughout their lifespan, platelet func-
tion is affected by numerous factors such as medications, vitamins, foods, spices,

Note: The contribution of material written by James B. Groce III,

Julie B. Lemus, and Sheila M. Allen in previous editions of this book is
gratefully acknowledged.


and systemic conditions, including chronic renal disease and clotting system must be stimulated. By releasing PF3, platelets
hematological disorders (e.g., myeloproliferative and lymphop- initiate the clotting cascade and concentrate activated clotting
roliferative diseases, dysproteinemias, and the presence of anti- factors at the site of vascular (endothelial) injury.
platelet antibodies). Prostaglandins (PGs) play an important role in platelet func-
The primary function of platelets is to regulate hemostasis, tion. Figure 17-2 displays a simplified version of the complex
but platelets also play a prominent role in the pathological for- arachidonic acid pathways that occur in platelets and on the
mation of arterial thrombi. Three processes (platelet adhesion, vascular endothelium. Thromboxane A2, a potent stimulator of
activation, and aggregation) are essential for arterial thrombus platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction, is formed in plate-
formation. The surface of normal blood vessels inhibits plate- lets. In contrast, prostacyclin (PG2), produced by endothelial
let function, thereby preventing thrombosis; however, endo- cells lining the vessel luminal surface, is a potent inhibitor of
thelial injury to the vasculature, caused by flow abnormalities, platelet aggregation and a potent vasodilator that limits exces-
trauma, or the rupture of atherosclerotic plaque in the vessel sive platelet aggregation.
wall, starts the process of platelet plug formation. Subendo- Cyclooxygenase and PG2 are clinically important. An aspi-
thelial structures—such as collagen, basement membrane, and rin dose of 50–81 mg/day acetylates and irreversibly inhibits
fibronectin—then become exposed (Figure 17-1), which can cyclooxygenase in the platelet. Platelets are rendered incapable
result in platelet adhesion. Platelet adhesion is enhanced by sub- of converting arachidonic acid to PGs. This effect of low-dose
stances such as epinephrine, thrombin, adenosine diphosphate aspirin lasts for the lifespan of the exposed platelets (up to 12
(ADP), serotonin, collagen, and von Willebrand factor (vWF).1 days). Vascular endothelial cells also contain cyclooxygenase,
­Circulating vWF acts as a binding ligand between the subendo- which converts arachidonic acid to PG2. Aspirin in high doses
thelium and glycoprotein Ib receptors on the platelet surface. (3000–5000 mg) inhibits the production of PG2.3 However,
Once adhesion occurs, platelets change shape and activation because the vascular endothelium can regenerate PG2, aspi-
occurs. Activated platelets release their contents—including rin’s effect is much shorter here than on platelets. Thus, aspirin’s
nucleotides, adhesive proteins, growth factors, and procoag- effect at high doses may both inhibit platelet aggregation and
ulants—which promotes platelet aggregation and completes block the aggregation inhibitor PG2. This phenomenon is the
the formation of the hemostatic plug.2 This process is medi- rationale for using low doses of aspirin 75–162 mg/day to help
ated by glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors on the platelet surface prevent myocardial infarction.4
with fibrinogen acting as the primary binding ligand bridging In summary, a complex interaction between the platelet and
between platelets. Platelets have numerous Gp IIb/IIIa bind- blood vessel wall maintains hemostasis. Once platelet adhe-
ing sites, which are an attractive option for antiplatelet drug sion occurs, the clotting cascade may become activated. After
therapy.1 However, the platelet plug is not stable and can be thrombin and fibrin are generated, the platelet plug becomes
dislodged. To form a more permanent hemostatic plug, the stabilized with insoluble fibrin at the site of vascular injury.

FIGURE 17-2. Formation of thromboxane A2 (TxA2),

FIGURE 17-1. Relationship between platelets and the prostaglandins (PGs), and prostacyclin in platelets and
clotting cascade in the generation of a stabilized fibrin clot. vascular endothelial cells. CO = cyclooxygenase; ASA* = low-
5HT = serotonin; ADP = adenosine diphosphate; PF4 = dose, irreversible, inactivation of platelet cyclooxygenase;
platelet factor 4; TxA2 = thromboxane A2. ASA/ = high-dose inactivation of platelet cyclooxygenase.
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  395

Extrinsic Pathway
Factor Xa Vascular injury
Intrinsic Pathway Thrombin
Factor VIIa
Factor IXa

Thrombin Ca2+ Tissue Factor

Surface Factor VII Factor VII

Factor VIIa
Tissue Factor Tissue Factor

Factor XIa Ca2+

Factor XI


Factor IX
Factor IX Factor IXa

Factor VIIIB
Ca2+ PL

Ca2+ PL
Factor X
Factor X Factor Xa
Factor VIII

Factor Va
Ca2+ PL
Factor Xa
Ca2+ PL

Prothrombin Factor V Thrombin

Factor XIII

Fibrinogen Ca2+
Fibrin Fibrin

Factor XIIIa

Fibrin (crosslinked)

FIGURE 17-3. Coagulation cascade. a = activated factor; Ca = calcium; PL = phospholipid. Source: Adapted with permission
from Davie EW, Fujikawa K, Kisiel W. The coagulation cascade; initiation, maintenance, and regulation. Biochemistry. 1991;
30;10363-70. Copyright© 1991. The American Chemical Society.

Coagulation Cascade as a cofactor, which is part of the intrinsic pathway. Factor IXa
The ultimate goal of the coagulation cascade (Figure 17-3) is to can then activate factor X into Xa; thus, both the intrinsic and
generate fibrin from thrombin. Fibrin forms an insoluble mesh extrinsic pathways activate factor X in the final common path-
surrounding the platelet plug. Platelets concentrate activated way. Factor Xa with factor Va as a cofactor activates prothrom-
clotting factors at the site of vascular injury. bin (factor II) into thrombin (factor IIa). In the clotting cascade,
The nomenclature and half-lives for the coagulation proteins thrombin not only converts fibrinogen into fibrin, but it can also
are shown in Table 17-1. The coagulation cascade is typically convert factor XIII to factor XIIIa, which stabilizes the fibrin
divided into the intrinsic, extrinsic, and common pathways. The clot. In addition to the direct effects and feedback mechanisms
intrinsic and extrinsic pathways provide different routes to gen- of thrombin shown in Figure 17-3, thrombin also stimulates
erate factor X, while the common pathway results in thrombin platelet aggregation and activates the fibrinolytic system.
formation. Coagulation is initiated by vascular injury or dam- Additional factors within the pathway. Factors such as cal-
age that exposes blood to tissue factor (TF), which then binds to cium and vitamin K play an intricate role within the various
factor VII at the start of the extrinsic pathway. The binding of TF pathways in the coagulation cascade. Calcium is essential for
to factor VII activates the latter to VIIa. The complex formed by the platelet surface binding of several factors within the path-
TF and factor VIIa can then activate factor X to Xa at the start way. Vitamin K facilitates the calcium binding function of fac-
of the common pathway. Alternatively, the TF-factor VIIa com- tors II, VII, IX, and X via carboxylation. These processes are
plex can first convert factor IX to factor IXa, with factor VIIIa critical in activating proteins within the pathway.

TABLE 17-1. Characteristics of Coagulation Factor TABLE 17-2. Mechanism of Action of Antithrombotic and
Anticoagulant Medications
I Fibrinogen 100–150
II Prothrombin 50–80 Platelet Aspirin Irreversibly inhibits
inhibitors cyclooxygenase-1,
III Thromboplastin, tissue extract which prevents
IV Calcium conversion of
arachidonic acid to
V Proaccelerin, labile factor, 12–36 thromboxane A2
accelerator globulin
Clopidogrel (Plavix) Irreversibly binds to
VI Originally referred to as accelerin, n/a Prasugrel (Effient) P2Y12 receptors on
but now recognized as activated Ticagrelor (Brilinta) platelets
factor V; this numeral is no
longer used Oral Warfarin (Coumadin, Inhibits vitamin K
anticoagulants Jantoven) dependent clotting
VII Proconvertin, serum prothrombin  4–66 factors (II, VII, IX, X)
conversion accelerator, stable as well as protein C
factor, autoprothrombin I and protein S
VIII Antihemophilic factor, 12–15 Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) Inhibits factor Xa
antihemophilic globulin, platelet Apixaban (Eliquis)
cofactor I, antihemophilic factor A Edoxaban (Savaysa)
IX Plasma thromboplastin 18–30 Dabigatran (Pradaxa) Direct thrombin
component, Christmas factor, inhibitor
antihemophilic factor B, platelet
cofactor II, autoprothrombin II Parenteral Unfractionated heparin Inhibits factor IIa
X Stuart-Prower factor 25–60
Low molecular weight Inhibits factors IIa
XI Plasmin thromboplastin 40–80 heparin: and Xa
antecedent Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
Dalteparin (Fragmin)
XII Hageman factor 50–70
Fondaparinux (Arixtra) Inhibits factor Xa
XIII Fibrin stabilizing factor, 150
Laki-Lorand factor, and fibrinase Bivalirudin (Angiomax) Direct thrombin
Argatroban inhibitor
n/a = not applicable.
Desirudin (Iprivask)
Source: See reference 5.

Inhibition of Coagulation factors IX, X, and XI, and this process can be hastened by hep-
arin. Heparin and AT combine one-to-one, and the complex
Mechanisms that limit coagulation include the natural inhibi-
neutralizes the activated clotting factors and inhibits the coag-
tors such as antithrombin (AT) and the vitamin K dependent
ulation cascade. Deficiencies in these natural inhibitors can
proteins C and S, tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), and
result in increased generation of thrombin, which can lead to
the fibrinolytic system. Endothelial cells produce several sub-
recurrent thromboembolic events often starting at a young age.
stances that have antithrombotic and anticoagulant effects,
TFPI impedes the binding of TF to factor VII, essentially inhib-
which may also activate the fibrinolytic system.1 Several medi-
iting the extrinsic pathway (Figure 17-3). UFH and LMWHs
cations also can inhibit coagulation by acting on (1) plate-
can release TFPI from endothelial cells and from platelets.1
lets, such as aspirin, clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor, or
The complex mechanisms that limit thrombus formation are
(2) one or more clotting factors, such as warfarin; low molec-
shown in Figure 17-4.
ular weight heparins (LMWHs); unfractionated heparin
(UFH); direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) including rivar-
oxaban, apixaban, edoxaban, and dabigatran; fondaparinux; Clot Degradation
and direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs). Table 17-2 lists the Fibrinolysis is the mechanism by which formed thrombi are
mechanism of action of these classes of drugs and provides lysed to prevent excessive clot formation and vascular occlu-
specific examples. sion. As discussed previously, fibrin is formed in the final
High concentrations of thrombin, in conjunction with common pathway of the clotting cascade. Tissue plasminogen
thrombomodulin, activate protein C, which can then inac- activator (tPA) and urokinase plasminogen activator activate
tivate cofactors Va and VIIIa. Thus, there is a negative feed- plasminogen, which generates plasmin. Plasmin is the enzyme
back mechanism that will block further thrombin generation that eventually breaks down fibrin into fibrin degradation prod-
and subsequent steps in the coagulation cascade. Protein S ucts (FDPs). Medications can either activate (e.g., alteplase,
is another of the body’s natural anticoagulants and serves as reteplase, and tenecteplase) or inhibit (e.g., tranexamic acid
a cofactor for protein C. AT inactivates thrombin as well as and aminocaproic acid) fibrinolysis.
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  397


Conversion of plasminogen to plasmin can be inhibited Activation of plasminogen can be stimulated by the
by the following: following:
(1) Endogenous proteins (1) Endogenous proteins
α2-macroglobulin Factors XIa, XIIa
Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 protein Kallikrien
Urokinase plasminogen activator
(2) Medications Tissue plasminogen activator
Aminocaproic acid (2) Medications
Tissue plasminogen activators (e.g.,
alteplase, reteplase, tenecteplase)

Thrombolytics (e.g., urokinase,

Plasmin is directly inhibited by α2-antiplasmin and α2- PLASMIN
macroglobulin streptokinase)


FIGURE 17-4. Endogenous and exogenous factors that inhibit or activate plasminogen’s conversion to plasmin.

