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Activity 2 - Unit 1 and 2: Writing Assignment.

Tatiana Figueroa


Michael Smith Sandoval Montealegre


Ronald Andrés Tillero Ospina

Código: 1128455712

Manolo Pájaro Borrás

Código: 8718129

Wilson De Jesús Vásquez Correa

Código: 71734544

Universidad Abierta y a distancia UNAD

Agosto 28 de 2018

Inglés III, Fulton Antonio Palacios. La correspondencia relacionada con este documento deberá
ser enviada al espacio de evaluación y seguimiento de la plataforma y/o a los correos personales
de los integrantes del grupo 90121_287

Mediante e siguiente trabajo desarrollaremos competencias y habilidades que nos permitirán

confrontar situaciones de vividas dentro de nuestra cotidianidad pro medio ejercicios de con verbos
progresivo pasado

• Adquirir conocimientos básicos en las 4 habilidades lingüísticas que son (hablar, escuchar,
leer y escribir).

• Desarrollar la competencia comunicativa y el acceso a una mejor educación,

• Redactar frases en base al manejo del progresivo pasado.

• Redactar 4 párrafo sutilizando los verbos en futuro.


Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of
the following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must - should
- ought to – have to – need to- had better – would.

Can: I can exercise my right to vote.

Could: You could help that old lady to cross the street.

May: They may help you with your work.

Must: You must not drink and drive.

Should: Should we leave a tip?

Ought to: She ought to quit smoking

Have to: You have to tell the police what you saw

Need to: We also need to strengthen our rules and regulations.

Had better: You had better tell the truth.

Would: He would rather walk to school.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5
things you were doing last night and 5 things you were not:

Example: I was reading the newspaper at home.

I was not walking my dog in the park.

1. I was watching TV
2. I was resting in my house
3. I was sleeping
4. I was talking with my grandmother
5. I was studying in my house

6. I wasn't playing video games

7. I wasn't listening to music
8. I wasn't reading a book
9. I wasn't visiting my mom.
10. I wasn't pulling on a cell phone with my girlfriend
Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three- day trip next vacations. Use
at least two pictures related to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:

In my next vacation, I want to visit Rome for three days with my girlfriend.

The first day, we will have a typical and romantic breakfast, which is prepared with cappuccino
and cornetto. Later, we will walk for downtown, some people recommend us visit Plaza Barberini
and walk for Sistina Street to Plaza de España. Also, we will visit Pincio which offer us a great
and beautiful views of roofs of Rome. We will take many photos together. The first day won’t
finish before we visit the Piazza Navona, that place is considered one of the most beautiful squares
of Rome. At night, we will go to the Fontana de Trevi, throw a coin there and make a wish.

The Trevi Fountain in Rome.

In our second day in Rome, we will only visit to La ciudad del Vaticano (Obviously that visit
will be a different day than a Sunday). A tour for museums and Capilla Sixtina. After tour, we
will take a shortcut to Basílica de San Pedro. It is the largest church in the world and there is a
lot of history, art and architecture inside that. Later that tour, we will go to La Plaza de San Pedro.
The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel
We will begin our third and last day in Rome visiting La Piazza Venezia. There, we will visit the
white building which is known for Romans as “Pastel de Bodas”. One of the reasons why we
decided to travel Rome is to visit the Ancient Rome. We will know the Foro Romano, Monte
Palatino and of course we can’t finish our trip without take a tour in the Coliseo romano.


Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the
following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must - should - ought
to – have to – need to- had better - would.

