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Department of Information Technology

Union Territory of Lakshadweep Administration

Technology (IT)


Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)

Department of Information Technology
Union Territory
itory of Lakshadweep Administration
Lakshadweep Information
nformation Technology Services Society
epartment Of Information Technology
Union Territory
erritory of Lakshadweep Administration

IT Procurement
Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s
IT Policy user
Part of the IT Policy of UTT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy. It lays out grounds,
manners, procedures, modalities & formalities of procurement of IT equipment belonging
to any Department /Autonomous Body/Local Body/PSU/Society of UT of Lakshadweep
Administration or supported by it.


Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)

Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT Procurement Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy user

Table of Contents
I. Background................................................................
........................................................... 2

II. Hardware and Software purchase guidelines: ................................................................

....................................................... 2

III. IT Procurement Process: ................................

................................................................. 2

IV. Standardized IT Resources ................................

............................................................. 3

V. Non-Standardized
Standardized Equipment ................................................................................................
...................................................... 3

VI. Provision for Purchase under Special Circumstances ................................................................

......................................... 4

VII. Single Point of Contact (SPOC) ................................................................................................

..................................................... 4

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT Procurement Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy user

I. Background
Information technology (IT) resources require on
going investment of professional time and effort,
and financial resources in order to perform acceptably. The total expense to acquire and operate IT
equipment typically involves much more than the initial purchase price of hardware or software.
The collective costs of running a computer system over its lifespan can include network
connections, license renewals, software upgrades, and IT support.

II. Hardware and Software purchase guidelines:

a) LITSS is responsible for maintaining the SWAN network, servers, workstations and peripherals to
ensure that quality is maintained at reasonable cost. As such, procurement of all IT resources
and services are to be centrally made through & managed by LITSS following codal/GFR
formalities regardless of the source of funding
funding. LITSS manages the purchase of IT related items
in collaboration with the purchasing department, which has the final responsibility and
authority for vendor selection and all purchasing decisions.
b) A centralized IT procurement procedure benefits UTL Administration by providing:
(i) Brand and model standardization where appropriate
(ii) A UT-wide
wide inventory of hardware and software to facilitate effective planning,
maintenance, upgrades and disposal.
(iii) Pricing advantages obtained through volume purchasing and working withwi preferred
(iv) License compliance for software purchases
(v) Hardware and software with a known “support state” at the time of purchase

III. IT Procurement Process:

When a department decides to purchase IT equipment, software, and/or consumables:
a) Contact LITSS to place the initial request.
b) User Services will work with the department to verify and determine the equipment, which best
meets, their requirements. (The appropriate departmental supervisor must authorize non- non
standard equipment purchases).
c) Once the appropriate equipment has been chosen, the customer will provide User Services with
a valid index to charge the purchase. (If the customer is not authorized to approve the request,
LITSS will contact the appropriate individual(s) for approval).
d) Upon approval,
val, LITSS will work with the Purchasing Department to procure the item(s).
e) Upon receipt, the item(s) will be configured, delivered, installed, and tested by LITSS personnel.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT Procurement Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy user

All expenditures will be allocated directly to the department when purchasing via Purchase
Order or Blanket Order. For items held as inventory, the department will be billed directly.

All IT equipment purchased with UT funds remain the property of the UT until the disposal and
media destruction procedure outlined within the UT’s Inform
ation Security Plan is completed.

IV. Standardized IT Resources

LITSS has to establish a standard set of equipment for the UTL Administration.
Administration The list of
standardized equipment will be updated periodically to ensure that the recommended equipment
remains current and beneficial to the UTL.

The items designated as standard by LITSS are:

a) Desktops
b) Laptops
c) Tablets
d) Printers - Small (Desktop)
e) Printers - Medium (Workgroup)
f) Printers - Large (Department)
g) Multifunction Printer/Copy/Scan/Fax Devices
h) Black and White Copiers
i) Color Copiers
j) Servers (Computing or Application)
k) Storage Units (Disk/Tape Units and Network
l) Smart Phones (Android or iOS only)
m) All Networking and Telecommunications Equipment
n) Audio/Visual
dio/Visual Equipment/CCTV Infrastructure
o) Software

V. Non-Standardized
Standardized Equipment
It is acknowledged that standardized IT resources will not meet the needs of all departments. These
situations may require specialized or customized equipment.

Reasons might include:

a) Specialized software determining the choice of hardware
b) Special performance requirements
c) Department requires an alternative to the standard configuration

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT Procurement Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy user

d) Officers and staff whose specific technical, environmental, or functional job responsibilities
require an alternative to the standard configuration

standard equipment should be exceptions, and the department must document justification for
the need of the equipment. The concerned department will be solely responsible for purchase of
non-standardd equipment for it by LITSS.

LITSS will procure the requested non

standard equipment on behalf of the user once approval is
received from the appropriate departmental head.. LITSS will make every reasonable effort to
support non-standardized
standardized equipment, b
but this support may be limited.

VI. Provision for Purchase under Special Circumstances

It is acknowledged that under special circumstances, where purchases must be made by UT of
Lakshadweep Administration’s employees who are away from UT of Lakshadweep
akshadweep due to travel or
field work, and equipment must be replaced due to damage, loss, or theft and that it is not practical
to purchase IT related equipment via the regular process.

When this happens, UT of Lakshadweep

akshadweep Administration’s employees are required to reportrepor the
purchase and special circumstances to IT as soon as is possible, describing the purchased equipment
and requesting any set-up
up assistance if needed.

VII. Single Point of Contact (SPOC)

Sl. Cause/Reason for Contact SPOC

01. Departmental Procurement Director (LITSS) post approval of competent authority(s)

02. Assessment (standard equipment) As would be notified by Director (LITSS)

03. Assessment (non-standard

standard equipment) As would be notified by Director (LITSS)
Configuration of devices (purchased
04. As would be notified by Director (LITSS)
under special circumstances)

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT User Access Policy Section
Lakshadweep Information
nformation Technology
Part of UTServices Society
of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

epartment Of Information Technology
Union Territory
erritory of Lakshadweep Administration

IT User Access
Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s
IT Policy
Part of the IT Policy of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT policy. It lays out grounds,
manners,, procedures, modalities & formalities of condemnation for IT equipment
belonging to any Department /Aut /Autonomous Body/Local Body/PSU/Society of UT of
Lakshadweep Administration or supported by it.


ep IInformation Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
IT User Access Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

Table of Contents
I. Purpose: ................................................................
................................................ 2

II. ................................................................................................
Scope: ................................................................ .................................................... 2

III. Exception Management: ................................

....................................................... 2

IV. Policy: ................................................................

.................................................... 2
a. Acceptable use of Client Systems…………………………………………………………………………………………….2

b. Virus and Malicious Code (Adware, spyware,malware).………………………………………………………….3

c. Hardware, Operating System and Application Software …………………………………………………………4

d. Email Use ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

e. Password Security……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

f. Portable
table Storage Media ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

g. Network Access Policy applicable for the User ……………………………………………………………………….5

h. Client System Log ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

V. Review: ................................................................
.................................................. 5

VI. Enforcement ................................

.......................................... 6

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
on TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT User Access Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

I. Purpose:
This IT Policy aims at providing secure and acceptable use of the IT Infrastructure with
Union Territory of Lakshadweep Administration.