TESTS TO EVALUATE HEMOSTASIS panel can be drawn to determine whether or not a patient has
one or more hypercoagulable disorders. Clot degradation is
For the purpose of discussion, bleeding and clotting disorders assessed with tests for FDPs and D-dimer.
are organized by tests that assess platelets, coagulation, and In addition, general hematological values such as hemoglo-
clot degradation. Tests to assess platelets include platelet count, bin, hematocrit (Hct), red blood cell (RBC) count, and white
volume (e.g., mean platelet volume [MPV]), function (e.g., blood cell (WBC) count, as well as urinalysis and stool guaiac
bleeding time [BT] and platelet aggregation), and others. Pro- tests may be important to obtain when evaluating blood and
thrombin time (PT)/international normalized ratio (INR), acti- coagulation disorders; some of these tests are further discussed
vated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), activated clotting in Chapter 15. Table 17-3 is a summary of common tests used
time (ACT), fibrinogen assay, thrombin time (TT), and others to evaluate bleeding disorders and monitor anticoagulant
are laboratory tests that assess coagulation; a hypercoagulable therapy.

TABLE 17-3. Summary of Coagulation Tests for Hemorrhagic Disorders and Anticoagulant Drug Monitoring


Thrombocytopenic purpura Low WNL WNL

Glanzmann thrombasthenia WNL WNL WNL Platelets appear normal
von Willebrand disease Low or WNL WNL WNL or prolonged Factor VIII levels low or WNL, vWF
(antigen level and activity) low
or WNL
Fibrinogen deficiency WNL Prolonged Prolonged BT prolonged if severe, fibrinogen
levels decreased, TT prolonged
Warfarin therapy WNL Prolonged WNL or prolonged BT prolonged if overdosed
Unfractionated heparin therapy WNL WNL or prolonged Prolonged Platelet count may decrease
Vascular purpura WNL WNL WNL Normal platelet count distinguishes
this from other forms of purpura
such as TTP or ITP
aPTT= activated partial thromboplastin time; BT= bleeding time; ITP= idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; PT/INR= prothrombin time/international
normalized ratio; TTP= thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; vWF= von Willebrand factor; WNL= within normal limits.

Platelet Tests myeloproliferative neoplasms, essential thrombocythemia,

polycythemia vera, chronic myelogenous leukemia, or idio-
Platelet Count
pathic myelofibrosis. Clinical consequences of thrombocythe-
Normal range: 150,000–450,000/µL (150–450 × 109/L) mia include thrombosis, hemorrhage, and microcirculatory
The only test to determine the number or concentration of disturbances. Thrombotic events may be either arterial or
platelets in a blood sample is the platelet count, through either venous and include cerebrovascular accidents, myocardial
manual (rarely done) or automated methods. Interferences infarction, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and
with platelet counts include RBC fragments, platelet clump- intra-abdominal (portal and hepatic) vein thrombosis. Hem-
ing, and platelet satellitism (platelet adherence to WBCs). orrhagic complications usually involve the skin and mucous
Automated platelet counts are performed on anticoagulated membranes, which include ecchymosis, epistaxis, and menor-
whole blood. Most instrumentation that performs hematolog- rhagia. Microcirculatory disturbances, such as headache, par-
ical profiles provides platelet counts. Platelets and RBCs are esthesias, and erythromelalgia, may be due to microthrombi,
passed through an aperture generating an electric pulse with which results in occlusion and ischemia. Additionally, patients
a magnitude related to the size of the cell/particle. The pulses with thrombocythemia may have abnormalities in platelet
are counted, and the platelets are separated from the RBCs by function studies, which can manifest as bleeding problems.
size providing the platelet count and MPV as well as the RBC Thrombocytopenia. There are four main causes of throm-
count and mean corpuscular volume. bocytopenia, and patients may have more than one of these
Thrombocythemia. An abnormal platelet count can have causes: (1) increased destruction or consumption of platelets;
many causes. Thrombocythemia, also known as thrombocytosis (2) decreased production; (3) dilution; and (4) sequestration.6
or elevated platelet count, may be caused by the following factors: Mucosal and cutaneous bleeding is the most common clini-
• Stress
cal consequence of thrombocytopenia; however, patients with
• Infection
only modest decreases in platelet counts may be asymptom-
• Splenectomy
atic. (Minicase 1.) When the platelet count falls below 20,000/
• Trauma
µL, the patient is at risk of spontaneous bleeding. Therefore,
• Asphyxiation
platelet transfusions are often initiated. Bleeding may occur at
• Rheumatoid arthritis
higher platelet counts (e.g., 50,000/µL) if trauma occurs. The
• Iron deficiency anemia
most common cause of death in a patient with severe throm-
• Posthemorrhagic anemia
bocytopenia is central nervous system (CNS) bleeding such as
• Cirrhosis
intracranial hemorrhage.
• Chronic pancreatitis
Numerous drugs have been associated with thrombocyto-
• Tuberculosis
penia (Table 17-4).7 However, heparin and antineoplastics are
• Occult malignancy
the most common ones implicated. Thrombocytopenia is also
• Recovery from bone marrow suppression
common with radiation therapy. Many drugs associated with
Values of 500,000–800,000/µL are not uncommon. thrombocytopenia alter platelet antigens resulting in the for-
Thrombocythemia may be seen with any of the chronic mation of antibodies to platelets (e.g., heparin, penicillin, and


Bleeding Disorders QUESTION: What specific test(s) have been performed to assess
the pertinent patient findings from the history and physical
Helen M., a 56-year-old female, is hospitalized with complaints examination? How might these tests relate to normal hemosta-
of chest pain. She undergoes percutaneous coronary intervention sis? Does this patient need to undergo genotype testing prior
(PCI) and is started on aspirin, clopidogrel, metoprolol, atorvastatin, to clopidogrel?
and lisinopril. DISCUSSION: Her platelet count is decreased, and her MPV is
The following laboratory parameters are obtained after PCI: increased, which may be due to the cardiac causes of her chest
pain. Preliminary screening has been done using the PT/INR and
LABORATORY NORMAL PATIENT’S aPTT; increased PT, INR, aPTT values are consistent with hepa-
rin given during the procedure. Studies indicate that genotype
PT 10–13 sec 515.8 sec testing is not universally recommended. If she is started on a PPI
INR 0.9–1.1 1.66 for GI protection during hospitalization, she should be prescribed
one with minimal CYP2C19 activity as a precaution for interac-
aPTT 21–45 sec 8080 sec
tion with clopidogrel. Both aspirin and clopidogrel will affect
Platelet count 140,000–440,000/µL 67,000/µL platelet aggregation, and atorvastatin has been associated with
MPV 7–11 fL 14 fL thrombocytopenia.
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  399

TABLE 17-4. Partial List of Agents Associated with characteristics to determine the probability of HIT occurring
Thrombocytopenia in that p
­ articular patient. Thus, the score range is 0–8. A score
of 0–3, 4–5, or 6–8 suggests a low, moderate, or high proba-
Anti-infectives: Cardiac:
Acyclovir Abciximab bility of HIT, respectively.10 HIT is manifested both by clinical
Amphotericin B Amiodarone and serological features, and diagnosis of HIT is usually made
Ampicillin Atorvastatin when antibody formation is detected by an in vitro assay plus
Ciprofloxacin Clopidogrel
Clarithromycin Digoxin one or more of the following: unexplained decrease in platelet
Ethambutol Eptifibatide count (usually ≥30%, even if the nadir remains above 150 ×
Fluconazole Hydrochlorothiazide 109/L), venous or arterial thrombosis, limb gangrene, necrotiz-
Isoniazid Low molecular weight heparin
Itraconazole Procainamide ing skin lesions at the heparin injection site, or acute anaphy-
Linezolid Quinidine lactoid reactions occurring after intravenous (IV) heparin bolus
Oxacillin Simvastatin administration.10
Piperacillin Tirofiban
Quinine Unfractionated heparin There are two types of tests to help diagnose HIT: (1) the
Rifampin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which iden-
Trimethoprim tifies anti-PF4/heparin antibodies, and (2) functional assays,
such as the C-serotonin release assay or the heparin-induced
Anti-seizure: Pain: platelet activation assay—both of which detect antibodies that
Carbamazepine Acetaminophen
Phenobarbital Diclofenac induce heparin-dependent platelet activation.9-11 The ELISA
Phenytoin Ibuprofen test has high sensitivity and wide availability, with a relatively
Valproic acid Naproxen rapid turnaround time compared to the functional assays,
Psychiatric: Other: which makes it a good screening test. However, the ELISA test
Diazepam Antineoplastics has limited specificity so there may be false-positive results,
Haloperidol Ethambutol
Lithium Interferon-α especially in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Ranitidine or systemic lupus erythematosus.9,11 In contrast, the functional
Source: See reference 7. assays have high specificity, which are useful for confirming a
positive ELISA test but are technically difficult and require the
gold). Several diseases, such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic use of radioactivity and donor platelets.9,11
purpura (TTP), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), The typical onset for HIT is 5–10 days following the start of
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and hemolytic- heparin; however, onsets occurring either earlier or later than
uremic syndrome, result in rapid destruction of platelets. Other this have been reported. Rapid-onset HIT occurs when plate-
causes of thrombocytopenia include viral infections; perni- let counts fall within 24 hours of heparin initiation, which is
cious, aplastic, and folate or B12-deficiency anemias; compli- typically due to repeated heparin exposure within the past 100
cations of pregnancy; massive blood transfusions; exposure to days, and thus patients still have circulating HIT antibodies.
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane); and human immu- Delayed-onset HIT, where thrombocytopenia occurs several
nodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. days after discontinuation of heparin, has also been reported
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an antibody- and is associated with DIC.11 Platelet counts should be checked
mediated adverse reaction to heparin, occurring in 1 in 5000 in patients receiving UFH or LMWH if the clinician deems the
hospitalized patients, which may cause venous and arterial risk of HIT >1%; in these cases, recommendations are for plate-
thrombosis.8 Specifically, this is due to the development of IgG let counts to be done every two to three days from days 4–14,
antibodies that bind to the heparin PF4 complex. Patients receiv- or when heparin is stopped.10 If the risk of HIT is <1%, then
ing UFH are generally at a higher risk of developing HIT than platelet monitoring is not recommended.10 For patients who
patients receiving LMWH, and it does not bind to PF4 as well as received heparin within the past 100 days, platelets should be
UFH, which is thought to be due to the smaller size of LMWH checked at baseline and then within 24 hours of starting hepa-
compared to UFH. Therefore, the heparin-PF4 complex is less rin.10 Table 17-5 outlines the patient characteristics associated
likely to form with LMWH, and there are less IgG antibodies with the risk of developing HIT.
generated. The frequency or risk of HIT is influenced by certain If HIT is suspected and confirmed, UFH and LMWH should
factors such as heparin preparation, route, dose, and duration of be discontinued. DTIs, such as argatroban or bivalirudin, can
heparin therapy, patient population, gender, and previous history be used instead of UFH or LMWH. Both argatroban and bivali-
of heparin exposure.8 The animal source of heparin may also play rudin are FDA-approved for use in patients with or at risk for
a role in determining who develops HIT; bovine UFH seems to HIT undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI);
carry a higher risk compared to porcine UFH.9 argatroban has an additional indication for the prophylaxis and
The 4Ts score is a clinical prediction tool to determine the treatment of thrombosis in patients with HIT.12,13 Fondaparinux
probability of HIT. This tool requires that the clinical evaluate is an injectable, synthetic, indirect inhibitor of factor Xa.
the degree of thrombocytopenia, the timing of platelet count Although it is not FDA-approved for use in patients with HIT,
fall, the presence of thrombosis or other clinical sequelae, there have been reports of successfully using fondaparinux
and other causes for thrombocytopenia; a score of 0–2 is as an alternative anticoagulant in the HIT population; how-
assigned for each of the four items based on specific patient ever, there are also reports of fondaparinux-associated HIT or