• I must participate in the democratic process.
1. Can I do this for you?
¿Puedo hacer esto por ti?
2. I could help him to obtain more votes
Yo podría o podía ayudarle a obtener más votos
3. May I vote here ?
Puedo votar aquí?
4. I must elect the best candidates
Debo elegir a los mejores candidatos
5. I should promise things to better life conditions of citizens
Yo debería prometer cosas para mejorar condiciones de vida de los ciudadanos
6. I ought to obey the citizen rules
Debo obedecer las reglas ciudadanas
7. I have to participate in that public affair
Tengo que participar en ese negocio público
8. I need to present good propositions
Necesito presentar buenas proposiciones
9. It had better me could obtain the election
Sería mejor que yo pudiera obtener la elección
10. Would I vote by him ?
Votaría yo por El ?
Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5
things you were doing last night and 5 things you were not:
Example: I was reading the newspaper at home.
I was not walking my dog in the park.
1. I was watching home
Estuve en la casa viendo televisión
2. I was visiting my cousin
Estuve visitando a mi prima
3. I was drinking a lot of water before going to bed
Estuve tomando mucha agua antes de irme a la.cama
4. I was calling my parents
Estuve llamando a mis padres
5. I was visiting a friend of mine
Estuve visitando una amiga mía
Negative sentences
1. I was not studying Maths
No estuve estudiando matemáticas
2. I was not listening to the radio
No estuve escuchando radio
3. I was not dancing at disco
No estuve bailando en la discoteca
4. I was not resting when you came
No estaba descansando cuando usted llegó
5. I was not eating hot dogs
No estuve comiendo perros calientes

Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three-day trip next vacations. Use at least
two pictures related to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:

Example: I will go to the beach with my son on Sunday afternoon.

First day
1. I would fly to Bogotá from Medellín to do important activities and visit some relatives and
Volaría a Bogotá desde Medellín. Para hacer importantes actividades y visitar algunos parientes
y amigos.
We would go for lunch with my friends to our favorite restaurant
Iríamos a almorzar con mis amigos a nuestro restaurante favorito

Then we went to go around that beautiful and cold city

Luego salimos a dar vueltas por esa linda y fría ciudad
To end my stay in Bogota we met with my cousins to go eat and enjoy a beautiful company
Para finalizar mi estadía en Bogotá nos reunimos con mis primos para ir a comer y disfrutar de
una hermosa compañía
Second day
2. My destination is Neiva. There I wiil meet my parents
Mi destino es Neiva, allá me encontraré con mis padres

I will visit a sister of mine and her three children

Visitaré a una hermana y a sus tres niños
We will go to eat delicious tamales, because it is one of my favorite foods of the region
Iremos a comer deliciosos tamales, porque es una de mis comidas favoritas de la región
We will go for a swim in the Magdalena river because in Neiva it is too hot
Iremos a bañarnos en el rio Magdalena ya que en Neiva hace demasiado calor

Third day
3. I would fly to Medellin from Neiva to to return to my workday
Volaría a Medellín desde Neiva para volver a retomar mis labores diarias

At coming back I would show pictures to relatives an friends of this interesting journey
Al regreso mostraría fotos a familiares y amigos de éste interesante viaje
After the trip, I would take a break in my house
Luego del viaje, tomaría un descanso en mi casa.


I allow myself to share part 1 After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence
using each one of the following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may -
must - should - ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.

I can help in the elections to maintain control

I could help people in my neighborhood.
I may exercise my right to voice and vote
I must demand about an irregularity in my community
I should create pleasant environments around me
We ought to all respect the fundamental rights of others
I have to know how to behave everywhere I go
I need to take care of the environment
We had better respect everyone to respect us
If we would converse with others, we know their needs and help

part 1 After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the
following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must - should - ought
to – have to – need to- had better - would.

I can help in the elections to maintain control

I could help people in my neighborhood.
I may exercise my right to voice and vote
I must demand about an irregularity in my community
I should create pleasant environments around me
We ought to all respect the fundamental rights of others
I have to know how to behave everywhere I go
I need to take care of the environment
We had better respect everyone to respect us
If we would converse with others, we know their needs and help

I allow myself to share part 2 of my work with you

I was taking medication

I was chatting with my mom
I was playing with my pet
I was talking with my friends through social networks
I was listening to music

I was not watching television

I was not having dinner
I was not combing my hair
I was not going out to walk to the street
I was not sleeping early

Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three-day trip next vacations. Use at least
two pictures related to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:
I will go to an island in the San Bernardo archipelago with my cousin
The first day we could take a tour of the island to see the wonderful places that are on the island
and enjoy the theme parks of the place.
The second day my cousin and I should rest and enjoy the pools that are in the hotel on the
island, which are attractive for their shapes and the jets they have.
On the third day we could enjoy the beach and its waves, the transparent water and the beautiful
white sand of the beach. In addition, it would be good to eat the typical foods of the place that
should be fish and seafood, the main thing is to enjoy since it will be a unique and unrepeatable
At night, we plan to adapt to the activities that take place in the hotel and participate in them,
because for us it is important to know the local customs and also make friends and practice
communication with others so as not to feel alone. The fact of relating, I think it would help us
enrich our cultural knowledge as we will find people from different places. I hope to enjoy a
good holiday with the company of my cousin in that beautiful and splendid island of the San
Bernardo archipelago of my Colombian land.

