Entrepreneurship Week 1-2

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Exercise 1

1. Cotton candy
2. Fruit juice
3. Pisonet
4. Mineral water
5. Banana que

Exercise 2

1. What were the challenges faced by Mr. Lucio Tan?

 As a student Mr. Tan struggled in his financial needs, his family was financially
2. What are some of his achievements?
1. Chairman and Chief executive officer of the LT Group
2. Chairman of the Philippine Airlines, Inc.
3. Asia Brewery, Inc.; Eton Properties Philippines, Inc.
4. MacroAsia Corp.; Fortune Tobacco Corp.
5. PMFTC Inc.; Grandspan Development Corp.
6. Himmel Industries, Inc.
7. Lucky Travel Corp.
8. PAL Holdings, Inc.
9. Air Philippines Corporation;
10. Tanduay Distillers, Inc.
11. The Charter House, Inc.
12. AlliedBankers Insurance Corp.
13. Absolut Distillers, Inc.
14. Progressive Farms, Inc.
15. Foremost Farms, Inc.
16. Basic Holdings Corp.
17. Director of the Philippine National Bank.
3. What made Mr. Lucio Tan successful?
 Ans. Hard work, perseverance, focus, great responsibility
4. If you were Mr. Tan, do you think you will be able to hurdle all the challenges he had in the field
of entrepreneurship during his younger years? What made you say that?
 Ans. Yes, I look forward to make all considerable efforts to succeed in the field of
entrepreneurship with all the necessary help form my family and community.

Exercise 3

 Ans. Employees work in fixed rates at fixed times in accordance with their contract
agreement or what the law so provides. Entrepreneurs work in an indefinite time more
working hours could also mean more income for them so as to say that their income
depends also greatly on their hard work.
Exercise 4

1.The man can make an assessment of his business by studying his other competitors.
2. Also the man can make a reflection of his strategies I selling for the past years so as to
improve if needed.
3. Make an assessment of his products and adjust to the needs of the market.
4. Innovate his selling and marketing strategies like a more appealing food cart, a more catchy
business name or an unconventional way to cook or prepare his products.
5. Study his environment: the market, SWOT analysis

Activity 5

1. Make a list of entrepreneurial activities in your own community.

 Businesses such as carinderias, panciteria, and supermarkets.
 Online Shopping
 Online Selling
2. Observe if there are new and innovative products or services being offered.
 Online Selling and Online Shopping are the innovation services I had observed because it
is a new way of selling and buying products in an efficient and effective manner
especially in this time of pandemic.
3. Interview at least three entrepreneurs that has been in the business for years.
 I questioned some of my relatives who were small entrepreneurs and one of them was
my sister who was selling products online and selling innovative milktea.
4. How did these entrepreneurial activities evolved from their time of operation?
 As of my observation and information I have gathered, entrepreneurial activities
evolved their time of operation in an efficient manner and effectively wherein it is
combined with technology which made it less tiring for both the seller and the buyer
with just some clicks on their mobile phones. It does consume less time than before.

Exercise 1

a. TONY TAN CAKTIONG - Tony Tan Caktiong was from a poor family in China who immigrated to
the Philippines in hope that they may have a better life. His family helped each other out,
establishing a restaurant business in Davao which enabled young Tony to study Civil Engineering
in the University of Santo Tomas. When he was 22, Caktiong decided to shell out P350,000 in an
ice cream parlor franchise. He opened Cubao Ice Cream House and Quiapo Ice Cream House. As
their business becomes more and more successful, they started to hire more people to help
them manage it. Two years later, he decided to serve hamburgers, fried chicken, and spaghetti
as people began to tell him that they don’t want to eat ice cream all the time. It was then that
they decided to rebrand and change their name to “Jollibee” as it represents them as a
company, and the people that they cater to – hardworking and happy.

