Oral Communication: QUARTER 1 - Week 1

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Oral Communication

QUARTER 1 – Week 1

Latifah L. Emam
S.Y. 2020-2021

HFCFI-SHS Department Page 1
This course focuses on the development of communication skills in English for academic and
professional purposes. It also aims to teach students to communicate effectively in diverse academic and
professional situations.


This Module in English for Academic and Professional Purposes aims to enhance your communication
skills particularly in writing academic and professional compositions. It is also designed to develop your
abilities to utilize appropriate language in academic writing from various disciplines using correct text

At the end of the module, the learners shall be able to:

1. explain the nature and process of communication;
2. understand the relationship of the functions of communication to everyday life; and
3. illustrate the process of communication


At the start of the module, you are to take the pre-assessment test to see how much background
information and knowledge you have.
This module is self-instructional. You can read analyze concepts and ideas presented, and reflect on
them. The activities and self-check question will help you assess how you progress as you go through the
module. If you need help and further clarification, you can ask the assistance of a mentor or facilitator in your
school. It has been recommended that as much as possible, the mentor is a one of family members.
Your answers to self –check questions (SCQ’s) and Activities may be self-evaluated by your mentor or
facilitator if you desire. This will be part of your formative evaluation.
Remember, you are to work on this module independently. I shall not be around to supervise you as you
go through each lesson. It is expected that you will make the most of this module.

Latifah L. Emam
Subject Teacher

Pre-Test Evaluation

HFCFI-SHS Department Page 2

Directions: Read each item carefully then choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write your
answers on the space provided each number.

______1. It is the idea being transmitted by the sender to the receiver. It includes three aspects — content,
structure, and style.
A. channel B. feedback C. message D. sender

______2. It is the response or reaction given by the receiver to the sender of the message.
A. feedback B. message C. receiver D. sender

______3. It is a situation where a communication takes place.

A. Both sender and receiver need to exchange messages.
B. The receiver interprets the message.
C. The sender recognizes the communication style of the other.
D. The sender translates the message into a perceivable form.

______4. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information through speech, signal, writing, or behavior.
A. channel B. communication C. language D. message

______5. This is the group of basic elements of communication.

1. source 2. destination 3. medium 4. language

A. 1234 B. 123 only C. 2 and 3 only D. 1 and 2 only

______6. It is characterized by being a “selective” listener.

A. Tom asks questions to seek greater understanding.
B. Rina changes the subject from time to time.
C. Jay displays an blank look.
D. Ana gives feedback to acknowledge the speaker’s emotion.

______7. The most effective form of communication is always through words.

A. Yes, because through words we are allowed to explain ourselves.
B. Yes, because there are always words to express what we want to say.
C. No, because words can be abused by people and can cause hurt or confusion.
D. No, because words can inhibit people from saying/declaring the truth.

______8. It is defined as any communication that uses spoken or written words to convey a message.
A. non-verbal communication B. oral Communication
C. verbal Communication D. written Communication

______9. It is a type of communication that does NOT use words in expressing a message.
A. non-verbal communication B. oral Communication
C. verbal Communication D. written Communication

______10. It is the nature of communication.

1. Communication is a process.
2. Communication occurs between two or more people.
3. Communication can be expressed through words or actions.
4. Communication portrays sympathy.

A. 1234 B. 123 only C. 2 and 3 only D. 1 and 2 only

My Learning Episodes

Functions, Nature and Process of Communication

Lesson 1: The Nature and Process of Communication
HFCFI-SHS Department Page 3
Content Standards The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in
Performance Standards The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral
communication activities based on context.
Most Essential Explains the functions, nature and process of communication. (EN11/120C-
Learning Competency la-2)
Time Frame 2 HRS (Monday and Tuesday)

My Motivation

My Learning Essentials (Essential Topics)

My Learning Activities (Application)

My Reflections (Generalization)
Directions: Complete the paragraph with the necessary words or sentences that best describe what you have
learned from the discussion. Write your paragraph in your notebook. Follow the format below.

I have learned that ____________________________________________________________________


My Evaluation

(Teacher’s Feedback based from the result of the evaluation/assessment and if there’s a need for reinforcement;
schedule of reinforcement/face-to-face interaction)

My Learning Episodes

Reading and Writing Academic Texts

Lesson 6:
HFCFI-SHS Department Page 4
Content Standards The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better
understanding of academic texts.
Performance Standards The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various
academic texts read.
Most Essential Outlines reading texts in various disciplines. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-la-c-8)
Learning Competency
Time Frame 2 HRS (Wednesday and Thursday)

My Motivation

My Learning Essentials (Essential Topics)

My Learning Activities (Application)

My Reflections (Generalization)
Directions: Complete the paragraph with the necessary words or sentences that best describe what you have
learned from the discussion. Write your paragraph in your notebook. Follow the format below.

I have learned that ____________________________________________________________________

My Evaluation

(Teacher’s Feedback based from the result of the evaluation/assessment and if there’s a need for reinforcement;
schedule of reinforcement/face-to-face interaction)

HFCFI-SHS Department Page 5

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