Observations On Centrifugal Operation Part1

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Observations on centrifugal operation – Part 1

by Clive Grimwood, John Thewlis and Phil Thompson

Reprinted from International Sugar Journal, December 2002

should be such that if for any reason a
Observations on centrifugal fatigue crack becomes visible the day
after an inspection it doesn’t grow to a
operation– Part 1 point where failure will occur before
the next inspection. Fatigue crack
by Clive Grimwood1*, John Thewlis1 and Phil Thompson2 growth is a complex phenomenon and
for a component that will eventually fail
Broadbent Centrifuges, Huddersfield, HD1 3EA, UK.
by fatigue the majority of the life (e.g.
Tel +44 1484 477200, +44 1484 477230 90-95%) is taken up initiating the crack,
Email: cgrimwood@broadbent.co.uk, jthewlis@broadbent.co.uk and only a small proportion of the time
Consultant, Tel:+44 1780 783522, Email: phil@yarwell.demon.co.uk (e.g. 10-5%) is needed to grow the crack
*Corresponding author from a point where it is visible to the
point where the component fails.
Inspection and maintenance there-
fore play a major role in the life and
safety of a centrifugal basket. Repairs
Abstract designed to act as a containment to the basket may be necessary during
device in the event of basket rupture. the 15-25 year life of the centrifuge
Aspects of centrifugals are considered One way to look at the effect of releas- due to erosion, corrosion or mechani-
in terms of reducing the operating ing 4 MJ in a basket rupture is to con- cal handling damage. Correct repair
costs and improving the safety of cen- sider the example above of a 1 tonne procedures by trained personnel are
trifugals within the sugar factory. car travelling at 168 mph (271 km/h) vital to ensure that no crack is intro-
Some common misconceptions on the running into the end of your centrifu- duced by an unsuitable repair proce-
use of centrifuges are also discussed. gal battery - it is not hard to imaging dure and that the original design cal-
Topics considered include washing, the level of damage this is likely to do culations and assumptions are not
discharging, power consumption, and to the centrifugal battery and anybody invalidated by the use of unsuitable
basket maintenance. It is intended or anything nearby. It takes a lot of repair materials or methods.
that the information provided will be steel to contain this kind of energy Basket inspection should be carried
of help to users wishing to improve release, for example a casing made of out by qualified and experienced per-
operation of their existing centrifugals mild steel would need to be at least 50 sonnel who are aware of the operation
and assist when selecting new cen- mms thick to have a good chance of and the loads on the baskets.
trifugals. containing a rupture of a 1.2 m diam- Inspection procedures and guidelines
eter basket rotating at 1200 rpm. are available from most centrifugal
Basket safety Centrifugal cases are typically 6-12 suppliers and their recommendations
mms thick depending on the design. should be followed. These procedures
Centrifuges have the potential to be Clearly the basket design must be normally focus on:
hazardous. This is a inherent in their such as to avoid rupture. It is well
design. Similar comments apply to know that any mechanical item subject • The general loss of material from the
many items of equipment used in the to a cyclic stress is in some danger of basket (e.g. by erosion or corrosion).
sugar industry such as pressure ves- fatigue. Two good examples of fatigue • The presence of cracks. Any basket
sels, dryers, pumps, etc. For a typical are aircraft and batch centrifugal bas- found to contain a crack in the bas-
1.2 m batch centrifugal basket spin- kets. For an aircraft the main cyclic ket shell or hoops (if fitted) should be
ning at 1200 RPM the stored energy loading comes from the takeoff and taken out of service.
within the basket is approximately landing cycles, for a batch centrifugal • The tightness of hoops (if fitted) on
4 MJ and the peripheral speed of the it is the process cycle. Consider a cen- the basket shell.
basket is 168 mph (271 km/h). The trifugal operating at 20 charges per
energy stored in such a rotating basket hour for 23 hours per day and 120 Given good maintenance a centrifugal
is equivalent to that of a typical family days per year. Over a 20 year life the will operate safely for many years as
car travelling at 175 mph (280 km/h) basket will undergo 1.1 million stress shown by the thousands of centrifugals
or a 2.5m3 vessel pressurised with gas cycles. For a refinery operating 350 in sugar mills & refineries throughout
to 16 bar. days per year the figure is likely to be the world.
A major safety concern for any cen- in excess of 3 million stress cycles and Similar comments apply to contin-
trifuge is the long term integrity of the the more cycles a centrifugal performs uous basket centrifugals however as
basket. Failure of the basket whilst during its life the greater the signifi- they run at constant speed and are
rotating at high speed will destroy the cance of fatigue. subjected to stop / start stress cycles
centrifugal and possibly anything or Whilst baskets are generally perhaps once per day rather then 20
anybody near it. Some users of cen- designed for an infinite or extremely times per hour they are less prone to
trifugals assume that the casing is long fatigue life the inspection regime fatigue failure.