b. EDUARDO M. COJUANGCO JR. - Filipino, 80, is the Chairman and a non-executive director of
the Company, a position he has held since May 22, 2001, and Chairman of the Company’s
Executive Committee. He is also Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of listed companies San
Miguel Corporation and Ginebra San Miguel, Inc. He is likewise the Chairman of listed company
Petron Corporation, and private companies ECJ and Sons Agricultural Enterprises, Inc. and the
Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr. Foundation, Inc.; and a Director of Caiñaman Farms, Inc. He was
previously Director of Manila Electric Company (February 2009 to May 2009). Mr. Cojuangco
attended the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, as well as California
Polytechnic College in San Luis Obispo, U.S.A. Among others, he was conferred the Degree of
Doctor of Economics Honoris Causa by the University of Mindanao and the Degree of Doctor of
Agri-Business Honoris Causa by the Tarlac College of Agriculture.

c. HENRY SY SR. - Sy worked in his father's sari-sari store in Quiapo until after World War II,
when his father returned to China. Sy eventually went to school and obtained an associate
degree in commercial studies at the Far Eastern University.In the 1950s, Sy ventured into the
business of selling surplus boots. He eventually opened ShoeMart in 1958 along Carriedo in

Exercise 2

1 2 3 4 5
Opportunity-seeking 3
Persevering 4
Risk Taking 5
Demanding for efficiency and quality 4
Information-seeking 2
Goal Setting 2
Planning 2
Persuasion and networking 4
Building self-confidence 3
Listening to others 5
Demonstrating leadership 3
6 9 12 10
Exercise 3

1. Based on your answers from the previous activity, list down the three (3) traits you
scored the highest.
o Risk Taking
o Listening to others
o Demanding for efficiency and quality

2. Identify five (5) traits you scored the lowest.

o Information seeking
o Goal Setting
o Planning
o Opportunity seeking
o Building self-confidence

3. Prepare an action plan on how to improve the three traits you scored the lowest. You
can follow the template given.

Identified Traits for What you need to do What or who can help How will you identify
Improvement to improve you your success
Information seeking Technology and digital Media and Information If I could use the
skill on seeking teachers and gathered data ethically,
information and being technology such as effectively and
an information literate Google efficiently.
Goal Setting Setting a mission and Personal desire If I could identify and
should be aligned with set a goal before
my talent and skill having a plan
Planning Ability to see future Information, people If I can create a great
possibilities around me, and the plan and achieve my
environment goal effectively and
Opportunity seeking Having a sharp-eye on Information and If I am able to seek
opportunities environmental matters good opportunities and
distinguish them
Building self- I should find my talent Talents and skills If I can proudly execute
confidence and skills I am inclined my skills which I am
of and talents I am lack good at and improved
of my skill I lack of
Exercise 4


 Zuckerberg and his friends Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin created the
Facebook, a site that allowed users to create their own profiles, upload photos, and
communicate with other users. The group ran the site out of a dorm room at Harvard University
until June 2004. That year Zuckerberg dropped out of college and moved the company to Palo
Alto, California. By the end of 2004, Facebook had 1 million users.


 No two tech executives are quite as enigmatic and private as Google co-founders The two men,
who started Google more than 20 years ago while computer science graduate students at
Stanford University, have hardly been seen or heard from in the last half-decade or so, since
restructuring the company to create Google parent alphabet and leaving Sundar Pichai in charge
of a newly streamlined Google.

 It’s a fitting end for two of the most mysterious tech leaders of a generation, who are both
exiting their company as it hovers near $1 trillion in market cap. But it’s also a troubling time for
Google. The search giant has faced increasing scrutiny from employees, media organizations,
activists, regulators, and lawmakers since Page and Brin first stepped back in the summer of
2015. And many of those controversies are problems of Page and Brin’s creation, either because
the duo didn’t foresee the ways in which Google could do harm or because they explicitly
steered the company in a direction that flouted standard corporate ethics. In that context, it’s
important to look back at the big moments in both men’s careers and how the actions they took
have had an outsized impact not just on the tech industry, but on the internet and society itself.
What Page and Brin have built will likely last for decades to come, and knowing how Google got
to where it is today will be an important piece in the puzzle of figuring out where it goes in the

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