TABLE 17-5. Incidence of HIT According to Patient Characteristics and Recommendations for Monitoring Platelets


Patient characteristics/examples Postoperative patients on prophylactic dose Medical patients on prophylactic or therapeutic-dose UFH
or therapeutic dose UFH ≥4 days or LMWH ≥4 days

Cardiac surgery patients Postoperative patients on prophylactic or therapeutic dose

LMWH ≥4 days

Patients receiving UFH flushes

Obstetrics patients

Intensive care patients

Frequency of platelet counts Every 2–3 days from days 4–14, or until Routine monitoring is not recommended
heparin is discontinued, whichever occurs first
HIT = heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; LMWH = low molecular weight heparin; UFH = unfractionated heparin.
Source: See reference 10.

complications from using fondaparinux in patients with

HIT.14-20 The 9th edition of the American College of Chest Phy-
sicians ­Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines recom-
mends the use of fondaparinux in HIT as a second-line agent
to other parenteral DTIs in hospitalized patients or as a first-
line parenteral agent in patients who develop an acute throm-
bosis unrelated to HIT as a bridge until warfarin therapy can
be used.10 In patients who require warfarin, it is recommended
to wait to start warfarin until platelets have recovered to at least
150 × 109/L and to start at low doses.10 The successful use of
dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban in HIT has been limited
to case reports or in vitro studies; thus, currently available data
is insufficient to recommend the use of DOACs in managing
HIT.21 A prospective cohort study is underway in Canada look-
ing at rivaroxaban in HIT, which may further elucidate the role
of DOACs for this indication in the future.22
FIGURE 17-5. Assessment of abnormalities of homeostasis
Mean Platelet Volume based on platelet count, bone marrow exam, and BT.
Normal range: 7–11 fL (varies with laboratory)
Mean platelet volume (MPV)—the relationship between plate- requires a blood collection tube containing an anticoagulant. Usu-
let size and count—is most likely to be used by clinicians in ally, such tubes contain the anticoagulant ethylenediamine tet-
assessing disturbances of platelet production. MPV is useful raacetic acid (EDTA), which causes an inflation of the MPV.
in distinguishing between hypoproductive and hyperdestruc- Currently, MPV is not widely used but may evolve into a
tive causes of thrombocytopenia (Figure 17-5). Despite the valuable screening test for the disorders listed in Table 17-6.23
widespread availability of this platelet index, many clinicians For example, a fall in MPV is common in patients with
do not use it in clinical decision making. In the past, this dis- enlarged spleens (hypersplenism) due to preferential seques-
use was attributed to difficulties with the laboratory measure- tering of larger platelets within the spleen. An increase in MPV
ment of indices. is seen during the third trimester of pregnancy in preeclamp-
Many laboratories routinely report the MPV as part of the tic patients, where an increase in platelet size results from
complete blood count, especially if a differential is requested. In increased platelet consumption.24 The MPV also is elevated in
general, lower platelet counts are common with higher platelet hyperthyroid patients but declines to normal as they become
volumes, as an inverse relationship exists between the platelet euthyroid.25,26 A recent study also showed that patients with
count and the MPV. This inverse relationship correlates with plate- subclinical hypothyroidism also have an elevated MPV.27
let production within the bone marrow. Although MPV is most The inverse relationship of a high MPV and a low platelet
valuable in distinguishing hypoproductive from hyperdestruc- count is demonstrated in other conditions including respiratory
tive causes of thrombocytopenia, a definitive diagnosis cannot disease, renal failure, and sepsis.28-30 Unlike most other conditions
be made based on MPV alone. In thrombocytopenia, an elevated that demonstrate the inverse relationship of MPV and platelet
MPV suggests no problem with platelet production, when in fact, count, both are low in HIV infection. These decreases suggest
production is reflexively increased. Conversely, a normal or low an impairment of synthesis and maturation of megakaryocytes
MPV suggests impaired thrombopoiesis. Determination of MPV as well as enhanced platelet destruction in the bloodstream.31
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  401

TABLE 17-6. Conditions Associated with Alterations in MPV TABLE 17-7. Medications and Drug Classes That May
Increase in MPV Decrease in MPV
Cause Abnormalities of Platelet Function

DM Ulcerative colitis ABNORMALITY


PAD Aplastic anemia
Aspirin √ √
Myocardial infarction Rheumatoid arthritis
β-blocking agents √
Unstable angina Systemic lupus erythematosus
Calcium channel blockers √ √
Decompensated heart failure
Cephalosporins √ √
Ischemic stroke
Chemotherapeutic agents √ √
Venous thromboembolism
Dextran √ √
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ethanol √ √
Ankylosing spondylitis
Heparin √ √
Nitrofurantoin √ √
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Nitroglycerin √ √
Subclinical hypothyroidism
NSAIDs √ √
Phenothiazines √
Celiac disease
P2Y12 inhibitors √ √
Renal failure
Quinidine √
Thrombolytic agents √
Warfarin √
DM = diabetes mellitus; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus;
DOACs = direct oral anticoagulants; NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-
HTN = hypertension; MPV = mean platelet volume; PAD = peripheral
inflammatory drugs.
arterial disease.
Source: See reference 36 for more information.

Administration of erythropoietin stimulates megakaryocyte cell look at the ability of platelets to aggregate and form a clot; plate-
line production that leads to an increase in MPV. Thrombopoi- let counts are usually normal. This can be due to medications,
etin probably causes the same effect.32-35 The role of thrombopoi- the platelet milieu, and inherent platelet defects.6
etin has led to advances in the treatment of thrombocytopenia Bleeding time (normal range: two to nine minutes). BT
caused by deficient production of platelets (e.g., in patients under- is a measure of platelet function and has been used to assess
going bone marrow transplantation or cancer chemotherapy).35 bleeding risk, but this test is neither specific nor sensitive; thus,
it does not help differentiate among the types of problems seen
Platelet Function in disorders of primary hemostasis, such as von Willebrand
Abnormalities of platelet function may be either inherited or disease and platelet function defects. This would account for
acquired. Bleeding as a result of an inherited versus acquired its declining use and elimination by some institutional clini-
abnormality may be difficult to prove. Common bleeding sites cal laboratories. Additionally, the test is invasive and must be
in patients with disorders of platelet function include ecchymo- performed by a trained healthcare worker. To perform the test,
sis of the skin, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, and menorrhagia. small cuts are made on the forearm of the patient, and the
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage and hematuria are less common time it takes to stop bleeding is measured. Several factors can
and usually have an associated underlying pathology.1 Hema- prolong the BT including thrombocytopenia, certain medica-
tomas and hemarthroses occur in patients with moderate-to- tions, and conditions such as uremia and macroglobulinemia.
severe, inherited, familial-clotting disorders.1 Most acquired disorders affecting BT are related to medica-
Although the sites of bleeding may be predictable, the sever- tions that decrease platelet numbers or reduce platelet function.
ity is not predictable in patients with inherited disorders of These include aspirin, P2Y12 inhibitors (clopidogrel, prasugrel,
platelet function. Unfortunately, the risk of bleeding and bleed- ticagrelor), GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors (abciximab, eptifibatide, tiro-
ing patterns in patients with acquired platelet dysfunction are fiban), and phosphodiesterase inhibitors (dipyridamole). Other
less predictable and more difficult to distinguish. Because both drugs that may prolong BT are listed in Table 17-7.36 Although
inherited and acquired etiologies increase the risk of bleeding, BT is influenced by some drugs, it is not used to monitor drug
patients overtly bleeding without a clear cause or without an therapy. The increase in BT caused by aspirin may have ben-
invasive procedure should be evaluated for one of these plate- eficial effects in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascu-
let function disorders. Simply stated, the platelet function tests lar disease. The proven value of aspirin for acute treatment of

myocardial infarction and secondary prevention of cardiovas- culprit. Platelet survival can be measured by injecting radioiso-
cular disease is well established; however, the use of aspirin topes that label the platelets. Serial samples can then determine
for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease remains an platelet survival, which is normally 8–12 days.
individual clinical judgment. Pharmacogenomics and clopidogrel metabolism. Genetic
Platelet aggregation. With the many drawbacks of the BT, variability in the genes coding for CYP2C19 may have an effect
there was a need for a test that could aid in the diagnosis of on clopidogrel efficacy and safety. Carriers of the CYP2C19*2
defects in platelet function. This is especially true when con- genotype have a loss of function allele, which means these
sidering the interpatient variability seen when taking clopi- patients have reduced antiplatelet effect and are at increased
dogrel. Adverse events may occur if patients do not respond risk for cardiovascular events, particularly stent thrombosis,
to this medication. The ability of platelets to aggregate is most when taking clopidogrel compared to patients without this gen-
commonly measured by preparing a specimen of platelet-rich otype.40 The product labeling for clopidogrel includes a warning
plasma and warming it to 98.6 °F (37 °C) with constant stirring. about decreased effectiveness in poor metabolizers of the medi-
This test is performed with an aggregometer that measures light cation due to CYP2C19.41 Carriers of the CYP2C19*17 geno-
transmission through a sample of platelets in suspension. After type have a gain of function allele, which means these patients
a baseline reading is obtained, a platelet-aggregating agonist are at increased risk of bleeding compared to patients without
(e.g., epinephrine, collagen, ADP, or arachidonic acid) is added. this genotype. 40 There are commercially available assays to test
As platelets aggregate, more light passes through the sample. for these variants in CYP2C19 although further studies are
The change in optical density can be measured photometrically needed to show a clinical benefit.42 The most recent AHA/ACC
and recorded as an aggregation curve, which is then printed NSTE-ACS guidelines do not recommend routine genotype
on a plotter. Although light transmittance aggregometry (LTA) testing in all patients taking clopidogrel; instead, they recognize
testing is the gold standard in platelet function analysis, it has a possible role for testing patients who will have high-risk PCI
requirements for specially trained personnel, large sample vol- procedures such as bifurcating left main artery.43,44
ume, and sample preparation; additionally LTA is expensive
and has poor reproducibility.37 COAGULATION TESTS
Interpretation of platelet aggregation tests involves a com-
parison of the patient’s curves with the corresponding curves Coagulation tests are useful in the identification of deficiencies
of a normal control. To eliminate the optical problems of tur- of coagulation factors responsible for bleeding as well as throm-
bidity with lipemic plasma, the patient and the normal control botic disorders. The most commonly performed tests, including
should be fasting. Patients should not take medications that the PT, INR, aPTT, and ACT, are used to monitor anticoagulant
affect platelet aggregation (e.g., aspirin, NSAIDs, P2Y12 inhibi- therapy. Numerous, high-precision automated laboratory meth-
tors) for approximately 7–14 days prior to the test because they ods are available to perform these tests. However, an overall lack
may interfere with test results. of standardization across coagulation testing can lead to consid-
Novel point-of-care technologies are available, which allow erable variation in test results and their interpretation. Normal
for rapid and meaningful evaluation of platelet function, and therapeutic ranges established for one test method are not
although major differences between different devices do exist.37 necessarily interchangeable with other methods, especially when
These devices can assess the effects of medications such as aspi- differences in endpoint detection or reagents exist. Therefore, it
rin, P2Y12 inhibitors, and GP IIb/IIIa antagonists on platelet is important to interpret test results based on the specific per-
function and help predict the incidence of major adverse car- formance characteristics of the method used to analyze samples.
diac events in patients treated with medications affecting platelet Coagulation studies may be used to assess certain bleed-
function. 37 For example, the VerifyNow P2Y12 device measures ing disorders such as hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) or
effects of P2Y12 inhibitors as “P2Y12 reaction units” or PRUs; a hemophilia B (factor IX deficiency). These deficiencies, which
low PRU indicates a high percentage of inhibition, meaning the are inherited sex-linked recessive traits, primarily affect males
patient has a good response to this medication.38 Further stud- and cause over 90% of hemophilia cases. Other bleeding dis-
ies of each individual device are needed to elucidate the exact orders include von Willebrand disease—the most common
place in therapy of these in monitoring antiplatelet medications. hereditary bleeding disorder—and deficiencies in fibrinogen or
factors II, V, VII, X, XI, XIII, and a combination of these factors.
Other Platelet Tests Patients with thrombotic disorders may have their hyper-
The measurement of platelet-specific substances, such as PF4 coagulability evaluated with specific assays for the following45:
(normal values 1.7–20.9 ng/mL) and β-­thromboglobulin (nor- • APS—lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibody
mal levels 6.6–47.9 ng/mL), can now be performed by radio- • AT
immunoassay or enzyme immunoassay.39 High concentrations • Protein C
of these substances may be observed with coronary artery • Protein S
disease, acute myocardial infarction, and thrombosis, where • Prothrombin G20210A mutation
platelet lifespan is reduced. Because numerous drugs can poten- • Activated protein C (APC) resistance mutation (factor
tially cause thrombocytopenia, detection of antibodies directed V Leiden)
by specific drugs against platelets may help to determine the • Homocysteine polymorphisms
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  403