Observations on centrifugal operation – Part 1

Washing then for a 1750 kg basket massecuite additional sugar that the molasses
load this is 4.4 kgs of additional water purity rises sharply pushing up the
Washing is an important part of most every cycle. Typically this water dis- purity in the pans. This is turn leads to
centrifugal cycles - particularly for 'A' solves two and a half times its own higher purity sugar at the subsequent
raw and refined sugar production. weight of sugar so 10.9 kg of sugar are crystallisation which means less
Where sugar is dissolved by excess dissolved every cycle. This is 1.25% of colour. If this description is correct
washing or has to be washed off a the 875 kg of sugar produced every and such action is necessary to
poorly ploughed basket (see below) it cycle by the centrifugal. Taking typical achieve the desired sugar quality then
will follow one of two paths. If the cen- figures of 20 cycles per hour, 23 hours it is best to recirculate the highest
trifugal is fitted with syrup separation per day operation and 120 days per purity syrup possible. The primary
it may be recycled to the pan feeding year this gives a total sugar dissolved purpose of washing is to remove the
the centrifugal. Where there is no of 10.9 x 20 x 23 x 120 = 600,000 kg high colour syrup adhering to the
syrup separation the additional sugar per year and this sugar has to be crystal surface and no matter how
increases the purity of the runoff syrup reprocessed through the subsequent good the wash classification system
or molasses and again there are two boilings. At a reprocessing cost of on the centrifugal recirculation of the
alternative outcomes - the subsequent $0.015 per kg the cost of reprocessing wash liquor will always recirculate a
vacuum pan stage may recover all of is $9000 per year or $181,000 over an proportion of this high colour. It is
the extra sugar and recycle it or the average 20 year life of a batch cen- therefore an advantage to dissolve
final molasses purity may be increased trifugal. At 5% interest this equates to some of the sugar after centrifugation
by some or all of the extra sugar pass- a present value (PV) of $113,000. This and route the melt back to the pans
ing through to final molasses as is approximately the same as the cap- rather than use excessive washing
increased purity. ital cost of the centrifugal. Put anoth- within the centrifugal.
The worst economic case is the loss er way if one centrifugal uses 2.25%
to molasses, because sugar is usually wash water on massecuite and has a Sugar discharge - Ploughing
worth at least twice the price of purchase cost of $100,000, its lifetime
molasses. Even if the sugar is cap- costs are higher than another cen- As with washing inefficient ploughing
tured and recycled the additional trifugal of the same size using 2.0% can also lead to large sugar recircula-
water dilution and electrical power wash water and costing $200,000 to tion loads. A layer of sugar just one
involved in reprocessing adds a cost. purchase. Some beet campaigns and crystal thick (0.6 mms) left on a 1750
In this discussion a reprocessing cost all refineries operate significantly kg centrifugal basket and washed out
of $0.015 per kg ($0.007 LB) is taken longer than the 120 days per year used before the next cycle results in 3 kgs of
as an average of the various possible in the example above - for these the lost sugar per cycle. Over the lifetime
scenarios. costs of dissolved sugar are higher of the centrifuge this 'layer one crystal
For the purposes of illustration still. thick' would result in around 3,300
assume a wash quantity of 2% water It is not uncommon to see centrifu- tonnes of recycled sugar and at an
on massecuite (a good figure to aim at gals operated with an excessive wash assumed reprocessing cost of $0.015
for 'A' beet massecuite). Further in an attempt to 'wash the sugar per kg cost this is around $50,000 over
assume that a centrifugal is using colour down'. Often this produces the 20 years (PV $31,000 at 5%).
excess wash water. This could be desired result of lower colour sugar - Some centrifugal types are
occurring for a variety of reasons such but it also leads to a large recycled designed to operate with virtually
as one or more of the following : sugar load for the pans. What is the zero sugar left on the screen (see Fig
excess water addition doing in these 1) whereas others are designed to
• Poor wash pipe performance not cases? Washing in a centrifugal is operate with a thicker residual layer.
washing the sugar evenly (e.g. bad designed to remove the high colour Some manufacturers recommend
wash pipe design, blocked or incor- molasses layer adhering to the crystal that 0.75 mms is left on the screen but
rect jets or variable wash water pres- surface. Once this has been achieved
sure). further washing has little beneficial
• Non uniform massecuite loading in effect. Broadly speaking the occluded
the basket. colour within in the crystal is constant
• Operator is using excess water to throughout the body of the crystal and
ensure sugar colour is always well in further washing serves only to shrink
specification. the crystal by dissolution without fur-
• Wash set for full baskets but baskets ther reducing the colour of the solid
are only partly full. sugar remaining.
Why then does this excessive wash-
If 2.25% water on massecuite is being ing approach seem to work? The prob-
used rather than the ideal of 2.0% (i.e. able answer to this is that the excess
Figure 1. Full sugar removal during
20 seconds wash rather than 17.5) water is simply remelting so much ploughing.