II. Scope:
This policy is applicable to the Employees in the Department / Subordinate offices of
Government of Lakshadweep for handling of unclassified inf

III. Exception Management:

For any exceptions/Deviations,
Deviations, the user shall take approvals from competent

IV. Policy
a. Acceptable use of Client Systems
i. User shall be responsible for the activities carries ou
out on the client system, using
the accounts to him / her.
ii. User’s network access shall be subjected to monitoring / filtering for malicious /
unauthorized activities.
iii. For any administrative activities on the client system, user shall adhere to
Security Policy for System Administrator.
iv. User shall use account with limited privileges on client system and shall not use
administrator privileges.
v. The user shall take backup of important
mportant files at regular interval. (Refer Data
Backup & Restoration Procedures).
vi. System / Media containing official information shall be physically secured (refer:
Security Guidelines for User)
vii. User shall not leave system unattended. The user shall llock
ock out his / her system
before leaving the system. Additionally, system idle timeout shall be configured
on the client system.
viii. Maintenance or rectification of faults in the client system shall be carried out ou
under close supervision of the user.
ix. User shallll check that the system time is as per IST. Any variation shall be
reported to the System Administrator / Concerned authorities.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
on TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT User Access Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

x. User shall not engaging any of the following activities:

1. Circumventing security measures
2. Unauthorized access to Systems / Data / Programs
3. Harassing other users by accessing or modifying their data / resources on the
4. Creating, accessing, execut
executing, downloading, distributing or storing any form of
antinational, offensive, defamatory, discriminatory, malicious or pornographic
5. Making copies of software / data for unauthorized use
6. Impersonation
7. Phishing
8. Social Engineering
9. Unauthorized use of software license
10. Providing official ee-mail
mail address on internet mail groups / bulletin boards for
personal use
11. Any activity that is in violation of Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules
12. User shall report security incident to the System Administrator / Network
Security Administrator.
13. User shall ensure that unauthorized peer to pee peer file-sharing
sharing software is not
14. Userr shall ensure that the system is configures as follow:
a. User shall not share client system with anyone, by default. However, if
necessary for any specific reason, following shall be ensured
i. Explicit approval of competent / designated authority is taken for fo
each client system and every user accessing it.
ii. Every user on the shared client system has a separate account.
iii. File / Folder access permission is limited to meet functional
requirement of the user.
b. User shall not share hard disk or folders with anyone, by default. However, if
necessary, only the required folders shall be shared with specific user.
c. Client Systems has client systems security implemented as per guidelines.
d. By default, all interfaces o on
n the client system are disabled and only those
interfaces, which are required, are enabled. For configuration user shall
contact the System Administrator.

b. Virus and Malicious Code (Adware, spyware, malware)

i. User shall ensure that client system is configured with the authorized anti-virus
ii. User shall ensure that anti
virus software and the virus pattern files are up-to-date.
iii. User shall ensure that anti
virus scan is configures to run at regular intervals.
Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
on TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT User Access Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

iv. In case a virus does not get cleaned, incident shall be reported to the System
administrator / Security Administrator.

c. Hardware, Operating System and Application Software

i. User shall use only the software / hardware which are authorized by the
ii. User shall allow the installation of service packs and patches provided by the patch
iii. The System Administrator shall carry out the following activities. However, the
t User
hall ensure the following:
1. Operating System and other software is installed using authorized source /
original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) with valid license.
2. While installing the Operating System and other software packages, only the
required utilities are installed / enabled.
3. Latest available service packs, patches and drivers are installed.
4. Booting from removable media is disabled.
5. Auto-run
run on all removable drives is disabled.

d. Email Use
i. Only the E-mail
mail account provided by the Government Agency like NIC etc shall be
used for official communication.
ii. Official E-mail
mail shall not be forwarded to personal EE-mail account.
iii. E-mail
mail password shall not be shared even for official purpose.
iv. Password used for online forms / services / registrations /subscriptions shall not be
the same as the password of EE-mail account.
v. User shall not attempt any unauthorized use of EE-mail services,s, such as:
1. Distribution of messages anonymously
2. Misusing other user’s EE-mail address
3. Using a false identity
4. Sending messages to harass or intimidate others

e. Password Security
i. Selection of password shall be done as per the Password Management Guidelines.
ii. User shall not share or reveal passwords.
iii. Passwords shall be changed at regular intervals as per the Password Management
iv. If a password is suspected to have been d disclosed
isclosed / compromised, it shall be
changed immediately and a security incident shall be reported to the System

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
on TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT User Access Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

v. The System Administrator shall carry out the Following activities. However, the user
shall ensure to following:
1. Passwords are enabled on BIOS, System Login and Screensaver levels.
2. Auto-logon
logon features on the client system is disabled.
3. User account is locked after a predefined number of failed login attempts.

f. Portable Storage Media

i. User shall use officially issued portable storage media only.
ii. User shall return the portable storage media, if it is no longer a functional
requirement or in case of damage / malfunction.
iii. User shall ensure that portable storage media used is free from vi
iv. User shall ensure that the execution of software from portable storage media is
not done.

g. Network Access Policy applicable for the User

i. User shall take prior approval from the competent authority to connect the client
system to the network.
ii. A client system authorized to connect to one network shall not connect to any
other network.
iii. For wireless connectivity, user shall ensure the following:
1. By default, the wireless interface is disabled.
2. Client system may not connect to wireless ne networks/devices
tworks/devices without approval
from the computer authority.
3. If permitted, the wireless interface of the client system may be enabled to
connect with authorized wireless network only.

h. Client System Log

User having administrative privileges shall not disable/delete the audit trials/logs on the
client system.

V. Review:
This user scrutiny shall be reviewed at the time of any change in the IT environment or
once every year, whichever is earlier. The review shall be carried out for assessing the

a) Impact on the risk profile due to, but not limited to, the changes in the deployed
technology/network security architecture, regulato
ry and/or legal requirements.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
on TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
IT User Access Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

b) The effectiveness of the security controls specified in the policy. As a result of

the review, the existing policy may be updated or modified.

VI. Enforcement:
Violation of this policy shall amount to misconduct und
er CSS Conduct Rules.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
on TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
Condemnation Policy Section
Lakshadweep Information
nformation Technology
Part of UTServices Society
of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

Department O
Of Information Technology
Union Territory of Lakshadweep Administration

Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s
IT Policy
Part of the IT Policy of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT policy. It lays out grounds,
manners,, procedures, modalities & formalities of condemnation for IT equipment
belonging to any Department /Aut /Autonomous Body/Local Body/PSU/Society of UT of
Lakshadweep Administration or supported by it.


Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
on TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
Condemnation Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

Table of Contents
I. Applicable for items: ................................
............................. 2

II. Applicable to department/agencies:

..................................... 2

III. Reasonable life of equipment: ................................................................................................

.............................................. 2

IV. Grounds for condemnation: ................................

.................................................. 3

V. Disposal Modalities: ................................

.............................. 3

VI. Procedure
re to be followed by Departments/Autonomous Bodies/ Local Bodies/PSU’s/Societies ....... 4

VII. Depreciation: ................................

......................................... 4

VIII. Committee Constitution:................................

....................................................... 5

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
nion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
Condemnation Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

I. Applicable for items:

The IT equipments included under the following heading

headings are as below:
1. Servers
2. Network Equipment
3. Physical Network
4. PCs
5. Dumb Terminals
function devices
6. Printers & Multi-function
7. UPS (without battery bank)
8. Laptop, notebook, tablet & handheld device
9. Package Software (incl. Off-the-Shelf, Hardware-bundled software, Database Software,
Standalone Operating
perating System, Custom Developed Software & related)
10. Technical books and manuals (tangible & electronic form) pertaining to Hardware and
Software that is being condemned.
11. Data Communication Equipment (incl. VSAT – ROT & SIT, VSAT HUB etc.)

II. Applicable to department/agencies


1. All Government departments under UT of Lakshadweep Administration

2. All autonomous bodies/
bodies/local bodies under UT of Lakshadweep Administration
3. All PSU’s under UT of Lakshadweep Administration
4. All Societies funded by UT of Lakshadweep Administration

III. Reasonable life of equipment:

The minimum useful life of Hardware/Data Communication Equipment/ Equipment/Package

Package Software is
estimated in accordance to Sl. XII of Schedule II Part C of the Companies Act, 2013, that is:

(i) Servers and networks 6 years

(ii) End user devices, such as desktops, laptops etc. 4 years
(iii) Package Software(customizes or off-shelf)/OS/Apps 6 years

For the purpose of reasonable life calculation, all forms of package software and database are
treated as End User Device.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
nion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
Condemnation Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

IV. Grounds for condemnation:

Any IT equipment can be condemned on following grounds:

1. Technically obsolete:
a. Hardware / Data Communication Equipment/ Package Software which has been
used for atleast three years and they are not in working condition.
Certification of non
non-working can be issued by the:
i. Respective HOD or
ii. OEM (in case of the p
roduct having OEM warranty) or
iii. Support (AMC) Agency in case the item is under them
b. Hardware / Data Communication Equipment/ Package Software which has been
declared as end of life/discontinuation of support&/or updates by the OEM
through a general/ public declaration or a declaration by communication.
2. Beyond economical repair:
When repair cost is considered too high after looking at the current value (taking
depreciation as per Indian Income Tax Act into account) and the age of the equipment.
Such cases should be referred to LITSS and Finance Department for

3. Equipment that has been damaged due to fire or any other reason
Such cases shall be sent to LITSS and Finance Department for concurrence/
/opinion alongwith supporting documentary evidence(s) and reason(s).

availability of spare
4. Non-availability spare-parts:
Any equipment for which the agency providing support confirms the non-availability
non of
spare parts may be considered subject to a certification issued by the competent
hority of the support agency.

V. Disposal Modalities

Such an equipment (that has been condemned) shall be disposed off strictly following the
procedure as laid down in Rule 196 to 201 of GFR 2005 OR replaced with newer equipment
through buy-back
back following rules as laid down in IT Procurement Policy of UT of Lakshadweep
Administration’s. The relevant Departments/Autonomous Bodies/Local Bodies/PSU’s/Societies
should also adhere to UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s eWaste Management policy
guidelines would have
ve to be followed.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
nion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
Condemnation Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

A proper inventory of items for disposal to be prepared by the Condemnation Committee

designated by UTLA. Once the equipment has been condemned it should be removed from
office use and kept it in the area allocated for scrapped equipmen

Department will also ensure removal of service and inventory labels from such equipments. All
data including operating system must be removed after taking proper backup.

VI. Procedure to be followed by Departments/Autonomous

s/Autonomous Bodies/
Local Bodies/PSU’s/Societies
1. Each unit of department will prepare equipment condemnation note which should be
individually numbered having equipment description, including the make, model, serial number,
asset register number, purchase date, purchase price, reason for condem
nation and additional
information, if any.
2. Department will constitute a condemnation committee which will review the condemnation
notes, examine Hardware / Data Communication Equipment/ Package Software (where
possible) and decide about the condemnation of equipments as per guidelines given above. The
committee should be suitable formed as given later in this policy.
3. All procedure and rules of the government on maintenance of records for condemnation of non-
consumables items
tems will be adhered to in these cases.
4. The condemnation report so prepared by the department based on these guidelines shall be
sent to I.T. Department for approval
5. The condemnation will be done only after concurrence is obtained fromom IT department. To avoid
meal approach, all cases of a department may be processed once or twice in a year during
the months of May-June
June and Nov
Nov- Dec.

VII. Depreciation:

Depreciation of any Hardware/Data Communication Equipment/Package Software to be

lculated as per Income Tax Act, 1961, depreciation rates for the item in question shall follow
the WDV (Written Down Value) method.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
nion Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
Condemnation Policy Section
Part of UT of Lakshadweep Administration’s IT Policy

VIII. Committee Constitution:

Sl Residual Committee Committee Respective Director Nominee of Nominee of Respective Dept.

value1 (lakhs) Size2 Headed by HoD (IT) Finance Dept.3 /LITSS Dept.4
IT/LITSS nominee5

01 Up till 10 4 Respective   1 1 1

02 10 to 50 6 Dir.(IT/LITSS)   1 2 1

03 Above 50 8 Secy. (IT)   1 2 2

1. Residual Value is total value of items proposed for condemned after depreciation as noted in this policy.
2. Committee Size includes the head of the committee.
3. Director Finance/AO (Secretariat) may nominate any official of the rank of JAO
4. Director (IT/LITSS) may nominate any suitable
uitable staff of designation AE or above for Sl. 1 & 2 AND for Sl. 3 & 4 atleast 1 of 2 nominees
must be Executive or above.
5. Respective departmental nominees must be holding permanent government employment and should be holding rank of LDC or above.

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
Union Territory of Lakshadweep Administration
Lakshadweep Information
nformation Technology Services Society
epartment Of Information Technology
Union Territory
erritory of Lakshadweep Administration

Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA
Guidelines, rules & obligations towards meeting the norms of eWaste management and
modus operandi for executing the same. The Policy assigns roles & responsibilities
towards achieving of the poly objectives.


Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)

Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

Table of Contents
1. What is eWaste................................
............................................... 3
2. eWaste Scenario ................................
............................................. 4
2.1. Prevailing Disposal Practices ................................
.......................................................... 4
2.2. Unauthorized recycling ................................
................................................................... 5
2.2.1. Consequences of Unauthorized Recycling and Health Hazards ................................................................
..................................... 5
3. Objective and Scope of the Policy ................................................................................................
.................................................. 6
3.1. Objectives of the Policy ................................
.................................................................. 6
3.2. Scope of the Policy................................
.......................................... 6
4. Policy Statement ................................
............................................. 7
4.1. Elements of the Policy ................................
.................................... 8
5. Strategies and Action Programme ................................................................................................
.................................................. 8
5.1. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) ................................................................................................
........................................ 9
5.2. Regulations and Regulatory Reforms. ................................................................................................
.......................................... 10
5.3. Environmentally Sound Management of eWaste ................................................................
........................................................ 11
5.3.1. Standards for recycling and residue disposal ................................................................
............................................................... 12
5.3.2. Reduction in eWaste generation ................................................................................................
.................................................. 13
5.4. Collection systems for eWaste ................................
..................................................... 13
5.5. Capacity building ................................
.......................................... 14
5.5.1. Research and Development................................
.......................................................... 15
5.6. Restriction on the use of hazardous substances (RoHS) ................................................................
.............................................. 15
5.7. Information Education Communication (IEC) ................................................................
............................................................... 16
6. Mechanism for Implementation of the Policy ................................................................
.............................................................. 17
6.1. Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders ................................................................................................
.................................. 18
6.1.1. Government/Govt. Departments ................................................................................................
................................................. 18
6.1.2. Lakshadweep Pollution Control Committee (LPCC) ................................................................
..................................................... 20
6.1.3. Panchayats ................................
.................................................... 20
6.1.4. Manufacturer/Producer ................................
............................................................... 21
6.1.5. Dealers / Retailers ................................
........................................ 22

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

6.1.6. Bulk Consumers ................................

............................................ 22
6.1.7. Consumers ................................
.................................................... 23
6.1.8. Collection Centres/ Collection Agents ................................................................................................
.......................................... 23
6.1.9. Dismantlers ................................
................................................... 23
6.1.10. Recyclers – Informal Sector ................................
.......................................................... 24
6.1.11. Recyclers – Formal Sectors ................................
........................................................... 24
6.1.12. Industry Associations ................................
.................................... 24
6.1.13. Research & Development Organizations (R&D) ................................................................
........................................................... 24
6.1.14. Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) ................................................................................................
................................... 25
6.2. Advisory Committee ................................
..................................... 25
7. Committee Members ................................
................................... 26
8. Glossary of Terms ................................
......................................... 27

Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

1. What is eWaste

Electrical and electronic waste (eWaste) is defined in the ‘Guidelines for Environmentally Sound
Management of eWaste’ published by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of
India. As per this definition, “eWaste
eWaste comprises of wastes generated from used electrical, electronic
devices and household appliances which are not fit for their original intended use and are destined for
very, recycling and/or disposal”. Such wastes encompass wide range of electrical and electronic
devices such as computers, handheld devices, domestic electronic equipments,, including refrigerators,
air conditioners etc. eWaste also includes rejects from el
ectronic manufacturing units. According to
WEEE Directive (EU, 2002a) of the European Union, “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment” (WEEE)
is defined as waste material consisting of any broken or unwanted electrical or electronic appliances.

For the purpose of this policy eWaste shall be defined as follows:

“eWaste means waste electrical and electronic equipments, whole or in part that are not fit for
their original intended use and are destined for refurbishment, dismantling, recycling or disposal, it
also includes scrap rejects from the manufacturing process of electrical and electronic equipments”.

eWaste mostly contains recyclable materials such as metals including precious metals, plastic,
glass etc., which can be recovered using simple technolo
gies that are currently being adopted by
recycling units. This is one of the main reasons that eWaste is not disposed of in landfill and finds its
way towards recycling in the informal sector. eWaste also contains toxic and potentially hazardous
substances that pose significant environmental and health hazards, if not properly handled.

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ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

2. eWaste Scenario

eWaste arises from Manufacturing Units, Software Companies, Business Process Outsourcing
Organizations (BPOs), Government and Private offices/Institutions, households etc. Increased
consumption and rapid obsolescence of electronic goods contributes to the ever increasing eWaste
problem in India. The magnitude of this problem has grown to such an extent that it requires
Governmental intervention.

The “Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of eWastes”

s” published by the
Government of India in 2008 provides procedures and other details for safe handling of eWaste. These
guidelines are optional and are not mandatory. Further, several provisions under the existing rules such
as the Basel Convention for the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes are all
relevant to e- waste management.

2.1. Prevailing Disposal Practices

According to the MAIT-GTZ study “eWaste Assessment in India – a Quantitative assessment on

the generation, disposal & recycling of Electronic Waste in India” conducted in 2007, 95% of eWaste is
recycled in the informal sector and only about 5% reach authorized recyclers. The eWaste is either
processed by the unauthorized recyclers (informal sector) or being resold, or refurbished and resold, or
recycled in an unhygienic and unsafe manner at many remote parts of our country.

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2.2. Unauthorized recycling

eWaste recycling in the unauthorized units have been found to be seriously polluting the
environment and causing adverse effects to the health of the workers. The process includes open
burning of plastic wastes and printed circuit boards (PCBs), use of acid bath for extracting precious
metals, pulverization of cathode
hode ray tubes (CRTs) and so on
on. These activities emit highly hazardous
chemicals into the air, water and land and the toxic fumes produced by open burning pose health
hazards. The spent acid is often poured into common drainage systems or on land, thus contaminating
both with highly toxic substances.

The ecology of UT of Lakshadweep is extremely fragile and therefore such activities need not be
encouraged. Stress has to be laid on collection of eWaste and safe transport to mainland for proper
disposal and ensure no such recycling unit is functional in UT of Lakshadweep.

2.2.1. Consequences of Unauthorized Recycling and Health Hazards

• Toxic materials being released into th

the environment,, thereby causing adverse effect to
environment, human beings and animal health.
• Resources being wasted when economic
economically valuable materials are not recycled properly
• Workers in informal eWaste recycling operations are exposed to hazardous working conditions.

Some of the Toxic Chemicals present in electrical and el

ectronic equipment when not properly
disposed may lead to serious health hazards that may even be fatal.

To minimize the hazards due to toxic chemicals and substances in eWaste in UT of

Lakshadweep, it is essential that the collection of eWaste be done in an environmentally safe and sound
manner in accordance with well established procedures and then be sent to mainland for disposal.

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Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

3. Objective and Scope of the Policy

The alarming increase in eWaste generation and the consequent threat of environmental
degradation arising from improper collection & unauthorized recycling establishes the urgent need for
an effective regulatory framework. In the absence of effective legislation or regulations to deal with
w this
emergent situation and also to protect public interest, the Union Territory of Lakshadweep
Administration (UT
UT of Lakshadweep Administration
Administration) is now introducing a Policy on eWaste .