These tests are often performed in panels because the pres- adherence to therapy, concomitant administration with signifi-
ence of more than one predisposition to thrombosis further cant drug interactions, elderly patients, and following attempted
increases the risk for thrombosis. Normal reference ranges reversal of anticoagulation.46-49 Although therapeutic levels asso-
for AT and proteins C and S are often reported as a percent ciated with optimal outcomes have not been established for the
of normal activity, with 100% being the mean normal value. DOACs, “on-therapy” ranges have been proposed, which usually
For AT, the normal activity level is 80–130%; for both pro- encompass the 5th through the 95th percentile concentration for
teins C and S, normal activity levels are 70–140%. Deficien- a given DOAC; most patients at steady state will fall somewhere in
cies can result in frequent, recurrent thromboembolic events this range during treatment with a DOAC.42 Certain coagulation
in patients with these disorders. Because these deficiencies are tests are better suited to assess qualitative (presence or absence of
rare, their respective assays are not discussed here in detail. drug) versus quantitative (estimates of drug levels) information
Acquired, transient deficiencies of any of these inhibitors may for specific DOACs, which are discussed in detail below.
be observed during thrombotic states. Therefore, these param- Careful attention to blood collection technique, sample
eters should not be assessed during the acute phase of throm- processing, and laboratory quality control is critical for reli-
bosis or while the patient is currently on anticoagulant therapy able coagulation test results. Blood is collected in syringes or
because a false-positive result may occur. It is recommended to vacuum tubes that contain heparin, EDTA, or sodium citrate.
test for AT, protein C, protein S, and APC resistance after the Because heparin and EDTA interfere with several clotting fac-
thrombosis has been resolved when the patient is off of heparin tors, only sodium citrate is used for coagulation and platelet
or warfarin for a few weeks; the test for prothrombin G20210A tests. Errors in coagulation can be significant unless quality
mutation is not affected by current anticoagulant therapy.45 assurance is strict concerning specimen collection, reagents,
APC resistance, due to the factor V Leiden mutation, is the controls, and equipment. Factors that promote clotting and
most prevalent hereditary predisposition to venous thrombo- interfere with coagulation studies include the following:
sis. It is present in 3–5% of the general Caucasian population • Tissue trauma (searching for a vein)
and is less common or rare in other ethnic groups. 45 It accounts • Prolonged use of tourniquet
for 20% of unselected patients with a first deep vein throm- • Small-bore needles
bosis and 50% of familial cases of thrombosis.45 Patients with • Vacuum tubes
the heterozygous form of factor V Leiden mutation are at a • Heparin contamination from indwelling catheters
fourfold to sevenfold higher risk of developing venous throm- • Slow blood filling into collection tube
boembolism (VTE), while those with the homozygous form Bleeding risk and test results. The major determinants of
can be as high as 80-fold higher risk.45 Prothrombin G20210A bleeding are the intensity of the anticoagulant effect, the under-
mutation is the second most common hereditary predispo- lying patient characteristics, the use of drugs that interfere with
sition to venous thrombosis. DNA-based methods, such as hemostasis (Tables 17-4, 17-7, and 17-8), and the length of anti-
the polymerase chain reaction-based assay, are used to deter- coagulant therapy. When evaluating anticoagulation treatment,
mine the presence or absence of a specific mutation at nucleo- one must weigh the potential for decreased thrombosis risk
side position 20210 in the prothrombin gene. A normal test versus increased bleeding risk. The risk of bleeding associated
would show absence of the G20210A mutation. The test iden- with continuous IV heparin in patients with acute thromboem-
tifies individuals who have the G20210A mutation and reveals bolic disease is approximately 5%. Some evidence suggests that
whether the affected individual is heterozygous or homozygous this bleeding increases with an increase in heparin concentra-
for the mutation; patients with the heterozygous form are at a tion. However, evidence also suggests that serious bleeding can
threefold higher risk of venous thrombosis, while those with occur in patients prone to bleeding even when the anticoagulant
the homozygous form are at an even higher risk.45 response is in the therapeutic range. The risk of bleeding is usu-
Anticoagulation therapy has traditionally consisted of an oral ally higher earlier in therapy, when both heparin and warfarin
vitamin K antagonist (warfarin) with or without a parenteral are given together, which may be related to excessive antico-
agent such as UFH, LMWH, or fondaparinux. Within the last agulation. Also, patients who have a coexisting disease that ele-
several years, several DOACs have come to the market, which vates the PT, aPTT, or both (e.g., liver disease) are often at much
have greatly increased the therapeutic options available for cli- higher risk of bleeding. In these patients, the use and intensity
nicians and patients. Advantages of DOACs compared to war- of anticoagulation that should be employed are controversial.
farin include fixed-dosing, fewer drug and dietary interactions,
and little-to-no routine laboratory monitoring; disadvantages Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio
of DOACs compared to warfarin include increased cost, lack of Normal range for PT: 10–13 sec but varies based on reagent-
reversal agent/antidote except for dabigatran, and less clinical instrument combinations normal range for INR: 0.8–1.1;
experience with these newer agents. Although routine labora- therapeutic range for INR depends on indication for antico-
tory monitoring is not indicated with DOACs, there are some agulation; most indications: 2–3
clinical instances when laboratory assessment could be consid- The prothrombin time (PT), also called ProTime, test is used
ered, including thrombotic or hemorrhagic event, perioperative to assess the integrity of the extrinsic and common pathways
management, suspicion of overdosage/toxicity, renal/hepatic (factors II, V, VII, X). The PT, based on the Quick method
dysfunction, extremes of body weight, trauma, questionable first described in 1935, is determined by adding calcium and a

thromboplastin reagent containing both TF and phospholipid may be different. The citrate concentration also may affect the
to the patient’s plasma, and the time to clot formation is mea- ISI determination of certain reagents, with higher citrate con-
sured.50 Deficiencies or inhibitors of extrinsic and common centrations leading to higher INR results; using blood samples
pathway clotting factors results in a prolonged PT; however, it anticoagulated with 3.2% citrate, instead of higher concentra-
should be noted that the PT is more sensitive to deficiencies in tions, can help mitigate this problem. 50
the extrinsic pathway (factor VII) compared to the common Although the INR system has greatly improved the stan-
pathway (factors V, X, II, and fibrinogen).51 dardization of the PT, one can still expect differences in INRs
Assay performance characteristics, standardization, reported with two different methods, particularly in the upper
and reporting. The PT is dependent on the thromboplastin therapeutic and supratherapeutic ranges. The greater the differ-
source and test method used to detect clotting. Thromboplas- ences in the ISI values for two comparative methods, the more
tin reagents are derived from animal or human sources and likely differences will be noted in the INR. Laboratories and
include recombinant products. Factor sensitivity is highly anticoagulation clinics should review the performance charac-
dependent on the source of the thromboplastin, and can exhibit teristics of the PT method used to evaluate their specific patient
variability between different lots of the same reagent. Some populations and report changes in methods to healthcare pro-
thromboplastin reagents are less sensitive to changes in factor fessionals, particularly those monitoring anticoagulant therapy.
activity. This means that it takes a more significant decrease Monitoring warfarin therapy. Both the PT and INR may be
in factor activity to produce a prolongation of the PT. Differ- reported when monitoring warfarin therapy, although clini-
ences in reagent sensitivity, combined with the influence of cally, only the INR is used to adjust therapy. Warfarin exerts its
endpoint detection, affect clotting time results both in the nor- anticoagulant effects by interfering with the synthesis of vita-
mal and therapeutic ranges. Large differences in factor sensi- min K-dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, and X) and the
tivity between comparative methods can result in conflicting natural anticoagulant proteins C, S, and Z. Specifically, war-
interpretation of results, both in the assessment of factor defi- farin inhibits vitamin K-reductase and vitamin K epoxide-­
ciencies and adequacy of anticoagulation therapy. Heparin also reductase (VKOR), which blocks the activation of vitamin K
may prolong PT because it affects factor II in the common to its reduced form. Reduced vitamin K is needed for the car-
pathway; the addition of a heparin neutralizing agent to the boxylation of clotting precursors of factors II, VII, IX, and X.
blood sample can blunt this effect at heparin concentrations up Noncarboxylated clotting factor precursors are nonfunctional,
to 2 units/mL.51 However, at higher concentrations of ­heparin— and thus an anticoagulated state is achieved.50 Warfarin is man-
whether due to higher doses of heparin or sample collection ufactured as a racemic mixture of (S)- and (R)-enantiomers;
issues—the neutralizing agent may not be enough, and the PT the S-enantiomer is more potent than the R-enantiomer at
may be prolonged. These “crossover” effects may have to be inhibiting VKOR, which is why the S-enantiomer is respon-
considered when oral and parenteral anticoagulants are given sible for the majority of the anticoagulant effects of warfarin.
concomitantly for several days to avoid premature discontinu- The S-enantiomer is metabolized largely by CYP2C9, while the
ation of the parenteral agent. The PT is not as sensitive as the R-enantiomer is metabolized mostly by CYP1A2, and CYP3A4;
aPTT for dabigatran; PT levels may be normal or prolonged at other CYP enzymes also are involved in the metabolism of war-
on-therapy and above on-therapy dabigatran levels, so this is farin although to a lesser extent.
not a useful test for monitoring or measuring dabigatran lev- Current American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based
els.49 In terms of the oral factor Xa inhibitors, the PT is more Clinical Practice Guidelines recommend an INR of 2–3 for most
sensitive to edoxaban and rivaroxaban compared with apixa- indications. A higher INR of 2.5–3.5 is recommended for, but is
ban; a normal or prolonged PT level suggests that rivaroxaban not limited to, patients with mechanical prosthetic heart valves
or edoxaban are at on-therapy or above on-therapy levels. 49 in the mitral position and patients with recurrent thromboem-
However for apixaban, prolonged levels usually indicate on- bolic events.52-56 Results below the therapeutic range indicate
therapy or above on-therapy levels, but a normal PT does not that the patient is at increased risk for clotting, and warfarin
exclude on-therapy levels for apixaban.49 doses may need to be increased. Results above the therapeu-
Because PT results can vary widely depending on the throm- tic range indicate the patient is at risk for bleeding and warfa-
boplastin source, the international normalized ratio (INR) is rin doses may need to be decreased. Numerous drugs, disease
the standardized reporting method for monitoring warfarin states, and other factors prolong the INR in patients receiving
therapy, which is known The INR is calculated according to warfarin by various mechanisms of action (Table 17-8).
the following equation: Pharmacogenomics and oral anticoagulant therapy. Genetic
variability in the genes coding for CYP2C9, VKORC1 (vitamin
INR = (patient PT/mean normal PT)ISI
K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1), CYP4F2, and NQO1
The international sensitivity index (ISI) expresses the sen- can influence warfarin dosing by altering its pharmacokinet-
sitivity of the thromboplastin reagent compared to the World ics and pharmacodynamics.57,58 CYP2C9 and VKORC1 have a
Health Organization reference standard. The more sensitive or larger influence compared to CYP4F2. Specifically, patients with
responsive the reagent, the lower the ISI. Theoretically, an INR CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 variations have a reduced clearance
result from one laboratory should be comparable to an of the (S)-warfarin enantiomer, which results in lower mainte-
INR result from a different laboratory, even though the PTs nance dose requirements of warfarin, increased risk of bleeding,
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  405