Observations on centrifugal operation – Part 1

Table 1.

Typical energy input (kWhrs) per tonne of massecuite processed:

Charges per hour 25 20 15 10

2 speed drive mechanical brake 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6
3 speed drive mechanical brake 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2
3 speed drive DC injection brake 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3
inverter drive 0.95 1.05 1.3 1.5

Cost comparisons - motor & controls:

3 or 2 speed (mechanical brake) 100%

3 speed (DC injection braking) 108%
inverter (diode/thyristor input) 180%
inverter (IGBT input) 215%

in practice many machines actually controls to vary the frequency and

operate with 2 mms or more remain- hence the speed of the basket. Three Figure 2. A modern 1300 Kg batch centrifu-
gal with 3 speed motor and DC braking.
ing in the basket to be washed out speed pole-changing motors are still
prior to the next cycle. For a 2 mm available on new batch centrifugals of operating at 20 charges per hour for
layer the 20 year losses above 1300 kgs or less (see Fig 2). Are these 24 hours per day for 365 days per year
increases to 11,000 tonnes. At $0.015 worthy of consideration? A typical (a saving of 1.8 - 1.05 = 0.75 kWh/T
per kg reprocessing cost this amounts drive price for a 150 kW electronic see Table 1). Data is shown for power
to $165,000 over 20 years (PV drive system (motor plus associated costs of 1.0 and 2.5 cents per kWh and
$103,000 at 5%) which again is electronics) suitable for a 1300 kg interest rates of 5, 10 and 15%. The
broadly equivalent to the original cost batch centrifugal is in the region of graph shows that for a cost of money
of the centrifuge. $25,000 whereas the cost of a simpler of 10% and a power cost of 2.5 cents
The examples above highlight the three speed drive system is around per kWh it takes just over 3 years to
major impact that poor ploughing or $13,800. The cost difference of save the initial capital outlay of
washing have on centrifugal operating $11,200 has to be offset against the $11,200. For the case of 10% interest
costs. This poor performance results cost of supplying the electrical power and 1 cent per kWhr the payback peri-
from poor centrifugal design, mainte- in the factory. Graph 1 below shows od is off the edge of the graph at 11.2
nance or operation. Clearly there is the savings resulting from the lower years. If the centrifugal is operated for
real financial benefit in using centrifu- electrical energy demand of the less than 365 days a year then the pay-
gals that wash efficiently and dis- inverter drive system compared with back period will be longer and if the
charge all the sugar every cycle. a 3 speed drive with DC braking when power saved is greater than the

Drive power requirements - Batch

centrifugals Graph 1. Payback of inverter against 3-speed drive system

Much has been written about cen-

trifuge drive requirements [Refs 1 - 5]
and it remains a regular topic of dis-
cussion. All batch centrifugals have
some form of drive that recovers ener-
gy as the basket decelerates from spin
speed - and generally the more sophis-
ticated and expensive the drive the
more energy is recovered. Table 1
above, based on the data in Ref 4, is an
approximate summary of the position
and considers only the power con-
sumed by the drive motor itself
(excluding fans, ancillary systems, etc.)
All batch centrifugals with capaci-
ties larger than 1300 kg per charge
are only available with single speed
electric motors fitted with electronic