3.1. Objectives of the Policy

The eWaste Policy is formulated with the following objectives:

• Minimize eWaste generation.
• Utilize eWaste for beneficial purposes through environmentally sound collection & recycling.
• Ensure environmentally sound disposal of residual waste.

3.2. Scope of the Policy

This Policy sets forth the position of the UT of Lakshadweep Administration on

eWaste management by identifying the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders including the public
to manage the eWaste in an environmentally sound manner in Lakshadweep, through reduction in the
generation of eWaste and providing a system for collection, segregation and recycling of eWaste,
wherever possible.

The UT of Lakshadweep Administration envisions to effectively address the growing eWaste

problem with contribution from and co-operation of all stakeholders. This is planned to be achieved in a
structured manner by:

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Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

• Adopting the eWaste Policy

• Detailing the Action Programme for implementing the Policy with definite timelines.
• Setting up of a Monitoring Committee to mon
itor the implementation of the Policy.
• Promoting eWaste recycling (wherever possible) as a socially good and viable industry in UT of
Lakshadweep Administration
• Creating awareness and involving all stakeholders to be responsible in fulfilling their role in
environmentally sound management of eWaste.
• Involving the Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
(SMEs),, NGOs and Self Help Groups (SHG) in UT of
Lakshadweep in environmentally sound management of eWaste.

4. Policy Statement

The Union Territory of Lakshadweep Administration (UTLA) recognizes that eWaste is a material
resource and its management should encompass the short and long
long- term economic, environmental,
and social costs and benefits. UT of Lakshadweep Administration is committed to implement the
“Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of eWaste” as approved by the Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India vide Letter No. 23-23/2007
23/2007-HSMD dated
12th March 2008 and the obligations from sim
ilar National Policies and regulation on eWaste from time
to time. It may prescribe more stringent norms as deemed necessary considering the local conditions.

The Policy is intended to:

• Minimize eWaste generation.
• Utilize the eWaste for beneficial purposes through environmentally sound recycling.
• Ensure environmentally sound disposal of residual waste.

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4.1. Elements of the Policy

The policy elements are identified as follows

• Regulations and Regulatory reforms
The policy shall enable compliance with the existing regulations and identify the areas for
regulatory reforms.
• Environmentally Sound Management of eWaste
The policy shall facilitate in the management of eWaste through the 3R principle of
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle eWaste ensuring that such wastes do not cause any adverse effects
to the environment or human health.
• Capacity building
eWaste management activities shall be strengthened through capacity building and
continued efforts on Research and Development.
• Partnership Programmes
eWaste management
gement involves many stakeholders in its value chain and the policy
envisages the need for partnership programmes involving these stakeholders.
• Awareness and information dissemination
The Policy shall provide for creating awareness and dissemination of
information. eWaste by nature being a post-consumer waste, there is need for community
participation in eWaste management activities.

5. Strategies and Action Programme

The elements identified in the Policy are realized through strategic interventions based on the
legislative framework and concrete actions involving the State and local level authorities and other

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Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

i. It will be the duty of all those, who generate eWaste to adhere to the Policy and dispose of
their eWaste in Collection Centers authoriz
authorized by Lakshadweep Pollution Control Committee
ii. UT of Lakshadweep Administration
Administration’s Pollution Control Board would be responsible for the
implementation and monitoring of the policy.
iii. The UT of Lakshadweep Administration will provide necessary infrastructure for collection,
storage, utilization, recycling and disposal of eWaste.
iv. All stakeholders in the value chain of eWaste management are responsible to ensure
environmentally sound management of eWaste.
v. Public-Private-Partnership
Partnership (PPP) model may be encouraged for setting up facilities for the
collection, storage and recycling of eWaste.
The following Strategic themes and action programmes are envisaged through the policy with the
focus on on-going activities and the new initiatives required. Deta
iled action plans will be prepared for
each of the activities based on specific requirements.

5.1. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

In Keeping with the Supreme Court’s Policy in Writ Petition (C)No.657 of 1995 ( With S.L.P. (C)
No. 16175 and C.A. No. 7660 of 1997) by Research Foundation for Science Technology and Natural
Resources Policy vs Union of India and another in which the polluter pays principle has been clearly laid
The policy recognizes the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as an essential
es element
in eWaste management system. EPR is the environmental protection strategy that makes the producer
of electrical or electronic equipment responsible for the entire life-cycle of his product including
the ‘end-of-life management’ of the produ
product through its take-back, recycling and final disposal. The
producer needs to ensure that eWaste from the products developed by the producer is handled without
adverse effects to human health and the environment

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The following actions are necessary:

I. EPR to be made an integral part of the policy.
II. Ensure that the producer of electrical and electronic equipment is responsible in providing
services to the post-consumer
consumer stage of the product life-cycle.
III. To make it possible that the producer(s) sets in place a sy
stem and finances the costs involved in
the ‘end-of-life management’ of their products including disposal of eWaste.
IV. To make it possible for a consortium or an association of producers and other stakeholders to
finance and organize a system for ‘end-of-life management’ of all eWaste.
V. The producer to facilitate in setting up collection centers for collection of eWastes either
individually or collectively and ensure that eWaste thus collected are channelized to the
registered recyclers for environmentally sound recycling.
VI. Producers to facilitate and enable application of reverse logistics for their products in order to
facilitate use in manufacturing, refurbishing and recycling of the ‘end-of
of-use products’ in an
environmentally sound manner.
VII. Producer to submit
ubmit annual returns of the sales as well as eWaste collected.

5.2. Regulations and Regulatory Reforms


The implementation of the regulations and compliance with the conditions laid down are
essential for managing eWaste. The lack of regulations may cause impe
diments in effective
implementation.. The policy shall facilitate proposal and framing of regulations for eWaste management.
In view of the high recyclable potential of eWaste, the regulations should focus on eWaste recycling in
an environmentally sound manner.
The following action will be taken:
I. Ensure compliance with all applicable Central, State and Local laws and regulations by the
stakeholder in the eWaste value chain.

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II. Review the existing regulations from time to time, identify the lacunae and provide
provi suggestions
for regulatory reforms after holding consultations with the stakeholders.
III. Propose newer regulations from time to time with better scientific understanding encompassing
economic and social requirements.
IV. Ensure that the regulatory framework p
rescribes appropriate measures to safeguard
occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) in the eWaste value chain.
V. Provide requisite legal instruments to prevent illegal dump
dumping of e- waste into UT of
Lakshadweep Administration

5.3. Environmentally
y Sound Management of eWaste

Environmentally sound recycling refers to recycling without leading to adverse impact on

environment and health. eWaste recycling in India is mostly carried out in the informal or the
unorganized sector that use polluting technologies leading to extensive environmental degradation and
adverse effects on health of the workers engaged in recycling activity. The use of environmentally sound
technologies needs to be encouraged in order to increase efficiency in processes, maximize
maxim recovery of
materials and conserve energy subsequently reducing waste generation. The policy shall enable access
to such technologies and make the informal sector accountable.
Environmentally sound recycling under Public Private Partnership will be encouraged.
enc Self Help
Groups (SHGs)
SHGs) will also be encou
raged to take up this activity. Recycling of eWaste in UT of
Lakshadweep’s context would be mechanical recycling wherever possible or act as collection & supply
chain to recycling industries in mainland. Environmentally sound recycling of eWaste can be achieved
through the following measures:
I. eWaste collection, recycling & shipment to mainland only by authorized/registered units.
II. Ensure use of environmentally sound technologies to maximize collection & recovery and
minimize waste generation.
III. Appropriate Technologies for recycling eWaste to be acceptable to recyclers in mainland.