TABLE 17-8. Factors Altering Pharmacokinetics and warfarin dose requirements in a population of inner-city, Hispanic
Pharmacodynamics of Warfarin Americans; the genotypic contributions of CYP2C9 and VKORC1
in Hispanic Americans were similar to non-Hispanic Cauca-
ANTICOAGULANT EFFECT ANTICOAGULANT EFFECT sians.58,59 Unlike CYP2C9 polymorphisms, neither VKORC1 nor
CYP4F2 have been associated with increased bleeding risks or
Low vitamin K intake Increased vitamin K intake prolonged time to achieve a stable dose of warfarin.57
Reduced vitamin K absorption Five manufacturers are currently marketing their warfa-
in fat malabsorption rin pharmacogenomics testing devices; each one tests for the
Drug interactions: Drug interactions: CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3, as well as either the VKORC1
Acetaminophen Azathioprine –1639G>A or the VKORC1 1173C>T SNPs.42 The product label-
Amiodarone Barbiturates ing for Coumadin (warfarin) has been updated to include infor-
mation about the potential impact of pharmacogenomics on the
Anabolic steroids Carbamazepine
dosing of this medication as well as a pharmacogenetics dosing
Cimetidine Cholestyramine table, which may help clinicians select an initial dose of warfarin
Clarithromycin Rifampin if genetic information is known, specifically in regard to CYP2C9
Disulfiram Alcohol (chronic consumption) and VKORC1.60 For clinicians who do utilize genetic testing for
Erythromycin Nafcillin their patients on warfarin, they can use either the dosing table
provided in the package insert or a dosing algorithm to estimate
a starting dose for their patient. Algorithms take into account not
only the results of genetic testing, but also other factors such as
Isoniazid age, body size, smoking status, use of other medications like ami-
Metronidazole odarone, other disease states, and vitamin K intake. Subsequent
fluoroquinolones dosing changes should be made based on results of the INR test.
Phenytoin There are several barriers to widespread adoption of phar-
macogenetic testing and dosing: unavailability of testing at
many medical centers, which leads to outsourcing of tests and
Quinidine a long turnaround time for results; lack of reimbursement for
Tamoxifen testing leading to large out-of-pocket expenses for patients;
Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole ­conflicting results from clinical trials; conflicting guidelines
Heart failure exacerbation regarding genetic testing by professional organizations; and a lack
Liver disease
of clinician acceptance and knowledge of interpreting and apply-
ing test results. Clinical studies have provided mixed results when
comparing genotype-guided dosing to conventional dosing. The
Thyrotoxicosis COAG study showed no differences in percentage of time in
Alcohol (acute consumption or binge therapeutic range (TTR) at four weeks when genotype infor-
drinking) mation was available to assist in dosing versus clinically guided
Source: See reference 50. dosing algorithms.61 However, the EU-PACT study showed a
significantly higher percentage of TTR with genotype-guided
and a possible longer time to achieve a stable dosing regimen.57 dosing compared to usual care.62 A meta-analysis showed that
Two main haplotypes of VKORC1, low-dose haplotype group A, genotype-guided dosing did not show improvements in % TTR,
seen predominantly in Asian patients, and high-dose haplotype supratherapeutic INRs, rates of major or minor bleeding, rates of
group B, seen predominantly in African-American patients, con- thromboembolism, or all-cause mortality in the first month of
tribute to the interindividual variability of warfarin dosing. The warfarin therapy. After one month, there were improvements in
specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved are the %TTR and incidence of major bleeding with genotype-guided
-1639G>A and 1173C>T. Patients with the AA genotype (pre- dosing.63 The ongoing GIFT study is looking at possible differ-
dominately Asians) require lower doses of warfarin compared to ences in clinical outcomes (thrombotic events, major bleeding
Caucasians, while patients with the GG genotype (predominantly events) instead of a surrogate marker such as %TTR.64
African Americans) require higher doses compared to Cauca- The 9th edition of the American College of Chest Physicians
sians.57 The CYP4F2 enzyme normally plays a role in the conver- ­Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines recommends against
sion of vitamin K to vitamin KH2, which is needed to carboxylate the routine use of pharmacogenetic testing when initiating a
the clotting factor precursors; patients with a polymorphism in patient on warfarin.53 However, the Clinical Pharmacogenetics
the 433Met allele of the CYP4F2 gene will have greater vitamin Implementation Consortium Guidelines do recommend using
K availability leading to higher warfarin dose requirements.57 available genotypic information to aid in warfarin dosing.65
The Hispanic population has been largely underrepresented in Genetic testing, if utilized, should be used along with patient char-
warfarin pharmacogenomic studies. Smaller studies have shown acteristics, clinical considerations, and continued INR monitoring
that CYP4F2 and NQO1 genotypes significantly contributed to for optimal outcomes associated with warfarin use.

Although genetic variants have not been well studied regard- 2. Deficiency of fibrinogen or factor II, V, or X (PT also
ing the DOACs, there are some potential genes that may influ- is prolonged)
ence a patient’s response to these medications. The CYP enzymes It should be noted that aPTT reagents may respond differ-
are not important to the metabolism of dabigatran, although ently if a patient has a single factor deficiency versus a multiple
the CYP 3A4/5 and CYP2J2 do play a role in the metabolism factor deficiency; patients with single factor deficiency have a
of rivaroxaban and may serve as a cause of genetic variability in more predictable aPTT prolongation compared to patients with
patients using rivaroxaban; both dabigatran and rivaroxaban are multiple factor deficiencies.68
P-glycoprotein substrates, which is encoded by the ABCB1 gene • Acquired Causes
where several SNPs have been identified.56 A subset of patients 1. Lupus anticoagulant (PT usually normal)
enrolled in the RE-LY trial underwent genotype testing with 2. Heparin (PT less affected than aPTT; PT may be
results showing that SNPs on the CESI and ABCB1 genes were normal)
associated with bleeding; further studies are needed to determine 3. Bivalirudin, or argatroban (PT usually also prolonged)
if these SNPs are associated with ischemic events.66 Edoxaban 4. Dabigatran (less accurate at higher dabigatran
was shown to have little interpatient variability due to genetic concentrations)
variations in the factor X gene.67 Further studies are needed to 5. Liver dysfunction (PT affected earlier and more
elucidate potential genetic influences in the dosing of DOACs. than aPTT)
6. Vitamin K deficiency (PT affected earlier and more
than aPTT)
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time 7. Warfarin (PT affected earlier and more than aPTT)
Normal range: varies by manufacturer, generally between 8. DIC (PT affected earlier and more than aPTT)
25–35 sec; therapeutic range for heparin-treated patients is 9. Specific factor inhibitors (PT normal except in the
1.5–2.5 times control aPTT rare case of an inhibitor against fibrinogen, factor
The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is used to II, V, or X)
screen for deficiencies and inhibitors of the intrinsic pathway 10. Decreased nutritional intake; malabsorption
(factors VIII, IX, XI, and XII) as well as factors in the final com- 11. Myeloproliferative disease
mon pathway (factors II, V, and X). The aPTT also is commonly Use of aPTT to monitor heparin. Although used to detect
used as a surrogate assay to monitor UFH and DTIs. The aPTT, clotting factor deficiencies, the aPTT is used primarily for moni-
reported as a clotting time in seconds, is determined by adding toring therapeutic heparin therapy and is emerging as a potential
an aPTT reagent, containing phospholipids and activators, and way to qualitatively monitor dabigatran therapy. The generally
calcium to the patient’s blood sample. accepted therapeutic range of heparin is an aPTT ratio of 1.5–2.5
Factor and heparin sensitivity as well as the precision of the times control, although this has not been confirmed by random-
aPTT test depend both on the reagents and instrumentation. In ized trials.69 Given the interpatient and intrapatient variability
addition, some aPTT reagents are formulated for increased sen- that can result from aPTT reagents, alternative means of moni-
sitivity to lupus anticoagulants. Despite numerous attempts to toring heparin therapy are being scrutinized. This 1.5–2.5 aPTT
standardize the aPTT, very little progress has been made. The dif- ratio corresponds to the following69:
ficulty in part may reflect differences in opinion as to the appro- • A plasma heparin concentration of 0.2–0.4 units/mL by
priate heparin sensitivity, the need to have lupus anticoagulant assay using the protamine titration method
sensitivity for targeted patient populations, and suitable fac- • A plasma heparin concentration of 0.3–0.7 units/mL by
tor sensitivity to identify deficiencies associated with increased assay using the inhibition of factor Xa
bleeding risk. Normal and therapeutic ranges must be established UFH should be given by continuous IV infusion or
for each reagent instrument combination, and ranges should be ­subcutaneous injection, with exact dosing dependent on
verified with changes in lots of the same reagent. Laboratory the ­indication. The aPTT should be drawn at baseline, four
errors may cause either prolongation or shortening of the aPTT; to six hours after continuous IV heparin is begun, and four to
these may include an inappropriate amount and concentration six hours after each subsequent dosage adjustment, because
of anticoagulant in the collection tube, time between collection this interval approximates the time to achieve steady-state
of the blood specimen and performance of the assay, inappropri- ­levels of heparin. Institutions may have their own specific
ate collection site (i.e., through a venous catheter, which contains heparin dosing nomogram or base their nomogram off one
heparin), and inappropriate timing of blood collection.51 used in clinical studies; using a nomogram also allows quick
Causes of aPTT prolongation. In addition to reagent spe- fine-tuning of anticoagulation by nurses without continuous
cific issues impacting on aPTT responsiveness, hereditary dis- physician input.
eases, or other acquired causes may prolong aPTT test results. aPTT determinations obtained earlier than six hours, when
Causes of aPTT prolongation include the following: a steady-state concentration of heparin has not been achieved,
• Hereditary Causes may be combined with heparin concentrations for dosage
1. Deficiency of factor VIII, IX, XI, XII, prekallikrein, individualization using non-steady-state concentrations. This
or high-molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) (PT approach has been demonstrated to reduce the incidence
is normal) of subtherapeutic aPTT ratios significantly during the first
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  407