Observations on centrifugal operation – Part 1

example of Graph 1 then the payback to an electronic inverter drive at a See references 6 & 7 for more details
period will be shorter. later date if required (see Fig 2). on the benefits and shortcomings of
In addition to the relative costs Where a simple, low capital cost mod- high grade centrifugals.
considered above it may be necessary ern centrifugal of 1300 kg capacity or
to take other operational factors into less is required they are still worth an References
consideration such as : investigation.
• If a centrifuge battery has a signifi- 1. James M. Coleman. October 1995.
cant idle time 'waiting for the next Drive power requirements - Variable frequency centrifugal drives -
strike' it is common to leave the Continuous centrifugals a convergence on converters. Sugar y
centrifuges running at some low Azucar, 26 pp.
speed such as feed speed. In this It is sometimes said that low grade 2. R.Osman & J.Bange. Nov/Dec
situation the inverter drive system continuous centrifugals consume less 1991. IEEE Transactions on Industry
consumes considerably more ener- power than a batch centrifugal and Application. 27 (6):1076-1080.
gy than the three speed pole chang- this is one of the key reasons they are 3. D.Zeigler. Dec 1995. Centrifugal
ing drive and this can reduce the used in place of batch centrifugals for variable speed drive installation at
energy benefit expected from an lower grade massecuites. Generally Savannah Sugar. International Sugar
inverter drive system. The 'fixed speaking continuous centrifugals con- Journal, 97 (1164): 661-668.
losses' in an inverter drive can be sume more power then a batch 4. G.C.Grimwood, G.L.Grimwood,
quite large (see Ref 4) and the best machine on 'B' massecuites. For exam- G.Hindle. December 1999. Variable
energy efficiency is achieved by ple a large modern low grade cen- and multi-speed batch centrifugal
turning the power off to the invert- trifugal (1500 mms diameter) is typi- drives. International Sugar Journal,
er drive during any waiting time in cally fitted with a 90-100 kW motor. 101 (1212) :591-596.
excess of a few minutes. The maximum capacity throughput 5. P.Franzen. 1991. Aspects of ener-
• Not only is the energy demand from will be in the region of 25 tonnes per gy consumption in sugar factory cen-
a pole changing drive higher the hour depending on the application. trifugals. International Sugar Journal,
current peaks drawn from the elec- This is around 3.5 - 4.0 kW/h per 93 (1116): 247-254
trical supply are slightly larger and tonne of massecuite. As table 1 above 6. R.Broadfoot, K.Miller. 1999.
more frequent. If this means that the shows a 3 speed batch centrifugal Performance of continuous high grade
electrical distribution system or the operating at low cycles per hour on a centrifugals. Zuckerindustrie 124 (6):
alternator has to be uprated to cope low grade massecuite consumes the 447-450.
then the benefits of the inverter under 3. This is to be expected, the 7. G.C.Grimwood, P.D.Thompson,
drive systems are much greater. sugar leaving the continuous cen- M.J.Thewlis. 2000. The development
• The growing practice of co-genera- trifuge basket at (say) 2000 rpm has a & use of high grade continuous cen-
tion makes the inverter option much high energy content which is lost in trifugals. International Sugar Journal,
more favourable by increasing the crystal discharge centrifugals and par- 102 (1224): 639-645.
value of electrical power. tially lost on magma and melter
• The simplicity of 3 speed pole chang- designs. The batch centrifuge however Observaciones sobre la operación de
ing drives contrasts sharply with the recovers the bulk of this energy during centrífugas. Parte 1
complexity of an electronic inverter deceleration to discharge the sugar at
and this has implications for relia- low speed, typically 60 rpm. The situ- Resumen
bility. It is also important to consid- ation is reversed if we consider the
er the long term support and spares high grade continuous centrifugal. Se consideran diferentes aspectos de
availability for inverters. The low basket speed used by this las centrífugas en cuanto a la reduc-
machine to limit crystal damage leads ción de los costos operativos y la
Thus the cost comparison given in to a power consumption which is less mejora de la seguridad de las mismas
Graph 1 is generalised and only part than even a modern inverter driven dentro de la fábrica de azúcar. Se dis-
of the story, but illustrates that the cost batch centrifugal (Ref 7). The low bas- cuten también algunos de los concep-
benefit over the life of a batch cen- ket speed also leads to a wetter sugar tos erróneos en el uso de las centrífu-
trifugal is sensitive to capital costs, the discharge of perhaps 1.0 - 1.5% mois- gas. Los tópicos analizados incluyen el
cost of power, the usage per year and ture rather than 0.5%. Depending on lavado, la descarga, el consumo de
operating procedures. It is possible to the application it is common to add energía, y el mantenimiento de las
see real scenarios where an inverter additional energy to heat the masse- canastas. El objetivo de este trabajo es
drive system is not cost effective. All cuite or discharged sugar to assist the el de proveer información que podrá
manufacturers supply inverter drives dryer to remove this excess moisture. ser de ayuda para los usuarios que
systems for their centrifuges and some If this additional heat energy is includ- desean mejorar la operación de las
still produce modern multi-speed ed in the comparison then the batch centrífugas existentes y además de asi-
motors which incorporate full electri- centrifugal remains the most energy stirlos en la elección de nuevas cen-
cal braking and the option to convert efficient way to produce dry sugar. trífugas.



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