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CÓDIGO: 90121A_611

Activity 2 Writing Assignment.

Presentado a:
Fulton Antonio Palacios

Entregado por:
Nombres y Apellidos: Ronald Andres Tillero Ospina
Código: 1128455712

Grupo: 90121A_611


Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the following modal verbs
regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must - should - ought to – have to – need to- had better – would.

Can: I can exercise my right to vote.

Could: You could help that old lady to cross the street.

May: They may help you with your work.

Must: You must not drink and drive.

Should: Should we leave a tip?

Ought to: She ought to quit smoking

Have to: You have to tell the police what you saw

Need to: We also need to strengthen our rules and regulations.

Had better: You had better tell the truth.

Would: He would rather walk to school.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5 things you were doing last
night and 5 things you were not:

Example: I was reading the newspaper at home.

I was not walking my dog in the park.

1. I was watching TV
2. I was resting in my house
3. I was sleeping
4. I was talking with my grandmother
5. I was studying in my house

6. I wasn't playing video games

7. I wasn't listening to music
8. I wasn't reading a book
9. I wasn't visiting my mom.
10. I wasn't pulling on a cell phone with my girlfriend
Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three- day trip next vacations. Use at least two pictures related
to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:

In my next vacation, I want to visit Rome for three days with my girlfriend.

The first day, we will have a typical and romantic breakfast, which is prepared with cappuccino and cornetto. Later, we will walk for
downtown, some people recommend us visit Plaza Barberini and walk for Sistina Street to Plaza de España. Also, we will visit
Pincio which offer us a great and beautiful views of roofs of Rome. We will take many photos together. The first day won’t finish
before we visit the Piazza Navona, that place is considered one of the most beautiful squares of Rome. At night, we will go to the
Fontana de Trevi, throw a coin there and make a wish.

The Trevi Fountain in Rome.

In our second day in Rome, we will only visit to La ciudad del Vaticano (Obviously that visit will be a different day than a Sunday).
A tour for museums and Capilla Sixtina. After tour, we will take a shortcut to Basílica de San Pedro. It is the largest church in
the world and there is a lot of history, art and architecture inside that. Later that tour, we will go to La Plaza de San Pedro.

The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel

We will begin our third and last day in Rome visiting La Piazza Venezia. There, we will visit the white building which is known for
Romans as “Pastel de Bodas”. One of the reasons why we decided to travel Rome is to visit the Ancient Rome. We will know the
Foro Romano, Monte Palatino and of course we can’t finish our trip without take a tour in the Coliseo romano.

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