ECO403 Assignment Brief For RESIT CW2: Module Code and Title

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ECO403 Assignment Brief for RESIT CW2

Module Code and Title


Assignment Number & Title

Assessment 2 – Individidual Assignment

Assessment Type
(e.g. Presentation, Essay, Report etc.)

Weighting of assessment (%TMM)
Assessment Learning Outcomes
A4 Demonstrate a broad understanding of the knowledge base of economics and its terminology; appreciate
that areas of this knowledge base are open to ongoing debate and reformulation.

A5 Demonstrate increased confidence in handling and understanding the interconnected nature of business;
show an awareness of global change and its potential implications for the environment in which
organisations operate including stakeholders and sustainability.

A6 Collect and judge information from a variety of authoritative sources, using pre-defined theoretical
frameworks, tools and concepts to inform a choice of solutions to problems.

B5 Identify a well-defined focus for enquiry; plans and undertakes investigative strategies using a defined
range of methods; collect data from a variety of sources, and communicates results effectively in an
appropriate format; use interpersonal and communication skills to clarify tasks, identify and rectify issues
in a range of contexts.

Module Leader
Dr Karuna Gomanee
Internal Reviewer
Mr Keith Laker
External Examiner

Submission Details

Submission Deadline
11th July 2021 in your tutor’s folder on Blackboard
Release of Feedback

Completing Your Assignment

What am I required to do in this assignment?

Conduct secondary research and produce a country-specific economic report. You

are required to get your choice of country approved by your tutor.

a) Produce a report on the economic performance of your country since 2018 by
examining the data on GDP growth rates. Fully analyse the factors that caused the
observed fluctuations. (80 marks)

b) Economic theory suggests that there are interlinkages between GDP growth,
Unemployment rates and Inflation rates. Do you observe the expected interlinkages
between these three economic indicators over this given time period? Explain why.

(20 marks)
Arguments for both questions should be supported by secondary data.

Submit by 11th July 2021 on Blackboard in your tutor’s folder.

Insert the cover page attached in the Appendix here

Important points to keep in mind when writing your report:

 Start with a brief introduction.
 No need to give detailed theoretical explanation.

 Question a: Growth Rate

 Provide a graph/chart presenting data on GDP growth rates.
 Describe the trend in the data in a chronological order from 2018 to present.
 Analyse what domestic/foreign factors and policies caused the observed
fluctuations in the data in each section.
 Examine which components (C,I,G,X,M) caused the observed fluctuations.
This will change from year to year.

 Question b:
 Provide a graph/chart presenting data on unemployment rates since 2018.
 Provide a graph/chart presenting data on inflation rates since 2018.
 Discuss whether you observe the expected interlinkages between
unemployment, inflation & growth rates.
 Comment & analyse on any anomaly in the trend you observe.
 Include a conclusion & bibliography

Your assignment will be marked on how well you do on all the points listed above.

Is there a size limit?

1500 words

What do I need to do to pass?

Achieve at least 40% and address all the points listed above.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a 70% or above grade?
Address ALL the research questions and present adequate secondary data to support arguments.
Provide clear explanations.
Produce well structured assignment.
Make necessary revisions based on formative feedback.
Please check Marking Criteria Table (on the next page) for more details.

How does assignment relate to what we did in the scheduled sessions?

Research will be based on the application of theoretical concepts that were discussed in scheduled

How will I receive formative feedback for this assignment?

You can email your tutor a draft of your work by no later than 1st July 2021 if you would like to
receive formative feedback.

Marks and Feedback
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the the marking criteria below. You can use them to
evaluate your own work and estimate your grade before you submit.

Marking Criteria Table

Assignments will be graded upon the analytical quality of the arguments, the breadth and depth of
the research, the use of graphs/table and the style and structure of writing. The following marking
criteria will be used:

Criteria 1st (70-100%) 2.i (60-69%) 2.ii (50-59%) 3rd (40-49%) F (0-39%)
Understanding of Excellent Good Satisfactory but Limited and less Fails to
the subject matter incomplete or than satisfactory understand
with errors the subject
Research Evidence of Good research Some research Research is Little if any
extensive and but neither cursory research
detailed research extensive nor
Original thinking & Clear evidence Reasonable Some evidence Very little Purely
Application of of originality evidence of of originality and evidence of descriptive
relevant and independent originality and independent originality and and
theories/concepts thought. Very independent thought. Minimal independent unoriginal.
good application thought. Good application of thought. No Absence of
of theories to application of theories. application of theory or
support the theories to theories. mistaken use
argument being support the thereof
put forward argument being
put forward
Structure and Very well Well-written, Satisfactorily Poorly written Poorly
grammar written and well-organized, written and with and structured organized,
well-organized, and with a an attempt at a with a very badly written,
with a coherent logical structure logical structure limited no coherent
and logical that helps to that supports the argument argument put
structure that develop the argument. forward
develops the argument. Good Acceptable
argument. grammar and grammar and
Excellent spelling. spelling.
grammar and
Referencing and Excellent use of Good use of Reasonable use Poorly or (Virtually) no
bibliography references to references to of references to incorrectly references or
support support support referenced. bibliography

arguments. arguments. arguments. Insufficient
Extensive Good Acceptable sources
bibliography bibliography bibliography
correctly laid



Student Name: Module Code and Name ECO403

Economics for
Student ID: Type of Assessment RESIT Individual
Country Report
Programme of Date of submission
Assessment Title:

Word Count (excluding Title Page, Reference List and Appendices):

……words (word limit is 1500 words)

Thinking of the formative feedback that you may have received, please indicate how it helped
you prepare and write this assignment.

I consent to my assignment be used as an exemplar for future iterations of this module, without
disclosure of my personal details.

I confirm that this assignment is my original work. YOU MAY BE REQUIRED TO GIVE A
SUSPECTED.  Academic misconduct will be heavily penalised as per the University

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