24 hours of therapy.70,71 This finding is important because the some evidence that patients with decreased aPTT levels are
recurrence rate of thromboembolic disease increased when hypercoagulable.77 There is no definitive answer whether a short-
aPTT values were not maintained above 1.5 times the patient’s ened aPTT is a cause, consequence, or just an association with
baseline aPTT during the first 24 hours of treatment.72,73 these other conditions. To rule out whether a shortened aPTT is
Heparin concentration measurements may provide a target due to a laboratory error, such as inappropriate specimen collec-
plasma therapeutic range, especially in unusual coagulation sit- tion, a repeat collection and repeat testing should be performed.
uations such as pregnancy, where the reliability of clotting stud- Heparin alone has minimal anticoagulant effects; when it is
ies is questionable. In this setting, shorter than expected aPTT combined with AT (normal range: 80–120%), the inhibitory
results in relation to heparin concentration measurements may action of AT on coagulation enzymes is magnified 1000-fold
be indicative of increased circulating levels of factor VIII and resulting in the inhibition of thrombus propagation. Patients
increased fibrinogen levels.74 Patients may have therapeutic who are AT deficient (<50%) may be difficult to anticoagu-
heparin concentrations measured by whole blood protamine late, as seen with DIC (Minicase 2). The DIC syndrome is
sulfate titration or by the plasma anti-Xa heparin assay. How-
ever, they may have aPTTs not significantly prolonged above
baseline. This difference has been referred to as a dissociation
between the aPTT and the heparin concentration.75 Many of MINICASE 2
these patients have very short pretreatment aPTT values.
Current recommendations for patients with decreased aPTT A Case of DIC
results on heparin are that such patients be managed by moni-
toring heparin concentrations using a heparin assay to avoid Teresa G., a 36-year-old female in her third trimester of preg-
unnecessary dosage escalation without compromising efficacy. nancy, is hospitalized with clinical suspicion of DIC because
These patients, referred to as pseudoheparin resistant, may be of acute onset of respiratory failure, circulatory collapse, and
identified as having a poor aPTT response (to an adequate hep- shock. The following laboratory values for her are obtained:
arin concentration >0.3 units/mL via plasma anti-Xa assay) LABORATORY PATIENT
despite high doses of heparin (>50,000 units/24 hr; usual dose RESULTS NORMAL RESULTS RESULTS
is 20,000–30,000 units/24 hr). When higher doses of heparin PT 10–13 sec 16 sec
(>1500 units/hr) are required to maintain therapeutic aPTT
aPTT 25–35 sec 59 sec
values, high concentrations of heparin-binding protein or
phase reactant proteins bind and neutralize heparin. Addition- TT 25–35 sec 36 sec
ally, thrombocytosis, or AT deficiency may exist. Hgb 12.3–15.3 g/dL 9.8 g/dL
Another use for heparin concentrations is to demonstrate both Hct 36–45% 27.7%
efficacy and safety with LMWH, which have several indications. Platelet count 150,000–450,000/µL 64,000/µL
However, clinically, the anti-factor Xa levels are more routinely
MPV 7–11 fL 17 fL
used for this class of medications. LMWH has a pharmacoki-
FDP (latex) <10 mcg/mL 120 mcg/mL
netic and pharmacodynamic profile, which makes routine moni-
toring unnecessary in most circumstances. Exceptions include AT 80–120% 57%
special populations, such as those patients with renal failure or D-dimer <200 ng/mL 2040 ng/mL
severe obesity who are at risk of being overdosed when weight-
adjusted regimens are used. Both PT and aPTT times are not
significantly prolonged at recommended doses of LMWHs.89,109 QUESTION: What laboratory tests are used to determine if a
patient is experiencing DIC? What are the expected laboratory
However, both efficacy and safety can be demonstrated by assay-
results for these tests?
ing anti-factor Xa levels. This assay is recommended to be drawn
four hours after administration of a therapeutic weight-adjusted DISCUSSION: Laboratory findings of DIC may be highly vari-
dose of LMWH, when anti-factor Xa activity has peaked. An able, complex, and difficult to interpret. Both PT and aPTT
effective plasma concentration range is approximately 0.5–1.1 should be prolonged (and they are prolonged in this patient),
plasma anti-Xa units/mL for twice-daily subcutaneous dosing but this may not always occur. Because of this, the usefulness
of both PT and aPTT determinations may be helpful in making
of LMWH. The effective plasma concentration for once daily
the diagnosis. TT is prolonged as expected. The platelet count
dosing of LMWH is less certain but has been recommended to
is typically and dramatically decreased. Her MPV is inversely
be approximately 1–2 plasma anti-Xa units/mL. related to her decreased platelet count as expected, suggesting a
Decreased aPTT levels. Although most attention has been hyperdestructive phenomenon versus a hypoproliferative state.
focused on causes of prolonged aPTT levels, there is growing Although FDPs are elevated, this rise is not solely pathogno-
evidence of adverse events associated with decreased aPTT lev- monic for DIC. Increased D-dimer levels are strongly suggestive
els, including VTE, MI, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, spontaneous of DIC. AT determination reveals a considerable decrease consis-
abortion, and death.76 Clotting factors of the intrinsic pathway tent with DIC. Decreased AT is useful and reliable for diagnosis
as well as vWF levels and activity have been elevated in some of DIC in the absence of D-dimer testing ability.
patients presenting with decreased aPTT levels, which provides

associated not only with obvious hemorrhage but also with Anti-Xa
occult diffuse thrombosis.  ormal range: varies based on specific anticoagulant used for
Oral anticoagulant effect on aPTT. Although warfarin mildly treatment of existing VTE
elevates the aPTT, aPTT is not used to monitor warfarin therapy. • Heparin: 0.3–0.7 IU/mL
Therefore, if warfarin is started in a patient receiving heparin, • LMWH: 0.5–1 IU/mL (twice daily dosing); 1–2 IU/mL
the clinician should expect some elevation in aPTT. On-therapy (once daily dosing)
or above on-therapy levels of dabigatran can prolong the aPTT, • Fondaparinux, rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban: not
but a normal aPTT does not exclude on-therapy or below on- established
therapy levels; thus the aPTT provides qualitative information The anti-Xa level may be used to monitor LMWH when given
about dabigatran but not quantitative information.49,68 The aPTT in therapeutic doses; however, routine monitoring is not usually
is even less sensitive than the PT for the oral factor Xa Inhibi- done because LMWH has a more predictable dose-response
tors and thus cannot be recommended for either qualitative or relationship than UFH. Monitoring anti-Xa levels can be con-
quantitative assessment for these agents; on-therapy levels of sidered in patients with poor renal function, pregnant patients,
these medications cannot be excluded with a normal aPTT.49 neonates and infants, patients with cirrhosis, and patients with
Activated Clotting Time extremes in body weight.69,81 Levels should be drawn four hours
Normal range: 70–180 sec but varies after the LMWH injection, otherwise subtherapeutic or supra-
Activated clotting time (ACT), also known as activated coag- therapeutic levels may occur. The anti-Xa level may be used to
ulation time, is frequently used to monitor heparin or DTIs measure on-therapy and above on-therapy levels for rivaroxa-
when very high doses are required, such as during invasive ban, apixaban, and edoxaban, but dabigatran has no effect on
procedures like cardiopulmonary bypass graft surgery, percu- anti-Xa levels.49,82 When ordering an anti-Xa test, it is impera-
taneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, PCI extracorporeal tive that the correct calibrator is used to ensure correct results;
membrane oxygenation, valve replacements, or carotid endar- for example, the LMWH calibrator cannot be used to measure
terectomy. The ACT also can be used to monitor heparin neu- anti-Xa activity of fondaparinux. Most laboratories at this time
tralization following protamine administration during these do not have specific calibrators for the oral factor Xa inhibitors,
types of surgeries, although a return to baseline ACT does not which limit the usefulness of this test.49,68 (Minicase 3.)
indicate full neutralization.78 In most cases, an ACT is obtained Fibrinogen Assay
from a point-of-care machine using whole blood; thus, it may Normal range: 200–400 mg/dL (5.8–11.8 mmol/L)
be run directly in the operating room as well as at the bedside Although the PT and aPTT are used to screen for deficiencies
when a rapid heparinization is required (e.g., hemodialysis in the intrinsic, extrinsic, and common pathways, the fibrinogen
unit, operating room, and cardiac catheterization laboratories). assay is most commonly used to assess fibrinogen concentration.
ACT responsiveness remains linear in proportion to an Fibrinogen assays are performed by adding a known amount of
increasing dose of heparin, whereas the aPTT has a log-linear thrombin to a dilution of patient plasma. The fibrinogen concen-
relationship to heparin concentration. Corresponding ACT tration is determined by extrapolating the patient’s clotting time
values up to 400 seconds demonstrate this dose-response rela- to a standard curve. Elevated fibrinogen levels may be related to
tionship, but ACT lacks reproducibility for values in excess of pregnancy or acute phase reactions, and may be associated with an
600 seconds as well as low concentrations of heparin. ACT test increased risk of cardiovascular disease.83 Decreased fibrinogen is
results can be influenced by the following factors79: associated with DIC and hepatic cirrhosis; PT and aPTT levels also
• Testing device
may be increased due to decreased fibrinogen levels, and patients
• Testing technique
may have symptomatic bleeding. Additionally, supratherapeu-
• Sample temperature
tic heparin concentrations >1 unit/mL may result in falsely low
• Hemodilution
fibrinogen concentration m ­ easurements. TT(discussed below)
• Platelet count and function
is the most sensitive test for fibrinogen deficiency, and it is pro-
• Factor deficiencies
longed when fibrinogen c­ oncentrations <100 mg/dL. However, the
• Hypothermia
actual fibrinogen concentration occasionally must be determined.
• Lupus anticoagulants
Fibrinogen levels are usually drawn as part of a DIC panel, when
There is a wide correlation when comparing results of the further exploring the reasons for an elevated PT or aPTT level, or
aPTT and ACT, which suggests that these tests are not equiva- to further evaluate unexplained bleeding in a patient.
lent and may result in dissimilar clinical decisions.80 Given the
lack of advantages over aPTT monitoring of heparin for treat- Thrombin Time
ment of VTE, the ACT is not recommended for use in this set-  ormal range: 17–25 sec but varies according to thrombin
ting. The main indication to use the ACT over the aPTT is for a concentration and reaction conditions
patient receiving high dose heparin or DTIs. The DOACs will The thrombin time (TT), also known as thrombin clotting time,
prolong the ACT, but reproducibility is poor for the factor Xa measures the time required for a plasma sample to clot after the
inhibitors, and sensitivity is low for dabigatran; thus, this test is addition of bovine or human thrombin and is compared to that
not recommended for qualitative or quantitative measurements of a normal plasma control. Deficiencies in both the intrinsic
of these agents.68 and extrinsic systems do not affect TT, which assesses only the
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  409