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the
following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must - should - ought
to – have to – need to- had better – would.

I can: I can think freely

Could you: could you help me get on the elevator.
May: may I go to the bathroom?.
Must: You must not for dangerous places.
Should: Should we go for dinner with the family.
Ought to: he ought to quit drinking beer every day.
Have to: You have to study English to get good results.
Need to: I need to do exercise to strengthen the body
Had better: You better read that book.
Would: she would prefer to rest for three hours

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5
things you were doing last night and 5 things you were not:

Example: I was reading the newspaper at home.

I was not walking my dog in the park.

1. I was reading a book

2. I was walking in the stadium
3. I was having lunch
4. I was driving the car
5. I was talking to my sister
6. I was not in the movies
7. I was not studying
8. I was not sleeping.
9. I was not listening to music
10. I was not listening to radio I was watching tv

Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three- day trip next vacations. Use at
least two pictures related to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:
On my next vacation, I want to visit the city of Orlando Florida for three days with my daughter
Isabella and my sister

The first day, we will visit the Universal Studios, we will spend the whole day visiting the hard
rock cafe, then we will visit Islands of Adventure. which has a famous Harry Potter area, the
Wizarding World of Harry Potter !.

The second day we will visit the Disney Studios, we will buy tickets to see the Indiana Jones
Epic Stunt Spectacular where they also present the scenes of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
The third day we will travel to the city of tampa where my sister is located and we will visit the
Clearwater beach we will enjoy the hotel, the spectacular view, the sunset, the sunrise and the

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the
following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must - should - ought
to – have to – need to- had better - would.
I would study English
• Can: She can speak Germany.
• Could: I could swim in the sea.
I could arrive soon.
• Must: we must to enroll more students.
We must to rest.
• Should: You should write to your parents.
You should be ready for voting in the elections.
• Had better: They had better invite him to the party.
• Have to: we have to work tomorrow.
• Ought is: I ought to drive more slowly
• Would: It would be good to approve English.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5
things you were doing last night and 5 things you were not:
• I was watching with my wife about my studious.
• I was watching television.
• I was doing my tasks.
• I was organizing my closet.
• I was studying in the computer.

• I wasn't playing football.

• I as washing my clothes.
• I was washing my clothes.
• I wasn't looking at the moon.
• I wasn't programming in net bean

Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three-day trip next vacations. Use at least
two pictures related to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:

Travel to Egypt
Day one
• In the first day I will be recognizing the pyramids of Egypt in company of my family
• I will visit the Valley of the death where I will take photos and reference in my notebook.
• During the tour I will carry edible elements, especially water to constant hydration during the
entire journey that it will take 2 hours.
• I will Vita compatriot Paisa who is famously known as the dealer of the camel hire and I'll take
one for making a tour by desert
Day Two
• In the second day I will be back at the area and we will visit the Luxor city which is the ancient
capital of Egypt.
• there we will enjoy one of the most spectacular historical scenarios in the world, like it's the
largest open-air museum of Egypt.
• In the same journey of trails to the Nile River, we will visit the most important royal tombs and
monuments that stand out in the surroundings of the desert.
• I will go to the statues, palace walls and Hieroglyphics that appear inside the sarcophagus.

Day Three

• In the third day we will visit the Cairo city, which is south of the Nile Delta, capital of Egypt.
• I will go there in company of my wife and children and we will visit the Islamic area where we
will find a fairly particular monument.
• Let's walk the market to buy the gifts that our families will take care of
• Finally, we will return to Colombia in the Hours of the night.

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