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IV. Informal sectors participating in environmentally sound eWaste management to be provided

legal recognition brought into mainstream recycling activity and made accountable.
V. Training and skill development to be encouraged for using environmentally safe operations in
handling eWaste.

5.3.1. Standards for collection, recycling and residue disposal

In order to encourage environmentally sound collection and recycling of eWaste, these

operations have to be carried out in controlled conditions by providing appropriate standards for
emissions, effluents discharges and residue disposal.

Environmental standards have to be evolved for various levels of operations in

eWaste collection/recycling
recycling industries. In case of any notification of the National Standards for recycling
and residue disposal, the same will be made applicable and if need be, more stringent norms
I. Efforts to ensure that eWaste collection and recycling units comply with the emission and
effluent standards and prevailing residue disposal norms.
II. Specific standards will be formulated as required for eWaste collection and recycling units,
including storage
ge of such items, based on the technologies used.
III. Continuous monitoring system to be installed for monitoring compliance.
IV. eWaste collection and recycling units shall be provided with a compliance certification
mechanism and this in turn may be outsourced through an independent agency if required so by
the UT of Lakshadweep Administration

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5.3.2. Reduction in eWaste generation

The 3R principle advocates - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle such that the product generates less
waste or no waste, thereby reducing the waste destined for disposal and the burden on the
environment. The strategy for reduction in eeWaste
aste generation applies to different levels in
the eWaste value chain.
The reduction in the generation of eWaste will be achieved through the following:
I. Ensure reduction in eWaste generation at all levels of stakeholders.
II. Marketing of products with maximum life span and indicating the same on the product
III. Maximization of the use and reuse of electrical and electronic equipment, thereby
delaying eWaste generation.
IV. Encouraging authorized refurbishment of used electrical and electronic equipment to extend
the life of the equipment.
V. Maximizing the recovery of materials from eWaste, thereby reducing residues
from eWaste recycling.
Obsolete equipment, where suita
ble and usable, may be considered and given as donation
to non-profit/charitable institutions.

5.4. Collection systems for eWaste

The flow of eWaste is through a complex supply chain, comprising of many stakeholders.
Therefore, there is a need for a collectio
collection system for e- waste. The collection system can be organized
individually or collectively with the participation of stakeholders and can even involve communities and
Community Based Organizations [CBO]. This system shall facilitate collection and segregation
of eWaste and channelize such waste to the recyclers for environmentally sound recycling.

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Following action will be initiated for establishing collection systems:

I. Encourage CBO for establishing collection systems for eWaste.
II. Public-Private-Partnership
ership (PPP) model may be encouraged to establish collection
III. Individual manufacturers or producers may organize the collection of end-of-
use product of their own brand or outsource this activity to authorized recyclers and
collectors of eWaste..

5.5. Capacity building

eWaste management is at a nascent stage of its development and it involves multi-

stakeholders of a diverse
se nature. Capacity Building is required for updating the knowledge and practices
for the benefit of all stakeholders and growth of the system. In this process, the available resources
need to be augmented to suit the requirements of the e waste recycling sector. The following actions
shall be taken for initiating capacity
apacity building activities:
I. A review
w of the existing institutional capacities in the State shall be carried out and
II. Suitable programmes to be formulated for enhancing the capacities; new institutions and
agencies may be identified for the same.
III. Efforts for collaborative activities shall be explored involving stakeholders,
stakeholders national and
international agencies.
IV. Continuous up-gradation of knowledge and skills of the persons involved in the various activities
associated with eWaste management shall be organized through dedicated capacity building

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5.5.1. Research and Development


Research and Development activities for developing innovative recycling technologies and their
application in the field are essential for advancement in the recycling sector. However, given the
physical limitations of UT of Lakshadweep it is not practical to have any large scale R&D initiatives.
However, itt is also essential to compile information on the Best Available Technologies (BAT) worldwide
in order to promote recycling activities to meet international standards. Therefore it the
t following
actions are envisaged:
I. Adopt global Research and Development technology outcomes for recycling eWaste.
II. Linkages shall be established with research institutes and the government to enable flow of
information on the availability of viable technologies for pr
processing eWaste.
III. UT of Lakshadweep may identify its critical aareas for research and the same may be prioritized
for specific need-based research activities to be conducted in co-operation
operation with academic and
research institutions,, both private and public, at their end.
IV. Research shall be encouraged in partnering institutions in projects that are geared towards
energy efficient technologies and calculation of carbon footprints in recycling activities.

5.6. Restriction on the use of hazardous substances (RoHS)

The electrical and electronic equipments are known to contain hazardous substances such as
lead, cadmium, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (pcb) etc., which are being restricted for use in the
products to make these products safer for use and recycling (RoHS compliance). The European Union
(EU) Directive 2002/95/EC dated 27th January 2003 restrict the use of hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic products and these are applicable for those imported into the EU. Many other
countries have also adopted
d the RoHS compliance requirements. In the absence of a national
legislation/ regulation binding for RoHS compliance, products sold in the Indian market may contain
hazardous substances. The policy shall facilitate the achievement of global standards in reduction
re of

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Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

hazardous substances present in all electrical and electronic equipments and the certification of such
The following plan of action will be pursued for RoHS compliance for the products manufactured
in UTL or sold in UTL:
I. Targets shalll be set for reduction in use of hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment.
II. Detailed information on hazardous constituents in the equipment shall be provided in
the product information
III. In the event of reduction in hazardous substances use
usedd in electrical and electronic
equipments, the product information shall be updated accordingly.
IV. Imports or placement in the market for electrical and electronic equipment shall be
permitted only for RoHS compliant products.