A Patient on Anticoagulants to see if her dose is correct. No significant effects were seen on any
of her other laboratory results, which is consistent with LMWH.
Emily F., a 46-year-old female with type 2 diabetes mellitus and Once warfarin therapy is initiated, either this same day or the next
hypertension, presents to the emergency department with signs day, INR should be followed, with the desired endpoint of war-
and symptoms of a new PE. One dose of weight-based LMWH is farin therapy being an INR of 2–3. She can be reassessed after
given. She weighs 45 kg and is 63 inches tall with normal renal a minimum of three months of warfarin therapy to see if further
function. She has the following laboratory determinations per- treatment is warranted. She can stop therapy and have a hyper-
formed four hours after initiation of LMWH: coagulable panel assessed a few weeks later along with a D-dimer
PRETREATMENT POST- test to help decide her future anticoagulation needs.
RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS QUESTION: Six months later, she presents for a routine follow up
of her INR. D-dimer testing reveals that she is at risk for a recur-
PT (sec) 10–13 10.5 12.9 rent event, and the decision is made to stay on warfarin therapy.
INR 0.9–1.1 1 1.2 She has not had many issues while on warfarin, and her INR has
anti-Xa 0.3–0.7 0.5 0.9 remained fairly stable. However, today she states she has a new
(units/mL) job that requires a lot of travel, so frequent visits to the antico-
Protein C (%) 70–140 62 59
agulation clinic will be difficult. What are her options for future
DISCUSSION: One of the drawbacks to warfarin therapy is the
QUESTION: What might account for this patient’s decreased need for frequent INR monitoring to ensure safety and efficacy
­protein C activity? Why was the anti-Xa level drawn? What anti- of the medication. She may be able to transition to patient self
coagulation strategies are potential options for her? monitoring or patient self-testing depending on if an INR meter will
DISCUSSION: She was started on a LMWH with plans to con- be covered by her insurance, whether she is capable of performing
vert to warfarin, per the institution’s protocol. Protein C activity and assessing the test on her own and whether her anticoagulation
is decreased due to the acute thrombotic state so this should not clinic is able to fully support this type of management. Another
infer that she has one or more of the hypercoagulable disorders. option would be to transition to one of the DOACs if this is covered
This type of test should not be done in the time period surrounding by her insurance and she does not have any contraindications to
an acute event or during anticoagulant therapy as both instances this type of medication. This would mean she would not have to
can result in a false positive result. watch her dietary consumption of vitamin K as much, nor would
she have to come in for routine monitoring. She should be coun-
Anti-Xa levels are not routinely drawn in most patients, but she seled, however, that there is not an antidote currently available for
falls into the lower extreme of body weight, so it may be prudent most of the DOACs as there is with warfarin.

final phase of the common pathway or essentially the ability to Ecarin Clotting Time
convert fibrinogen to fibrin. The ecarin clotting time (ECT) test is a specific assay for throm-
Prolongation of TT may be caused by hypofibrinogenemia, bin generation. It is used to monitor parenteral DTIs and has
dysfibrinogenemia, heparin, DTIs, or the presence of FDPs.6 been postulated as a way to monitor oral DTIs like dabigatran
The TT is ultrasensitive to heparin and dabigatran; therefore, it (Table 17-9). Ecarin is added to plasma which cleaves prothrom-
only is useful to show whether or not these drugs are present in bin to meizothrombin, a serine protease similar to thrombin. DTIs
the blood sample—not as a monitoring test or to quantify drug inhibit meizothrombin so the ECT can quantify the amount of
levels. With thrombolytic therapy, laboratory monitoring may DTI in the body by measuring the time for meizothrombin to
not prevent bleeding or ensure thrombolysis. However, some convert fibrinogen into fibrin. Thus, a longer ECT corresponds to
clinicians recommend measuring TT, fibrinogen, plasmino- larger drug concentrations. ECT is not affected by other anticoagu-
gen activation, or FDPs to document that a lytic state has been lants such as warfarin, heparin, or factor Xa inhibitors. The ECT is
achieved. Typically, TT is >120 seconds four to six hours after not routinely used to monitor dabigatran as this test it is not widely
“adequate” thrombolytic therapy. available and the test has not been standardized or validated.48,49
The dilute thrombin time (dTT) is a test that compensates for
the extreme sensitivity of the TT to heparin and dabigatran by Clot Degradation Tests
diluting the patient’s blood sample with normal plasma. There Clot degradation tests are useful in assessing the process of fibri-
is a commercially available dTT (HEMOCLOT), but overall the nolysis. These tests include FDPs and D-dimer, which can be
dTT is not widely available in most laboratory tests. Neither used in the diagnosis of DIC or thrombosis and in monitoring
the TT nor dTT is a useful monitoring test for rivaroxaban, the safety and efficacy of thrombolytic therapy. Thrombolytics
apixaban, or edoxaban. (e.g., alteplase, reteplase, and tenecteplase) are exogenous agents

TABLE 17-9. Summary of Interpreting Laboratory Tests with DOACs


DTIs aPTT: prolonged ECT: not widely available, not PT: normal to prolonged
(dabigatran) standardized
TT: prolonged Anti-Xa: no effect
Factor Xa inhibitors PT: normal to prolonged (more sensitive Anti-Xa: no currently available aPTT: normal to prolonged
(apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban) for edoxaban and rivaroxaban) standardized ranges
TT: no effect

ECT: no effect
aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time; DTIs = direct thrombin inhibitors; ECT = ecarin clotting time; PT = prothrombin time; TT = thrombin time.

that lyse clots already formed. They are used in the treatment of fibrinogen also increases FDPs. This increase can be observed
acute cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), myocardial infarction, with DIC or thrombolytic drugs. FDPs can be monitored dur-
VTE, and peripheral arterial occlusion. The mechanism by which ing thrombolytic therapy, but they may not be predictive of
they activate fibrinolysis can variably impact circulating proteins clot lysis. False-positive reactions may occur in healthy women
(hence, the necessity for close monitoring to minimize bleeding immediately before and during menstruation and in patients
complications and ensure efficacy). Numerous laboratory param- with advanced cirrhosis or metastatic cancer.
eters have been evaluated for this purpose, including PT, aPTT, D-Dimer
BT, fibrinogen, FDPs, and D-dimer. These laboratory parameters
are discussed throughout this chapter and in Minicase 4.  ormal range: <0.5 mcg/mL (<3 nmol/L) but varies with
­specific assay
Fibrin Degradation Products D-dimer is a marker of thrombotic activity and is formed
Normal range: <10 mcg/mL or <10 mg/L but varies with assay when thrombin initiates the transition of fibrinogen to fibrin
Excessive activation of thrombin leads to overactivation of the and activates factor XIII to cross link the fibrin formed; when
fibrinolytic system and increased production of fibrin degra- plasmin digests the cross-linked fibrin, d-dimer is formed. The
dation products (FDPs). Excessive degradation of fibrin and D-dimer test is specific for fibrin, whereas the formation of


A Patient on Thrombolytic Therapy QUESTION: What might explain the elevated FDP? What accounts
for the fall in the plasminogen level on completion of the lytic ther-
Alfred F., a 44-year-old male, has clinical signs and symptoms apy? Finally, why is the D-dimer concentration not elevated in pro-
and electrocardiogram findings consistent with acute anterior- portion to the greatly elevated FDP concentration?
wall myocardial infarction requiring PCI. However, he presents to DISCUSSION: The elevated post-therapy PT and aPTT are con-
a hospital without PCI capabilities. He receives reteplase between sistent with heparin therapy after receiving reteplase. The FDP
the transit time to the nearest hospital with PCI capability over two concentration is elevated because reteplase resulted in fibrinoge-
hours. Subsequently, he is started on a heparin infusion. The fol- nolysis. Many FDPs are generated in this setting. By the nature
lowing pretherapy and posttherapy coagulation laboratory results of thrombolytic therapy, plasminogen is converted to plasmin,
are obtained: accounting for the decline in the plasminogen percentage.
LABORATORY NORMAL POST- Because thrombolytic therapy was unsuccessful in full clot lysis
STUDY RESULTS PRETHERAPY THERAPY (with predominate fibrinogenolysis), the D-dimer concentration is
not greatly elevated. For this assay to have been more elevated,
PT 10–13 sec 12.2 sec 17 sec
degradation products arising from cross-linked fibrin (fibrinolysis)
aPTT 25–35 sec 35 sec 69 sec would have had to be present. Fibrinogen concentrations should
Fibrinogen 200–400 300 ng/mL 22 ng/mL be followed periodically in patients receiving thrombolytic agents.
DIAGNOSTIC FOLLOW-UP: If TT, PT, or aPTT is prolonged and if
FDP (latex) <10 mcg/ <10 mcg/mL >160 mcg/
mL mL
circulating inhibitors or bleeding disorders are suspected, further tests
are usually performed. These may include assays for specific clot-
D-dimer <0.5 mcg/ <0.5 mcg/mL <0.6 mcg/ ting factors to determine if a specific deficiency exists. For example,
mL mL
hemophilia or autoimmune diseases may be associated with inhibitors
Plasminogen 80–120% 70% 22% such as anti-factor VIII and the lupus anticoagulant.
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  411




X Xa

+ VII P.F. 1+2



FIGURE 17-6. Formation of D-dimers in disseminated intravascular coagulation triggered by amniotic fluid embolism. Source:
Reprinted from Bick RL. Disseminated intravascular coagulation: objective criteria for clinical and laboratory diagnosis and
assessment of therapeutic response. Semin Thromb Hemost. 1996; 22:69-88. Copyright © 1996. SAGE Publications, Inc.

FDPs (discussed previously) may be either fibrinogen or fibrin DIC based on clinical and laboratory data have been devel-
derived following plasmin digestion (Figure 17-6). oped, which include specific laboratory measurements such
The D-dimer is often used to help diagnose or rule out as platelet counts, PT, fibrinogen, and FDPs.91 The clinical and
thrombosis in the initial assessment of a patient suspected of laboratory results are given specific scores, and when added
having acute thromboembolism; results are typically elevated up, indicate whether a patient is likely to have DIC. Although
if a patient is positive for VTE. However, D-dimer is a sensitive a D-dimer test is not specifically mentioned in some scoring
but nonspecific marker for VTE because other causes such as systems, it is often used as a fibrin degradation marker, and it
malignancy, DIC, infection, inflammation, and pregnancy also is a simple and quick test to perform. Table 17-10 provides a
can elevate the D-dimer levels. Thus, a positive result does not
necessarily confirm a diagnosis of VTE, but a negative result TABLE 17-10. Laboratory Differential Diagnosis of DIC
can help rule out VTE. Clinical correlation is essential, and
further diagnostic workup is warranted with a positive test MONITORING PRIMARY LIVER
result to rule out other disorders as causes for abnormal lev- PARAMETER DIC FIBRINOLYSIS TTP DISEASE
els. The 9th edition of the American College of Chest Physicians FDP ↑ ↑ WNL to ↑ WNL to ↑
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines recommends that
D-dimer ↑ ↑ WNL WNL
a D-dimer test may be used as one possible diagnostic aid in
patients with low or moderate probability for first-event VTE.85 PT ↑ ↑ WNL ↑
In addition to diagnose or rule out VTE, D-dimer has been aPTT ↑ ↑ WNL WNL to ↑
used for its predictive value for recurrent thromboembolism in Fibrinogen ↓ ↓ WNL Variable
patients treated for first event idiopathic VTE. Studies have shown Platelet count ↓ WNL WNL to ↓ ↓
that patients with normal levels of D-dimer after treatment for first
event idiopathic VTE have a low risk for VTE recurrence, whereas
elevated levels of D-dimer are predictive of VTE recurrence.86-90
Thus, in patients with elevated levels of D-dimer, an extended ↓ = decreased; ↑ = increased; aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin
time; BUN = blood urea nitrogen; DIC = disseminated intravascular
duration of anticoagulation therapy could be considered.
coagulation; FDP = fibrin degradation product; LFTs = liver function
D-dimer is also a common test used as an aid to diagnose tests; PT = prothrombin time; TTP = thrombotic thrombocytopenic
and evaluate patients with DIC. Several scoring systems for purpura; WNL = within normal limits.

list of the laboratory parameters, including the D-dimer, used testing may be critical to the selection of certain therapies for
to diagnose DIC. (Minicases 3 and 4.) target patient populations, particularly when these drugs have
a long half-life or cannot be completely reversed. Concomitant
Near-Patient or Point-of-Care Testing therapy is being used increasingly in cardiac patients, especially
Devices during cardiac intervention; thus, the potential for thrombotic
Several point-of-care testing devices are available for different or hemorrhagic problems may be increased without the ability
coagulation tests, such as PT/INR, ACT, D-dimer, and plate- to rapidly confirm coagulation status, both at the initiation of
let function tests. By design, point-of-care coagulation testing therapy and at the conclusion of a procedure.
methods are easy to use by multiple healthcare professionals, In outpatient settings, point-of-care testing may not only
adaptable to a number of patient care environments, require be clinically beneficial, but it is also more cost effective and
minimal to no sample processing, and are an extension of convenient than central laboratory testing, particularly in oral
central laboratory testing when rapid turnaround is required. anticoagulation clinics and home healthcare settings. Patients
Like central laboratory testing, none of the PT, aPTT, and ACT can be informed of their INR results and subsequent dosing
methods are standardized and users are required to verify per- instructions within minutes, which is an obvious time-saving
formance characteristics for normal and therapeutic ranges. In element. Certain patient variables may limit the accuracy of
addition, users should have an understanding of the potential results obtained from the currently available point-of-care
limitations due to sample type, sample stability, and volume. devices for INR monitoring. These include concurrent use of
Although some instruments perform only one assay, a num- LMWH or UFH, presence of antiphospholipid antibodies, and
ber of devices are capable of performing multiple tests. These Hct levels above or below device-specific boundaries.
devices typically are used in hospital settings and may be more Patient self-testing (PST) and patient self-management (PSM)
cost effective than single assay platforms because hospitals can for INR are options for properly selected and trained patients
standardize all point-of-care coagulation testing using one sys- on long-term warfarin therapy. PST is when a patient tests their
tem. Generally, point-of-care testing is not as precise as a fully own INR but relies on a clinician for interpretation of results
automated central laboratory system that requires minimal and any modifications to the current regimen. PSM is when the
user intervention, although in most cases the imprecision is patients test their own INR and adjust their own therapy, usually
an acceptable compromise for rapid turnaround. based off an algorithm, which offers more patient autonomy and
Clinicians should have quality control measures in place to control over their own dosages. Studies have shown that PST
ensure the reliability of results; this includes ensuring that the test- and PSM, when compared with standard care, had a reduced or
ing device and components are properly working, personnel oper- comparable risk of thromboembolism or death and comparable
ating the device have adequate training, and results obtained via rates of major bleeding.92-95 Improvements in patient satisfaction
point-of-care testing are verified to be similar to those obtained and quality of life were seen in studies comparing PST/PSM to
via traditional venipuncture and analyzed in a laboratory.78 Point- usual care as well.93,96 Although there are benefits to a PST/PSM
of-care testing uses whole blood, a sample that may be more phys- model of care, including increased convenience to the patient,
iologically relevant and result in a more accurate assessment of there also are issues that limit the widespread use of PST and
true coagulation potential. Many of these devices have some type PSM in the United States. These include reimbursement from
of data management system that can interface with the health sys- insurance companies, lack of large scale randomized trials uti-
tem’s information system. The more advanced systems can restrict lizing a U.S. population, low levels of awareness or understand-
operator access, store specific information, manage quality con- ing among healthcare practitioners and patients about these
trol functions, and flag out-of-range results. These systems are options, and inability to operate the testing device.97,98 Addi-
usually reliable, but system performance and accuracy of results tionally, the cost-effectiveness of PST/PSM is not well defined.
are reliant on routine maintenance and adherence to manufactur- Higher costs are associated with the cost of the test strip as well
ers’ guidelines on test procedures and operational environment. as increased testing frequency, but this may be offset by the con-
A quality assurance program that utilizes recommended quality venience of PST/PSM, especially for patients who live far away
control materials and troubleshooting measures is essential to all from testing facilities, those who have difficulty with scheduled
clinical programs using point-of-care devices. appointments, or those who frequently travel.53,97 Appropriate
Point-of-care coagulation testing offers specific clinical advan- patient selection is essential for PST/PSM to be effective; ideal
tages, especially when used to monitor antithrombotic therapy patient candidates or their caregivers should have manual dex-
because test results can be combined with clinical presentation terity, visual acuity, mental ability to perform the test, confi-
to make more timely decisions regarding therapeutic interven- dence and ability to responsibly participate in self-care, and the
tion. This is especially significant in emergency departments, ability to complete a structured training course.97
cardiac catheterization laboratories, surgical settings, and criti-
cal care units where immediate turnaround time is essential to SUMMARY
patient care decisions. With newer antithrombotic options, these
technologies will become increasingly relevant and may aid in Many factors contribute to normal hemostasis, including inter-
making decisions for major bleeding events and prior to emer- actions among vascular subendothelium, platelets, coagulation
gent surgery. Although many of the newer drugs do not require factors, natural anticoagulant proteins C and S, and substances
routine monitoring, the availability of rapid interventional that promote clot degradation such as tPA. In the clinical setting,
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  413

the impact of these and other considerations must be evaluated. the medication is present in the body or not, while other
Disorders of platelets or clotting factors can result in bleeding, tests are better suited for quantitative measurements,
which may necessitate the monitoring of specific clotting tests. which show actual levels of medication in the body. Some
Coagulation tests such as aPTT, ACT, and PT/INR are used of these tests are widely available, while others are not
to monitor heparin and warfarin therapies. The introduction of commonly available or results may not be available in a
DOACs into clinical practice may see new standards for monitor- timely manner. Qualitative measurements of dabigatran
ing in the future as more data are collected about these agents. In can be done through the aPTT, while quantitative mea-
general, coagulation tests are used for patients receiving antico- surements of dabigatran can be done with either the dTT
agulants, thrombolytics, and antiplatelet agents. The availability of or the ECT. Qualitative information for the oral factor Xa
rapid diagnostic tests to manage LMWH, DTIs, and platelet inhib- inhibitors can be measured using the PT, while anti-Xa
itor drugs may influence the selection of these newer therapies. levels can be used for quantitative information.
Other indications for routine use of these tests include primary
coagulopathies and monitoring of drugs that may cause bleed-
ing abnormalities. Finally, other available tests (e.g., D-dimer and REFERENCES
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QUICKVIEW | Platelet Count

Common reference ranges
Adults 150,000–450,000/µL (150–450 × 109/L)
Critical value >800,000 or <20,000 µL (>800 × 109/L
or <20 × 109/L)
Inherent activity? Determines the number or concentration of
platelets in a blood sample
Production Bone marrow Also can be produced by lungs and other tissues
Storage Not stored 2
⁄3 found in circulation, 1⁄3 found in spleen
Secretion/excretion Destroyed by spleen, liver, bone marrow
Causes of abnormal values
High Acute hemorrhage

Iron deficiency anemia

Diseases: splenectomy, rheumatoid arthritis, occult

malignancy, myeloproliferative neoplasms
Low Hypersplenism

Severe B12, folate deficiency

Diseases: TTP, ITP, DIC, aplastic anemia, Table 17-3

myelodysplasia, leukemia

Signs and symptoms
High Thrombosis: CVA, DVT, PE, portal vein thrombosis
Low Bleeding: mucosal, cutaneous CNS bleeding (i.e., intracranial hemorrhage) is the
most common cause of death in patients with
severe thrombocytopenia
After event, time to…
Initial elevation Days to weeks
Peak values Days to weeks
Normalization Weeks to months
Causes of spurious results Values outside 50,000–500,000/µL Need to review the peripheral blood smear to
(50 × 109/L–500 × 109/L) confirm automated platelet counts in these
Hct <20 or >50%
CNS = central nervous system; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; DVT = deep vein thrombosis;
Hct = hematocrit; ITP = idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; PE = pulmonary embolism; TTP = thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  417


Common reference ranges
Adults PT 10–13 sec INR therapeutic ranges will vary if patient is on
INR 0.8–1.1 warfarin and depending on indication for warfarin;
usual therapeutic ranges are either 2–3 or 2.5–3.5
Pediatrics PT <16 sec PT levels in the newborn are generally prolonged
compared to adults; however, by 6 mo of age, levels
are comparable to adults
Critical value PT >15 sec Unless on warfarin

INR—depends on indication, but >5 is commonly

used as a critical value
Inherent activity Indirect measure of coagulation factors, particularly
factor VII, which has the shortest half-life and thus is
affected the most rapidly by warfarin
Production Coagulation factors produced in liver
Storage Not stored
Secretion/excretion None
Causes of abnormal values
High Diseases: liver disease Table 17-8


Drug: warfarin
Low None Table 17-8
Signs and symptoms
High Increased risk of bleeding and ecchymosis Risk increases as PT or INR value increases
Low Potential thrombosis if on vitamin K antagonist
After event, time to…
Initial elevation 6–12 hr
Peak values Days to weeks
Normalization Hours–days Depends, if reversed with vitamin K
Causes of spurious results Improper laboratory collection
Additional info Used to monitor warfarin Target levels depend on indication for warfarin
INR = international normalized ratio; PT = prothrombin time.

Common reference ranges
Adults 25–35 sec May vary by reagent/instrument used
Critical value >100 sec, but depends on specific reagent
Inherent activity? Used to monitor unfractionated heparin activity If patient is on unfractionated heparin for treatment
of deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary
embolism, aim for 1.5–2.5 times control aPTT
Production Coagulation factors produced in liver
Storage Not stored 2
⁄3 found in circulation, 1⁄3 found in spleen
Secretion/excretion None
Causes of abnormal values
High Hereditary: deficiency of factors II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI,
XII, HMWK, prekallikrein, fibrinogen
Acquired: lupus anticoagulant, heparin, DTIs, liver aPTT not used to monitor warfarin therapy
dysfunction, vitamin K deficiency, warfarin, DIC
Low Laboratory testing drawn before 6 hr if on heparin,
ATIII deficiency
Signs and symptoms
High Increased risk of hemorrhage Risk increases as aPTT increases
Low Thrombosis
After event, time to…
Initial elevation 6–12 hr
Peak values Hours to days
Normalization Hours to days
Causes of spurious results Improper laboratory collection Need to do manual counts in these instances
Additional info Used to monitor heparin Dosing nomograms vary by institution
aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time; DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; DTIs = direct thrombin inhibitors;
HMWK = high-molecular weight kininogen.
C H A P T E R 17 • H e m atology : B lood C oag u lation T ests  419

Common reference ranges
Adults 0.3–0.7 IU/mL, for unfractionated heparin For establishment of therapeutic heparin range
0.5–1 IU/mL for twice-daily LMWH using blood samples from heparinized patients

1–2 IU/mL for once-daily LMWH

Values may vary depending on LMWH preparation
Inherent activity? Used to establish therapeutic heparin range and
monitor LMWH activity
Production Coagulation factors produced in liver
Storage Not stored
Secretion/excretion None
Causes of abnormal values
High Overdosage of LMWH

Poor renal function

Low Laboratory testing drawn prior to 4 hr after dose is

Underdosage of LMWH
Signs and symptoms
High Increased risk of bleeding and bruising
Low Potential thrombosis
After event, time to…
Initial elevation 0–4 hr
Peak values 4 hr
Normalization Hours to days
Causes of spurious results Improper timing of collection Should be drawn 4 hr after dose is administered
Additional info Used to monitor LMWH
LMWH = low molecular weight heparin.

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