5.7. Information Education Communica

Communication (IEC)

Awareness needs to be created among all stakeholders in the eWaste value chain i.e., beginning
from commercial and domestic users, collection agencies, industries, recyclers, government agencies
and the public on environmentally sound management of eWaste. Training and awareness programmes
need to be organized involving other stakeholders, i.e., NGOs, specialists and professionals. The
following Training and awareness programmes will be organized for different stakeholders educating
them on various aspects of eWaste handling:
I. Consumer awareness programmes to be organized on the selection of eco-friendly
eco and green
II. Information to be provided to consumers to deposit the end-of-life used equipments (eWaste) in
the designated collection
tion boxes or collection centres.. The location of such facilities along with
the address and contact details to be p
provided to consumers

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III. eWaste collectors and waste pickers to be given specialized training through identified
organizations for handling diff
different categories of e- waste.
IV. Professional Training to be imparted to workers employed/likely to be employed
in eWaste collection/storage/
collection/storage/recycling units, through well-designed training programmes and
participants to be certified. Such training to be made a prerequisite for employment
in eWaste such units.
V. Departments of Administrations and local businesses may be encouraged to conduct awareness
programmes for their employees and their families.
VI. Awareness programmes on safe disposal / recycling of eWaste may be included in the
curriculum / co-curriculum at the School and College level.
VII. All types of media will be used in the awareness campaign.

6. Mechanism for Implementation of the Policy

The Government of UT of Lakshadweep Administration and the Lakshadweep Pollution Control

Committee (LPCC) are responsible for formulation and implementation of the policy respectively.
The policy identifies the following stakeholders with roles and responsibilities in the eWaste
value chain:
I. Government /Government Departments/Agencies
II. UT of Lakshadweep Administration Pollution Control Board
III. Corporations / Panchayats
IV. Producer
V. Dealers / Retailers
VI. Bulk Consumers
VII. Collection Centres/Collection
/Collection Agencies
VIII. Dismantlers
IX. Recyclers - Informal Sector

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X. Recyclers – Formal Sector

XI. Industry Associations
XII. Research & Development Organizations
XIV. Self Help Groups

6.1. Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders

All stakeholders in the eWaste value chain have both specific and collective responsibilities.
Some of the key responsibilities under the policy are enumerated in this section. However, it must be
stated that this list is not exhaustive and will be reviewed from time to time.

6.1.1. Government/Govt. Departments

UT of Lakshadweep Administration shall be responsible for the formulation of

the eWaste management policy and its effective implementation. The UT of Lakshadweep
Administration shall ensure that a monitoring system is in place for effective implementation of the
policy. Government and the government departments being bulk consumers of electronic and electrical
equipments must ensure compliance with the policy.
UT of Lakshadweep Administration shall take the following steps to facilitate the
implementation of the policy:
I. Create infrastructure for collection, utilization and disposal of eWaste in an environmentally
sound manner.
II. Encourage establishment of Collection Centre(s) under Public Private Partnership (PPP)
III. Mechanism for collection and disposal of orphaned eWaste generated from unbranded and mix
of brands shall be the responsibility of agencies determined by UT of Lakshadweep

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Administration.. Local bodies shall play a prominent role. However, the final disposal shall be
only through those authorized to do so. Whenever necessary, local bodies and other
Government bodies may follow due procedure as determined by UT of Lakshadweep
Administration (pollution contr
control board) and set up their own eWaste disposal facility or enter
into a Public Private Partnership for the same (PPP)
IV. UT of Lakshadweep Administration shall promote pollution prevention practices by
reducing eWaste generation and encouraging the use of eco-friendly technologies to procure/
provide/ produce Green Products and provide incentives to reduce eWaste..
V. Promote recycling and reuse of eWaste which has a high resource potential by suitable
measures of awareness creation among various stakeholders and capacity building among the
informal sector for up- gradation of such facilities.
VI. Mandate labelling of electronic products for declaration of hazardo
us material contents.
VII. Mandate the Government Departments and Undertakings being a bulk customer to ensure
proper disposal of their eWaste as per the following options:
a. Equipments suitable for use may be donated to government, non-profit or
charitable organizations
b. Disposal only through authorized collection agencies or recyclers with CPCB
registration by inviting tender.
VIII. Government departments and Undertakings to include a paragraph on eWaste generated and
disposed as part of their annual policy note.

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6.1.2. Lakshadweep Pollution Control Committee (LPCC)

UT of Lakshadweep Administration Pollution Control Board or a body entrusted with this role
will be vested with the responsibility for effectively implementing this Policy and will also coordinate
with different agencies responsible for the effective implementation of the policy.
I. UT of Lakshadweep Administration shall lay down the requirements and procedure
proce for a recycler
to be registered with LPCC.. These modalities and requirements may also be amended from time
to time to ensure that the regulations are appropriate and upto date.
II. LPCC shall maintain the list of registered recyclers in the State put up iin
n the public domain.
III. Ensure compliance of the policy and regulations
IV. Ensure monitoring by the Port and the Custom authorities in ensuring that eWaste from other
countries are not reaching the State for disposal.
V. Prohibit the disposal of eWaste in landfills.
VI. Prohibit unauthorized collection and recycling eWaste.
VII. Encourage coordinated actions by groups of communities or industries in research, development
and dissemination of knowledge for environmentally sound management of eWaste.
VIII. Wherever deemed necessary by LPCC, it may seek assistance from other departments and UT of
Lakshadweep Administration bodies in the implementation of this policy.

6.1.3. Panchayats

The role of Corporations / Panchayats is important for organizing the collection

of eWaste especially from household and other end users and segregation of eWaste from other
household waste.

They will also have to arrange to send collected waste to authorized collection centres or
registered recyclers for recycling.

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6.1.4. Manufacturer/Producer

Manufacturer/Producer refers to entities that manufacture and/or sell and/or resell electrical
and electronic equipment either manufactured by itself or by others or imported under its brand name.
Manufacturer/Producer will be required to strive to reduce the environmental impact of their products
through influence on product design, choice of material, manufacturing processes and product support
system including product take-back at the end-of-life of the product.
The responsibilities
ilities of the producer in eWaste management are as follows:
I. The producer of electrical and electronic equipment shall be required to provide services to
the post-consumer stage of the product lifecycle and organize a take-back
back system for all used
al and electronic equipments (eWaste) of their own brand.
II. The producer shall finance costs involved in the management of ee- waste from his products.
III. A consortium or an association of producers and other concerned stakeholders shall finance and
organize a system for ‘end-of
of-life management’ of all eWastes.
IV. The producer shall facilitate setting up of collection centres either individually or collectively for
collection of eWaste.
V. The producer shall ensure that eWaste thus collected is channelized to the registered
regis recyclers
for environmentally sound recycling.
VI. Producer shall provide information to the consumers to deposit the end-of-life used
equipments (eWaste) in the designated collection boxes / collection centres. The location of
such facilities along with the address and contact details shall be provided to consumer along
with the product.
VII. Producers may also give incentives to their customers for product return.
VIII. Producers shall enable application of reverse logistics for their products in order to facilitate
facilita use
in manufacturing, refurbishing and recycling of the ‘end-of-use products’ in an environmentally
sound manner.

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eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

IX. All manufacturers / producers of electrical and electronic equipment shall maintain an inventory
of all the individual items dispatched including
luding the inventory of rejected items. Annual report of
the same shall be submitted to LPCC.
X. Producer shall submit annual return of the sales and the eWaste collected.

6.1.5. Dealers / Retailers

Dealers receive equipment from Manufacturers and sell the equipmen

equipmentt to the consumer or to
the next level retailers. The dealers authorized by producers shall be responsible to collect used
electrical and electronic equipment (e
(e- waste) by providing the consumer a box / bin or demarcated
area to deposit e- waste. The deal
dealers should ensure that the eWaste thus collected are safely
transported back to the producer or to an authorized collection centre as the case may be. The dealers
may also promote buy-back or exchange schemes offered by the producers.

6.1.6. Bulk Consumers

Bulk Consumers are bulk users of electrical and electronic equipments such as Central or State
Government Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Banks, Private Companies, Multinational
Organizations etc. Such bulk consumers should ensure that used equipments (eWaste
eWaste) which are not fit
for the intended use are deposited with the dealer or authorized collection Centres in order to be sent
to a registered recycler.
I. The bulk consumers may also be permitted to auction eWaste, but, only to authorized collection
res or registered recyclers or avail take back services provided by the producers.
II. Bulk consumers may organize their own collection centres/agencies and warehouses to collect
and store eWaste. However, they must ensure that the eWaste thus collected are either
channelized through the take
take-back scheme to the manufacturer or sent to registered recyclers.

22 | P a g e
Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

III. The bulk consumers of such equipments should maintain a record of inventory of all the
individual items received and dispatched including the inventory of rejected items. An annual
report of the same should be submitted to LPCC by them.

6.1.7. Consumers

Consumer refers to any person using electrical and electronic equipments primarily for personal,
home or business use excluding bulk consumers. All consumers are responsible to ensure that their end-
of-the-life electrical and electronic equipment are disposed in the prescribed manner in accordance
with the instructions provided along with the equipment.

6.1.8. Collection Centres// Collection Ag


They are the intermediaries between the eWaste generators and the dismantlers / recyclers.
These centres may be set up individually or jointly by producers, importers, refurbishes and recyclers in
pursuance of their responsibilities to collect eWaste and to channelize the same for reuse or
refurbishment or recycling. Collection agents are responsible to transfer eWaste collected by them only
to authorized collection centres. UT of Lakshadweep Administration may envisage a Public Private
Partnership model
del involving other stakeholders to set up collection centres. All such eWaste collected is
to be suitable disposed by sending the same to authorised recyclers/OEM in mainland.

6.1.9. Dismantlers

Dismantlers operations are not permitted in UT of Lakshadweep, as the fragile ecology of the
region cannot be put at risk by such activities. However, dismantling in course of repair or maintenance
or training does not come under this purview

23 | P a g e
Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

6.1.10. Recyclers – Informal Sector

The Informal Sector plays a major role in collection and segregation. The informal sectors may
be engaged in the collection and segregation alone and are not permitted to undertake further
processing such as dismantling and recycling. These informal sectors may be identified and efforts taken
to convert
onvert them to be a part of the formal group or association which can be allowed to
dismantle eWaste and provide such dismantled eWaste to formal recyclers. These units may be
authorized and brought to the main stream.

6.1.11. Recyclers – Formal Sectors

Recyclers are authorized to only collect/facilitate

facilitate collection and transportation of collated
eWaste to recycling facilities in mainland
mainland. They are not allowed to change the nature, manner or form
of the materials so collected. This is done in keeping with the ecolo
gy of Lakshadweep in mind.

6.1.12. Industry Associations

Industry Associations represent collective group of specific industry segments. They shall be
encouraged to share their responsibility to promote and help in implementation of the policy among
their member organizations. They should also play an effective role in creating awareness through
seminars and conferences with support of the Industry and Government.

6.1.13. Research & Development Organizations (R&D)

The R&D organizations shall be encouraged to carry out specific research to evolve cost effective
recycling technologies and effective adaptation of the best available technologies. The processes should
provide for energy efficiency and maximize recovery of resources leading to reduction in waste destined

24 | P a g e
Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

for disposal. R&D methods should also help in calculating carbon footprints
footprints. As Lakshadweep has
limitations of space all such R&D would be encouraged to be done outside of Lakshadweep but to meet
the needs of Lakshadweep.

6.1.14. Non-Governmental
Governmental Organization (NGO
(NGO) & Self Help
p Group (SHG)

The NGOs & SHGss have a very important role to play in the eWaste cycle. The NGOs & SHGs are
to be encouraged to take active participation in imparting training to the general population & also their
members. The services of NGOs & SHGs may also be utilised in creating awareness in recycling &
reusing possible eWaste thereby extending their life cycle and reducing their impact. The services of
NGOs & SHGs will be utilized to hand
hand-hold the unorganized sector to be brought into the mainstream.

6.2. Advisory Committee

The UT of Lakshadweep Administration shall constitute an “eWaste Policy Advisory Committee”

in order to
• Oversee implementation of this Policy.
• Minimize any unintended conseq
consequences due to eWaste handling.
• Encourage decisions consistent with the national policies and regulations
• Provide flexibility to adopt the chang
changes required from time to time.
• Review inputs from all stakeholders.
• The Committee may review the im
implementation of policy annually.
• The Committee may advise revisi
revisions in the policy from time to time.

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Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

7. Committee Members
Sl. Designation Position

1. CDC Chairman

2. Secretary (Home) Member

3. Secretary (Env. & Forests) Member

4. Secretary (IT) Member

5. Secretary (Panchayat) Member

6. Secretary (S&T) Member

7. Secretary (Industry) Member

8. Secretary (PSA) Member

9. CEO (DP) Member

10. Conservator of Forests Member

11. Director (IT) Member

12. Director (S&T) Member

13. Director (Industry) Member

14. Director (PSA) Member

15. ADM Member

16. SP (Police) Member

26 | P a g e
Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration
eWaste Management Policy Section
Part of the IT Policy of UTLA

8. Glossary of Terms

For the purpose of this policy some of the terms used are defined as follows:
1.‘eWaste’ means waste electrical and electronic equipments, whole or in part that are not fit
for their original intended use and are destined for refurbishment, dismantling, recycling or disposal. It
also includes scrap rejects from the manufacturing process of electri
cal and electronic equipments”.

2. ‘Producer’ means any person who, irrespective of the selling technique used;
(i) manufactures and sells electrical and electronic equipments under his own brand; or
(ii) resells under his own brand, the electrical and electronic equipments produced by other
suppliers; or a reseller not being regarded as ‘producer’ if the brand of the producer appears on the
equipment as provided; or
(iii) resells imported electrical and electronic equipments; imports or exports electrical and
electronic equipment on a professional basis into a Member State.
Whoever exclusively provides financing under or pursuant to any finance agreement shall not be
deemed a ‘producer’ unless he also acts as a producer within the mean
meaning of sub-points
points (i) to (iii).

27 | P a g e
Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society (LITSS)
Department of Information Technology
ion TTerritory of Lakshadweep Administration

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